Possible to Collapse or Hide bootstrap-multiselect dropdown on mouse out? - bootstrap-multiselect

Is it possible to collapse/hide the bootstrap-multiselect drop down menu if a user's mouse isn't hovering over the select menu or it's options?

For bootstrap dropdown you can checkout this plugin
This should work for multiselect as well


Submenu causes Nav Panel to disappear

I am using a vuetify navigation drawer. Inside is a submenu. When I expand/collapse the submenu it causes the navigation panel to disappear. I am looking for the correct way to prevent that from happening.
I have an example here:
Note - I purposely set the navigation panel to be temporary instead of permanent, because I don't want the menu displaying unless someone clicks on the hamburger icon.
<v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawer" absolute right temporary>
Your navigation drawer disappear because your watch the property "group". So when group is toggled, the watcher see a change, and it update to false your navigation drawer, as you code it
As your submenu is a nested component, you don't need to add the v-model group just remove it and the watcher

Kendo Grid MVC Open Context Menu on Left Click

I am using MVC Kendo Grid. First column has an icon which opens a right click context menu. I want to left click this icon and open a context menu / menu.
Please note on individual row I want to perform some operation when selecting some operation.
You can specify the event to show the context menu: .ShowOn("click"). See https://docs.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/api/Kendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent/ContextMenuBuilder#showonsystemstring for documentation and https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/contextmenu/configuration/showon for an example.

Need to disable the button present in the bottom of jqGrid dynamically

Currently, I am working on asp.net mvc2 project which has a view containing three dropdown controls. I am also using jqGrid for displaying the data in the application. The jQGrid is displayed with buttons called Add,Edit,Search in the footer section. I need to disable and enable the Search button dynamically. If the user selects any item from dropdown1 and dropdown2 then I need to disable the Search button and in case the user selects any item from dropdown3 then I need to enable the Search button.
I am new to jQGrid implementation. Can anyone help me with some sample code to handle the above functionality.
Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro
I would recommend you to read the answer and another one. The answers shows how one can hide/show or enable/disable buttons from the navigator bar. You can use onSelectRow or beforeSelectRow callback to disable/enable/hide/show the navigator buttons dynamically.

Dropdown menu in Joomla

Iam have some problems with a drop down menu. I have asigned a drop down menu to the menu item "test 1". But when iam on the default page it wont show the drop down menu, when i hover the item. It only works when click on the menu item "test 1".
I need the dropdown menu to be showed, no matter witch page you are watching.
Can some one help me? I guess it is a simple styling, but cant seem to figure it out.
You can see the website here
What module are you using for the menu system?
You may try using a different menu extension that the one being used currently.
It may be a CSS issue.

Where is a Dropdown Menu in Sketchflow

Ok I cannot freaking can't believe this. I cannot find a dropdown menu in Sketchflow - Expression Blend 4. I need to create a mockup quicky and easy and it's amazing how I cannot find a simple dropdown to drag to my project's web page mock-up I am creating here.
In WPF/SL the dropdown is called ComboBox
You can search for the sketch controls and select the ComboBox from the Assets window, or you can select it from right clicking on the Buttons icon on the toolbar:
