Does Trustpilot API have any limitation about the number of requests? - trustpilot

since trustpilot do not allow us to query just the reviews published after a specific date I will need to make loads of requests to get the products reviews.
Do you have any limit on the number of requests we can make in a minute?

Thanks #neisantos for your question.
Unfortunately our product reviews API doesn't support a query based on published datetime.
Fortunately for you, you don't need to worry about query limitations on the endpoint. However, we can see which apiKey is accessing our endpoints, and if necessary we can throttle or revoke the access.
BTW. Fetching all product reviews via the API will probably not affect our API that much :)


Is it possible to dynamically query Google APIs to see how much of the limit/quota you've used?

For a given Google API, is there any way to dynamically check usage against any of the current limits for that API?
For example, this page shows that I can query the Classrooms API 4,000,000 times per client per day. At midday, without going to the API Console, how could I know that I've already hit 3 million queries?
I'm hoping that there's a billing or usage API that covers this, but can't see it.
Note: I'm not having any issue right now with a specific call, just anticipating that my usage will scale up significantly in the next few months, so am looking for a solution for monitoring rather than advice on not hitting the limits at all. My specific use-case is for Google Classrooms, but reading wider around this I can't see a general solution either.
No, dynamically you can't retrieve this information.
Feature Request:
You can however let Google know that this is a feature that is important for the Google Workspace APIs to have, and that you would like to request they implement it.
The page to file a Feature Request for the Google Classroom API is here, as there is no specific component for Google Workspace APIs in general I would suggest filing it here instead.
You can use Google's Cloud Monitoring API to achieve this. This is the documentation page for APIs-
This is the documentation page for concerned metrics-

Places API returning NOT_FOUND

Since this morning the Places API has returned NOT_FOUND results for every single place ID we've tried searching for.
We regularly query the API to check details & it has been running fine for over a year but today it's fell over and only returns NOT_FOUND, for over 300 different place ids.
Is there a current issue with the API?
I contacted Google Cloud support today about this because it still hasn't changed.
Yes they no longer support Service area businesses in the Places API. Here is their response:
Thank you for contacting Maps Platform Technical Support. My name is Ana and I'm here to assist you.
Places API mission is to enable developers to help users find relevant places to visit. Since Service Area Businesses are not places users can visit, they do not belong in the Places API. That is the reason why you cannot search it in Places API and it is an intended behavior.
Business owners can fix this via MyBusiness IF they have a brick-and-mortar shop
(a shop someone can visit on the streets).
I find this shocking that developers are unable to pull out information about any ACTIVE business on Google. I have responded with my own views but as expected Google will not change their stance.
Well that is very confusing to customers. You (rightly so) allow local listings to be setup as service area businesses. Why should only brick and mortar shops be allowed to utilise the Place API? That’s separating the market for businesses to advertise properly and surely is not legal.
Regardless of if you agree about service area businesses not being allowed to be shown on Maps – there is no reason that an ACTIVE business should not return details through a Development API which has no public facing impact. It is stifling the support agencies and businesses can provide to its customers.
We're denied access to the Google My Business API and then resort to pulling out data via the Places API and now we can no longer do that.
You should at the very least provide some kind of development data for ANY business that is available on Google, whether that be via the Places API or not – business owners should have a right to pull out data about their own business at any time.
Please forward this to the GMB team.

How can we increase throughput on the LUIS programmatic API?

When using the LUIS programmatic API, we get frequent 429 errors ("too many requests") when doing a half-dozen GET and POST requests. We've inserted a pause in our code to deal with this.
We have a paid subscription key to LUIS, which indicates we should get 50 requests/second (see However, it seems the paid subscription key can only be used for hitting the application endpoint. For Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key in request headers, we must use our "programmatic key", which is associated with the Starter_Key, which is (apparently) rate-limited.
Am I missing something here? How do we get more throughput on the LUIS programmatic api?
One of our engineers arrived at the following answer, so I'm going to post his answer here.
The programmatic API is limited to 5 requests per second, 100K requests per month for everyone. Your paid subscription key is only for the endpoint API, not for the programmatic API.
If you need more throughput:
Put your API requests in a queue. It is unlikely that you need to update your LUIS model non-stop, 5 times per second -- you probably just have a burst of updates. Put them in a queue to stay within the limit.
Don't try using the same user account to manage multiple LUIS models. Set up additional accounts for each model, which gives you additional programmatic keys. Each programmatic key gives you 5 requests per second.

Mix Panel API web segmentation and personalisation

Hi I am interested in using Mix Panel on a web site to track customers events. I would like to know if there is any way to use the api to personalise the web site per customer, similar to segmentation for emails.
I would like to query the api for a singular customer asking whether they have achieved several events.
For example something like
If customer has clicked out and last visit greater than a month ago display a banner advert.
Mixpanel does not seem like a correct tool for the job you describe here.
While theoretically this might be possible (via Mixpanel's HTTP API), this will create unnecessary architectural complexity and add extra latency. If you need to customize your web site per user, store any user state in a database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. This will be both faster and easier.

Retrieve Google Analytics quotas consumption via API

i want to be able to fetch all the quotas status related to the google analytics API consumption. One part of it seems to be available via IAM:
First, accessing to these data through an API would be it possible with the IAM API ?? If so, can i get a sample ?
Next, i need one more data: the google analytics quota consumption PER VIEW (which is limited to 10.000 queries per view per day) it also possible to fetch this data, one way or another ?
At this time there is no way to programmatically access the quota usage of any Google API.
You will either need to check it manually on the google developer website or you will have to keep a count yourself in your application.
There is no other way of fetching data the Google Analytics data. If you have a 360 account you can have your data extracted into Big Query.
You can only make 10000 requests per view per day. There is also no way to increase this quota.
IAM API is for use with Google cloud and not discovery APIs so no that is not going to help you either.
