Cron with command requiring sudo - bash

what would be my options to make a script from command where I need to put my sudo password in?
Im exporting a fsimage and would like to do it on regular basis. It could be run from my accout but ideally, I would like to create a user dedicated to make these exports.
I would like to stay away from using root cron and use a more secure way of doing this
Entire command looks like this:
sudo ssh czmorchr 'hdfs oiv -p Delimited -i $(ls -t /dfs/nn/current/fsimage_* | grep -v md5 |
head -1) -o /dev/stdout 2>/dev/null' | grep -v "/.Trash/" |sed -e 's/\r/\\r/g' | awk 'BEGIN
{ FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } $0 ! ~ /_impala_insert_staging/ && ($0 ~ /^\/user\/hive\/warehouse\/cz_prd/ ||
$0 ~ /^\/user\/hive\/warehouse\/cz_tst/) { split($1,a,"/"); db=a[5]; table=a[6]; gsub(".db$", "", table); }
db && $10 ~ /^d/ {par=""; for(i=7;i<=length(a);i++) pa r=par"/"a[i] } db && $10 !~ /^d/
{ par=""; for(i=7;i<=length(a) - 1;i++) par=par"/"a[i]; file=a[length(a)] } NR > 1 { print db,table, par, file, $0 }' |
hadoop fs -put -f - /user/hive/warehouse/cz_prd_mon_ma.db/hive_warehouse_files/fsim age.tsv

To do something as sudo without entering password, there is an unsafe way, like
echo ubuntu | sudo -S ls
here im granting an ls command with ubuntu user and ubuntu password.
As you can see, piping password to sudo -S works.
Additionaly you need to make user sudoer
here is an example

I was able to resolve this issue using setfacl command. (Context:) I setup another folder in HDFS where standby node should dump its fsimages. Then I used this command and after that, I was able to run the script above without sudo and in a crontab.
setfacl -m u:hdfs:rwx /home/user_name/fsimage-dump/namenode


bash script to access a file in a remote host three layers deep

So in the terminal I access the remote host through ssh -p then once I'm in i have to cd /directory1/directory2/. Then I want to find the latest directory which I do using ls -td -- */ | head -n 1 then using this I want to cd into that and tail -n 1 file1
All these commands work in the terminal but I want to automate it to where I can just type ./ and have that be output.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
The shell script can look something like this
ssh -p <PORT> <HOST_NAME> '( cd /directory1/directory2/ && LATEST_DIR=$(ls -td -- */ | head -n 1) && cd ${LATEST_DIR} && tail -n 1 file1 )'
Then give execute permissions to using chmod u+x
Run the script using ./

How to apply dconf and gnome-shell settings to all users

I am trying to write a script that install some Gnome extensions and change some settings.
My script runs under sudo.
I am tring to do those sample changes for all users.
_USERS="$(eval getent passwd {$(awk '/^UID_MIN/ {print $2}' /etc/login.defs)..$(awk '/^UID_MAX/ {print $2}' /etc/login.defs)} | cut -d: -f1)"
for u in $_USERS
sudo -u ${u} gnome-shell-extension-tool -e
sudo -u ${u} dconf write /org/gnome/nautilus/preferences/executable-text-activation "'ask'"
This thing never works at all. What to do?
I have found the solution on internet.
I need to add bussession before command. Like,
sudo -u ${_USERS} DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/${RUSER_UID}/bus" commandhere

Looping through file to create other command files

I am trying to create a script that will automatically log me in to a specific remote device (let's call it a fw). The "command" is a bit elaborate, as we are logging in from a protected network server, and there are hundreds of these to login to.
I have created a file with two parameters (command and name) separated by "#", the first parameter is the "command" string with spaces (ie: "sudo --user ....") which I want to put (echo) into an executeable file called "name" (name of the device I want to login to).
My logic was originally:
for line in $(awk -F# '{print $1, $2}' list.txt), do touch $2; && echo "$1 > $2" && chmod +x $2; done
my end should create x number of files named "$name", each with only a one-line command of "$command" and be "executeable".
I have tried several things to make this work. I can iterate of the file with not much issue using for, while, and even [[ -n $name ]], but, this only provides me with one variable and doesn't split the line into the two I need, "$command" and "$name". Even $1 and $2 would be fine for my purposes...
While testing:
$ while IFS=# read -r line; do echo "$line"; done < list
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyyy
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyyy
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyyy
even using IFS=# to split the $line - doesn't remove the "#" as expected.
$ for line in $(cat list); do echo $line; done
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Trying to expand to:
bin$ for line in $(cat list); do awk -F# '{print $1, $2}' $line; done
awk: fatal: cannot open file ` xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' for reading (No such file or directory)
awk: fatal: cannot open file `yyyyyyyyy
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' for reading (No such file or directory)
awk: fatal: cannot open file `yyyyyyyyy
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' for reading (No such file or directory)
I would like to parse (loop) through the file - separate the parms and create $name with $command inside and chmod +x $name to have an executeable that will log me in automatically to "$name" node.
I suggest inserting all your logic into the awk script.
BEGIN {FS = "[\r#]"} # set field separator to # or <CR>
{ # for each input line
print $1 > $2; # write input 1st field to file named 2nd field
system("chmod a+x "$2); # set file named 2nd field, to be executable
running the script:
awk -f script.awk list.txt
input list.txt
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyy1
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyy2
sudo --user xxxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyy3
dudi#DM-840$ ls -l yy*
total 3
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dudi dudi 28 Jun 23 01:21 yyyyyyyy1*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dudi dudi 28 Jun 23 01:21 yyyyyyyy2*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dudi dudi 28 Jun 23 01:21 yyyyyyyy3*
changed FS to include the <CR> char, otherwise appended to filenames (seen as ^M).

Scape quotes on remote command

I'm try to pass a commadn on remote server.
Command work fine on local server, but when try pass on remote server trought ssh get error for bad scpaing
ls -t /root/mysql/*.sql | awk 'NR>2 {system(\"rm \"" $0 \"\"")}'
Full comnand
ssh root#host -p XXX "mysqldump --opt --all-databases > /root/mysql/$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).sql;ls -t /root/mysql/*.sql | awk 'NR>2 {system(\"rm \"" $0 \"\"")}'"
Actually no need to use awk and avoid all that quotes escaping:
ls -t /root/mysql/*.sql | tail -n +1 | xargs rm
This is assuming your *.sql files don't have any whitespaces otherwise you should use stat command and sort the output using sort.

SSH to server, Sudo su - then run commands in bash [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pass commands as input to another command (su, ssh, sh, etc)
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have the following
ssh -t $ "sudo su - http"
This Works, but I was trying to get it to run a script afterwards, and if I do, using -c or <
The script does a grep like this:
grep -i "Exception:" /opt/local/server/logs/exceptions.log | grep -e "|*-*-*:*:*,*|" | tail -1 | awk -F'|' '{print $2}' >> log.log
This also works fine on it's own, but I need to be http to do it.
I cannot SCP the output of the script back to server001 either, so I'm stuck here,
Any ideas would be relay appreciated.
ssh -t $ 'sudo -u http grep -i "Exception:" /opt/local/server/logs/exceptions.log | grep -e "|*-*-*:*:*,*|" | tail -1 | awk -F"|" "{print $2}" >> log.log'
Sudo already runs the command as a different user to there's no need to su again.
Only reason to do sudo su is to have a fast way to start a new shell with another user.
You probably want sudo -u instead of sudo su -:
ssh -t $ sudo -u http script
Guess I'm late to the party.
My solution:
ssh -t $ "sudo cat /etc/shadow"
and replace cat /etc/shadow with your desired program.
