I have a series of photos in a folder with name format similar to this:
I want to create new folders like below that contain the files:
I tried using this script:
#echo off
for %%i in (*) do (
if not "%%~ni" == "organize" (
md "%%~ni" && move "%%~i" "%%~ni"
but it created these 4 folders instead:
Please help me create a batch script that would make this work.
rem The following setting for the directory is a name
rem that I use for testing and deliberately includes spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=_" %%b IN ('dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*_*.jpg"') DO (
ECHO MD "%sourcedir%\%%b"
ECHO MOVE "%sourcedir%\%%b_%%c" "%sourcedir%\%%b"
GOTO :eof
Always verify against a test directory before applying to real data.
The required MD commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO MD to MD to actually create the directories. Append 2>nul to suppress error messages (eg. when the directory already exists)
The required MOVE commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO MOVE to MOVE to actually move the files. Append >nul to suppress report messages (eg. 1 file moved)
Naturally, you could remove the %sourcedir%\ throughout if you want to process the current directory.
The dir command lists the filenames only in the directory, and then only those that match *_*.jpg, that is anything1_anything2.jpg
The for /f assigns anything1 to %%b and anything2.jpg to %%c, using the _ as a delimiter (see for /? from the prompt, or thousands of items on SO for examples/documentation)
Then make the directory and move the file.
You need to parse the file names to derive the target folder name.
Sample Batch File
The following batch file should do as you desire:
#echo off
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
for /f "delims=_" %%j in (%%i) do (
md %%j
move "%%~i" "%%j"
This splits the file name at the "_" character to derive the target folder
Example Output
I started with this folder layout:
F:\projects\sx\batch>tree /f
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 9C33-6BBD
No subfolders exist
Running the batch file gives this output:
1 file(s) moved.
A subdirectory or file BA-ML-6256 already exists.
1 file(s) moved.
1 file(s) moved.
A subdirectory or file BA-ML-17302 already exists.
1 file(s) moved.
and results in this folder layout:
F:\projects\sx\batch>tree /f
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is 9C33-6BBD
│ create-test-data.cmd
│ md-and-move.cmd
│ BA-ML-6256_Gocchup1.jpg
│ BA-ML-6256_Gocchup2.jpg
I am working with a video camera and we have a program that displays the saved videos from an SD card when inserted into a PC. At some point the manufacturer of the camera changed the directory structure and naming convention for the saved files. I would like to create a batch file or VBS Script that will reorganize the files into the old structure. This will be a quick and dirty fix for windows based PC's and until we can re-write the software which will include support for MAC's. It can be a batch file or a VBS Script but must run under a Windows command prompt with no additional software installed. The camera has front and rear cameras so there are 2 files to deal with and there could be 1 or more video captures to relocate.
The number of folders would depend on the number of videos saved, let's say there are 4 videos saved so the original structure looked like this.
- video1
- video.TS
- video2.TS
- video2
- video.TS
- video2.TS
- video3
- video.TS
- video2.TS
- video4
- video.TS
- video2.TS
The new structure looks like this
- Normal
- F
- R
The object is to move these files into the older file structure so the software can read and display them. I already have a batch file that runs when the SD card is inserted so my assumption is that I can include some script before the normal process fires to move these files around. I am pretty rusty with scripting and need some guidance.
My current script look like this.
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set count=0
for %%x in (\Normal\F\*.TS) do (
set /a count += 1
mkdir video!count!
move /Y \Normal\F\*.TS \video!count!\video.TS
move /Y \Normal\R\*.TS \video!count!\video2.TS
There are always 2 videos, 1 for the front camera and 1 for the rear camera so I am only using the "F" directory to get the count.
Without the move commands it creates the directory structure just fine... If there is 1 file it only creates 1 folder, if there are 8 files it creates 8 folders. but when there are multiple files it wants to put all of the files in the first folder.
I assume I would need to nest another loop but everything I have tried has failed and this is the closest attempt.
rem The following settings for the source directory, destination directory, target directory,
rem batch directory, filenames, output filename and temporary filename [if shown] are names
rem that I use for testing and deliberately include names which include spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\normal\F\*-*.ts" '
) DO (
SET "video2=%%~na"
SET "video2=!video2:~0,-1!R%%~xa"
FOR /f "tokens=2delims=.-" %%i IN ("%%a") DO (
SET "video=%%i"
SET /a video=1!video:~0,-1!-1000000
MD "%destdir%\video!video!" 2>NUL
MOVE /y "%sourcedir%\normal\F\%%a" "%destdir%\video!video!\video.TS" >NUL 2>nul
MOVE /y "%sourcedir%\normal\R\!video2!" "%destdir%\video!video!\video2.TS" >NUL 2>nul
You would need to change the values assigned to sourcedir and destdir to suit your circumstances. The listing uses a setting that suits my system.
I deliberately include spaces in names to ensure that the spaces are processed correctly.
First, assign to %%a each filename found in the ...\F directory.
Then construct the corresponding filename in ...\R by taking the name part of %%a, removing the last character and replacing it with R, then appending the extension from %%a.
Next, derive the sequence number from %%a by selecting the second token from %%a using - and . as delimiters. Set the number part of the destination directoryname by prefixing all bar the last character of video with 1 and subtracting 1000000 to convert it to the natural form.
Create the destination directory and move in and rename the source files
[edit in response to comments]
SET "drives=d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"
SET "sourcedir=normal"
:: locate drive that has directory "?:\normal\f"
FOR %%d IN (%drives%) DO IF EXIST "%%d:\%sourcedir%\f\." SET "sourcedir=%%d:\%sourcedir%"&SET "destdir=%%d:\video"&GOTO founddrive
ECHO Could not find "%sourcedir%\f" on any drive
GOTO :eof
SET /a destnum=1
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\f\*-*.ts" '
) DO (
MD "%destdir%!destnum!" 2>NUL
SET "filename=%%~na"
set "filename=!filename:~0,-1!R%%~xa"
MOVE /y "%sourcedir%\F\%%a" "%destdir%!destnum!\video.TS" >NUL 2>nul
MOVE /y "%sourcedir%\R\!filename!" "%destdir%!destnum!\video2.TS" >NUL 2>nul
SET /a destnum+=1
OK, so this version first scans for the directoryname, then picks the files and places them, with namechanges, in directory video1... on the same drive.
Every week, one of my co-workers has had to go through a folder with hundreds of demuxed video and audio files, rename each one individually for a specific city TV station and then sort them into folders based on the name of the city. I've created a .bat file to rename them all for him, and now I'd like to create a .bat file that creates new directories based on the filenames, and places the corresponding files into the new folders. I copied a few of the files to test with.
So the end result will be a "Houston" folder with all it's corresponding files, a "Compton" folder with it's files, a "Moline" folder, etc, etc... for every city, up to around 200 cities, and we're only getting more.
He's currently searching "Houston", cutting all the files that come up, creating a new folder manually, naming it "Houston" and pasting all the files into his new folder. FOR EVERY CITY. 200 TIMES. And it takes hours.
The files are ALWAYS named with this system: X### Random City, ST
With my little wee programming knowledge, I'm supposing that the script could detect all the characters after the first space, and before the comma, copy those characters (Random City), create a new folder, name it the copied characters (Random City) then move any files containing "Random City" in their filename into the newly created folder. The end result would be as such, just with a lot more folders.
Is there anyone more advanced than me who could explain the best way to to this?
I apologize in advance if I'm in the wrong place or not savvy enough. Cheers!
UPDATE: I messed around, learned about tokens and delimiters, variables etc. Here is what I have which works amazingly, except I'm not sure how to remove the comma at the end of the city name. I'm using space as the delimiter, which makes the text chunks the tokens if I understand correctly, including my comma, using tokens=2. Another problem that arises; Say there's a city with two text chunks (tokens) eg. San Fransisco, Baton Rouge. How could I grab both of them, using the comma as my stopping point? My code is below.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%A in (*.m2v *.mpa) do (
echo file found %%A
for /f "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
for /f "delims=" %%C in ("%%A") do set fextn=%%~xC
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%D in ("!fname!") do set folname=%%D
echo folder name !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
echo Folder !folname! doesn't exist, creating
md "!folname!"
) else (
echo Folder !folname! exists
echo Moving file %%A to folder !folname!
move "%%A" "!folname!"
echo Finished
UPDATE 2: I found a meh workaround to get rid of the comma, by adding it as a delimiter, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 2 word cities. My Baton Rouge and San Fransisco folders are being named respectively, "Baton" and "San". Here is my code so far, I'll update if I find a better way.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%A in (*.m2v *.mpa) do (
echo file found %%A
for /f "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
for /f "delims=" %%C in ("%%A") do set fextn=%%~xC
for /f "delims=," %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%D in ("!fname!") do set folname=%%D
echo folder name !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
echo Folder !folname! doesn't exist, creating
md "!folname!"
) else (
echo Folder !folname! exists
echo Moving file %%A to folder !folname!
move "%%A" "!folname!"
echo Finished
Here is my code which worked. However, if the number of characters in your filename prefixes/suffixes changes, it will screw things up and you'll have to edit code.
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%A in (*.m2v *.mpa) do (
ECHO file found %%A
FOR /F "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
SET folname=!fname:~5,-4!
ECHO folder name !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
ECHO Folder !folname! doesn't exist, creating
MD "!folname!"
) else (
ECHO Folder !folname! exists
ECHO Moving file %%A to folder !folname!
MOVE "%%A" "!folname!"
ECHO Finished
Using the SET folname=!fname:~5,-4!allows me to trim the M373 prefix, 5 characters in, and the , TX suffix, 4 characters in, removing the comma and salvaging the city name, regardless of how long it is, or how many words it is (eg. West Palm Beach, FL) . Antares mentioned this solution in his answer which worked like a charm.
If the number of characters in the prefix changes, which is likely, I'll either have to edit the batch file every time, or create a specific batch file for each circumstance. Not terrible, but not great either. So I went with Michael Heath's answer which works flawlessly. I'm not smart enough yet to know exactly why, but I'm gonna dissect it and find out. I have a lot of learning to do. Thanks, everyone!
#echo off
rem A=Fullpath, B=Name before comma, C=B prefix, D=B without prefix.
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /b *.m2v *.mpa') do (
for /f "delims=," %%B in ("%%~nA") do (
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%C in ("%%~B") do (
if not exist "%%~D\" (
echo Folder "%%~D" doesn't exist, creating
md "%%~D"
if exist "%%~D\" (
echo Moving file "%%~A" to folder "%%~D\"
move /y "%%~A" "%%~D\"
) else echo Folder "%%~D\" doesn't exist
echo Finished
3 for loops to get the tokens needed.
1st will get the fullpath.
2nd to get the name before the comma.
3rd to get the name without the prefix.
In the nested for loops check if folder exists, create it if not. Then if folder exists, move file inside.
Here is my code which worked. However, if the number of characters in your filename prefixes/suffixes changes, it will screw things up and you'll have to edit code.
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%A in (*.m2v *.mpa) do (
ECHO file found %%A
FOR /F "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do set fname=%%~nB
SET folname=!fname:~5,-4!
ECHO folder name !folname!
if not exist "!folname!" (
ECHO Folder !folname! doesn't exist, creating
MD "!folname!"
) else (
ECHO Folder !folname! exists
ECHO Moving file %%A to folder !folname!
MOVE "%%A" "!folname!"
ECHO Finished
Using the SET folname=!fname:~5,-4!allows me to trim the M373 prefix, 5 characters in, and the , TX suffix, 4 characters in, removing the comma and salvaging the city name, regardless of how long it is, or how many words it is (eg. West Palm Beach, FL) . Antares mentioned this solution in his answer which worked like a charm.
If the number of characters in the prefix changes, which is likely, I'll either have to edit the batch file every time, or create a specific batch file for each circumstance. Not terrible, but not great either. So I went with Michael Heath's answer which works flawlessly. I'm not smart enough yet to know exactly why, but I'm gonna dissect it and find out. I have a lot of learning to do. Thanks, everyone!
Before Image
After Image
I can give you some hints. If you have a more specific problem case, feel free to update your question again.
You can cut the last X characters of a String like this: %variablename:~0,-X%
If you know the variables with the city parts, e.g. %%D and %%E or something, you can concatenate them again like this md "%%D %%E". However, this works just for a fixed number of tokens, like the two here.
You can store this concatenations in an own variable, if you need the result outside of your for-loop. Use set myVariable=%%D %%E for example, and show it with %myVariable% or !myVariable! (when delayed expansion is needed), for example md "%myVariable%".
A nifty workaround: if there are only a small number of "special cities" to take into consideration, then you could just add some rename commands at the end of your script, like rename San "San Francisco", rename Baton "Baton Rouge", etc. Will not work well, if there are more "San" cities (e.g. "San Bernadino"), because this cannot be distinguished anymore. But in this case, the copying into separate folders would already fail as well.
In your script you make a check for an existing folder. I think you can omit that. md or mkdir either create that directory or do nothing if it exists. Well, they do print a message to the console, which can be ignored. If you do not want to see them, redirect the error message stream to nul like this md myFolder 2>nul. This will swallow any error messages, but it is unlikely that you get any other error message than that in your scenario.
You could simplify your approach like this: I reckon your file renaming works well. Your "copy" script could be just a list of commands which are stated explicitly (and also could be edited fairly quickly if new cities are to be considered).
Set the batch file up like this with entries for each city:
#echo off
mkdir "Moline"
copy "*Moline*.*" "Moline"
mkdir "San Francisco"
copy "*San Francisco*.*" "San Francisco"
echo done.
Side effect is, that the folders for each city will be created, not just those where files are copied into. May be it suits your needs anyhow.
Also, I would like to give you pointers to sources of help/documentation:
On the command line you can get extensive help by executing the commands used in your batch file and appending /?. For example set /? gives you a lot of useful things you can do with variables/String manipulations.
Try: for /?, if /? (regarding errorlevel for example), maybe call /?, goto /?, and others.
A very good source for all the command line commands is https://www.ss64.com. This site provides extensive help even for PowerShell and Linux Bash and others. Relevant to you in this case would be CMD, direct link: https://ss64.com/nt/
Check out symbol replacement on the set command to build something like
if "%myVariable:~0,1%" == "M" (set myvariable=%myvariable:~1%)
The first part "cuts" the first character and checks, if it is an M and if so, it keeps everything except the first character. With this you could make your filenames even out to process them inside your batch file.
You can also "remove" a letter or substring with %myVariable:, TX=% which would replace any ", TX" occurance with "nothing" for example.
Oh, this could also help to remove any spaces in the filename. Then you could extract the "SanFrancisco" without a spaces problem ;) The folder name would be without space though. This could be resolved with further rename commands at the end.
Here's an alternative method, just for the sake of variety:
#Echo Off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "SourceDir=.\Batch Rename\BACKUP"
If Exist "%SourceDir%\" For /F "EOL=|Delims=" %%G In (
'%__AppDir__%where.exe "%SourceDir%":"*, ??.m??" 2^>NUL'
)Do (Set "FileBaseName=%%~nG"&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "EOL=|Delims=," %%H In ("!FileBaseName:* =!")Do (EndLocal
%__AppDir__%Robocopy.exe "%%~dpG." "%%~dpG%%H" "%%~nxG" /Mov>NUL))
This method filters your files with the where command. It selects for moving, only file names which end with a comma, followed by a space, followed by two letters, followed by a three letter extension beginning with the character m. It moves the files, automatically creating the destination directories if they do not exist, using the robocopy command. It uses only two for loops, the second of which, isolates the string between the first space and the next comma.
I have made it so that the script can be located anywhere, not necessarily in the directory with the files. This location is set on line 3 of the script, If you wish to modify it, please ensure that your location remains between the = and the closing double-quote, ", and does not end with a trailing back-slash, \. It is currently set to a relative directory, (based upon that visible in your screen-shot), but you could obviously use an absolute path too, e.g. Set "SourceDir=C:\Users\UserName\Videos". If you wish to keep the script in the same directory as the files to be moved, change it to read Set "SourceDir=." and just double-click it to run.
When I had to develop a script for the task at hand I would probably implement a few safety features in order to not move wrong files. Your sample data show pairs of .m2v and .mpa files, but I would likely not consider that as granted. Also would I not rely on a fixed-length prefix. Finally, I would perhaps also account for lit's comment.
So here is my attempt (see all the explanatory rem-remarks in the code):
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=%~dp0." & rem // (root directory containing the files to be processed)
set "_MASK=M??? *, ??.m2v" & rem // (mask to find the files to be processed)
set _EXTS=".m2v" ".mpa" & rem /* (list of extensions that must all be present;
rem extensions are not checked if this is empty;
rem `_MASK` should then be changed to end with `.m*`) */
set "_FILT=^M[0-9][0-9][0-9] [^,][^,]*, [A-Z][A-Z]\.[^\.][^\.]*$"
rem // (additional filter to find files; deactivate by `.*`)
set "_SEPS=," & rem /* (defines (a) separator character(s) to derive the
rem sub-directory; leave it blank to use full name) */
rem // Change into the root directory:
pushd "%_ROOT%" && (
rem /* Loop through all files matching the mask as well as the additional filter;
rem if the post-filtering is not needed, remove `^|` and everything behind: */
for /F "delims= eol=|" %%F in ('
dir /B /A:-D-H-S "%_MASK%" ^| findstr /I /R /C:"%_FILT%"
') do (
rem // Get the portion in front of the `,` of the file name:
for /F "delims=%_SEPS% eol=|" %%G in ("%%~nF") do (
rem // Split that portion at the first space to get the city name:
for /F "tokens=1* eol=|" %%H in ("%%G") do (
rem // initialise flag that indicates whether to move the current file:
set "FLAG=#"
rem // Skip the following checks if there are no extensions defined:
if defined _EXTS (
rem // Loop through the extensions in the list:
for %%E in (%_EXTS%) do (
rem /* Reset flag if file with current name and iterated extension
rem cannot be found; this ensures that files with all listed
rem extensions do exist, otherwise no files are moved: */
if not exist "%%~nF%%~E" set "FLAG="
rem /* Reset flag if file with current name and iterated extension
rem is actually a directory (though this is very unlikely): */
rem if exist "%%~nF%%~E\*" set "FLAG="
rem /* Reset flag if file with current name and iterated extension
rem is already located in the target sub-directory: */
if exist "%%I\%%~nF%%~E" set "FLAG="
rem // Do the following steps only if the flag has not been reset:
if defined FLAG (
rem // Create target sub-directory (suppress potential error message):
2> nul md "%%I"
rem // Check if there are dedicated extensions defined:
if defined _EXTS (
rem // Loop through the extensions in the list again:
for %%E in (%_EXTS%) do (
rem /* Move file with current name and iterated extension;
rem nothing is overwritten due to the preceding checks: */
> nul move "%%~nF%%~E" "%%I\%%~nF%%~E"
) else (
rem /* Empty list of extensions, hence just move the current file;
rem if you do want to overwrite, remove the `if exist´ part: */
if not exist "%%I\%%F" > nul move /Y "%%F" "%%I\%%F"
rem // Return from root directory:
exit /B
The values in the Define constants here: section at the top of the script are defined to suit your sample data, but they can easily be adapted there to configure the script at one place:
_ROOT: points to the directory where your input files are; %~dp0. points to the parent directory of the script, but you may of course specify any other absolute directory path here;
_MASK: is a file pattern that matches one file per pair (only .m2v files, others are covered by _EXTS); M??? matches the four-character prefix, but you can change it to M?*, for instance, to also match prefixes like M1 or M9999; if you do so, however, also edit _FILT accordingly;
_EXTS: defines a list of extensions that all must be present; that means for a certain base file name (like M372 Houston, TX, there must exist a file per each given extension, hence M372 Houston, TX.m2v and M372 Houston, TX.mpa in our situation, otherwise these files are not going to be moved; if you do not care if such a pair is complete or not, simply state set "_EXTS=" (so clear it) and change the extension of _MASK from .m2v to .m*, so all files with an extension beginning with .m are moved;
_FILT: constitutes an additional filter for file names in order to exclude wrong files; this currently also reflects a four-character prefix, but if this is not always the case, just change M[0-9][0-9][0-9] to M[0-9]*; if you do not want to filter, set this to .*, so it matches everything;
_SEPS: defines the character(s) to split the base file name in order to derive the respective sub-directory, so everything ending before that character and beginning after the first SPACE is the resulting sub-directory name; if you do not define a character here, the whole remaining base file name (so everything after the first SPACE until but not including the (last) .) is taken;
I have a folder that contains files; each document should have .pdf and .xml format. I need to write a BAT file to run from a scheduled task to verify that both documents exist for each.
My logic is:
loop through files in the folder
strip each file to its name without extension
check that same name files exist for both .xml and pdf.
if not mark a flag variable as problem
when done, if the flag variable is marked, send an Email notification
I know how to use blat to sending email, but I'm having trouble to execute the loop. I found a way to get path and file name without extension but can't merge them.
I've used batch files a few time, before but I'm far from an expert. What am I missing?
Here's the code I have so far:
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo %FolderPath%
for %%f in (%FolderPath%*) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set Name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: %Folder%
echo Name is: %Name%
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.xml
set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST %FolderPath%%name%.pdf
set flag=MISSING
echo %Flag%
There is no need for fancy code for a task such as this:
#Echo Off
Set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test"
If /I Not "%CD%"=="%FolderPath%" PushD "%FolderPath%" 2>Nul||Exit/B
Set "flag="
For %%A In (*.pdf *.xml) Do (
If /I "%%~xA"==".pdf" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.xml" Set "flag=MISSING")
If /I "%%~xA"==".xml" (If Not Exist "%%~nA.pdf" Set "flag=MISSING")
If Defined flag Echo=%flag%
Timeout -1
Something like this :
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
pushd "%FolderPath%"
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
if exist "%%~na.pdf"(
echo ok
) else (
rem do what you want here
echo Missing
Is this what you want?
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FolderPath=E:\TestBat\Test\"
echo !FolderPath!
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir !FolderPath! /B`) do (
set /p val=<%%f
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
Set Folder=%%~dpA
Set name=%%~nxA
echo Folder is: !Folder!
echo Name is: !name!
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.xml set flag=MISSING
if NOT EXIST !FolderPath!!name!.pdf set flag=MISSING
echo Flag: !flag!
You should reformat your code and keep in mind that the grama for batch file is critical. BTW, if you are trying to update the existing batch variable and read it later, you should enable localdelayedexpansion and use ! instead of %.
Keep it simple:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
for %%F in ("*.pdf") do if not exist "%%~nF.xml" echo %%~nxF
for %%F in ("*.xml") do if not exist "%%~nF.pdf" echo %%~nxF
This returns all files that appear orphaned, that is, where the file with the same name but the other extension (.pdf, .xml) is missing. To implement a variable FLAG to indicate there are missing files, simply append & set "FLAG=missing" to each for line and ensure FLAG is empty initially. Then you can check it later by simply using if defined FLAG.
Note: This does not cover the e-mail notification issue. Since I do not know the BLAT tool you mentioned, I have no clue how you want to transfer the listed files to it (command line arguments, temporary file, or STDIN stream?).
In case there is a huge number of files in the target directory, another approach might be better in terms of performance, provided that the number of file system accesses is reduced drastically (note that the above script accesses the file system within the for loop body by if exist, hence for every iterated file individually). So here is an attempt relying on a temporary file and the findstr command:
#echo off
pushd "E:\TestBat\Test" || exit /B 1
rem // Return all orphaned `.pdf` files:
call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml"
rem // Return all orphaned `.xml` files:
call :SUB "*.xml" "*.pdf"
exit /B
:SUB val_pattern_orphaned val_pattern_missing
set "LIST=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
> "%LIST%" (
rem // Retrieve list of files with one extension:
for %%F in ("%~2") do (
rem /* Replace the extension by the other one,
rem then write the list to a temporary file;
rem this constitutes a list of expected files: */
rem /* Search actual list of files with the other extension
rem for occurrences of the list of expected files and
rem return each item that does not match: */
dir /B /A:-D "%~1" | findstr /L /I /X /V /G:"%LIST%"
rem // Clean up the temporary file:
del "%LIST%"
exit /B
To understand how it works, let us concentrate on the first sub-routine call call :SUB "*.pdf" "*.xml" using an example; let us assume the target directory contains the following files:
So in the for loop a list of .xml files is gathered:
This is written to a temporary file but with the extensions .xml replaced by .pdf:
The next step is to generate a list of actually existing .pdf files:
This is piped into a findstr command line, that searches this list for search strings that are gathered from the temporary file, returning non-matching lines only. In other words, findstr returns only those lines of the input list that do not occur in the temporary file:
To finally get also orphaned .xml files, the second sub-routine call is needed.
Since this script uses a temporary file containing a file list which is processed once by findstr to find any orphaned files per extension, the overall number of file system access operations is lower. The weakest part however is the for loop (containing string concatenation operations).
Hello I have a batch file I've created to delete all files of a certain extension that it asks for when you run it. I need to delete 2,111,000 .txt files and the batch file only deletes 3 at a time which will take forever to delete the files. Is there a way I can make it faster or if somebody has a better code to do this?
Here is my code:
SET found=0
ECHO Enter the file extension you want to delete...
SET /p ext="> "
IF EXIST *.%ext% ( rem Check if there are any in the current folder :)
DEL *.%ext%
SET found=1
FOR /D /R %%G IN ("*") DO ( rem Iterate through all subfolders
IF EXIST *.%ext% (
DEL *.%ext%
SET found=1
IF %found%==1 (
ECHO Deleted all .%ext% files.
) ELSE (
ECHO There were no .%ext% files.
ECHO Nothing has been deleted.
Can I make this go faster?
The quickest way I can imagine is just:
del /s *.txt
You're probably better just letting the OS sequentially delete files rather than trying to delete multiple files in parallel anyways. If you're using a mechanical HDD as opposed to an SSD, you could have files on different platters, heads, sectors, etc, and depending how much load you put on an I/O bound resource, the overall operation takes more time since the drive has to seek data all over the place. Plus, random access on an HDD is abysmal.
You might want to try it this way:
DIR C:\*.txt /S /B > filelist
FOR /f %%i in (filelist) DO ECHO DELETE %%i
Remove the 'ECHO' when you are sure you want to run this ;-)
But this only makes sense when you want to process each file separately, for logging purposes for example. If not, then #Dogbert solution is shorter.