I'm having trouble using the round/1 and floor/1 built-ins in SWI-Prolog. When using them in my code, they aren't recognized and when submitting them as a query; for instance ?- round(1.6)., Prolog will tell me that the procedure is not recognized. Am I doing something wrong? I tried it on both the online Swish version and my own windows installed version, but getting the same error on both.
round/1 and floor/1 are no builtin predicates, round/2 and floor/2 are.
Prolog works with predicates. That means that a predicate can only be true or false (or error). Furthermore it can unify variables (further).
So the only means to calculate the floor of 1.6, is to use two variables, and make the second one the floor of the first one. For example:
?- round(1.6,X).
X = 2.
?- floor(1.6,X).
X = 1.
Since it is sometimes cumbersome to write predicates that way. Prolog has defined some functors, these functors can be interpreted with the is/2 predicate. round/1 and floor/1 are functors with semantics in the is/2 predicate:
?- X is round(1.6).
X = 2.
?- X is floor(1.6).
X = 1.
is can work with more advanced expression trees as well, like:
?- X is floor(0.4+0.4+0.4).
X = 1.
But note that is is actually a predicate as well. We have written:
is(X, floor(0.4+0.4+0.4)).
behind the curtains, and the is/2 predicate will call floor/2. Mind however that you can not simply inject your own predicate that way. You can not simply write is(X, foo(2)) and expect Prolog to call foo(2.X).
For my programming course's assignment, I have to write some Prolog code without using any pre-defined predicates (excluding , and ;), but saw no way around using =, as I had to check whether a variable A is equal to (can be identified with) some foo(B, C).
Since this isn't allowed though, I'd like to implement my own predicate myUnification/2, which should essentially behave in the same way, but I have no idea how to go about this. I've tried looking at the SWI-Prolog Documentation for assistance but it only explains what the predicate does, not how it actually works internally.
It is right there in the docs :-D
=(Term, Term).
To use 'unify' instead of '=', define:
unify(A, A).
You can now do magic like this:
?- unify(X, foo(a, b)).
X = foo(a, b).
I'm working through Clocksin and Mellish to try and finally go beyond just dabbling in Prolog. FWIW, I'm running SWI-Prolog:
SWI-Prolog version 7.2.3 for x86_64-linux
Anyway, I implemented a diff/2 predicate as part of exercise 1.4. The predicate is very simple:
diff(X,Y) :- X \== Y.
And it works when used in the sister_of predicate, like this:
sister_of(X,Y) :-
parents(X, Mum, Dad ),
parents(Y, Mum, Dad ).
in that, assuming the necessary additional facts, doing this:
?- sister_of(alice,alice).
returns false as expected. But here's the rub. If I do this instead:
?- sister_of(alice, Who).
(again, given the additional facts necessary)
I get
Who = edward ;
Who = alice;
Even though, as already shown, the sister_of predicate does not treat alice as her own sister.
On the other hand, if I use the SWI provided dif/2 predicate, then everything works the way I would naively expect.
Can anyone explain why this is happening this way, and why my diff implementation doesn't work the way I'm expecting, in the case where I ask for additional unifications from that query?
The entire source file I'm working with can be found here
Any help is much appreciated.
As you note, the problem stems from the interplay between equality (or rather, inequality) and unification. Observe that in your definition of sister_of, you first find a candidate value for X, then try to constrain Y to be different, but Y is still an uninstantiated logic variable and the check is always going to succeed, like diff(alice, Y) will. The following constraints, including the last one that gives a concrete value to Y, come too late.
In general, what you need to do is ensure that by the time you get to the inequality check all variables are instantiated. Negation is a non-logical feature of Prolog and therefore potentially dangerous, but checking whether two ground terms are not equal is safe.
I am writing a Prolog predicate that cuts first three elements off a numbered list and prints the result. An example of a numbered list:
The original predicate for normal list looks like this:
strim([H|T],R) :-
So, since length predicate works perfectly for numbered lists as well, I only had to write predicate that appends one numbered list to another:
compose([e(F,C)|T],e(A,_),[e(F,C)|L]) :-
N is C+1,
I expected the predicate for numbered list to be a slightly modified version of predicate for normal list, so I wrote this:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T],R) :-
However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: compose/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Could somebody please explain what's causing the error and how to avoid it? I'm new to Prolog.
Instantiation errors are a common phenomenon in Prolog programs that use moded predicates: These are predicates that can only be used in special circumstances, requiring for example that some arguments are fully instantiated etc.
As a beginner, you are in my view well advised to use more general predicates instead, so that you can freely exchange the order of goals and do not have to take procedural limitations into account, at least not so early, and without the ability to freely experiment with your code.
For example, in your case, the following trivial change to compose/3 gives you a predicate that works in all directions:
compose([], L, [L]).
compose([e(F,C)|T], e(A,_), [e(F,C)|L]) :-
N #= C+1,
compose(T, e(A,N), L).
Here, I have simply replaced the moded predicate (is)/2 with the CLP(FD) constraint (#=)/2, which completeley subsumes the more low-level predicate over integers.
After this small change (depending on your Prolog system, you may have to import a library to use the more general arithmetic predicates), we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
So, we find out that the instantiation error has actually overshadowed a different problem that can only be understood procedurally, and which has now come to light.
To improve this, I now turn around the two goals of numstrim/2:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T], R) :-
length(P, 3),
napp(P, R, [e(X,Y)|T]).
This is because length(P, 3) always terminates, and placing a goal that always terminates first can at most improve, never worsen, the termination properties of a pure and monotonic logic program.
So now we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
Es = [e(b, _1442), e(a, _2678), e(r, _4286)] .
That is, at least we get an answer now!
However, the predicate still does not terminate universally, because we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es), false.
I leave fixing this as an exercise.
I'm trying (failing) to understand an exercise where I'm given the following clauses;
pterm(f0(X)) :- pterm(X).
pterm(f1(X)) :- pterm(X).
They represent a number in binary, eg. f0(null) is equivalent to 0, f1(null) is equivalent to 1, etc.
The objective is to define a predicate over pterm such that one is the successor of the other when true. It seems like a relatively simple exercise but I'm struggling to get my head around it.
Here is the code I've written so far;
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)).
incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(f1(X))), pterm(f1(f1(Y))).
Having tested this I know it's very much incorrect. How might I go about inspecting the top level arguments of each pterm?
I've made minimal progress in the last 4 hours so any hints/help would be appreciated.
I'll start with the "how to inspect" question, as I think it will be the most useful. If you're using swi-prolog with xpce, run the guitracer:
?- consult('pterm'). % my input file
% pterm compiled 0.00 sec, 5 clauses
?- guitracer.
% The graphical front-end will be used for subsequent tracing
?- trace. % debugs step by step
[trace] ?- pterm(f0(f1(null))). % an example query to trace
A graphical interface will come up. Press the down arrow to unify things step by step. What's going on should make sense fairly quickly.
(use notrace. and nodebug. appropriately to exit trace and debug modes afterwards).
2) You seem to misunderstand how predicates work. A predicate is a logical statement, i.e. it will always return either true or false. You can think of them as classical boolean functions of the type "iseven(X)" (testing if X is even) or "ismemberof(A,B)" (testing if A is a member of B) etc. When you have a rule like "pred1 :- pred2, pred3." this is similar to saying "pred1 will return true if pred2 returns true, and pred3 returns true (otherwise pred1 returns false)".
When your predicates are called using constants, checking its truth value is a matter of checking your facts database to see if that predicate with those constants can be satisfied. But when you call using variables, prolog goes through a wild goose chase, trying to unify that variable with all the allowable stuff it can link it to, to see if it can try to make that predicate true. If it can't, it gives up and says it's false.
A predicate like incr(X,Y) is still something that needs to return true or false, but, if by design, this only becomes true when Y is the incremented version of X, where X is expected to be given at query time as input, then we have tricked prolog into making a "function" that is given X as input, and "returns" Y as output, because prolog will try to find an appropriate Y that makes the predicate true.
Therefore, with your example, incr(X,Y) :- pterm(f0(X)), pterm(f1(Y)). makes no sense, because you're telling it that incr(X,Y) will return true for any X,Y, as long as prolog can use X to find in the fact database any pterm(f0(X)) that will lead to a known fact, and also use Y to find a pterm(f1(Y)) term. You haven't made Y dependent on X in any way. This query will succeed for X = null, and Y = null, for instance.
Your first clause should be something like this.
incr(X,Y) :- X = pterm(f0(Z)), Y = pterm(f1(Z)).
where = performs unification. I.e. "find a value for Z such that X is pterm(f0(Z)), and for the same value of Z it also applies that Y = pterm(f1(Z))."
In fact, this could be more concisely rewritten as a fact:
incr( pterm(f0(Z)), pterm(f1(Z)) ).
Your second clause can be adapted similarly. However, I'm not sure if this is correct in terms of the logic of what you're trying to achieve (i.e. binary arithmetic). But I may have misunderstood the problem you're trying to solve.
My assumption is that if you have (0)111, then the successor should be 1000, not 1111. For this, I would guess you need to create a predicate that recursively checks if the incrementation of the digits below the currently processed one results in a 'carried' digit.
(since the actual logic is what your assignment is about, I won't offer a solution here. but hope this helps get you into grips with what's going on. feel free to have a go at the recursive version and ask another question based on that code!)
I have a predicate that may unify its arguments, for example:
foo(X) :- X = 42.
How can I tell if, while proving foo(X), unification changed X? For example, I would like to know if writeln(X), foo(X), writeln(X) would print the same value for X twice, without actually doing the printing.
My actual implementation of foo/1 is actually much more complex, so please don't suggest specific to the simplified version above. In my program, foo(X) simplifies X using unification, but foo(X) may need to be proven several times until all simplifications have been performed. I would like to be able to write a foohelper(X) predicate that invokes foo(X) until X stops being unified.
Assuming we have only syntactic unification - that is, no constraints:
:- meta_predicate(call_instantiated(0,?)).
call_instantiated(Goal_0, Instantiated) :-
copy_term(Goal_0, Copy_0),
( subsumes_term(Goal_0, Copy_0) -> % succeeds iff equal u.t.r.
Instantiated = false
; Instantiated = true
Note that Goal_0 will or will not be further instantiated. The above subsumes_term/2 tests whether or not Goal_0 is now "more general" than Copy_0. Of course, it cannot be more general, so effectively that test tests whether or not the terms are identical up to renaming of variables.
Compared to using term_variables/2, as #PauloMoura has indicated, this may more may not be more efficient. It primarily depends on the efficiency of subsumes_term/2.
Maybe you can use the standard term_variables/2 predicate? You can call it with your goal before and after calling the goal and check if the returned lists of variables are different. Something like:
term_variables(foo(X), Vars0),
term_variables(foo(X), Vars),
( Vars0 == Vars ->
; write(not_simplified)