MockMVC | Need to pass JSON file as input - spring-boot

I would like to pass an input file to MockMVC perform statement. Please find the code snippet below:
public void test() throws Exception {
.andExpect((ResultMatcher) status().is2xxSuccessful());
When I tried using pathInfo variable I get the error as below:
HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing:
which i guess it means payload is not getting passed?
Any suggestions would help me.

we can pass json input as content :
ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
String jsonString=mapperwriteValueAsString(mapper.readValue(new File("path/to/file",Object.class));
If you want to pass MultipartFile as input. Here is the link:
Using Spring MVC Test to unit test multipart POST request


How can i check if each object in an array has a specific property exists using spring junit integration test?

I am writing a spring integration test for a method in my resource class . accessing the resource method returns a json response . I would like do an assertion .
the following is my test method.
public void testGetPerformanceCdrStatusesByDateRangeAndFrequencyMonthly() throws Exception {
the response is as follows
the assertion i want to do is each object in the array histogramDistributionbyCdrStatuses has field dateRange, total , delivered , undeliverable , expired and enroute exists.
how can i do it . I am also ok to use hamcrest matchers.
really appreciate any help
I just extended my test as follow and it works
public void testGetPerformanceCdrStatusesByEnrouteStatus() throws Exception {

In Spring Boot - Can you make request mapping that receives the whole message body without any parsing/intervention?

I need to have a method that does not regard/parse the content of request message, just ... pass it along as input parameter to the #PostMapping method.
Is it possible? Because defining parameters like:
#RequestBody byte[] data
#RequestBody String text
tell the framework that it suppose to get some xml/json. and I want it to receive plain text + utf-8 encoding.
Some code to clarify:
#RequestMapping(path="/abc", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public class NlpController {
#PostMapping(path="/def", consumes="text/plain; charset: UTF-8", produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Object> processText(#RequestBody String text)
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(object);
Trying also:
#RequestMapping(path="/abc", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public class NlpController {
#PostMapping(path="/nlp", consumes=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE, produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Object> process(HttpServletRequest request)
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(article);
But I get 406 response...
using curl:
curl -v -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset: utf-8" --data-binary #article.txt localhost:8080/abc/def/
I think you should inject HttpServletRequest as controller method attribute, then you will have acces to request payload.
public ResponseEntity<Object> processText(HttpServletRequest request) {
// do something with request
More info.
406 Not Acceptable
The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
If i understand your question correctly you need to load text file directly as input param in spring boot rest call.
You need to modify your code and curl request , please use fllowing code as referance .
#RequestMapping(value = "/abc", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String ResponseEntity<Object> processText(#RequestParam("file")
MultipartFile file) {
System.out.println("---------loading file----------");
/// Calculation and your logic
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(article);
Curl request :
curl -X POST localhost:8080/abc -F "file=#article.txt"
One more issue i can see in your curl request your mapping is abc and you are calling
Using #RequestParam for multipartfile is a right way?
If using data in memory following code will work for you
#PostMapping(value = "/abc", consumes = "application/json", produces =
ResponseEntity<Object> processText( #RequestBody String input)
throws JSONException {
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(article);
Short answer: This is not a job for a full blown framework like spring boot. Better use something like spark that can do this with one liner and without any configurations. At least this is the best answer for my humble causes.
Long answer: I could not make spring boot to receive clean body text from a client, not even after many (failed) attempts to tweak the headers / media / consume flag / ... Guess this just (might) not be possible.

How to set at Spring Boot all Errors to json?

Is there at spring boot a configuration possible, which returns all errors in a json format?
For example 404, or 401. Need to replace this 404 page with just json.
Many thanks
This is since by default, springboot produces the error as html.
To get the Json output, add produces argument as follows so that the content returned will be for sure in json format.
#RequestMapping(....., produces = "application/json")
You can custom your error controller to handle it:
public class CustomErrorController extends BasicErrorController {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomErrorController.class);
public CustomErrorController(ErrorAttributes errorAttributes) {
super(errorAttributes, new ErrorProperties());
// let all MediaType return json data
#RequestMapping(consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> allError(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
return super.error(request);
You mean using #ControllerAdvice with the content header set to application/json

Cannot get Spring Boot to lazily resolve a multipart file

I have created a Spring Boot 2 demo application with the Spring Initializr and added the controller below:
public class UploadController {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UploadController.class);
public ResponseEntity<String> uploadFile(
#RequestParam("metadata") MultipartFile metadata,
#RequestParam("payload") MultipartFile payload) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map metadataMap = mapper.readValue(metadata.getInputStream(), Map.class);"Received call to upload file {}", metadataMap.get("filename"));"File size: {}", payload.getBytes().length);"File {} successfully uploaded", metadataMap.get("filename"));
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
I then added an application.yaml file containing this configuration:
max-file-size: 2000000MB
max-request-size: 2000000MB
resolve-lazily: true
My goal is to have the controller parse and log the metadata file before it starts reading the payload file, but the resolve-lazily setting seems to be ignored by Boot: the code inside the controller won't be executed until the whole body is read.
I use the command below to test the controller:
curl -F metadata=#metadata.json -F payload=#payload.bin http://localhost:8080/demo/upload
Is there anything wrong with my code/configuration? Am I getting the meaning of the setting right?
At present, if you want to avoid reading (and buffering) the whole body all at once, I think you will have to provide your own parser, as described in the answers here. What would be really interesting (but generally unnecessary) would be to do so in the form of a new MultipartResolver implementation.
There are two existing implementations documented for interface MultipartResolver, and both supply a function setResolveLazily(boolean) (standard), (commons). I have tried with both, and neither seem to allow for parsing or streaming multipart files or parameters independently.
Default is "false", resolving the multipart elements immediately, throwing corresponding exceptions at the time of the resolveMultipart(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) call. Switch this to "true" for lazy multipart parsing, throwing parse exceptions once the application attempts to obtain multipart files or parameters.
Despite what it says in the documentation, I have found that once you call resolveMultipart, the entire body is parsed and buffered before the call returns. I know this because I can watch the temp-files being created.
One note about "Is there anything wrong with my code"...
Answer: Yes, because by using #RequestParam you have indirectly asked Spring to resolve your parameters ahead of time, before your controller is ever called. What you should be able to do instead (if the documentation were correct) is request the parameters independently from inside your controller:
Configuration (
spring.servlet.multipart.enabled = true
spring.servlet.multipart.resolve-lazily = true
#PostMapping(path = "/upload", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Void> postUpload(HttpServletRequest rawRequest) {
multipartResolver.setResolveLazily(true); // unclear why this is exists
MultipartHttpServletRequest request = multipartResolver.resolveMultipart(rawRequest);
String p1 = request.getParameter("first-parameter");
String p2 = request.getParameter("second-parameter");
System.out.println("first-parameter="+p1+", second-parameter"+p2);
return new ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
One useful aspect of resolve-lazily that I have discovered is that it allows you to write your own parser for some rest controllers while using the built-in parser for others (see my answer here). In other words, you don't have to use spring.servlet.multipart.enabled = false to get your parser to work. This is a minor breakthrough relative to other advice that I had seen previously.

How to check returntype in Spring Unittest using MockMVC?

The Spring method I wanna test
#RequestMapping(value="/files", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public List<FileListRequest> get() {
return getMainController().getAllFiles();
I want to be assured all calls to /files are responded with an List[FileListRequest]. How?
This is the method in which the test is supposed to be.
public void testGetAll() throws Exception {
Can I simply replace the SOMETHING or am I totally wrong?
Can I run assert methods on the object returned by perform()?
MvcResult result = this.mockMvc.perform(get("/files").accept("application/json"))
String content = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
// Convert json String to Respective object by using Gson or Jackson
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeFactory typeFactory=objectMapper.getTypeFactory();
List<SomeClass> someClassList =mapper.readValue(content , typeFactory.constructCollectionType(List.class, SomeClass.class));
//Assert here with your list
You could use Json Path to check if specific data exist in your response
a code snipper from by old project
mockMvc.perform(get("/rest/blogs")) .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))
hasItems(endsWith("Title A"), endsWith("Title B"))))
You cannot use contentType to check the class of instances. The Content-Type is to determine the format of text sent/returned in a HTTP(S) request/response, and has nothing to do with programmatic type-check. It only regulates that the request/response is in json/text-plain/xml, etc.
To check the type of the objects returned in the response, let's assume that the response is in format JSON(built-in Jackson in Spring boot will do the (un)marshalling), and we just use org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf(Class<?> type) to check the class of first item in the list, with jsonPath.
A working snippet:
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
public void testBinInfoControllerInsertBIN() throws Exception {
.content("{\"id\":\"42\", \"bin\":\"touhou\", \"json_full\":\"{is_json:true}\", \"createAt\":\"18/08/2018\"}")
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0]", instanceOf(BinInfo.class)))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].bin", is("touhou")));
If you want to check every item in the list... maybe it is redundant? I haven't seen code examining each and every item in the list because you have to iterate. There is way, of course.
