Codeigniter system folder error - codeigniter

I am working on a project with codeigniter and all of a sudden I started getting this kind of error message.
And it is coming from the system folder, database driver, language.
Here is the error message
A Database Error occurred
Error Number 1364
Field 'english' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO 'language' ('Phrase') VALUES ('Question')
Filename C:\Wamp64\www\sms\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number : 330

Your language table has English column, there is you have not set the default value and you are trying to insert in language table without English column value.
That's it.


Error when sqooping data to Vertica with column name as 'From','To'

I am trying to sqoop data to Vertioca to a table which has Column named 'From','To', because of which I am getting erorr as VJDBC ERROR: Syntax error at or near "To" . Any alternative to this if we cannot change the column name in DB
As suggested by #marcothesane in the comment, Adding double quotes resolved my problem.

Laravel Excel Error with SQ Server. Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint

I'm tryin to import and excel file to my SQL Server Database but when I try to create the form to upload the file I get this error:
SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint. (SQL: select top 1 * from [schedules] where [schedules].[id] = import)
Screenshoot of error
Even when I have the function in the controller it throws this error. Seems that is trying to get 1 record from database but cannot pass the nvarchar to match the ID column.
I have checked the documentation and nothing. Made it a few times, different methods with same error.
Seems that I figured it out. It was problem with the routing calling de show function
I had the same issue and trying to find the solution came upon this question. Thankfully I read the comments as Fernando's solution was also mine.
This was caused by a misordered Route in web.php
Route::Get('label/{label}' ...
Route::Get('label/create' ...
I swapped the order and all fixed
Route::Get('label/create' ...
Route::Get('label/{label}' ...


I am using SSIS for ETL. Source and destination databases are Oracle.
When I run job through SQL agent its prompts me with the following error:
This table contains 5 date columns which are creating this issue.
I have tried all possible solution but it didn't work. It does not seems data issue as I rerun job on those selective dates which worked perfectly. On full load it failed.
The bottom error message is:
Data Flow: Task:Error: SQLSTATE 22007, Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Invalid datetime format. Error in parameter 17.
You have an Invalid datetime format. You need to fix it by correcting either the data or the format model you are using but, since you haven't included any code, we can't help further.
I have a similar issue, the difference is my source is the SQL Server database and the destination is Oracle database.
I converted the source DateTime columns to type String first and then they were loaded to destination date columns successfully.

"Invalid Object Name" when deploying database project with COLLATE in cross-database join

I'm attempting to deploy a database project, Operations, that builds without errors. The deployment is failing with an "Invalid object name" error. The object name in the error is a three-part name, of an object in another database project, Company. The name is valid: The object exists in Company, there is a database reference in the Operations project to the Company project, and the three-part name appears in other objects in the Operations project without causing an error.
As far as I can see, the reason for the error is that the three-part name appears in a join which uses a COLLATE statement. eg
CREATE VIEW BranchDetails
SELECT b.BranchID, bu.LocationID
FROM Branch b
INNER JOIN Company.dbo.BusinessUnit bu on b.BranchAbbreviation = bu.[Name] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS;
The COLLATE statement is needed because the two databases have different collations and it's not possible to join on columns with different collations without converting the collation of one column or the other.
Is there some workaround that will allow me to deploy the database without the "Invalid object name" error?
EDIT: Looks like the COLLATE statement may have been a red herring. I replaced the view with a dummy one:
CREATE VIEW BranchDetails
Then dealt with other errors until I was able to deploy the database. I then copied the original text of the BranchDetails CREATE VIEW back into the script and the database built and deployed without error.
The only explanations I can think of are:
1) In copying the view text out and then back in again later, I somehow omitted something that was causing the error;
2) The error was actually related to one of the other errors I fixed when I replaced the view with the dummy text, and Visual Studio was giving me an incorrect error message pointing to the wrong .sql file. I suppose this is possible as the other errors were related to the server name included in four-part names in a stored procedure not existing in our dev environment.

Delphi getting Oracle error ORA-12899 Error value too large for the column

I have a database in Oracle. The client application is written in Delphi. When I enter values into the DBGrid which is connected to a table in the database I get "ORA-12899 Error value too large for the column".The datatype of the column specified in the error message is varchar(6).And I exactly enter 6 digits.The error also indicates that the maximum is 6 the actual is 7 which is wrong.I tried changing the datatype to number but I get the same error with just a difference that it say maximum is 3 the actual is 4.Is there a bug with Delphi and Oracle? I use ADO for connection.There's notthing in the BeforePost event.
Not knowing anything at all about Delphi, could it be that your grid data cell is interpreted as a number and a space is being reserved for the sign?
What happens if you type 6 characters but include 1 or more alphas?
