how to verify if multiple IPs written in a line of a text file are valid using shell script? - bash

I have a text file with content like following :
some random text
some random text
some random text
using a shell script, want to verify if ALL the IPs mentioned against numbers 1000, 1001 are valid IPs.
your help is highly appreciated.

This might do the job. This will check that the IPs have the same format but not the range, for instance an IP as 999.9.9.9 will be taken as valid too, Im trying to figure out a more precise regex but on the mean time, this might help you.
count_of_potential_IPs=$( grep -E '100(0|1)=' text.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print $2 }' | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l)
count_of_valid_IPs=$( grep -E '100(0|1)=' text.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print $2 }' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -E '[0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}' | wc -l )
if [ $count_of_potential_IPs -eq $count_of_valid_IPs ]
echo "Awesome!, all Ips seem to be valid. The world is regaining its balance! :)"


shell script in a here-document used as input to ssh gives no result

I am piping a result of grep to AWK and using the result as a pattern for another grep inside EOF (not sure whats the terminology there), but the AWK gives me blank results. Below is part of the bash script that gave me issues.
ssh "$USER"#logs << EOF
zgrep $wgr $loc$env/app*$date* | awk -F":" '{print $5 "::" $7}' | awk -F"," '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | while read -r rid ; do
zgrep $rid $loc$env/app*$date*;
I am really drawing a blank here beacuse of no error and Im out of ideas.
I am greping log files that looks like below:
app-server.log.2020010416.gz:2020-01-04 16:00:00,441 INFO [redacted] (redacted) [rid:12345::12345-12345-12345-12345-12345,...
I am interested in rid and I can grep that in logs again:
zgrep $rid $loc$env/app*$date*
loc, env and date are working properly, but they are outside of EOF.
The script as a whole connects to ssh and goes out properly but I am getting no result.
The immediate problem is that the dollar signs are evaluated by the local shell because you don't (and presumably cannot) quote the here document (because then $wqr and $loc etc will also not be expanded by the shell).
The quick fix is to backslash the dollar signs, but in addition, I see several opportunities to get rid of inelegant or wasteful constructs.
ssh "$USER"#logs << EOF
zgrep "$wgr" "$loc$env/app"*"$date"* |
awk -F":" '{v = \$5 "::" \$7; split(v, f, /,/); print f[1]}' |
sort -u | xargs -I {} zgrep {} "$loc$env"/app*"$date"*
If you want to add decorations around the final zgrep, probably revert to the while loop you had; but of course, you need to escape the dollar sign in that, too:
ssh "$USER"#logs << EOF
zgrep "$wgr" "$loc$env/app"*"$date"* |
awk -F":" '{v = \$5 "::" \$7; split(v, f, /,/); print f[1]}' |
sort -u |
while read -r rid; do
echo Dancing hampsters "\$rid" more dancing hampsters
zgrep "\$rid" "$loc$env"/app*"$date"*
Again, any unescaped dollar sign is evaluated by your local shell even before the ssh command starts executing.
Could you please try following. Fair warning I couldn't test it since lack of samples. By doing this approach we need not to escape things while doing ssh.
##Configure/define your shell variables(wgr, loc, env, date, rid) here.
printf -v var_wgr %q "$wgr"
printf -v var_loc %q "$loc"
printf -v var_env %q "$env"
printf -v var_date %q "$date"
ssh -T -p your_pass user#"$host" "bash -s $var_str" <<'EOF'
# retrieve it off the shell command line
zgrep "$var_wgr $var_loc$var_env/app*$var_date*" | awk -F":" '{print $5 "::" $7}' | awk -F"," '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | while read -r rid ; do
zgrep "$rid $var_loc$var_env/app*$date*";

grep search with filename as parameter

I'm working on a shell script.
here, the OUT variable is my filename.
I'm using grep search as follows:
l=`grep "$pattern " -A 15 $OUT | grep -w $i | awk '{print $8}'|tail -1 | tr '\n' ','`
The issue is that the filename parameter I must pass is test.log.However, I have the folder structure :
I would ideally like to pass the filename as test.log and would like it to search it in all log files.I know the usual way to do is by using test.log.* in command line, but I'm facing difficulty replicating the same in shell script.
My efforts:
l=`grep "$pattern " -A 15 $OUT$var | grep -w $i | awk '{print $8}'|tail -1 | tr '\n' ','`
However, I did not get the desired result.
Hopefully this will get you closer:
for f in "${1}*"; do
grep "$pattern" -A15 "$f"
done | grep -w $i | awk 'END{print $8}'

sort fields within a line

87 6,1,9,13
3 9,4,14,35,38,13
31 3,1,6,5
(i.e. a tab-delimited column where the second field is a comma-delimited list of unordered integers.)
desired output:
87 1,6,9,13
3 4,9,13,14,35,38
31 1,3,5,6
for each line separately, sort the comma-separated list appearing in the second field. i.e. sort the 2nd column within for each line separately.
Note: the rows should not be re-ordered.
What I've tried:
sort - Since the order of the rows should not change, then sort is simply not applicable.
awk - since the greater file is tab-delimited, not comma-delimited, it cannot parse the second column as multiple "sub-fields"
There might be a perl way? I know nothing about perl though...
It can be done by simple perl oneliner:
perl -F'/\t/' -alne'$s=join",",sort{$a<=>$b}split",",$F[1];print"$F[0]\t$s"'
and shell (bash) one as well:
while read a b;do echo -e "$a\t$(echo $b|tr , '\n'|sort -n|tr '\n' ,|sed 's/,$//')"; done
while read LINE; do
echo -e "$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}')\t$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n | paste -s -d,)";
done < input
Obviously a lot going on here so here we go:
input contains your input
$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}') prints the first field, pretty straightforward
$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n | paste -s -d,) prints the second field, but breaks it down into lines by replacing the commas by newlines (tr ',' '\n'), then sort numerically, then assemble the lines back to comma-delimited values (paste -s -d,).
$ cat input
87 6,1,9,13
3 9,4,14,35,38,13
31 3,1,6,5
$ while read LINE; do echo -e "$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}')\t$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $2}' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -n | paste -s -d,)"; done < input
87 1,6,9,13
3 4,9,13,14,35,38
31 1,3,5,6
Another way:
echo happybirthday|awk '{split($0,A);asort(A); for (i=1;i<length(A);i++) {print A[i]}}' FS=""|tr -d '\n';echo aabdhhipprty
I didn't know how to get back to this page after recovering login info, so am posting as a guest.

Assigning deciles using bash

I'm learning bash, and here's a short script to assign deciles to the second column of file $1.
The complicating bit is the use of awk within the script, leading to ambiguous redirects when I run the script.
I would have gotten this done in SAS by now, but like the idea of two lines of code doing the job.
How can I communicate the total number of rows (${N}) to awk within the script? Thanks.
N=$(wc -l < $1)
cat $1 | sort -t' ' -k2gr,2 | awk '{$3=int((((NR-1)*10.0)/"${N}")+1);print $0}'
You can set an awk variable from the command line using -v.
N=$(wc -l < "$1" | tr -d ' ')
sort -t' ' -k2gr,2 "$1" | awk -v n=$N '{$3=int((((NR-1)*10.0)/n)+1);print $0}'
I added tr -d to get rid of the leading spaces that wc -l puts in its result.

bash: grep only lines with certain criteria

I am trying to grep out the lines in a file where the third field matches certain criteria.
I tried using grep but had no luck in filtering out by a field in the file.
I have a file full of records like this:
I need to grep only the lines where the third field is equal to 215 (in this case, only the third line)
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
Put down the hammer.
$ awk -F ";" '$3 == 215 { print $0 }' <<< $'12794357382;0;219;215\n12795287063;0;220;215\n12795432063;0;215;220'
grep -E "[^;]*;[^;]*;215;.*" yourFile
in this case, awk would be easier:
awk -F';' '$3==215' yourFile
A solution in pure bash for the pre-processing, still needing a grep:
while read line; do
line_array=( $line )
test "${line_array[2]}" = 215 && echo "$line"
done < file | grep _your_pattern_
Simple egrep (=grep -E)
egrep ';215;[0-d][0-d][0-d]$' /path/to/file
egrep ';215;[[:digit:]]{3}$' /path/to/file
How about something like this:
cat your_file | while read line; do
if [ `echo "$line" | cut -d ";" -f 3` == "215" ]; then
# This is the line you want
Here is the sed version to grep for lines where 3rd field is 215:
sed -n '/^[^;]*;[^;]*;215;/p' file.txt
Simplify your problem by putting the 3rd field at the beginning of the line:
cut -d ";" -f 3 file | paste -d ";" - file
then grep for the lines matching the 3rd field and remove the 3rd field at the beginning:
grep "^215;" | cut -d ";" -f 2-
and then you can grep for whatever you want. So the complete solution is:
cut -d ";" -f 3 file | paste -d ";" - file | grep "^215;" | cut -d ";" -f 2- | grep _your_pattern_
Advantage: Easy to understand; drawback: many processes.
