Trying to check the available hdd space via a script:
df -h :
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 18G 9.1G 8.7G 52% /
The commands are :
com=`df -h | awk '{print $5}' | grep % | grep -v Use | sort -n | tail -4 | cut -d % -f1`
echo $com
52 74 100 100
I want to isolate "52" for my checks ,so :
for i in ${com[#]};do
> echo ${com[0]:0:2}
> done
Ok, i managed to retrieve the correct number for my later checks ,but why the command returns the number "52" four times ??
Thanks a lot
You don't want to use a bash script for this trivial use-case. Also you are using the bunch of awk, grep commands to store output in a variable and not in an array's context.
You just need to use a simple Awk command,
df -h | awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "Use%"){ ind=i; break}} NR==2 {n=split($0, val); used=val[ind]; sub(/%/,"",used); print used}'
The above command first looks up the column which has the Use% stored in the header line and then looks up the actual value in the same column in the next row.
To use the output in a variable store the output of command substitution as below
used_storage=$(df -h | awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "Use%"){ ind=i; break}} NR==2 {n=split($0, val); used=val[ind]; sub(/%/,"",used); print used}')
echo "$used_storage"
I'm trying to write my own script to tell me if I've used more than 500 MiB of my data.
I'm using vnstat -d for the information about data usage.
vnstat -d Output here
Output should be:
Only from the "Total column"
Only have values greater than 500.
I want only values from the "total"column. My output lists data from all the columns.
Better clear from the following:
for i in `vnstat -d | grep -a [0-9] `; //get numerical values in i (-a tag as vnstat outputs in binary)
NUMBER=$(echo $i | grep -o '[5-9][0-9][0-9]'); //store values >500 in a var called NUMBER
echo $NUMBER;
I'm a self-learning newb here so please try not to bash (pun) me.
Current output which I'm receiving from above script:
My desired output should be:
if [[ $(( $(vnstat -d --oneline|cut -d';' -f6|cut -d. -f1|paste -sd '+') )) -ge 500 ]];then
echo 500 Mb reached
(What the script does, is it takes the specified field from the oneliner CSV-like output from each interface, then cuts the whole numbers and does a SUM of them. And then it compares if that sum is equal or greater than 500. And if it is, then it outputs a message)
-f6 will parse the "total for today" traffic
you can replace it with:
-f4 = rx for today
-f5 = tx for today
You want to parse a pipe delimited table and check only a specific column, there are tools more appropriate than grep for this job, for example you could write a small bash script where you use the cut command to extract the data and process them, or awk.
Here is a solution with awk. We print numbers > 500 of that column, total. Send your command output to
awk -F "|" '($3+0>=500){print $3}'
-F sets the field delimiter to |
$3+0 is used to convert a string starting with a number to that number, so that
we can handle it as a number and do the comparison.
Now, if you really want to extract all values having column total > 500 MiB,
then the expected output should include all values expressed in GiB, as they are
> 1000 MiB, for example the minimum value in your evil screenshot is 0.98 GiB which is 1003 MiB. So we can add this to the first condition.
awk -F "|" '($3 ~ /GiB/ || $3+0>500){print $3}'
Now if you want the output to be only integers in MiB, we can modify it to:
awk -F "|" '($3 ~ /GiB/){$3=1024*$3+0} ($3+0>500){printf "%.0f\n",$3}'
Here we convert all GiB values to MiB, and we do the comparison after that.
I'd use awk. Something like (untested)
vnstat -d | awk '$1 == "estimated" { exit }
($9 == "GiB" && $8 > 0.5) ||
($9 == "MiB" && $8 > 500) { print $8 " " $9 }'
for i in `vnstat -d`; do # get each lines
VALUE=$(echo $i | cut -d\| -f3) # get total value with unit, in case you want to check for GiB values
NUMBER=$(echo $VALUE | grep -o '[0-9.*]' | cut -d. -f1); # split the string by '|', get the number part, store the integer part into NUMBER
if [[ $NUMBER -ge 500 && "$VALUE" == *"MiB"* || "$VALUE" == *"GiB"* ]]; then # if the number is greater than or equals to 500 OR it's in GiB
echo $VALUE; # echo the value
Of course you can strip out the GiB checking if you wanted to.
Edit: Added IFS=$'\n' at the beginning. This allows the for loop to use endline as the delimiter.
vnstat has several options to format the output.
You can use vnstat --dumpdb, vnstat --json or vnstat --xml to have well-formatted data that you can then parse more easily (for example with jq if you choose the JSON format).
For example :
vnstat --json | jq '.interfaces[] | select(.id == "eth0") | .traffic | .days[1] | .rx'
will extract the number of kiB received on the interface eth0 yesterday (the day 0 is today, 1 is yesterday, etc)
To have the total rx+tx, you can use
vnstat --json | jq '.interfaces[] | select(.id == "eth0") | .traffic | .total | .rx+.tx'
You can also sum several days, for example today and yesterday :
vnstat --json | jq '.interfaces[] | select(.id == "eth0") | .traffic | [.days[0,1] | .rx+.tx] | add'
And instead of days, you can references "months" or "hours" (for hours, be careful, the id has not the same meaning, it's the reference of the hour).
I am trying to write a simple script to monitor disk usage. I keep getting integer expression expected errors at line 5. (THRESHOLD value is intentionally set low for testing.)
Here is my script
CURRENT=$(df -hP | grep / | awk '{ print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
if [ "$CURRENT" -gt "$THRESHOLD" ] ; then
mail -s 'Disk Space Alert' << EOF
Your root partition remaining free space is critically low. Used: $CURRENT%
My screen output looks like this
./ line 5: [: 7
1: integer expression expected
I'm new to bash scripts and especially awk. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
As you can see you're getting a string of newline-separated values from your pipeline. This string is not in itself an integer, so it can't be compared to $THRESHOLD.
Assuming you'd like to send the message if any filesystem is above $THRESHOLD percent full, you may use
df -hP | awk '/\// { sub("%", "", $5); print $5 }' |
while read number; do
if [ "$number" -gt "$THRESHOLD" ]; then
mail ...
This would pass the values, one by one, into a loop that would compare them against $THRESHOLD. If any value is larger, the mail is sent and the loop exits (via the break).
I also took the liberty of shortening your pipeline to just df+awk, as awk is more than capable of doing the work of both grep and sed.
If you only want to check the root partition, then use df -hP / in the pipeline above.
CURRENT=$(df -hP | grep / | awk '{ print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
df -hp shows a summary of disk usage.
grep / filters out the header line.
awk '{print $5}' prints the 5th column, which is the percentage usage for each file system.
sed 's/%//g' deletes the % character. (There's only one, so the g is unnecessary. I might have used tr -d %, but it doesn't really matter.)
$(...) captures the output of the above -- which is going to be multiple lines of output, each of which should contain an integer.
The -gt operator requires a single integer for each of its arguments.
I think the problem is the grep /, which prints every line containing a / character (that's probably going to be everything except the header line). Your message indicates that you're interested in the root filesystem.
Changing grep / to grep /$ is one simple solution.
But passing / as an argument to the df command, so it displays usage only for the root file system, is even simpler.
Here's how I might do it:
CURRENT=$(df / | awk 'NR == 2 { print $5 }' | tr -d %)
You could incorporate the deletion of the % character into the awk command, but that would be a little more complicated.
why not do it all in awk?
$ df -hP |
awk -v th=10 '/\// {if($5+0>th)
system("echo Your ... " $5 " | mail -s \"Disk Space Alert\"")}'
I am reading file utilization on the server with below command.
How can I add the hostname in my output as a first column?
Thanks in advance
df -h | grep % | awk '{OFS="\t";print $6,$5}'
/apps/inf9b2b 43%
/apps/dbclients 13%
/apps/inf9 77%
This is a simple application of How do I use shell variables in an awk script?
df -h | awk -v hostname="$(hostname)" '/%/ {OFS="\t"; print hostname, $6, $5}'
Note that there's no need for an external grep -- just make your pattern match a condition of the awk statement.
You can do df -h | grep % | awk '{OFS="\t";print "hostname\t" $6,$5}'
I am using 'df -h' command to get disk space details in my directory and it gives me response as below :
Now I want to be able to do this check automatically through some batch or script - so I am wondering, if I will be able to check disk space only for specific folders which I care about, as shown in image - I am only supposed to check for /nas/home that it does not go above 75%.
How can I achieve this ? Any help ?
My work till now:
I am using
df -h > DiskData.txt
... this outputs to a text file
grep "/nas/home" "DiskData.txt"
... which gives me the output:
*500G 254G 247G 51% /nas/home*
Now I want to be able to search for the number previous or right nearby '%' sign (51 in this case) to achieve what I want.
This command will give you percentage of /nas/home directory
df /nas/home | awk '{ print $4 }' | tail -n 1| cut -d'%' -f1
So basically you can use store as value in some variable and then apply if else condition.
var=`df /nas/home | awk '{ print $4 }' | tail -n 1| cut -d'%' -f1`
#send email
another variant:
df --output=pcent /nas/home | tail -n 1 | tr -d '[:space:]|%'
output=pcent - show only percent value (for coreutils => 8.21 )
A more concise way without extensive piping could be:
df -h /nas/home | perl -ane 'print substr $F[3],0,-1 if $.==2'
Returns: 51 for your example.
When I run
df -hl | grep '/dev/disk1' | awk '{sub(/%/, \"\");print $5}'
I'm getting the following error:
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
{sub(/%/, >>> \ <<< "\");}
awk: illegal statement at source line 1
I can't seem to find any documentation on awk sub.
df -hl | grep '/dev/disk1'
/dev/disk1 112Gi 94Gi 18Gi 85% 24672655 4649071 84% /
As I understand, it should return the percentage of disk space used.
It should return 85 from the input
/dev/disk1 112Gi 94Gi 18Gi 85% 24699942 4621784 84% /
This will fix the command as you supplied it.
df -hl | grep '/dev/disk1' | awk '{sub( /%/, ""); print $5 }'
No need to escape the double quotes.
Of course you don't need to use grep here either.
df -hl | awk '/disk1/ { sub( /%/, "", $5); print $5}'
Notice that you can supply the target for the substitution as a third argument to sub.
The sub command is described in the gawk manual on this page.
Perhaps you can reduce it down to just df and awk with:
df --output=pcent /dev/disk1 | awk '/ /{printf("%d\n", $1)}'