homebrew does not work with Xcode 8.3.3 - xcode

I'm getting:
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated.
Please update to Xcode 9.0 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from the App Store.
If I'm running high-sierra is it not possible to install packages using brew with Xcode 8.3.3?


Homebrew says Xcode is out of date but it doesn't show up in the App Store

When trying to install a homebrew keg, I get the following error:
$ brew install direnv
Error: Your Xcode (8.0) is too outdated.
Please update to Xcode 9.1 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from the App Store.
When I open the app store, Xcode doesn't indicate any software update is available – in fact, it even doesn't appear to be installed.
How can I update (or delete) it?
If /Applications/Xcode.app exists, but it's not showing up in the App Store as installed, then it's likely you installed Xcode manually by downloading it from Apple Developer Downloads.
You can delete it simply by moving /Applications/Xcode.app to the trash. This should allow you to brew install <package> without the error.

Updating Xcode 6.3 to 6.4 at time of installing

I am not able to install xcode 6.4. After downloading now, it's showing this for two hours. I am not able to open xcode and it's not installing also. What can I do? Any idea how to solve this issue?
Xcode 6.3, it asks it can't mount the device since it's running 8.4 version due to this.
Any suggestions how to solve this?
Xcode 6.3 not running iOS 8.4 - update to 6.4 fails
Open a terminal. copy this: xcode-select --install
After that in App Store you can see that is posible update your Xcode.
I did that and I can update my Xcode from 6.3 to 6.4.

Xcode 6.3 not running iOS 8.4 - update to 6.4 fails

I have upgraded my iOS to 8.4, then I tried to run Xcode 6.3, it asks it can't mount the device since it's running 8.4 version (".. running a version of iOS that is not supported by this version of Xcode.")
When I try to upgrade Xcode to 6.4 - update fails every time with error message (try again using purchases).
Any suggestions how to solve this?
Delete /Applications/Xcode.app.
Download Xcode 6.4 from the Apple Developer Download site.
Mount the .dmg and extract Xcode.app into /Applications.
You don't need to delete /Applications/Xcode.app.
Open a terminal.
Copy this: xcode-select --install and paste it in the terminal
After the install has completed, you can see in the App Store that is possible to update your Xcode.
I did that and I can update my Xcode from 6.3 to 6.4.
What I've done and worked..Open the Mac App Store, search for the Xcode, check that it shows the latest version and then click install. It will start to downloading and installing the latest version.

Can't install XCode 4.0 - 4.1 on MacOSX Lion

At first I was installed XCode 4.3. Then, I needed to install an older version of XCode, such as 4.1, to be able to test applications on the simulator iOS 4.1. The operating system MacOSX Lion.
At first I just tried to install XCode 4.1 in the folder Developer, like I did before. But as was to begin the installation I got an error message.
Then, I tried to uninstall XCode 4.3 Application of the folder by moving it to the Trash, and clearing. After rebooting, I tried again to install XCode 4.1 and got this problem again.
I tested it on another computer, which also was installed XCode 4.3, and encountered the same problem.
Maybe you know where to XCode 4.3 leaves their roots? I also cleaned the temp files using CleanMyMac.
Thank you.

Multiple xcode versions in Lion OSX

I want to install xcode 4.1 in my iMac OSX Lion. But in my iMac, I have Xcode 4.2.1. How to install iOS 4.1 but not override Xcode 4.2.1?
First download and install Xcode 4.1, then go the the Mac App Store and download version 4.3.2. When installing 4.3.2 you will be prompted to delete the older version, select no. You will be able to do this because older versions of Xcode (4.1) install to /Developer whereas this newest release (4.3.2) is a .app bundle that installs to /Applications.
