Ajax Post data lost if input length is big - ajax

I work an a Sylius project.
In the sylius_shop_ajax_cart_add_item form I added a custom input of type hidden where I send a base64 image.
The problem is that if the input is big the POST data is lost.
The ajax call is made via Semantic UI js API.
Here is the request with some small input data. The field to pay attention is image_base64.
And here is the expected result on the server, debugger stopped at the first line of the controller.
Here is the image of the html with image_base64 input
And here is the debugger right on the first line of the controller.
I use the built in server from Symfony.
My php config for max_post_size is 8mb.
Please someone any suggestion where is the problem?


Symfony2 : Best way to check form, client side

I'm developing a form with Symfony2 : several text inputs and one file input (for one picture). I have defined some asserts (maxLength, minLength...) in my entity in order to check the form (isValid).
My problem is : if the user puts bad data in text input (text too long or too short...), he still can submit the form, and error and printed but the user have to re-choose his picture.
As I think it's impossible to keep the picture in the form after bad validation, I should maybe check the form in client side (javascript), before submit.
So, is there an automatic way to do this (to forbidden submit until data are correct)? Can we get the assert minLength, maxLength value in twig ?
Thank you !
You can use js validation before submitting the data, using some js form validation tools, but this way you need the replicate the validation logic from the server, so if validation rules changes, you need to modify on both server and client side. I recommend this method to reduce the traffic between client-server.
If you don't want this, use ajax form submitting (example here). You still validate the form using symfony, but the page won't refresh, so you won't lose the attached file. But this generates additional traffic to server, and you also need to implement error displaying using javascript.

JSP to insert image into DB, display it to client

I want to insert an image to database and display it in another page. I am using the PostgreSQL database.
My guide suggests that I insert the image with its file path in the database. When displaying, in place of the src attrib of img tag put the path from database. So can I get any help for this .
Please guide me for this or give me link for similar kind of problem.
(I'm a final year student, and feel that this project requirement is difficult).
Your guide is entirely correct. Part of what you are supposed to be learning is problem solving: how to break a big problem down into many smaller, simpler problems you can solve piece by piece. It sounds like it's hinting at this, but expects you to be able to do that yourself, which is pretty reasonable.
You need to break this down into steps, and do each step in isolation. That's how anything but the most trivial programming task must be done.
(It isn't clear if you want to store the image data in the DB, or just a file system path, by the way, so I'm assuming you want to write the file to the local file system and just store the path in the DB).
Anyway, this should be fairly simple JSP. To display:
One JSP that:
Examines the query parameters for the image ID
Uses JDBC to fetch the associated path of the image on the file system from the database (a simple SELECT using the image ID as a query parameter)
Opens the image on the file system as a binary stream; also stats it to get its size
Sends appropriate HTTP headers eg Content-Type: image/jpeg and Content-Length: image-length-in-bytes to the client
Copies the raw image data from the image input stream to the output stream that sends to the client
Another JSP that generates the HTML and has an <img src="/the/image/jsp?imageid=blah"> link in it.
If you're required to submit just one JSP file, you can combine the two by having the JSP show a HTML page if it doesn't receive any query parameters, and send an image if it does receive an image id as a query parameter.
To insert:
One JSP that displays a HTML form with a file upload link if it doesn't get called with any HTTP POST data
If the JSP does get called with HTTP POST data:
** Issue a JDBC INSERT to create a record for the file in the database, but do not commit
** Access and decode the POST data using the methods provided in JSP
** Extract the desired file name from the form data and open a binary output stream to a file on the filesystem with that name
** Copy the image bytes into that output stream, url-decoding if required (the HTTP POST form handling code in JSP is likely to decode it to a byte stream for you, though)
** Flush and close the output stream
** Commit the transaction with the JDBC INSERT.
You should be able to find numerous examples of both with a quick Google search. If you can't, adapting examples from other programming languages should be easy enough.
For inserting you must think carefully about the error cases. That's a large part of proper programming.
I am intentionally not showing you code examples. You should be able to do this yourself if you're a final year student. You won't know everything you need, but by now you should know how to find out what you don't know when you need to know it. Tutorials. Documentation. Google. Writing test programs to figure things out. Method name autocomplete in NetBeans / Eclipse. Adapting sample code. You've got lots of options.

Client side to server side calls

I want to change the list of available values in a dropdown depending on the value selected in another dropdown and depending on values of certain fields in the model. I want to use JQuery to do this. The only hard part is checking the values in the model. I have been informed that I can do this using Ajax. Does anyone have any idea how I will approach doing this?
AJAX is indeed the technology your looking for. It is used to sent an asynchronous request from the client browser to the server.
jQuery has an ajax function that you can use to start such a request. In your controller you can have a regular method tagged with the [HttpPostAttribute] to respond to your AJAX request.
Most of the time you will return a JSON result from your Controller to your view. Think of JSON as something similar to XML but easier to work with from a browser. The browser will receive the JSON and can then parse the results to do something like showing a message or replacing some HTML in the browser.
Here you can find a nice example of how to use it all together.

Getting partial view fragments with Spring MVC

I'm new in Spring MVC, I just started my first project and I'm doing some research to be sure to set it up in a proper way (should work in the long-term!).
I already know that for a part of the project, I will need to manually change small fragments of the page through Ajax. I know it's possible to change part of the page (using Tiles). What I really need, though, is for example to change a single line in a table containing dynamically generated data (i.e. data coming from the database).
Can you suggest anything?
I don't want to use JSF or Spring JS.
Thank you.
You have at least two choices:
render on the server, send the update html snippet to the brower and use JavaScript to replace them
send an AJAX request to the server, but this time return only the data (JSON) and the "render" the table line in the browser (or just update some pices of text)
For the fist choice you need a dedicated jsp file (and tiles configuration) to render only a single line. As fare as I know, there is no technical support.
What you can do, to reduce the amount of duplicated code is to use that single line rendering jsp in like in include in the one that renders the complete table.
Of course instead of using JSP to render the single line you can also use the Java Method that handles the request, and make it returning the html string.

ajax send parameter to jsp but failed

I am trying to send data to my jsp via:"xhr.send(projectCode);"
but apparently the parameter is not received when I am trying to realise it with System.out.print it is a null displayed.
so the story from the begining. my javascript function send the parameter to the jsp whitch construct an xml file and resend to the first one.
this will reconstruct my second dropdownList with the xml code constructed and received.
so the problem that the parameter dosent sent at all.
What should I do.
Just note in case the syntax whatever you have sent is like this:
url="postjob2.jsp?param=" + param;
After param=" keep a space and then the parameter. My issue got resolved as soon as I entered the space.
The simplest all-round solution is to run your application with a HTTP-tracer, such as fiddler for windows or wireshark. In that way you can see if the proper data is being submitted from your client to the server Given the amount of details you provide, I think this is the best starting point
