Spring Boot yaml configuration doesn't load second key - spring-boot

I'm trying to create a config file in yaml for my Spring Boot project.
For a test I just setup some values:
test: hello
Now I'm trying to get the information of user.test, but I get the error message Could not resolve placeholder 'user.test' in value "${user.test}"
The strange thing is, that if my config files just has user.test: hello, then everything works fine.
Is there something that I have to setup before to work with yml files as properties?


getting Could not resolve placeholder while reading yml values in spring boot

I'm using spring boot and using this value in my application.yml
username: abc
password: xyz
In my class, I'm utilizing it this way -
private String username;
I'm getting the following error -
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'config.username' in value "${config.username}"
However if I use this in my application.yml file, it works. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
config.username: abc
config.password: xyz
check your placeholder is Tab or Space ? make sure no Tab in your yml file.
was facing the same problem when trying to read from application.yml file instead of application.properties file. maven clean & then maven install resolved the issue for me.

How to copy/access file in Kubernetes

Working on Spring boot microservice and we have file in the folder file/Service.wsdl
And we are accessing the file using
In Kubernetes, we are getting "file/directory not found"...How to solve this.
You can try this #Value("${file:file/Service.wsdl}")
Or else you can create config map of using this file and use that path .

Spring application war - Google App Engine - How to specify Log location, profile, environment variab;les

I have a spring boot application bundled as war file , and able to push to App Engine
But I am getting problems starting app (I suspect there could be an issue with DB too...but couldnt remember where I saw...a nightmare)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Logback
configuration error detected: ERROR in
ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[FILE] - Failed to
create parent directories for
ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[FILE] -
openFile(logs/pynew.log,true) call failed.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: logs/pynew.log (No such file or
I am using the below properties in my application props
> logging.file.path=logs
> logging.file.name=${logging.file.path}/pynew.log
I am finding it very hard to include google specific dependencies and properties , and making a mess of my project...created app.yaml, web-inf>> appengine-web xml, logging.properties (not sure why but added as told in a tutorial)
Question: How can I create parent directory or link to cloud storage folder etc?
I also want to specify a profile and I see I can do it in yaml file. Is this used only
JAVA_USER_OPTS: '-Dspring.profiles.active=prod'
But I would like to know how to connect to Cloud SQL
It is so confusing that I keep forgetting which connection needs password and which wont. and keep breaking my local
Assuming that I need to supply credentials, How can I supply - ${dbuser}
I used the default spring logger with logback-spring.xml for all my development, and this is not working on AppEngine
So I followed https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/setup/java
and added logback.xml and the dependency
implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-logging-logback:0.121.3-alpha'

Spring cloud's config server plain text api with SVN and a default label

I have spring boot 2 app that acts as a config server with the following properties. Notice in particularly the "default-label" properties which is the empty string because we check out directly the folder that contains the files, and not some parent branch/folder.
name: config-server
include: subversion
uri: https://...somesvnrepo.../project/trunk/config
username: fake
password: notreal
basedir: C:\Users\John\Documents\Application\configserver_tmp
The contents of /trunk/config is straigthforward. There ae no subdirectories and just these files:
Serving the yml files works fine, but getting the logback.xml file using the "plain text api" not work at all.
Doing localhost:8888/appname/default/master/logback.xml gives the error "no label master found" which is true, I don't have that label. Any other combination of paths by omitting profiles or labels results in a 404 all the way up to just calling localhost:8888/logback.xml. Adding the ?useDefaultLabel request parameter makes no difference. Actually I don't understand the purpose of the appname, profile and label part of the url when the context is to get a plain text file that is not bound to any specific application, profile or label.
I found similar questions on the internet but they mention updating their spring boot version and then it worked for them. I'm already at the latest spring boot version (2.1.3-release).
Is this because I use SVN? Or because of of the default-label being empty?

How can/do I configure my Spring app to check a specific tag of configs with custom directory?

Suppose I have the following dir:
test/stage/prod all follow dev-ci's dir/path structure.
How can I setup my bootstrap.yml file so that when I start my app, it'll load the following:
Is there a way to set up my yml so that it takes some parameter from commandline? Or will I have to map out all the possible 'paths' then pass in some label/name?
Lastly, where does the tag name come into play?
