Extended option in TinyMCE doesn't work - joomla

I've used TinyMCe but suddenly its extended option doesn't work. When I change it to simple option or advanced option it works perfect. What it the problem and how can I fix it? I use Joomla 3.4 and don't update these days.
Thank you in advance.

I realise this is probably not the answer you are looking for but updating Joomla and third party extensions to the latest version might help.
Joomla 3.4 is missing high severity security updates and the site could have been compromised.


disabling mootools in joomla 3.2

How can I disable Mootools in Joomla 3.2 without hacking core files? I have already tested this link, but it does not work for me.
Simple way is edit your templates not to include it but some things still require it.
Newer versions of 3.2.3 remove the tooltip js that was built in mootools but earlier ones will give you a console error if you have forms using it for the tip on the input label.
Also Kunena Forum uses mootools for the profiles and post edit tools, so I tend to write code that just includes it there.
Outside that there are plugins in the JED
I found this page on docs.joomla.org helpful. I was using JHtml::_('behavior.framework') which loads mootools.

500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found when i upgrade joomla template 2.5 to 3.0

I have a gantry template for Joomla 2.5 and I converted this template to make it Joomla 3.0 compatible.
The Joomla 2.5 to 3.0 upgrade was successful, but template does not work, why? .
I get the following error:
500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found
Somewhere in your template, you are using:
This has been removed as of Joomla 3 and therefore needs to be changed to:
Instead of trying to fix the extensions the following plugin can be used (and it will provide the JHtml::_('behavior.mootools') API call): J25 Legacy plugin for Joomla 3.X
I agree with denis post above. I had this same problem with upgrading from j2.5 to j3X and used j25 legacy plugin from pluginaria. Found here: http://www.pluginaria.com/j25-legacy.html and got rid of the error for me. There may be a better way.... Find and replace plugin to the change code? But this is a quick and easy way to solve this issue. Make sure to activate the plugin under plugin manager after you install.... and of course make sure you have a backup before upgrading from 2.5 to 3. You should expect their to be problems.

Convert joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with whole site and also with virtuemart

How i convert my current website of joomla1.5 to joomla2.5
please anyone help me
When i using jUploader it is only allow to convert joomla1.5.18 to 1.7 but i need joomla2.5
Thre is a lot of documentation out there on how to convert Joomla 1.5 sites to Joomla 2.5.
You need to use an extension such as JUpgrade to upgrade your site to 2.5.
Please bare in mine that this will update your database tables and core extensions such as com_content, mod_login etc. This will not upgrade 3rd party extensions that you have found from the Joomla Extensions Directory. You will need to go back to whereever you downloaded these extensions from and see if there is a Joomla 2.5 compatible version of them, and install them, else you'll need to look for an alternative.
Seeing as you have waited all the way till now, you might be best off upgrading again to Joomla 3.x. Even though this it eh short term release, it is the way forward, will save what could be another time consuming upgrade in the future.
Oh and as always recommended, please make sure you take a backup of your site before the upgrade.
Hope this helps

Upgrading Magento

Just a quick question involving upgrading Magento. I currently have version 1.4.1 and would like to update to the newest version. I tried upgrading through the Magento Connect and can not get that to work. And my host will not give me SSH access so I can't do it that way.
It's very frusterating, what are my other options? Can I just download the new set of files and replace those, but keep the old database? Will that work?
Not sure the best way to approach this. Thank you.
search SO to get similar answers:
disable all 3rd party extensions
disable custom themes
upgrade (you can do version by version also)
turn on your theme
turn on extensions one by one and debug

Paging doesn't work in the Joomla Article Manager in the admin section

I inherited a Joomla site that is having a problem with the article manager in the admin section. The pagination doesn't work! If I click the page number, forward, back, or page size, nothing happens! So I found out that someone had previously installed the iJoomla SEO plugin, but it never worked so they removed it. I think it is incompatible with the version I have.
I setup a local environment with almost the same setup (I have 5.2.11 vs the servers 5.2.13) with Wamp Server, and I found that some of the session variables are missing! When dumped via print_r(), the $_SESSION variable is missing the "com_content", "global", and "com_plugins" arrays! So I guess that is the reason that paging doesn't work, because the "com_content" array looks like it has paging info in it. (maybe I'm wrong)
So I'm running Version 1.5.13
on PHP Version 5.2.13
Anyone know why this would happen? Thanks in advance!
One suggestion I have which might fix a broken install of Joomla would be to upgrade to the latest version. This is good practice anyway and might help. The latest version of Joomla is 1.5.15.
