where to place componentscan - spring

I have spring mvc application with complete annotations. Where is the best place to add #componentScan? Let me know any of these recommended
class that extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer?
class that extend WebMvcConfigurationSupport
class that extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
I placed in 2 without security and workign fine. When I added security, I got problem with security config not able to find userdetails service. Then I moved to 3.
I found other issues with security and put code to just reuturn null instead of
securityconfig object from getRootConfigClasses(). Then I got issues of controllers not found. I am able to fix it to put componenentscan in 2.
I just want to know any links and how it works. Is it ok to put #componentscan in all of these 3? Appreciate your help.

It depends on your project's package tree and what you want to scan. If you want to scan all annoted classes with such annotations like : #Configuration, #Component, #Repository, etc... put #ComponentScan at the top of your package tree.
You can also use the basePackages attribute to specify where to start the scanning.
Say you have an application packages organized like this :
com.app.config,com.app.config.web, com.app.services, com.app.web.controllers
If you want to scan all annoted classes, put the class annoted with #ComponentScan in com.app package.
If you want to scan only controller, add #ComponentScan(basePackages="com.app.web.controllers")
It's up to you to decide.


What does it mean by #SpringBootConfiguration allows the configuration to be found automatically?

I was searching for the difference between the #Configuration vs #SpringBootConfiguration. I found many articles mentioned "As per the Spring documentation, #SpringBootConfiguration is just an alternative to the Spring standard #Configuration annotation. The only difference between the two is that the #SpringBootConfiguration allows the configuration to be found automatically".
So what does it mean by #SpringBootConfiguration allows the configuration to be found automatically? If we use the #Configuration for a class that contains #Bean annotated methods, Spring will create instantiation for those beans as well. Can anybody explain this to me clearly?
Because this question was driving me a little crazy and this was the first StackOverflow page I found, which didn't resolve the issue for me, I'm going to try to explain my findings:
#SpringBootApplication is a specialisation of #SpringBootConfiguration, which is a specialisation of #Configuration.
You may only have 1 #SpringBootConfiguration, which means you can't have both a #SpringBootConfiguration and a #SpringBootApplication in your application.
"#SpringBootConfiguration allows the configuration to be found automatically" means you don't have to do anything to have this (and therefore #SpringBootApplication) found. Other #Configuration classes are generally discovered by #ComponentScan
An extra advantage over #Configuration, is that it will be discovered by #StringBootTest.
Just open https://github.dev/spring-projects/spring-boot/tree/main/spring-boot-project/spring-boot-docs/src/docs/asciidoc and search for SpringBootConfiguration you will find some information about it.
such as
#SpringBootConfiguration: enable registration of extra beans in the
context or the import of additional configuration classes. An
alternative to Spring’s standard #Configuration that aids
configuration detection in your integration tests.
Detecting Test Configuration If you are familiar with the Spring Test
Framework, you may be used to using #ContextConfiguration(classes=…​)
in order to specify which Spring #Configuration to load.
Alternatively, you might have often used nested #Configuration classes
within your test.
When testing Spring Boot applications, this is often not required.
Spring Boot’s #*Test annotations search for your primary configuration
automatically whenever you do not explicitly define one.
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test
until it finds a class annotated with #SpringBootApplication or
#SpringBootConfiguration. As long as you structured your code in a
sensible way, your main configuration is usually found.

Is #Import annotation necessary with Spring Boot?

I'm working with Spring Boot 2.1.5. I have multiple classes annotated with #Configuration.
I want to know if it's necessary to list all of these configuration classes with #Import? Or will the component scanner find all the #Configuration annotated classes and do it automatically?
You don’t need to do that, scanning will be done for you automatically , all you need is to make your main class on the root package, and all other stereotypes classes including configuration in sub packages
It's not necessary to use #Import annotation. As the #Configuration is a Meta-annotation for #Component , the Component scanner will pick it . But Spring docs suggest to use #Import annotation when you have many #Configuration classes. This is just for better management.

Springboot build not working because of test configuration

I have started a spring boot project using start.spring.io.
But I am getting this error-
I have read various articles on the internet about this issue and they all say about putting my tests in the same package as my Main class.
But I already have the same.
Could you point out what is wrong with my configuration?
The exception is pretty clear: You are missing a configuration for your spring context. What you need to do is to add the configuration classes for your context like so:
#SpringBootTest(classes = { TestConfiguration.class })
whereas your TestConfiguration class must be annotated with
There you can add configurations to your liking. You can of course also use your DatabaseApplication class as Configuration although Im wouldn't recommend that.
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test until it finds a #SpringBootApplication or #SpringBootConfiguration annotated class. As long as you’ve structure your code in a sensible way your main configuration is usually found.
Make Sure your DatabaseApplication class is annotated with #SpringBootApplication .

why do we need componentScan in spring

This question might be trivial but still i'm unable to find a good reason or best practice towards #ComponentScan in Spring
DI works just by self annotating the class then why do we need #ComponentScan
What is the best practice towards this?
#ComponentScan tells Spring in which packages you have annotated classes which should be managed by Spring.
Spring needs to know which packages contain spring beans, otherwise you would have to register each bean individually in(xml file). This is the use of #ComponentScan.
Take a simple example, you have a class and annotated with #Controller in a package package com.abc.xyz; , you have to tell the spring to scan this package for Controller class, if spring didn't scan this package, then spring will not identifies it as a controller class.
Suppose if your dealing with configuration file,
<context:component-scan base-package="com.abc.xyz">
like this,
When spring loads the xml file, this tag will search the all the classes present in the package com.abc.xyz, so any of the class containing #controller, #Repository #Service etc.., if it found then spring will register these annotated class in the bean factory.
Suppose if your using spring boot application,
Then your spring-boot application is annotated with The#SpringBootApplication.
#SpringBootApplication annotation is equivalent to using #Configuration, #EnableAutoConfiguration and #ComponentScan with their default attributes.
One more point if you didn;t specify the base package name in #ComponentScan,
it will scan from the package, where the #Springbootapplication present

How to work with spring annotations in large applications?

If you are starting a Spring project, you may know where you have placed the #controller, #requestmapping annotations and other annotations and the corresponding controller class.
Lets say few months down the line a new developer comes into your team, how would he figure out which classes to work with? Because unlike the xml based approach where all the configurations is centrally located in an config.xml file, we don't have nothing of that sort with annotation as per my knowledge (I am new to spring), we write the respective annotations in a class itself.
In Spring, two ways to define your configuration :
Either in a XML file or
Java class
So just like xml, in Java also you need to create a configuration class which will have all the required configurations details. You can define all of your beans, filters etc here.
For example , You create a configuration class MvcConfig with the below annotations
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.abc.example"})
Now your base package is com.abc.example. In all the applications, the best practice is to keep all of you controller\service\DAO classes in specific packages like
Controller : com.abc.example.controller,
Service : com.abc.example.service,
DAO : com.abc.example.dao
So anybody who comes in will know where are all the respective classes located and from where to start.
Example configuration class :
#EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.abc.example"})
public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
