Administration tab doesn't show all the options - sonarqube

We've upgraded our SonarQube server from 6.1 to 6.5 version and post upgrade we aren't able to see the administration options for any of the projects as earlier. We see only few options enabled "Quality Profile & Quality Gate". However, we can browse to each of the tabs by creating urls in the browser. Its just that the UI doesn't show these options.
Can someone let us know what could've gone wrong and help us resolve this issue.
This would play a major role in helping the customers in managing their projects.

Issue here was due to the way permissions were changed recently on our server. Global administrators group do not have administer permissions for any projects and Administer group is created for each of the enterprise projects on boarded to our server.


SonarQube 6.7: how do no-admin users create a project?

I have just installed SonarQube 6.7 and I am creating users for my colleagues, who would like to create a project from their source code hosted on GitHub repositories.
So far I did not find a way to let users create a project, without setting them as system administrator. Apparently a project is created indeed from the Create Project button on the Administration > Projects > Management page as reported in the official documentation.
Unfortunately in this way, most users should be set as admin if they want to create projects: therefore they will be able to manage the users and the whole system. As you can imagine it is not ideal situation, when a lot of administrators on a system.
How can users be able to create a project without having admin privileges over the whole system (configuration, security, users, etc.)?
I thank you in advance for your help!
Your users need the Create Projects global permission. You can grant this individually or by putting them in a group and giving the group the permission.
They'll need the Execute Analysis global permission as well (another argument for using a group). Once these permissions are granted, they'll be able to analyze projects. Any project that doesn't already exist will be created in SonarQube on the first analysis.
Vittorio C. I have the same issue as you in the SonarQube 6.7.
Issue: few options will not show up for example "create projects under global permissions"
Resolution: Just search the "create user"s in the search window( shown in the screenshot) and it will start appearing.
Also if you think any option is not appearing but which ideally should, you can apply the same trick.
for example with maven, mvn package sonar:sonar will create project if no exist in sonarqube. If you want to create it before first use you can use web api, for example have a look at If i'm not wrong the create API is open to everyone.

Issues not visible in sonarQube Dashboard for users

I am getting access issues to few of my projects in SonarQube dashboard (Projects -> Issues)Page. Issues are not getting displayed for few projects even though i have all permissions to the project. It works fine when i go to project->permissions and do some irrelevant change(like adding or removing other users) and then come back to the issues page.
I am using SonarQube5.6.5 and using LDAP2.1 plugin.
Note: I updated the LDAP plugin with latest one and restarted as mentioned here

SonarQube: Is something like a "settings profile" possible/planned for sonarqube?

We share a SonarQube 6.2 istance between some teams. Every team uses their own quality profiles and gates for their different projects.
Now we'd like something similiar for the settings. We don't want to set analysis scope and such for the SQ instance because they differ between teams. On the other hand a teams doesn't want to maintain the same settings for a number of projects.
Is it planned to provide a "Settings Profile" to share between projects?
Sharing settings between projects will be possible at some point of time on our online service thanks to the concept of organization that we will introduce very soon.
For SonarQube on premise installation, nothing is planned on that topic for the moment.

Is there any way to link project analysis results (running Sonar Scanner) to developers?

Indeed, I have found Developer Cockpit Plugin which is commercial one. But I would like to know is there any alternative with simple features (None Commercial) to apply?
Use an SCM Plugin (e.g. Git Plugin) and you'll immediately benefit from the auto-assign feature: if the committer of a line with an issue matches a SonarQube user account, issue will be automatically assigned to that user (who can see his issues from his User Account). Not to mention all the issue filtering that you can then do by author.

What is the server URL for Notepad++'s Plugin Manager?

I'm not able to use Notepad++'s update or plugin manager. I suspected it was a proxy problem, so I added my proxy to the plugin-manager settings but it still doesn't work.
Then I contacted my network admin and he said that he needs the server's URL to add it in the exception list. How can I find to what server it's trying to connect to?
What IP/URL does Notepad++'s plugin manager connect to for updates?
According to the project's creator, Notepad++ Plugin Manager's update URL is hosted on
Hosting was moved from * to in October 2016 due to a controversy where Sourceforge began bundling adware with installers for abandoned projects.
New Plugin Manager URL:
From the sponsor page for NP++ Plugin Manager
Since 2010, Plugin Manager has been hosted on They've
been a great host for us, and generously supported the large amount of
traffic that the plugin manager generates. To put some numbers on the
traffic, whilst the plugin list is only 50KB, and is normally only
download when it changes, each change generates around 500GB of
traffic, with a steady 200GB of traffic each month.
In 2015 there was some controversy surrounding SourceForge bundling
adware with abandoned projects. This has since been cleared up, and we
applaud SourceForge for taking the right path in this regard. However,
this sparked some discussion and thinking around what we could do to
transfer the hosting of the list off SourceForge and onto another
provider, and what benefits and disadvantages that would bring. There
are things we aren't able to do easily with the sourceforge hosting
system, and relying on the goodwill of a website is not good in the
long run for the project. Using a more traditional hosting platform
would allow us to address some of the current issues we have around
automating the list updates, and serving a dynamic "bleeding edge"
So, I'm very grateful to Nexinto that they are sponsoring the hosting and bandwidth requirements for Notepad++ Plugin Manager, and hope you can forgive the small logo and link in the plugin which means we are reliably hosted on VMs that we control, and hence can extend what we do, bringing automatic fortnightly releases of new plugins to the plugin manager.
For reference, the old url was
If you are not sure if problem is proxy but plugin list is no displayed, try the next.
From "Plugin Manager, Settings", select checkbox "Use development plugin list (may contain untested, unvalidated or uninstallable plugins)
At the moment for v7.5 and v7.6:
Proxy setting are no displayed from Plugins Manager interface
Plugins server is
Downloaded files by Plugin Manager:
