Aerospike 3.6.4 list insert operation giving 'Server error' - go

I am using the aerospike list operation (golang client) to prepend to an existing key in aerospike using the following command:
client.Operate(c.WritePolicy, aeroKey, aero.ListInsertOp(c.bin, 0,
But I am getting "Server error" as response error and no other error details. I already checked that the aeroKey exists and is not nil. Could it be that the aerospike version does not support this operation? Is there a way to confirm this problem or some setting to allow this operation ?

Well, that would be because the list API was added in release Before that lists were a data type without any atomic operations (list-append, etc). Same thing goes for maps, before 3.8.4 they were just a container for map data.
You're running against a version that is two years old. Time to upgrade.


elasticsearch warning : this request accesses system indices but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented

when I send a POST request, I received warning
org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient: request [POST http://localhost:9200/_search?typed_keys=true&max_concurrent_shard_requests=5&ignore_unavailable=false&expand_wildcards=open&allow_no_indices=true&ignore_throttled=true&search_type=query_then_fetch&batched_reduce_size=512]
returned 1 warnings: [299 Elasticsearch-7.14.2-6bc13727ce758c0e943c3c21653b3da82f627f75 "this request accesses system indices: [.apm-agent-configuration, .apm-custom-link, .kibana_7.13.4_001, .kibana_task_manager_7.13.4_001, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default"]
Now, I understand that system indices will be hidden in the future and cannot be accessed. What is the correct usage or command to send so that this warning will not be displayed?
your use of POST http://localhost:9200/_search is querying all indices in Elasticsearch, which you probably don't really want to be doing
you're better off specifying which indices you want to query

AWS Elasticsearch - Delete_by_query, how to find task id so can continue with code when delete is done, and when to do wait_for _completion

I'm using AWS Lambda to do a delete_by_query on an Elasticsearch index so I get rid of everything older than 7 days. That works, but I noticed that the count of the documents is the same before and after, so if I were to run a query in Elasticsearch I may not get correct results until the delete_by_query is completed.
I found this post (python 3.x - Right way to delete and then reindex ES documents - Stack Overflow) that states that it is "best to set wait_for_completion to False. In this case you'll get task details and will be able to track task progress." For one, I haven't found anything that states why this is the case, unless your delete takes 4 hours like that example.
I found code to determine if the delete_by_query is still running at this wonderful site here and tried:
However, I'm getting the message that
'TasksClient' object is not callable.
I am not entirely sure if that is true or not , or if my syntax is incorrect and thus that is why it is not working. It doesn't make sense that I can't programmatically query Tasks with python if I can do it in the console and with curl.
If it is not good to set wait_for_completion to False, and I can't query this with Python, how am I to programmatically get any information about the task or an understanding as to whether I can go ahead with the analytical queries or whatever else I want to do that depends on this task being done?
Okay, I'm not entirely sure why you are getting that error, so I can't help with that in particular. But, I noticed that the python elasticsearch documentation on how to get the task id from the delete_by_query when wait_for_completion is set to false isn't very clear, so I'm going to provide this in case it helps.
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
response = es.delete_by_query(index=someIndex, body=someQuery, wait_for_completion=False)
# get task id
Hope that helps!

How do I use "maxPageSize" with the new Xrm.API?

Edit 2
It was a Microsoft bug. My CRM updated recently and the query is now executing as expected
Server version: 9.1.0000.21041
Client version: 1.4.1144-2007.3
If it is a Microsoft bug, which looks likely thanks to Arun's research, then for future reference, my CRM versions are
Server version: 9.1.0000.20151
Client version: 1.4.1077-2007.1
Original question below
I followed the example as described in the MSDN Documentation here.
Specify a positive number that indicates the number of entity records to be returned per page. If you do not specify this parameter, the value is defaulted to the maximum limit of 5000 records.
If the number of records being retrieved is more than the specified maxPageSize value or 5000 records, nextLink attribute in the returned promise object will contain a link to retrieve the next set of entities.
However, it doesn't appear to be working for me. Here's my sample JavaScript code:
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords('account', '?$select=name', 20).then
result => console.log(result.entities.length),
error => console.error(error.message)
You can see that my query doesn't include any complex filter or expand expressions
maxPageSize is 20
When I run this code, it's returning the full set of results, not limiting the page size at all:
I noticed this too, but this happens only in UCI. Whereas this issue wont be reproduced when you run the same code in classic web UI.
Probably this is a bug in MS side, pls create a ticket so they can fix it.

Spark Streaming and ElasticSearch - Could not write all entries

I'm currently writing a Scala application made of a Producer and a Consumer. The Producers get some data from and external source and writes em inside Kafka. The Consumer reads from Kafka and writes to Elasticsearch.
The consumer is based on Spark Streaming and every 5 seconds fetches new messages from Kafka and writes them to ElasticSearch. The problem is I'm not able to write to ES because I get a lot of errors like the one below :
ERROR] [2015-04-24 11:21:14,734] [org.apache.spark.TaskContextImpl]:
Error in TaskCompletionListener
org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopException: Could not write all
entries [3/26560] (maybe ES was overloaded?). Bailing out... at
~[elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.1.0.Beta3.jar:2.1.0.Beta3] at
~[elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.1.0.Beta3.jar:2.1.0.Beta3] at$PartitionWriter.close(
~[elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.1.0.Beta3.jar:2.1.0.Beta3] at
~[elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.1.0.Beta3.jar:2.1.0.Beta3] at
~[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[na:na] at
[na:na] at
[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[spark-core_2.10-1.2.1.jar:1.2.1] at
[na:1.7.0_65] at
[na:1.7.0_65] at [na:1.7.0_65]
Consider that the producer is writing 6 messages every 15 seconds so I really don't understand how this "overload" can possibly happen (I even cleaned the topic and flushed all old messages, I thought it was related to an offset issue). The task executed by Spark Streaming every 5 seconds can be summarized by the following code :
val result = KafkaUtils.createStream[String, Array[Byte], StringDecoder, DefaultDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, Map("wasp.raw" -> 1), StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER_2)
val convertedResult = => (k._1 ,AvroToJsonUtil.avroToJson(k._2)))
//TO-DO : Remove resource (yahoo/yahoo) hardcoded parameter"*** EXECUTING SPARK STREAMING TASK + ${java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()}***")
convertedResult.foreachRDD(rdd => { => data._2).saveToEs("yahoo/yahoo", Map("es.input.json" -> "true"))
If I try to print the messages instead of sending to ES, everything is fine and I actually see only 6 messages. Why can't I write to ES?
For the sake of completeness, I'm using this library to write to ES : elasticsearch-spark_2.10 with the latest beta version.
I found, after many retries, a way to write to ElasticSearch without getting any error. Basically passing the parameter "es.batch.size.entries" -> "1" to the saveToES method solved the problem. I don't understand why using the default or any other batch size leads to the aforementioned error considering that I would expect an error message if I'm trying to write more stuff than the allowed max batch size, not less.
Moreover I've noticed that actually I was writing to ES but not all my messages, I was losing between 1 and 3 messages per batch.
When I pushed dataframe to ES on Spark, I had the same error message. Even with "es.batch.size.entries" -> "1" configuration,I had the same error.
Once I increased thread pool in ES, I could figure out this issue.
for example,
Bulk pool
threadpool.bulk.type: fixed
threadpool.bulk.size: 600
threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 30000
Like it was already mentioned here, this is a document write conflict.
Your convertedResult data stream contains multiple records with the same id. When written to elastic as part of the same batch produces the error above.
Possible solutions:
Generate unique id for each record. Depending on your use case it can be done in a few different ways. As example, one common solution is to create a new field by combining the id and lastModifiedDate fields and use that field as id when writing to elastic.
Perform de-duplication of records based on id - select only one record with particular id and discard other duplicates. Depending on your use case, this could be the most current record (based on time stamp field), most complete (most of the fields contain data), etc.
The #1 solution will store all records that you receive in the stream.
The #2 solution will store only the unique records for a specific id based on your de-duplication logic. This result would be the same as setting "es.batch.size.entries" -> "1", except you will not limit the performance by writing one record at a time.
One of the possibility is the cluster/shard status being RED. Please address this issue which may be due to unassigned replicas. Once status turned GREEN the API call succeeded just fine.
This is a document write conflict.
For example:
Multiple documents specify the same _id for Elasticsearch to use.
These documents are located in different partitions.
Spark writes multiple partitions to ES simultaneously.
Result is Elasticsearch receiving multiple updates for a single Document at once - from multiple sources / through multiple nodes / containing different data
"I was losing between 1 and 3 messages per batch."
Fluctuating number of failures when batch size > 1
Success if batch write size "1"
Just adding another potential reason for this error, hopefully it helps someone.
If your Elasticsearch index has child documents then:
if you are using a custom routing field (not _id), then according to
the documentation the uniqueness of the documents is not guaranteed.
This might cause issues while updating from spark.
If you are using the standard _id, the uniqueness will be preserved, however you need to make sure the following options are provided while writing from Spark to Elasticsearch:

Client application hangs when inserting into table on Oracle using ArrayBinding

Here is our environment:
.Net version: 4.5
Database: Oracle (
We are using LLBL "Adapter" but I don't think that has anything to do with the issue
LLBLGen Pro version: 4.1
Llbl Gen Pro Runtime:
When we do an Insert(always into different tables which we are using for the short period and then removing) we use the following code:
int numRecords = strings.Count();
var insertCmd = "insert into " + tableName + " (StringField) values (:StringField)";
var oracleCommand = new OracleCommand();
oracleCommand.CommandText = insertCmd;
oracleCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
oracleCommand.BindByName = true;
oracleCommand.ArrayBindCount = numRecords;
oracleCommand.Parameters.Add(":StringField", OracleDbType.NVarchar2, strings.ToArray(), ParameterDirection.Input);
// this is an LLBL adapter. Like I said, I think the issue is below the LLBL layer.
this.adapter.ExecuteActionQuery(new ActionQuery(oracleCommand));
When the database is getting hit hard with multiple of these inserts in parallel, we get the following error and the insert call never returns from the database.
WG_6.Index_586.TVD: An exception was caught during the execution of an action query: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML
ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet
ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet
ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet
ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet
ORA-03111: break received on communication channel
ORA-03111: break received on communication channel
ORA-03111: break received on communication channel
On the database, using Toad's session browser, I can see that the "Current Statement" is correct.
insert into schemaX.tableY(StringField) values(:Stringfield)
Under the Waits tab in Toad, there is the following message:
“Waiting for SQL*Net more data from client - waited X hundred seconds, so far” and the X keeps incrementing until we hit our database timeout.
We tried with batches of 1 million and this gave us the best performance for our scenario. However, this hanging issue arose. I then decrease the ArrayBindCount to 500K, 100K, 50K, 10K and then 5K. Only when I used 5K did it stop happening.
A couple of notes:
This happens more frequently when the database is on a different physical machine than the client. When using a local VM, it rarely happens. The network that we are using is generally very reliable with no other noted issues.
From the error message(ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet), it seems that the issue might be on the client and perhaps related to code in the "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"(ODAC) dll.
My next steps for troubleshooting are to use Reflector to debug the call from the ODAC code and also to get more reliable client side tracing while forcing this error to occur.
I had the same situation when trying to insert into an Oracle table using the ArrayBinding.
Using a small number for oracleCommand.ArrayBindCount seemed to improve the frequency of the errors (same like yours) but not completely.
The solution was to use the Managed data access. I suggest you get the latest ODP.NET, add a reference to ManagedDataAccess and change to:
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types;
This fixed problem in my case and with no need to change anything in the code.
