inotifywait -m | echo "found an event" doesn't stay open despite monitor switch - bash

For whatever reason this command is quitting out after creating a single file in the folder. Not sure why when it is in monitor mode
$ inotifywait -m /TDPROXY/NET_DISCONNECT/INCOMING/ -e create | echo "new file"

I was having this problem and figured it out using chepner's comment. If you just run
$ inotifywait -m /TDPROXY/NET_DISCONNECT/INCOMING/ -e create
You'll see a stdout line printed everytime the event fires. So you just need a way to run echo whenever that happens.
I found a way from this question.
$ inotifywait -m /TDPROXY/NET_DISCONNECT/INCOMING/ -e create |
while read -r line; do echo "new file: ${line}"; done


watch dmesg, exit after first occurrence

I have a script which watches dmesg and kills a process after a specific log message
while sleep 1;
# dmesg -w | grep --max-count=1 -q 'protocol'
dmesg -w | sed '/protocol/Q'
mkdir -p /home/user/dmesg/
eval "dmesg -T > /home/user/dmesg/dmesg-`date +%d_%m_%Y-%H:%M`.log";
eval "dmesg -c";
pkill -x -9 programm
The Problem is that sed as well as grep only trigger after two messages.
So the script will not continue after only one message.
Is there anything I am missing?
You have a script that periodically executes dmesg. Instead, write a script that watches the output of dmesg.
dmesg | while IFS= read -r line; do
case "$line" in
echo "do something when line has protocol"
Consider reading .

Continuously watch a socket file, run command when it doesn't exist?

It seems that when my screen is locked for some period of time, my S.gpg-agent.ssh disappears, and so in order to continue using my key I have to re-initialise it.
Obviously, this is a relatively frequent occurrence, so I've written a function for my shell to kill gpg-agent, restart it, and reset the appropriate environment variables.
This may be a bit of an 'X-Y problem', X being above this line, but I think Y below is more generally useful to know anyway.
How can I automatically run a command when an extant file no longer exists?
The best I've come up with is:
nohup echo "$file" | entr $command &
at login. But entr runs a command when files change, not just deletion, so it's not clear to me how that will behave with a socket.
According to your comment, cron daemon does not fit.
Watch socket file deletion
Try auditd
# auditctl -w /var/run/<your_socket_file> -p wa
$ tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'nametype=DELETE'
Howto run a script if event occurred
If you want to run a script on socketile deletion, you can use while loop, e.g.:
tail -Fn0 /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep 'name=<your_socket_file>' | grep 'nametype=DELETE' \
while IFS= read -r line; do
# your script here
thx to Tom Klino and his answer
You don't mention the OS you're using, but if it's linux, you can use inotifywait from the inotify-tools package:
while inotifywait -qq -e delete_self /path/to/S.gpg-agent.ssh; do
echo "Socket was deleted!"
# Recreate it.

Inotifywait won't run

inotifwait won't run command
"Setting up watches.
Watches established" is output, script just exit
while $(inotifywait -e modify,close_write /home/centos/test.txt);
touch /home/centos/log.txt
but when i modify test.txt log.txt is not created
Tried this version:
inotifywait -e modify,close_write /home/centos/test.txt |
while read output; do
touch /home/centos/log.txt;
tried this also:
inotifywait -e modify,close_write /home/centos/test.txt |
while read -r filename event; do
echo "test" # or "./$filename"
Solved it by adding -m /folder

"inotifywait -e close_write" not triggering even when tail shows new lines

I have a script:
nohup tail -f /somefile >> /soemeotherfile.dat &
nohup while inotifywait -e close_write /someotherfile.dat; do ./; done &
but it seems that is never activated despite input arriving at the tail of /somefile every 5 minutes. What is wrong with my script above?
From the inotifywait docs:
A watched file or a file within a watched directory was closed, after being opened in writeable mode. This does not necessarily imply the file was written to.
close_write only triggers when a file is closed.
tail -f /somefile >> /soemeotherfile.dat
...continually appends to someotherfile.dat. It does not close it after each individual write.
Probably you want the modify event instead.

background shell script terminating automatically

I've created a background shell to watch a folder (with inotifywait) and execute a process (a php script to send information to several other server and update a database, but I don't think that's relevant) when a new file is created in it.
My problem is that after some times the script is actually terminated, and I don't understand why (I redirected the output to a file not to fill up the buffer, even for php execution).
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 server and latest version of php.
Here is my script:
#get the script directory
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
script_path=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
for f in `ls "$script_path"/data/`
php myscript.php "$script_path"/data/$f &
#watch the directory for file creation
inotifywait -q -m --format %w%f -e create "$script_path"/data/ | while read -r line; do
php myscript.php "$line" &
You should take a look at nohup and screen this is exactly what you are looking for
Ok, after hours and hours i finally found a solution, it might (must) be a bit dirty but it works ! As i said in a previous command, i used the trap command, here is my final script :
#get the script directory
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
script_path=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
#trap SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM and relaunch the script
trap "pkill -9 inotifywait;($SCRIPT &);exit" 1 2 15
for f in `ls "$script_path"/data/`
php myscript.php "$script_path"/data/$f &
#watch the directory for file creation
inotifywait -q -m --format %w%f -e create "$script_path"/data/ | while read -r line; do
php myscript.php "$line" &
hope it will help shell beginner as me :)
Edit : added "pkill -9 inotifywait" to make sure inotify process won't stack up,the parenthesis to make sure the new process is not a child of the current one, and exit to make sure the current process stops running
