Hide test from Visual Studio Test Explorer - visual-studio

Using Fact(Skip = "Manual Only") is not entirely satisfactory because, if I click directly on the test to run it, it's still ignored.
I want it to not appear in Test Explorer but I can still run it by clicking on it. Is this possible?

Nice trick from Jimmy Bogard is to use the fact that Skip is writable and react to something in the environment:
public class RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute : FactAttribute
public RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute()
if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
Skip = "Only running in interactive mode.";
(Aside from that, no xUnit does not have an [Interactive]; the closest thing is `[Trait("Interactive","True")] and use that to either use the trait grouping in test explorer to remove them.
Finally, a 'cheat' way is to use TestDriven.Net, which doesnt care if there is an attribute (along with lots of other facilities).


NUnit- Custom Property Attribute display in Test Explorer window

I created custom property attribute to link every system test to its driving requirements which is similar to something described in the link below:
NUnit - Multiple properties of the same name? Linking to requirements
I used the code given in the above link
[Requirements(new string[] { "FR50082", "FR50084" })]
public void TestSomething(string a, string b) { // blah, blah, blah
Assert.AreNotEqual(a, b); }
which gets displayed in Test explorer (filter by traits) as :-
Requirements[System.String[]] (1)
But this is not what I was expecting. I require every requirement to get displayed individually though they are associated to the same test case in test explorer window.
I want to get it displayed as (in test explorer):-
Requirements[FR50082] (1)
Requirements[FR50084] (1)
and so on....
So, if I am associating n number of Requirements to a test case, the test explorer should display the same test case n times under different requirements. Please let me know how could this be achieved ??
It sounds like you are heading down the BDD (Behavior Driven Design) route. SpecFlow is a good choice in .Net if you don't mind a VS extension.
The big win for you I think would be that you can reuse step definitions, what you're calling TestSomething. You can set up different contexts, your Requirements, as I'm reading them, and in the Then step call your TestSomething to verify all is well.

Coded UI error: The following element is not longer availabe

I recorded some test cases with CUIT in VS2010. Everything worked fine the day before. So, today I run again, all the test failed, with the warning: The following element is no longer available ... and I got the exception : Can't perform "Click" on the hidden control, which is not true because all the controls are not hidden. I tried on the other machine, and they failed as well.
Does anyone know why it happens? Is it because of the web application for something else? Please help, thanks.
PS: So I tried to record a new test with the same controls that said "hidden controls", and the new test worked!? I don't understand why.
The warning "The following element blah blah ..." appears when I tried to capture an element or a control while recording. The source code of the button is said 'hidden'
public HtmlImage UIAbmeldenImage
if ((this.mUIAbmeldenImage == null))
this.mUIAbmeldenImage = new HtmlImage(this);
#region Search Criteria
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Id] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Name] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Alt] = "abmelden";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.AbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Src] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.LinkAbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Href] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Class] = null;
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "alt=\"abmelden\" src=\"http://localhost/web";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.TagInstance] = "1";
this.mUIAbmeldenImage.WindowTitles.Add("Akte - Test Akte Coded UI VS2010");
return this.mUIAbmeldenImage;
Although I am running Visual Studio 2012, I find it odd that we started experiencing the same problem on the same day, I can not see any difference in the DOM for the Coded UI Tests I have for my web page, but for some reason VS is saying the control is hidden and specifies the correct ID of the element it is looking for (I verified that the ID is still the same one). I even tried to re-record the action, because I assumed that something must have changed, but I get the same error.
Since this sounds like the same problem, occurring at the same time I am thinking this might be related to some automatic update? That's my best guess at the moment, I am going to look into it, I will update my post if I figure anything out.
I removed update KB2870699, which removes some voulnerability in IE, this fixed the problems I was having with my tests. This update was added on the 12. september, so it fits. Hope this helps you. :)
Official link to get around the problem :
The problem is more serious than that! In my case I can't even record new Coded UI Tests. After I click in any Hyper Link of any web page of my application the coded UI test builder cannot record that click "The following element is no longer available....".
Apparently removing the updates, as said by AdrianHHH do the trick!
Shut down VS2010, launch it again "Run as administrator".
There may be a field in the SearchProperties (or possible the FilterProperties) that has a value set by the web site, or that represents some kind of window ID on your desktop. Another possibility is that the web page title changes from day to day or visit to visit. Different executions of the browser or different visits to the web page(s) create different values. Removing these values from the SearchProperties (or FilterProperties) or changing the check for the title from an equals to a contains for a constant part of the title should fix the problem. Coded UI often searches for more values than the minimum set needed.
Compare the search properties etc for the same control in the two recorded tests.
Update based extra detail given in the comments:
I solved a similar problem as follows. I copied property code similar to that shown in your question into a method that called FindMatchingControls. I checked how many controls were returned, in my case up to 3. I examined various properties of the controls found, by writing lots of text to a debug file. In my case I found that the Left and Top properties were negative for the unwanted, ie hidden, controls.
For your code rather than just using the UIAbmeldenImage property, you might call the method below. Change an expression such as
HtmlImage im = UIMap.abc.def.UIAbmeldenImage;
to be
HtmlImage im = FindHtmlHyperLink(UIMap.abc.def);
Where the method is:
public HtmlImage FindHtmlHyperLink(HtmlDocument doc)
HtmlImage myImage = new HtmlImage(doc);
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Id] = null;
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Name] = null;
myImage.SearchProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Alt] = "abmelden";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.AbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Src] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/content/apps/Ordner/images/logOut.png";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.LinkAbsolutePath] = "/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Href] = "http://localhost/webakte-vnext/e.consult.9999/webakte/logout/index";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.Class] = null;
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.ControlDefinition] = "alt=\"abmelden\" src=\"http://localhost/web";
myImage.FilterProperties[HtmlImage.PropertyNames.TagInstance] = "1";
myImage.WindowTitles.Add("Akte - Test Akte Coded UI VS2010");
UITestControlCollection controls = myImage.FindMatchingControls();
if (controls.Count > 1)
foreach (UITestControl con in controls)
if ( con.Left < 0 || con.Top < 0 )
// Not on display, ignore it.
// Select this one and break out of the loop.
myImage = con as HtmlImage;
return myImage;
Note that the above code has not been compiled or tested, it should be taken as ideas not as the final code.
I had the same problem on VS 2012. As a workaround, you can remove that step, and re-record it again. That usually works.
One of the biggest problem while analyzing the Coded UI test failures is that the error stack trace indicates the line of code which might be completely unrelated to the actual cause of failure.
I would suggest you to enable HTML logging in your tests - this will display step by step details of how Coded UI tried to execute the tests - with screenshots of your application. It will also highlight the control in red which Coded UI is trying to search/operate upon.This is very beneficial in troubleshooting the actual cause of test failures.
To enable tracing you can just add the below code to your app.config file --

Language Service: ParseReason.Check never called after migrating to VS2010

I just migrated my language service from VS2008 to VS2010. Everything works fine except for one important thing: I no longer get LanguageService.ParseSource invoked for ParseReason.Check. It do get a single invoke after opening a file. But after editing code, it no longer gets invoked.
Any ideas what could be causing that?
I also migrated a language service from 2008 to 2010. Can you check if you've fallowed all of these steps?
I didn't have to do anything else, which I verified by diffing the important files in our depot before and after the change.
I don't know if you ever figured your question out, but have you tried making sure that your Source class' LastParseTime is set to 0 when creating it? I seem to recall some issues with Check not happening unless you manually set LastParseTime to 0 when creating your Source object.
Protip: If you use .NET Reflector, you can disassemble all of the base classes for the LanguageService framework and get a pretty good understanding of how it all works under the hood. The classes you'd be interested in live in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.10.0.dll, which should be installed in the GAC. I've found this to be unimaginably helpful when trying to figure out why things weren't working in my own Language Service, and being able to step through the source code in the debugger mitigates almost all the pain of working with these frameworks!
When your Source object is initialized, it starts off with a LastParseTime of Int32.MaxValue. The code that causes fires off a ParseRequest with ParseReason.Check checks the LastParseTime value to see if the time since the last change to the text is less than the time it takes to run a parse (or the CodeSenseDelay setting, whichever is greater).
The code that handles the response from ParseSource is supposed to set the LastParseTime, but as far as I can tell, it only does that if the ParseReason is Check.
You can get around this issue by setting Source.LastParseTime = 0 when you initialize your Source. This has the side-effect of setting CompletedFirstParse to true, even if the first parse hasn't finished yet.
Another way to fix this issue is to override Source.OnIdle to fire off the first call to BeginParse() This is the way I would recommend.
public override void OnIdle(bool periodic)
// Once first "Check" parse completes, revert to base implementation
if (this.CompletedFirstParse)
// Same as base implementation, except we don't check lastParseTime
else if (!periodic || this.LanguageService == null || this.LanguageService.LastActiveTextView == null || (this.IsCompletorActive) || (!this.IsDirty || this.LanguageService.IsParsing))

Is there a way to prevent Visual Studio from breaking on exceptions in a specific method?

I know I can control the way Visual Studio handles exceptions according to their type and to the fact that they're eventually caught using the "Exception" dialog.
However, I've got a library that's internally throwing (and catching) an ArgumentOutOfRange exception when I'm calling a specific method. The exception is thrown (and caught by the library) maybe 1% of the time, but I'm calling this method a lot. The editor says it's by design (and indeed, the design they've chosen makes sense).
The thing is that I don't want Visual Studio to break each time the exception is thrown.
I don't want to stop breaking on ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions, as I may have some in my code and want to break on those.
I don't want to enable "just my code" debugging because I'm concerned about the exceptions thrown outside of my code (notably for performance reasons)
Is there a way to achieve this? I've been looking into attributes (such as DebuggerStepThrough), but haven't find something adequate yet.
Any hints on how to do this ?
I don't want to enable "just my code" debugging
Yeah, stop there right now. That is exactly the feature you need to not get the unwanted debugger breaks. If you don't want to know about somebody else's crappy code then flip that checkbox back on.
This invariably goes off the rails when programmers use exceptions for flow control. A very common crime. It takes two of them to turn that into a mess that turns a debugging session into a very tedious click nightmare. When you need the debugger feature that breaks on the first-chance exception then you basically lost if somebody else needed that as well.
Everybody hopes that they can magically use the [DebuggerNonUserCode] or [DebuggerHidden] or [DebuggerStepThrough] attributes to make that problem disappear. It doesn't. The other programmer did not think his code was unimportant enough to deserve those attributes. And, well, it wasn't because there's always a bug hidden in code that uses try/catch-em-all code. Pokémon code.
So Microsoft had to find another way to help programmers deal with crappy library code. They did. Tick that checkbox, bam, solved. Nothing you can do about that crappy code anyway, other than sending a nasty-gram to the author. Don't let us or Microsoft slow you down doing that as well, y'all have to get along to create a product that people like to use.
I think it's not possible in visual studio but it certainly is in WinDbg.
See for example http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alejacma/archive/2009/08/24/managed-debugging-with-windbg-breaking-on-an-exception-part-1.aspx
On a side note it seems that starting with visual studio 2010 you can load and use WinDbg extension DLLs directly providing aditional functionality (including possibly the one that you need) but I haven't tried this yet - see for example http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=648
What you can do is use Concord, the debug engine that ships with Visual Studio (starting with version 2012). It's quite extensible through a nice managed API (and deployable using vsix technology), but it's not fully documented.
Concord has the concept of debug monitors, that we can hook using the IDkmDebugMonitorExceptionNotification Interface
The cool thing is this interface can monitor all exceptions thrown. It can also "suppress" any detected exception event, which is exactly what we need.
What I suggest is to start with the Hello World sample: . Download it, and make sure it runs as expected for you.
Now, just modify HelloWorld.vsdconfigxml like this:
<!--TODO: If you copy the sample, ensure to regenerate the GUID in this file -->
<!-- 1. change component level to something higher than 40500 -->
<!-- 2. change class full name to HelloWorld.ExceptionHandler, for example -->
<Class Name="HelloWorld.ExceptionHandler">
<!-- 3. change supported interface -->
<Interface Name="IDkmDebugMonitorExceptionNotification"/>
Then, just create an ExceptionHandler.cs class and put something like this in there:
public class ExceptionHandler : IDkmDebugMonitorExceptionNotification
private bool _unhandledDetected;
// we're being called!
public void OnDebugMonitorException(DkmExceptionInformation exception, DkmWorkList workList, DkmEventDescriptorS eventDescriptor)
if (_unhandledDetected)
// this will cause the program to terminate
if (exception.ProcessingStage.HasFlag(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Unhandled))
_unhandledDetected = true;
else if (exception.ProcessingStage.HasFlag(DkmExceptionProcessingStage.Thrown))
if (SuppressException(exception))
// should we suppress a thrown (1st chance) exception?
private bool SuppressException(DkmExceptionInformation exception)
// implement any custom logic in here, for example use the exception's name
if (exception.Name == typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException).FullName)
// for example, use the module (assembly) name
var clrAddress = (DkmClrInstructionAddress)exception.InstructionAddress;
var clrModule = clrAddress.ModuleInstance;
if (clrModule.Name == "TheUglyOne.dll")
return true; // we don't want this one!
return false;
When you run the project, you should see all exceptions being monitored (regardless of your 'just my code' and/or exception triggers settings), so what you just need to do is implement some logic to suppress the ones you really don't want to see. I've not checked but I suppose you could build your logic using custom attributes as the Dkm classes provide quite a lot of .NET metadata information.
Note: as you can see, there is some trickery to make sure the program will terminate normally.

Copy object values in Visual Studio debug mode

In Visual Studio debug mode it's possible to hover over variables to show their value and then right-click to "Copy", "Copy Expression" or "Copy Value".
In case the variable is an object and not just a basic type, there's a + sign to expand and explore the object. It there a way to copy all that into the clipboard?
In the immediate window, type
This will print out everything, and you can manually copy that anywhere you want, or use the immediate window's logging features to automatically write it to a file.
UPDATE: I assume you were asking how to copy/paste the nested structure of the values so that you could either search it textually, or so that you can save it on the side and then later compare the object's state to it. If I'm right, you might want to check out the commercial extension to Visual Studio that I created, called OzCode, which lets you do these thing much more easily through the "Search" and "Compare" features.
UPDATE 2 To answer #ppumkin's question, our new EAP has a new Export feature allows users to Export the variable values to Json, XML, Excel, or C# code.
Full disclosure: I'm the co-creator of the tool I described here.
You can run below code in immediate window and it will export to an xml file the serialized XML representation of an object:
(new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(obj.GetType())).Serialize(new System.IO.StreamWriter(#"c:\temp\text.xml"), obj)
Source: Visual Studio how to serialize object from debugger
Most popular answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/23362097/2680660:
With any luck you have Json.Net in you appdomain already. In which
case pop this into your Immediate window:
Edit: With .NET Core 3.0, the following works too:
There is a extension called Object Exporter that does this conveniently.
Extension: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c6a21c68-f815-4895-999f-cd0885d8774f
You can add a watch for that object, and in the watch window, expand and select everything you want to copy and then copy it.
By using attributes to decorate your classes and methods you can have a specific value from your object display during debugging with the DebuggerDisplay attribute e.g.
[DebuggerDisplay("Person - {Name} is {Age} years old")]
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
I always use:
string myJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(<some object>);
Then I copy the string value which unfortunately also copies the back slashes.
To remove the backlashes go here:
Then within the <p id="demo">Visit Microsoft!</p> element replace the text with the text you copied.
then replace the var res = str.replace("Microsoft", "W3Schools"); line with
var res = str.replace(/\\/g, '')
Run these new changes but don't forget to click the "try it" button on the right.
Now you should have all the text of the object in json format that you can drop in a json formatter like http://jsonformatter.org or to create a POCO you can now use http://json2csharp.com/
This is an awesome way!
You probably need this data for a unit test, so create a Sandbox.cs temporary test or you can create a Console App.
Make sure to get NuGet package, ObjectDumper.NET, not ObjectDumper.
Run this test (or console app)
View test output or text file to get the C# initializer code!
public class Sandbox
public void GetInitializerCode()
var db = TestServices.GetDbContext();
var list = db.MyObjects.ToList();
var literal = ObjectDumper.Dump(list, new DumpOptions
DumpStyle = DumpStyle.CSharp,
IndentSize = 4
Console.WriteLine(literal); // Some test runners will truncate this, so use the file in that case.
File.WriteAllText(#"C:\temp\dump.txt", literal);
I used to use Object Exporter, but it is 5 years old and no longer supported in Visual Studio. It seems like Visual Studio Extensions come and go, but let's hope this NuGet package is here to stay! (Also it is actively maintained as of this writing.)
Google led me to this 8-year-old question and I ended up using ObjectDumper to achieve something very similar to copy-pasting debugger data. It was a breeze.
I know the question asked specifically about information from the debugger, but ObjectDumper gives information that is basically the same. I'm assuming those who google this question are like me and just need the data for debugging purposes and don't care whether it technically comes from the debugger or not.
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I wrote a JSON implementation for serializing an object, if you prefer to have JSON output. Uses Newtonsoft.Json reference.
private static void WriteDebugJSON (dynamic obj, string filePath)
using (StreamWriter d = new StreamWriter(filePath))
I've just right clicked on the variable and selected AddWatch, that's bring up watch window that consists of all the values. I selected all and paste it in a text a text editor, that's all.
Object Dumper is a free and open source extension for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
"Dump as" commands are available via context menu in the Code and Immediate windows.
It's exporting objects to:
C# object initialization code,
Visual Basic object initialization code,
I believe that combined with the Diff tool it can be helpful.
I'm the author of this tool.
if you have a list and you want to find a specific variable:
In the immediate window, type
myList.Any(s => s.ID == 5062);
if this returns true
var myDebugVar = myList.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == 5062);
useful tips here, I'll add my preference for when i next end up here asking this question again in the future.
if you don't mind adding an extension that doesn't require output files or such there's the Hex Visualizer extension for visual studio, by mladen mihajlovic, he's done versions since 2015.
provides a nice display of the array via the usual magnifine glass view object from the local variables window.
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Mika76.HexVisualizer2019 is the 2019 version.
If you're in debug mode, you can copy any variable by writing copy() in the debug terminal.
This works with nested objects and also removes truncation and copies the complete value.
Tip: you can right click a variable, and click Copy as Expression and then paste that in the copy-function.
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("b.json", page.DebugInfo().ToJson())
Works great to avoid to deal with string debug format " for quote.
As #OmerRaviv says, you can go to Debug → Windows → Immediate where you can type:
(as #bombek pointed out in the comments you don't need the question mark) although as some have found this limits to 100 lines.
I found a better way was to right click the variable → Add Watch, then press the + for anything I wanted to expand, then used #GeneWhitaker's solution, which is Ctrl+A, then copy Ctrl+C and paste into a text editor Ctrl+V.
