How do I deploy an SSRS solution? - visual-studio

This is an extremely vague question because I don't know enough to know what I don't know. Here's my situation:
I have downloaded SSDT and connected to a data source (A SQL Server DB instance). I've created a report. I can preview the report in VS. I can publish the report from the VS build menu and it gets published to my local reports server that seems to have been installed by default at http://localhost/reports. I can use a browser to go to that url and see the report I created.
Now, the problem is that this is all only in my local development environment. I installed SSDT through Visual Studio and it auto-created my reports server. Is there a way to install a reports server without installing visual studio and publish the reports from a report solution using an MSI created by a packager like WiX? I'm having a hard time finding information about how to do this.

The report server is typically installed when you install SQL Server. If you want to publish reports so that others can use them do the following:
Go to your VS solution and right-click on the project then select properties.
Set the TargetReportFolder (this will be created if it does not
exist). This will usually reflect the name of the group of reports
you are working on (e.g. 'HR Reports')
Set the TargetServerURL to the report server on your SQL Server box for example http://mySQLServerBox/reportserver/
Set the TargetServerVersion to match your SQL Server installation version (SQL Server 2016 etc)
Now you can simply right-click a report rdl in VS and choose deploy, you can also do the same at the folder level to deploy all the reports in one go.
To access the reports, go to the web portal which will usually be http://MySQLServerBox/reports
I hope this is what you are looking for..


Hopw to make sure you are working on latest version of SSRS Report from Report Server

I just created a Report Project with 1 .rdl in Visual Studio 2008. I then deployed the report to the SSRS Server and I can now see the report in the Report manager.
I made a change to the report using report builder 3.0.
Is there a way that I can "get latest version" from the report server of the .rdl when I open my report project in Visual Studio again?
I am guessing that 1 way would be to download the .rdl and add back (overwriting) to the report project but I am wondering if VS has a built in function to take care of this for you?
There is no built in functionality in VS to attach to an SSRS instance and pull down the .rdl files. Since they can be moved, edited and deleted, outside of the designer there could be numerous issues with doing that. Just check all your local project files into source control and manually update if needed. Since I don't edit outside of VS I never had to deal with "pulling the latest version from ssrs". However, I have come across third party tools that may have functionality to make it easier.
If this is going to become a daily struggle for you then you may want to take the time now to automate the process using the ReportExecution2010 or ReportExecution2005 web service api.
Visual Studio is used to create and deploy reports, once they are deployed, there are no links between the report in Visual Studio and the Report Server, and there will never be. Think about it, you can deploy the report to X servers, so how could Visual Studio find which report you are talking about.
To ensure you are working on the latest version, you will have to download it and overwrite as you say, although I would compare it instead to see if there are changes not deployed.
If you are working with other developers that would potentially redeploy the report, then you can just check the last modification user of the report.
In all cases, I would strongly suggest to always check-in/commit when you deploy a report.
If you want to download several reports from the report server, then you could use a tool like RSScripter for example.

can I deploy a report to a report server (SSRS) without visual studio?

I created a report locally on my pc and now I want to push it to the clients production environment.
Do I need to ask the client to install Visual Studio in order to deploy the report?
What other way is there to get the report to this production machine, to which I can not connect to from my local machine?
You can upload a file (such as a report RDL file) using the Report Server's Report Manager website.
See Upload File Page (Report Manager) for step by step details.
You will need permission access to this webpage, of course. But once you have the correct access, you can upload a report file from your local machine or a file share you have access to. No need for a VS install on the server.
We went with the option to use the command line tool RS.exe
the usage of which is explained here:

Cannot Import DTSX files back into SQL Server 2008r2 Int Services after export and edit in VSPro2013

I've carried out a lot of work here and want to be able to use my DTSX packages
But I get the version incompatibility and the Error message is specific
But there must be some way I can run my packages. They appear to not be able to be run from within VS2013 Pro editor
My question is, what do I need to install exactly to all allow me to execute these saved packages?
By asking here i can save time since there are many versions and many add ons etc
First - how to run a SSIS 2008 package?
There is a good overview here, by Ashish Kumar Mehta of MSSQTips, on how to execute packages both remotely on the server or locally. Either way you need the SQL Server Client Tools installed from the SQL Server media (CD, image, etc.). There's no possibility of running a package locally from Management Studio or raw Visual Studio. You can run the package remotely through Management Studio only if that package was stored within the SQL Server. Theoretically, you can run a package in development mode via VS2013, see below.
Second - how to modify a SSIS 2008 package?
Unlike subsequent SQL Server (and SSIS) versions, with 2008 you couldn't just use your regular Visual Studio with a downloadable plugin. You had to install one Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), a Visual Studio 2008 derivative (i.e. not a plugin) available on your SQL Server media. That's the way to go if you want to edit the package but also maintain its 2008 version. Otherwise, you're free to upgrade the package to Integration Services 2014 level by several methods, and start hacking at it via Visual Studio 2013 with a downloadable Data Tools - Business Intelligence plug-in. Be advised, it's not possible to convert the package back to 2012 nor 2008 versions.

Using Oracle Developer Tools with Source Control for Visual Studio

I'm a bit lost in implmementing/using tfs version control with Oracle products. The project I'm on is using visual studio 2012, tfs 2013, an oracle 11g server, a few copies of Oracle SQL Developer, and a few copies of toad.
I was recently looking for a way to do tfs version control through visual studio using oracle developer tools*. Is this a viable approach?
When tooling around with it, I've been able to create a database project with tables, procs, etc and put this under tfs version control. I've also been able to run these procs against my normal database server. However, I have not been able to put my existing database under version control. I have also not been able to run my code against the visual studio database project.
So can tfs be used with oracle developer tools to provide a version control solution?
Alternatively, are there any ways to integrate tfs version control with both Oracle SQL develoeper and toad?
*Oracle Developer Tools -
On the oracle developer tools promo page it says
"SQL Script Lifecycle with Source Control Integration: Generate SQL
scripts for Oracle schema objects that your .NET application uses,
manage them in an Oracle Database Project, check them into source
control, edit the scripts in the Oracle SQL Editor, and execute them
with a built in SQL*Plus execution engine."
How does this work? Can I automatically generate the scripts each night and check them in or something?
Yes, after you install Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio, you can configure your Oracle Data Connections in the Server Explorer, create a new Oracle Database Project, then drag and drop packages or other items from the Server Explorer to your new project. Then, after editing the .sql files that were generated, you can right-click on the .sql files generated and "Run" or "Run on...". Finally, you can also run subsets of each script by right-clicking on a selection and choosing "Run selection".
You still need the discipline to ensure everyone edits packages via source control and not on the database directly.
SSDT database projects in Visual Studio only support SQL Server.
One option is to try Red Gate Source Control for Oracle, a tool developed by the company I work for. This supports both TFS and Subversion. I'd be interested to know if this is something that might work for you.
You can use Toad to integrate Microsoft TFS changes. Please see :

Test Case Outcome Column in TFS 2010 and/or Test Manager

I am trying to figure out how to add the work item field Outcome to my queries in TFS 2010 and/or Test Manager 2010 so that I can see our test case results and use them for reporting purposes.
While I realize this column is available through the default reports provided by linking TFS to a SharePoint site, I am currently unable to set this up since our client hasn't configured their SharePoint to do it yet.
My current plan is to create my own reports within Excel, but to break my question down simply, is there anyway to query for this field from within TFS or Test Manager?
I found that there really isn't a way to access the Outcome field from TFS or Test Manager currently (up to TFS 2012 for sure).
The easiest way to do it for a project that doesn't have its reports setup (or for Visual Studio Online which doesn't have the test reports) is to do it manually from the results in Test Manager.
Thanks to everyone for viewing and for the help.
