Airconsole Controller Generator - airconsole

I am using generator for button controller.
I am having issue to find out which code to use for below mention??
"How to execute the code if a button is touch, send message to screen?"
Sorry I am a beginner in Javascript.

Check the exemple here:
Basically, you listen for an event on your button and send a message to the screen:
$('#button').on("touchend", function (event) {
airConsole.message(AirConsole.SCREEN, {
message: value


Send form data from controller to screen on AirConsole

If i have a form with 3 differents textfields on controller.html, it's possible to send the data of the 3 elements with a "send button" to my screen?
Sending a form would basically work the same as you would do it the usual way in javascript:
Catch the form submission via the onsubmit event
Get the input values and send them via airconsole.message
Something like this:
var form_ele = document.getElementById("form");
form_ele.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
var input_1_val = your_input_element.value;
airconsole.message(AirConsole.SCREEN, {
input_1: input_1_val,
// other key values
An AirConsole controller is nothing else than a (mobile) website.

google charts remove event listener

I haven't seen much documentation and cant seem to get my code to work. the code snippet is below. I'm trying to remove the on mouse over listener but have had no success. Google charts docs has the method as such - Listener(listener_handler).
I'm uncertain what the listener_handler actually pertains to. Im trying to remove the on mouse over listener once the chart has been clicked., 'onmouseover', chartMouseOver);, 'onmouseout', chartMouseOut);, 'select', function () {;
You need to store the returned event object in a variable, and pass that to removeListener :
var event =, 'onmouseover', function() {
alert('onmouseover');; //the event object as param
demo ->

Get click handler from element in JQuery

How can I get a reference to the click handler of an element in JQuery?
Here is what I am trying to do:
Store the click handler,
Change the click handler for the next click,
Restore the original click handler
var originalClick = $(settings.currentTarget).click;
$(settings.currentTarget).click(function (e) {
The above code works the first time, however, when I click on the element again it fails:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object HTMLAnchorElement] has no method 'on'
I now realize that this is a really bad design that I am trying to do. I have resolved this issue by maintaining a visibility boolean in my viewmodel, if it is true, don't re-open the modal.
$(...).click is the jQuery click() method, not your event handler.
You can use an undocumented internal API to get the list of event handlers:
jQuery._data( elem, "events" );
What happens if you try it this way?
var originalClick = $(settings.currentTarget).click;
$(settings.currentTarget).on("click",function (e) {

Dojo Dialog onEnd() animation exception

I have a problem with the Dojo Dijit Dialog .hide() method during the animation sequence. I am using Dojo 1.7 with Tundra theme. I have a cancel button in my dialog that closes the dialog.
var global_welcome = new Dialog({
id: 'global_welcome',
style: "width: 750px",
draggable: false,
content: '<button type="button" id="global_welcomeCancel"> Cancel </button>',
onShow : function () {
on(dojo.byId('global_welcomeCancel'), "click", function (evt) {
This produces the following error on Firebug:
exception in animation handler for: onEnd fx.js (line 152)
TypeError: this._fadeOutDeferred is undefined
Previous answers to this error but with destroyRecursive instead of hide suggests it has to do with the dialog being destroyed before the animation finishes. I tried using dojo.hitch() and setTimeOut but that didn't seem to work. Also what is puzzling is that the first time I open this dialog using (called by another button), and press the cancel button, it works without error. The second time and afterwards, it produces the above error message. Additionally, the default close button for dojo dialogs on the top right corner never causes this error. Perhaps I could just have onShow call the methods that the close button calls?
Can someone help me out please? Thanks in advance!
The problem is in your onShow method. You wire up to the click event to hide, but never disconnect it. When you open the dialog the again, you wire the click method to hide the dialog again. The result is that hide will be called twice when you try to close the dialog for the second time. The error gets thrown with the second call to hide because the animations have already been destroyed.
Try this:
var signal = on(dojo.byId('global_welcomeCancel'), "click", function (evt) {

JQuery post not working in document but is working in console?

I have a page which needs to use $.post() but for some reason the exact code works when I run it from the firebug console but not from my script? My script is:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#dl_btn').click(function () {
$("#dl_form").serialize(), function (data) {
if (data == 'success') {
alert('Thanks for signing up to our newsletter');"<?php echo $_GET['link']; ?>");
} else {
It isn't the link as that does get printed properly but it gives me an error on line 140 of jquery min, I have tried using different versions of jquery and to no avail. I really dont understand why this isn't working.
When I changed from $.post to $.ajax and used the error callback I did receive an error of 'error' and the error is undefined?
Don't suppose anyone has any ideas? Would be much appreciated.
Is your click button placed inside a form element?
Cause doing so, clicking on it will not only trigger the onClick event you have binded to, but form submit as well, so you will end up in a case where your browser is executing both requests in parallel - with unpredicted outcome, of course.
I tried the same code with an element that does not trigger form submit and it worked as expected.
One point though: if you plan to use simple string as a return value and to do something with it (display it or so) then is ok to do what you do right now. However, if you have more complex response from the ajax request, you should specify the response type (xml, json..) as the last parameter of the post method.
Hope this helps.
