How do I use Gradle to build a special JAR with only a subset of classes? - gradle

I have been given a project A that needs access to class files from another project B. More precisely, A only needs classes compiled from the B/ejb/C/src portion of the B/ tree:
The person who had this A project before used JBuilder and included in the source definition pointers to the parallel project's B/ejb/C/src. The A project builds a jar which includes classes compiled from this other tree. I'm trying to figure out how to do this using Gradle. I want to make a B/build.gradle in the B project that will create a B-C-version.jar of .class files compiled from these sources:
that I would then publish to Maven and access from the A project.
i.e., the B-C-version.jar would ideally only have these classes:
but if B-C-version.jar had these classes:
that would also be OK. How can I make such a thing using a build.gradle in the B project?

You can simply declare a custom Jar task like
task cJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + '-C'
from sourceSets.main.output
include 'com/company/admin/Foo.class', 'com/company/admin/FooHome.class'
or you can make a dedicated sourceset for your api that you then use from your other B code and from your A code, then you don't need to work with includes and update the include if you need to add files, but you just place them in the source folder of the source set and you are done, something like
sourceSets { c }
task cJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + '-C'
from sourceSets.c.output
Then you could also declare dependencies separately and get the correct ones drawn in transitively and so on. But it might be overkill in your situation.


Compile task is running successful but not generating any class files

I want to implement a gradle build script which compiles some java classes and copy it to to a tomcat directory. I dont want to use Gradle Java plugin since it does many things which are not relevant. I want to define my own compile & deploy tasks which does it. I have implemented it as below -
task compile (type: JavaCompile) {
source = fileTree('$srcdir')
destinationDir = file('$builddir')
classpath = files('lib')
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
task deploy (type: Copy) {
dependsOn compile
from fileTree('build') {
include fileTree('classes')
from fileTree('lib') {
include '*'
into '${tomcathome}//${projectname}'
I have not touched deploy task yet. When i am running compile tasks it is running successful but not generating any class files. I am expecting it to be generated under /build directory.
Please suggest.
To summarise the comments in the answer, you need to use GString like #lu.koerfer stated
this way it will always be interpreted as the literal location (a subfolder called $srcdir in this case)
This is needed when using variables inside a string, if don't need to use it in a string then don't (then you don't need a dollar sign).
Not sure how your variables are defined but for build and source directories you should ideally use Gradle provided variables
buildDir to point the build directory to get source directories (depending on the project structure)
or but note this is going to return the collection of your source directories, depending how you specified your sourceSets, or if you haven't at all then by default is going to return a maven convention structure src/main/java
For some global variables please read about Ext variables

Gradle dependency on module of another project failing

I realize there are a lot of posts online regarding Gradle setup. That being said, I have researched heavily and not found exactly what I'm looking for, or I'm using incorrect terms to do so. I'm using Gradle version 3.3.
So I've got multiple Gradle projects, each of which is maintained separately. There is no master Gradle project. Each projects has its own modules, build, and settings file. The structure of this is as so:
What I'm attempting to do is make B dependent on A's modules. Let's assume one of the modules in B is dependent on a1. In B's settings, I've done the following: = 'B'
rootProject.setProjectDir(new File(".")
include 'a1'
project(':a1').setProjectDir(new File(settingsDir.getParentFile(), "/A/a1"))
The way I'm storing version numbers is through each project's build.gradle file in the ext closure. I then access them through the project. Here's how B's build file looks:
ext {
freemarkerVersion = '2.3.19'
dependencies {
compile project(':a1')
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version:'freemarkerVersion')
What I'm seeing is B is able to resolve its dependencies and is attempting to compile project a1, but it is using B's version numbers instead of A's. I verified this by putting a common dependency in both projects with different version numbers. The dependency showed up using B's version. I also changed the version number in B and further confirmed this. So if I could get any help for using project-appropriate versions in each of their own build.gradle files, that would be great!
EDIT: Updated post, figured out previous problem was from relative path not resolving.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm posting the solution I came up with, as I had no other answers knocking down my door.
The first thing I did was moved all of my version properties to an external file, instead of in an ext closure in the project's build.gradle file. Doing this, the project will load the properties file by default when compiled from its own context. It will of course be overridden from the user.home file, so keep this in mind. Example
a_freemarkerVersion = 2.3.19
When using one project's modules from another project, you'll need a way to separately link the two so Gradle can resolve the dependency's properties. I achieved this by defining a method to load in the desired project's properties file. This method looks like so:
def addConfig(String parent, String filename) {
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(project.projectDir.getParent(), "/${parent}/${filename}")))
props.each { prop ->
project.ext.set(prop.key, prop.value)
addConfig("A", "")
All this method does is goes up one directory, goes into the project specified, and retrieves its file and loads these variables into the current project's properties. With that being said, there's one thing to note here: if you define the same variable in both, one of them will be overridden. To avoid this, I just prefixed all variables with the project name and then an underscore. This will guarantee they'll never conflict with one another.
I accessed the variables in all projects with this syntax:
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version: "${a_freemarkerVersion}"
The rest of the setup is the same as I defined in my initial post. Just make sure to include the dependent module, specify its project directory, and compile that project from within the project's dependencies.

Including a second jar file that's not a dependency into a fat onejar

I have a project that only builds the fat onejar file for testing purposes. Thus, there's a separate testing class that I don't want as a dependency to the main source, but I do want it included into the onejar. Odd scenario, I know.
I'm using the com.smokejumperit.gradle.OneJarPlugin plugin (source here), and clearly it gets the list of files to include in the onejar here:
project.task('oneJar', dependsOn:[project.tasks.jar, project.tasks.typedefOneJar]) {
inputs.files([jar.outputs.files, project.configurations.getByName("compile"), project.configurations.getByName("runtime")])
jar.output.files is used for publishing, so I don't want a this second jar file being published, and the two project.configurations would define dependencies for the main source jar, and I don't want this second jar to be a dependency of that either.
This second jar file is built with a task:
task integrationJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.integrationTest.output
classifier = 'integration'
... so I can access the resulting FileCollection via integrationJar.outputs.files. If there was a clear way to add that to oneJar.input.files, I'd be golden, but I can't figure out how to do that. I've tried something like this:
oneJar {
dependsOn 'integrationJar'
println integrationJar.outputs.files.getAsPath()
println inputs.files.getAsPath()
... but the result for the last print is still missing the integration jar file.
I'm not familiar with the implementation of that plugin, but I'd be surprised if inputs.files determined what gets included. (Usually, inputs is just consumed by Gradle's up-to-date check.) I recommend to try the gradle-one-jar plugin, which appears to be more flexible.

Gradle - can I include task's output in project dependencies

I have a task that generates java sources and a set of jars from these sources (say, project a). I would like to export these jars to dependent projects (say, project b). So here's roughly what I have right now:
task generateJars(type: JavaExec) {
//generate jars ...
outputs.files += //append generated jars here
generatedJars generateJars.outputs.files
project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars')
It works OK, except that adding generateJars.outputs.files as a dependency does not tell gradle that it has to run generateJars task when there are no jars generated yet. I have tried adding the task itself as a dependency hoping that it would work in the same way as it does when you add a jar/zip task to an artifact configuration (e.g. artifacts{ myJarTask }), but it throws an error telling me that I cannot do that. Of course I can inject the generateJars task somewhere in the build process before :b starts evaluating, but that's clumsy and brittle, so I would like to avoid it.
I feel like I should be adding the generated jars to artifacts{ ... } of the project, but I am not sure how to make them then visible to dependent projects. Is there a better way of achieving this?
Dependent projects (project b) will need to do setup IntelliJ IDEA module classpath to point to project a's generated jars. Something rather like this (pseudo-code):
module{ += project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars').files
So far I have tried simply adding a project dependecy on :a's generatedJars in :b, but Idea plugin simply adds module :a as a module-dependency and assumes that it exports its generated jars (which is probably a correct assumption), therefore not adding the generated jars to :b's classpath.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
First, do you need a separate configuration? That is, do you have clients of a that should not see the generated Jars? If not, you can add the generated Jars to the archives configuration, which will simplify things.
Second, the correct way to add the generated Jars to the configuration is (instead of the dependencies block):
artifacts {
generatedJars generateJars
This should make sure that the generateJars task gets run automatically when needed.
Third, I'd omit the += after outputs.files, although it might not make a difference. You should also add the necessary inputs.
Fourth, why do you need a JavaExec task to generate the Jars? Can you instead add the generated sources to some source set and let Gradle build them?
Fifth, IDEA doesn't have a concept corresponding to Gradle's project configuration dependencies. Either an IDEA module fully depends on another module, or not at all. You have two options: either use a module dependency and make the generated sources a source folder of the depended-on module (preferably both in the Gradle and the IDEA build), or pass the generated Jars as external dependencies to IDEA. In either case, you should probably add a task dependency from ideaModule to the appropriate generation task. If this still doesn't lead to a satisfactory IDEA setup, you could think about moving the generation of the Jars into a separate subproject.
For my use case, I had a C++ project which generated some native libraries which my java project needed to load in order to run.
In the project ':native' build.gradle:
task compile(type: Exec, group: 'build') {
dependsOn ...
outputs.files(fileTree('/some/build/directory') {
include 'mylib/'
In project java application build.gradle:
configurations {
// Add dependency on the task that produces the library
dependencies {
nativeDep files(project(':native').tasks.findByPath('compile'))
// Unfortunately, we also have to do this because gradle will only
// run the ':native:compile' task if we needed the tasks inputs for another
// task
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
dependsOn ':native:compile'
run {
doFirst {
// Use the configuration to add our library to java.library.path
def libDirs = files(configurations.nativeDep.files.collect {it.parentFile})
systemProperty "java.library.path", libDirs.asPath

How to copy properties from a parent project in gradle

I'm trying to share one (of each language) among multiple subprojects in gradle, one of which is a war and the rest are jars. My directory structure looks like this:
Top Level Project
+ Project War/
+ Project Jar/
+ Project Jar/
+ common/resources/properties files
+ build.gradle
I am trying to do something like this in the main project level build.gradle (which doesn't look to be working for me):
task copyProperties(type: Copy) {
description = 'Copies the to individual projects.'
from relativePath('./common/resources')
into output.resourceDir
include '*.properties'
I'm calling this from a subproject's compileJava.dependsOn and I don't see any errors, but the copy doesn't happen.
You can inject a copy task like this into each sub-project. Instead of specifying the 'from' as a relative path, base it on $rootDir.
Each copy task should then be called as needed when building each sub-project.
