Testing Laravel Eloquent Relationship - laravel

I'd like to know what's the best approach to ensure that my Activity model belongs to a User.
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
How can I write a test that ensure that the Activity model has that relationship?

There is no problem in testing eloquent with the database as source of truth, so you can use the database like sqlite, for speed performances.
To test it create user with the factory and then create an activity attach it to the created user after that load the activity and test if it's linked with the created user.
We are following the pattern of Given, When, Then => Given you have u user When he create an activity (logged in, create a post ...) Then check if the created activity belongs to the given user ;)


Laravel Client Switching Functionality

I am new to laravel and do not have much experience with using ORM. I am building a system in which I need build functionality to allow user to switch clients with another user. I am not sure what is the best method to achieve this.
Currently client belongs to user, do I need another association for client and user model using different foreign key ?
public function clients()
return $this->hasMany('App\Client');
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
Even though a client can only have one user switch request I would like to track all the requests so for example if user A makes request to switch client Test with user B and then make another request to switch the same client with user C I would like to soft delete the first record and create new record for new request. Once the other user accepts the request we change the primary key for client Test in the clients table. Will this be a One To Many / Many To Many relationship ?
What table naming conventions do I need to follow ? Any help will be much appreciated.
If I understand you correctly, you would like to temporarily switch clients for one user to another. What you should do is have another table say switched-clients that holds records for the switches with columns user1 and user2. When you want to retrieve clients, your controller checks this table first and if the record exists where('user1', 'user A') (according to your example), then you retrieve the clients for user2.

How to define eloquent relationship without using model in Laravel?

Following the official documentation it is very easy to define a relationship between two models. However, One of my models just need to access data from 4 different table in a one to one basis. Those tables will have no functionality. So, I don't want to build a model for them.
For example I can do this,
class User extends Model
public function phone()
return $this->hasOne('App\Phone');
Here to complete this relationship successfully I need to have a Phone model. However, if I don't have a model can I use just the table name to define relationship? I want to use something like, return $this->hasOne(DB::table('phones');.
I reckon, if I can somehow use this I will have less models to work with which will make my code more manageable. Is it a good practice?

Need to call function of another controller from current? Is that a right approach?

I have fresh laravel 5.7 setup for my academic project. I want to make medicine reminder project using laravel.
For this I have 2 tables :
I have models and controllers for User and Medicine.
In Model, User and Medicine have relation of Many-to-Many. And to maintain Many-to-Many I have linking table User_Medicine containing foreign key of both parent tables.
Now in controller, User adds medicine details and the app should check if the medicine is already in database. If medicine is already exists app should assign its med_id with user_id in linking table. But if medicine is not exist in db app should add new medicine detail. This process is written in MedUserController.
Now problem is, I have a function to add medicine in MedicineController#store. And I want to reuse that function from current controller ( MedUserController ).
What would be the best way to do that. Please suggest.
A controller is meant to elaborate inputs and provide a response object. That being said, calling a controller from another controller is a bad practice.
In your case you should handle this with a Repository Pattern meaning that you have a class responsible for creating/retrieving objects from the database, and you can call it from any controller/class.
This is a stub of what I would do
public function controllerAction() {
$user = Auth::user();
$medicineData = request()->all();
$medicine = $this->medicineRepository->store($medicineData);
In the store method of the repository you can check whether the medicine already exists or it's a new one, and you always return a Medicine object.

Laravel Dynamic Eager Loading for Dynamic Relationships

Laravel Version: 5.5
PHP Version: 7+
Database Driver & Version: mysql 5.7+
I have a SaaS application that has flexible database structure, so its fields are bound to change, especially given it has a Json field (for any extra database structure to be created from client side of the application), including relationship based fields. so Account Table can have dynamically created employee_id field, and thus the need to access relationships dynamically
I need to EagerLoad models based on this dynamic relationship. If I had something like this:
// Account Model
public function employee(){
return $this->belongsTo(App\Employee);
it would be easy. But what I have is this:
public function modelBelongsTo(){
return $this->belongsTo($dynamicClassName, $dynamicForeignKey);
Now if I eager load this, I'll get Account Model instance with related Employee on key modelBelongsTo. This is how Eloquent Names based on the function of eagerload. But after this I cannot use this function again to eagerload a second model because it'll just overwrite results on modelBelongsTo key.
Possible Solution Directions:
1) Can I Somehow change laravel's process to use a name I provide?
2) Can I write functions on the fly to overcome this so I'll write employee function on the fly?
3) Worst Case Scenario: I iterate over all records to rename their keys individually because I am using a pagination, it wouldn't that big of a deal to loop over 10 records.
Us a morph relationship
define the various dynamic classnames say
Morph works by having the related key and the table name stored in the parent table, it means to relate them you have to use a join or an orm and you cant have foreign key constraint on it as it links to different tables.
then have your account have morphs where
we have
as top class
then we have
EmployeeAccount, BossAccount
which have their relation to boss and employee
then in Account have morphto relation call it specificAccount()
to which in its child morphs have the morph relation to Account
then add it to $with so to eager load them so when fetching account you could simply do
$account ->specificAccount
to get its morph child. which is nullable
This is totally dynamic such that if you have other classes in future you can just add and add the morph relationship. This may be applied to any reflection or runtime evaluated and loaded classes/code though it is not advisable to do this, as you can always edit code to create new functionality without affecting previous.

Database schema for kind of Hospital Management in Laravel

I am trying to start an application but it's not for managing hospital, it will be for doctors and patients. Where there will be multiple types for users will be able to login such as Doctor, Patients/Guardians.
Doctors can have multiple clinics at multiple locations and doctor can manage patient records. Once the patient account has been created by doctor then patient can take appointment from doctor or update his appointment status and many more stuff will be there next.
The thing is how to go with the ERD?
I will have
User //User accounts used to login in to the system
These are the models I have currently created, but they don't seem right to me.
Should I remove role columns as I already have different tables for different pre-defined roles?
Or should it be there? But how to manage permissions on users if no roles table is there?
Also, most importantly, how to go with one to one with users? I mean should I go and create functions in user model such as:
public function doctor(){}
public function guardian(){}
public function patient(){}
Or is there a better approach to follow?
If they are all users, you can extend different users from a base user model.
If they require different columns in database, consider single table inheritance.
If roles are static, I would create a class called UserType and have constants of each user type mapped to an integer. In the database, the user table will have a type column which is mapped to this integer.
For example:
class UserType {
const DOCTOR = 1;
In your application you'll be able to check the type of user by doing $user->type === UserType::DOCTOR
In the Eloquent itself, you can extend newFromBuilder method to check the type attribute and return the child class (like Doctor) instead of User. So even when you do $user = User::find(1);, you'll still get the class Doctor.
When creating users, you can just create Doctor itself but make sure in __construct to set the appropriate type attribute.
So now you have a base User class, your shared functionality can go here. Specialised methods such as relation to clinics can go in the Doctor class.
This is somewhat similar to the above: https://github.com/Nanigans/single-table-inheritance
