Custom option is broken my magento theme, how can i fix? - magento

when i add a custom option in my magento product, im using magento 1.7.02 my theme broken for some reason, i tried change something in the view.phtml (template/catalog/product) but without success...
i dont know where i can change there to fix, i tried change the position from the custom option, but nothing worked
Some ideas please?
Product With Custom Option
Product without Custom Option
*the code in view.phtml
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
<div class="clearer"></div>

I can see a solution for that two tabs Product Description and Product tags are showing well
go to inspect by right click and select Inspect
Now down there in Elements tab search for this class product-shop span8
you will find a div like this
<div class="product-shop span8">
<div class="clearer"></div> <!-- you need to move this -->
and in that div there is a div like this <div class="clearer"></div> which should not be there.That div should be after
like this
<div class="product-shop span8">
<div class="clearer"></div> <!-- and place it here before </form> tag -->
And you will have this result. Just like your other page.
So open that file template/catalog/product/view.phtml find <div class="clearer"></div> and change it like i said.


AngularDart: How to change partial parts of layout based on navigation?

Say I have this simple scaffold in my app_component.html:
<!-- here I have some elements that won't change -->
<!-- SECTION HEADER: but I want to change this part's content, based on
navigation or something else (auth roles, for example) -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<section class="section">
<!-- SECTION MAIN: main content goes here -->
<div class="divider"></div>
some footer here. nothing important
As you can see in the snippet, I'm using a <router-outlet> in SECTION MAIN to show contents which is fine. The problem is, how can I have a changeable part in header section (the SECTION HEADER in the code) and how can I change it's content based on e.g. navigation, auth roles, etc. ? Does AngularDart support this kind of routing? Thanks in advance.
The short answer is no, the router doesn't currently have support for doing this easily.
Other frameworks support this functionality through "named" router outlets. This allows multiple outlets to exist in the same view, provided they're given unique names. Each route configuration then must designate which component is rendered in which named outlet. If this sounds desirable, please feel free to file a feature request:
Of course you could always write your own solution. You could create a component for the header section that dynamically loads a different component, depending on which route is active. It simply needs to inject Router and listen to for route changes.

how to use right to left icons in semantic-ui accordion?

I want to use "semantic-ui" accordion with "rtl" icon in default accordion's icons looks like > and i want my accordions icons looks like this <
please help me to do this.
You can simply change the icon class that you are using to achieve your requirement.
I have used "angle left icon" for rtl. There are many more icon to show rtl, here is the link that contains list of supported icon by default in semantic.
<div class="ui styled accordion">
<div class=" title">
<i class="angle left icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<p>Title Content</p>
Make sure you are using icons from the correct version. Some of the legacy version icons doesn't work with the latest semantic version.

ckeditor Disable HTML correction

I am using the ckeditor in Kentico tool.
There is an
getting added for empty div.
is transformed to
<div id="ctl00_fullLayoutDiv">
<div class="main-block" id="ctl00_divMainBlock"> </div>
Please provide any solution to remove the
getting added automatically to empty div in ckeditor.

Navbar not initializing in kendo ui mobile webpage

for some reason this navbar is not rendering correctly on the browser :
<header data-role="header">
<div id="navbar-personalize" data-role="navbar" class="my-navbar">
<div data-align="left">
<img src="../../Images/dashboard6.png" alt="Dashboard"/>
<span data-role="view-title">Cart Summary</span>
<div data-align="right">
<a href="#merchandise-otherorders-view">
<img src="../../Images/whoelse6.png" alt="Who else is going?"/>
I have other navbars just like this one all around my index file, and they all work fine, except for this one. It seems that KendoUI isn't initializing it all. By inspecting the code I can see that it's missing all of kendo's styling (like "km-navbar" and such).
It may have to do with the fact that I'm defining this header in each one of the views inside the file, instead of defining it in the app layout, but for some reason defining it inside the app layout doesn't work for me, it simply doesn't render at all.
I'm out of ideas, can somebody help me?
I had this problem today. Make sure that is included on your page. The docs don't say to put it in, but adding that made it work for me.

Where can we modify the default links of the footer in Magento?

I want to get rid of the links in the footer of my website, someone started the dev of that website and left, now I can't modify it, because when I'm in the footer.phtml i can see that code :
<!-- Footer -->
<div id="footer">
<li><?php echo $this->getCopyright(); ?></li>
<?php echo Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('footer_navigation')->getValue('html'); ?>
<div class="cl"> </div>
<!-- /Footer -->
I can't find the place where that class is looking for the links Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('footer_navigation')->getValue('html')
I've been looking in catalog.xml where I found <reference name="footer_links"> but if I delet the code inside, nothing happen, it doesn't seem to be linked in any way with that.
I got the same problem in my menu where I see that class I don't understand : $categories = $this->renderCategoriesMenuHtmlCustom2(0, 'level-top'); Where does that refer too ?
Thanks :)
Login to your admin panel and go to System->Custom Variables. You should find the footer links there. You can remove the links through here (by deleting the HTML and plain-text fields), or by taking out the piece of code that loads the footer links variable (the line that calls loadByCode('footer_navigation')).
You can also delete the variable through the admin panel, but if you do this, you should also remove the code that calls it; it won't crash, but it can lead to confusion down the road.
