Runtime error when rebuild visual studio 2013 project with visual studio 2015 - visual-studio

I have a C++ project,run fine when using visual studio 2013.
When use visual studio 2015, project is still build fine, but when running error: "the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b".
I know this is a very general question, any ideas? What should i check?


Cannot debug Xamarin Project Created with Visual studio 2017 in Visual Studio 2019

I have Xamarn.forms project created in Visual studio 2017 and working fine in Visual studio 2017 but when i trying to run this project with debug in visual studio 2019 not working with this error **java.exe" exited with code 1 but run fine in release mode.

Is there a Visual Studio Installer Project type for Visual Studio 2019?

I am trying to build a VS 2017 solution which includes a Visual Studio Installer Project with the just released Visual Studio Pro 2019. Of course, when I tried to open the solution I got an error because there was not Visual Studio Installer project type in VS 2019. And, I cant find a place to load it from.
How do I add a Visual Studio Installer Project type in the released version of VS 2019?
Install the addin in Visual Studio 2019:
This extension provides the same functionality that currently exists
in Visual Studio 2015 for Visual Studio Installer projects. To use
this extension, you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog,
select the online node, and search for "Visual Studio Installer
Projects Extension," or you can download directly from this page.
This extension is designed to work with Visual Studio 2017 and
Visual Studio 2019.

Upgrading project from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to upgrade my project to Visual Studio 2013. For upgrading I simply opened the project with Visual Studio 2013. But no conversion dialog was shown and when the project is opened it has Visual Studio 2012 written in brackets (See snapshot):
What is the meaning of Visual Studio 2012 written in brackets. And is there anyway to convert this project to Visual Studio 2013 manually ?
I've found the solution to this issue. The parenthesis means that VS 2013 will use toolset of VS 2012 because the project hasn't been upgraded to VS 2013.
And to convert c++ project there is a 'Update C++ Project' in the Project menu.

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015?

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015? If I'm collaborating with someone using VS2013, are there any known problems if I use VS2015?
I don't see any reason to keep VS 2013. VS 2015 opens the same projects without problem.
I worked on the same project from 2 computers, one had VS 2013, other 2015 and didn't have any problem.

Visual Studio 2015 does not find System.Windows.Interactivity

Last week I've updated my windows from 8.1 to 10 and my Visual Studio from 2013 Ultimate to Enterprise 2015.
Yesterday I've implemented Load Tests via a Web Performance and Load Test Project. At this point I'd like to add an ILoadTestPlugin via the "Add Load Test Plug-In" option.
This does not work, as Visual Studio tells me it cannot find System.Windows.Interactivity assembly.
As this also happens in my Visual Studio 2013 installation, I think the problem is not Visual Studio 2015 related.
As the error comes from the Visual Studio IDE as an Visual Studio internal error, this is not a duplicate of "how to add System.Windows.Interactivity to my solution!
