Ozeki + Ubuntu 14.04 + MySQL - sms

I'm installing ozeki NG sms gateway in Ubuntu but I need to connect my ozeki in phpmyadmin, do I need a ODBC connector for ubuntu? I can't find any solution on the internet. Please help.
Thank you in advance.


Configure Laravel with Nginx on Ubuntu Desktop and make it a server using NAT modem

I'm self-deploying a Laravel test project on Nginx with Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop, and for the purpose of knowing my computer becomes the server through configuring the modem's NAT. But until now, I still can't configure the path with the free domain. Please help me if you have any relevant information or documents. Thank you

can we use xampp and aerospike for php client?

Hi I am new to aerospike, i am using oracle VM virtualbox and CentOscan7.
Anyone help me to setup xampp and aerospike. or how to use php, Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Laravel Forge Custom VPS on Ubuntu 18.04

I want to provision a new custom vps in Laravel Forge. The client I'm working for only has a cloud server with Ubuntu 18.04 running. The Laravel Forge docs forcing me to use Ubuntu 20.04 - but unfortunately that's not possible at the moment.
Is there any solution to use Laravel Forge with a Ubuntu 18.04 or do we have to move on to a hosting provider who provides Ubuntu 20.04?
Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english.
I just reached out the the Laravel Forge support with the exact same question. The answer is no, you have to upgrade to 20.04.

Socket.io not accessible via domain name

I have a socket.io node js application running on server on port 3001. When I access that socket connection via browser http://ip-adress:3000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=1502735738006-0 It works perfectly fine.
I have a VPS on vultr with Ubuntu 14.04 x64
And I have a domain jackpotrolldice.com pointing to that server.
When I try to access via browser like http://jackpotrolldice.com:3000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=1502735738006-0 then it doesn't work and connection timed out error comes.
As I am new to nodeJS and socket.io. So please guide & help me!Thank you in advance!

Not able to access mirth connect installed on CentOs from windows machine

I have installed mirth connect on Cent Os machine.I can open mirth on same machine but when i try to open it from windows machine using browser i got "not able to open".
On Cent Os:-
firewall is disabled .I have checked using 'getenforce' and it is disabled.
I can ping my windows machine.
On windows:-
I can ping Cent Os machine.
but not able to open mirth connect u sing google chrome with port 8080.
thanks in advance
Actually it was due to multiple jdk's installed on cantos. as on starting of mirth connect .mirth not able to identifies which jdk should use to access connector class..
