Will ElasticSearch rest client find out the cluster nodes automatically? - elasticsearch

I am using Rest Client of Elastic Search and Elastic Search will have
Nodes in a cluster.
If I connect to one node then will it automatically find other nodes
of cluster while processing the request and do load balancing ?
Or I need to take care of that while creating the Rest Client?

If "sniffer" is active, before the request (in background) the client will update your internal list of node data. It works for default client and Rest Client.
The master node (defined in the cluster configuration) will do the load balancing.


Elasticsearch Cross Cluster Search behind nginx proxy

I want to setup sort of aggregation for multiple Elasticsearch clusters based on Cross Cluster Search feature.
I have the following layout:
As seed for Cross Cluster Search I am using the only available via network cluster address.
After querying I am getting error:
[elasticsearch][] connect_timeout[30s]
I can't change publish_host for nodes, because that address used inside the cluster for node communication.
Is there any option to force Cross Cluster Search to use only provided address?
Or any other way to setup kinda proxy for user to be able to search/visualize in kibana data from multiple isolated elasticsearch clusters?
I believe that the only solution is to upgrade to Elasticsearch 7, which provides the cluster.remote.${cluster_alias}.proxy option where you can specify the incoming IP address for the cross cluster search.

Multiple nodes in a Single elastic server

I am seeing multiple nodes in a single elastic server.
where I had specified to be only one.
this server is used to parse logstash logs
Probably you have connected the logstash instances with transport client. As you can see there is only one data node in the screenshot. THis way logstash instances connects to the cluster as a elastic node, but do not get index requests because they are set as data and master false.

Dynamic Partionitioning in TazyGrid Cluster

When adding a new server or removing one, does TazyGrid (Open Source) partitions data at runtime or do we have to pre-plan & do some pre-deployement strategies ?
If some pre-deployment planning is required, can some one please link to any resources?
Yes TayzGrid is completely dynamic and no pre-palnning is required.
Simply add a node to the cluster or remove it & data balancing will be done automatically.
Peer to Peer Dynamic Cluster
Runtime Discovery within Cluster
Runtime Discovery by Clients
Failover Support: Add/Remove Servers at Runtime
and more from TayzGrid website
Data distribution map: The data distribution map is provided only if the caching topology is Partitioned Cache or Partition-Replica Cache. This information is useful for clients to determine the location of data in the cluster. The client can therefore directly access the data from the cache server. The data distribution map is provided in two cases:
(1) at the time of the client’s connection to the server and
(2) if when any change occurs in the partitioning map because a new server has been added or removed from the cluster.

Does Zookeeper need to have its own server with HAMR?

This is in regard to a big data analytics engine put out by http://hamrtech.com
Does Zookeeper have to be on its own server with HAMR?
No it does not have to be part of the hamr cluster but every node within the cluster must have access to it.

elasticsearch equivalent of EmbeddedSolrServer for Solr

Is it possible to update index built using elastic search without the overheads of http and serialization?
I am searching for an elasticsearch equivalent of EmbeddedSolrServer available with solrj.
Sure it is, with elasticsearch you can easily start up a local node and embed it in your application.
With local node I mean with local discovery, local within the jvm.
Have a look at the Java API documentation, where there's an example on how to startup a local node:
Node node = nodeBuilder().local(true).node();
Client client = node.client();
Don't forget to shut it down when you're done:
Have a look at this blog I wrote too: elasticsearch beyond big data - running elasticsearch embedded.
