How to monitor elasticsearch with Prometheus data source in Grafana - elasticsearch

I'm the beginner in Prometheus and Grafana.
I have created new dashboards in Grafana to monitor basic metrics of the server using Prometheus and Grafana.
in the same way needs to monitor elastic search in the servers.
I have followed the below steps :
I m not sure whether the below is the right approach.
I have tried below format for node_exporter process which results in success. that's y tried the below for elasticsearch exporters
in the Elastic search server(which is going to be monitored)
tar -xf elasticsearch_exporter-1.0.2rc1.darwin-386.tar.gz
cd elasticsearch_exporter-1.0.2rc1.darwin-386
while executing the last step i get the below error.
-bash: ./elasticsearch_exporter: cannot execute binary file
once this is done, how can i get the dashboards in Grafana for elasticsearch

-bash: ./elasticsearch_exporter: cannot execute binary file
Typically the cause of this error is running an executable on the wrong architecture.
Double check the Elasticsearch binary you downloaded. You'll need to download the appropriate binary for your machine.


how can i generate enrollment token for elasticsearch to connect with kibana?

I am having running elastic-search on my Kubernetes cluster with host Now I have to connect my elastic search to the kibana. For that an enrollment token needs to be generated but how?
When I login to the root directory of elastic-search from kibana dashboard and type the following command to generate a new enrollment token, it shows the error:
command : bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token --scope kibana
error: bash: bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token: No such file or directory
I have created a file elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token inside the bin directory and gave full permission. Still, no tokens are generated.
Have any ideas on enrollment token guys?
Assuming that you are on debian/ ubuntu, this should help
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/
./elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token --scope kibana
Since you're running ES 7.9, you also need Kibana 7.9. You cannot run Kibana 8 on ES 7.9.
That's the reason why you don't have the elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token script in your bin folder, since that's new in ES8
The enrollment flow for configuration is available in version 8.0 and onwards only and is designed to work only with the TLS configuration that is generated automatically on the first start of the node.
You can still use the documentation to setup TLS manually and configure Kibana to connect to your elasticsearch cluster as you would do in previous versions, this is always supported too.
I’d strongly suggest that you look into using ECK and take advantage of the documentation available.

Can we use Kibana as a log monitoring tool for an application running in weblogic?

My use case is: I have a java application running in a weblogic. I want to monitor this applications log in real time. The log is created using log4j. Is it possible to use Kibana or configure Kibana to monitor these logs in real time.?
yes you can, but just that Kibana needs that log data. You export/load that log data either using Filebeat or Logstash into Elasticsearch. Use Kibana to set up watchers, alerts etc to prompt you your 400s, 401s, 500s error codes etc.
Not sure if you have Elasticsearch cluster built already, but Kibana works with Elasticsearch (not directly on logfile's machine).

How to push performance test logs to kibana via elastic search

Is there a possibility to push the analysis report taken from the Performance Center to Logstash and visualize them in Kibana? I just wanted to automate the task of checking each vuser log file and then push errors to ELK stack. How can I retrieve the files by script and automate this. I can't get any direction on this because I need to automate the task of automatically reading from each vuser_log file.
Filebeat should be your tool to get done what you mentioned.
To automatically read entries you write in a file (could be a log file) you simply need a shipper tool which can be Filebeat (It integrates well with ELK stack. Logstash can also do the same thing though but that's heavy and requires JVM )
To do this in ELK stack you need following :
Filebeat should be setup on "all" instances where your main application is running- and generating logs.
Filebeat is simple lightweight shipper tool that can read your logs entries and then send them to Logstash.
Setup one instance of Logstash (that's L of ELK) which will receive events from Filebeat. Logstash will send data to Elastic Search
Setup one instance of Elastic Search (that's E of ELK) where your data will be stored
Setup one instance of Kibana (that's K of ELK). Kibana is the front end tool to view and interact with Elastic search via Rest calls
Refer following link for setting up above mentioned:

How to create filebeat index pattern in kibana?

I'm currently using ELK stack with filebeat. I'm able to map the apache log file contents to Elasticsearch server in json format. Now I would like to know how to create a index pattern for filebeat in kibana? Followed below link but that did not help.
As stated on the page you linked, "To load this pattern, you can use the script that’s provided for importing dashboards." So before you will see the filebeat-* index pattern you should run the ./scripts/import_dashboards tool then refresh the page. This will write the index pattern into the .kibana index used by Kibana.
For Linux when installed by rpm or deb the command is:
/usr/share/filebeat/scripts/import_dashboards -es http://elasticsearch:9200
If you are using the tar or zip package the command is located in the scripts directory of the package.
You can further manage or modify index patterns in Kibana by going to Management -> Index Patterns.

Logstash output to server with elasticsearch

I intend to run logstash on multiple clients, which in turn would submit their logstash reports to the elastic search on a server(a Ubuntu machine, say).
Thus there are several clients running logstash outputting their logs to the elastic search on a COMMON server.
Is this o/p redirection to a server possible with Logstash on the various clients?
If yes, what would the configuration file be?
You need a "broker" to collect the outputs from each of the servers.
Here's a good tutorial:
