Convert a time to nanoseconds in Ruby - ruby

I have the following time format:
require 'time'
input = "2016-10-04_00.50.31.147"
format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S.%N"
time = Time.strptime(input, format)
How do I get the number of nanoseconds since the epoch?

This should give you the value:
time.to_f * (10 ** 9)
If you want an integer, apply to_i or whatever to it.
However, notice that your time is wrong, so it would not give the right results.

Try this
t = #=> 2007-11-17 15:18:03 +0900
"%10.9f" % t.to_f #=> "1195280283.536151409"
t.nsec #=> 536151406


(Ruby) Padding single digits when it comes to time

I have 2 methods in a Timer class I'm creating. One method is where hours, minutes, and seconds are calculated from any given amount of seconds and the other method will pad any single digits with a "0". Every things I've look up so far isn't work for me. Below is my code:
class Timer
attr_accessor :seconds=(time), :time_string
def initialize(seconds = 00)
#seconds = seconds
def time_string
hours = padded((#seconds/3600)
minutes = padded(#seconds/60 - hours * 60)
seconds = padded(#seconds%60)
puts '#{hours):#{minutes}:#{seconds}'
def padded(x)
if x.length == 1
so if I put in 7683, the output I want to get is "02:08:03". but when I execute it, I get the following error message:
(eval):6: (eval):6:in `-': String can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
from (eval):6:in `time'
from (eval):19
I'm confused where this is erroring out.
To answer your question as to why your code is not working, you have got couple of conversion issues between FixNum and String throughout your code, you can fix it as follows:
def time_string(seconds)
hours = seconds/3600
minutes = seconds/60 - (hours * 60)
seconds = seconds%60
puts padded(hours)+':'+padded(minutes)+':'+padded(seconds)
You use the hours variable in the second statement, but because its already converted to string, it crashes, therefore its better to do all the calculations first, and only later use the padded method which returns the padded digits in string format. The padded method must also be modified to be consistent:
def padded(x)
if x.to_s.length == 1
return "0"+x.to_s
return x.to_s
Just keep in mind that the combination of the two methods will work only for numbers up to 86399, which will return 23:59:59. Any number passed to time_string bigger than that will pass the 24 hour mark and will return something like: 26:00:00
There is a brilliant method for padding, why not use it?
3.to_s.rjust(10,"*") #=> "*********3"
4.to_s.rjust(2,"0") #=> "04"
44.to_s.rjust(2,"0") #=> "44"
If you want a better solution than writing your own class, use at"%H:%M:%S") #=> "02:08:03"
There's no need to reinvent the wheel.
t = 7683 # seconds"%H:%M:%S") converts your seconds into a time object, which then you can format with strftime. From the strftime documentation you can see you can get the parameters you want non padded, white padded or zero padded.
I tend to use something like this
"%02d" % 2 #=> 02
"%02d" % 13 #=> 13
It's part of the Kernel module:

Getting accurate Julian date number for current time in Ruby returns a rounded number. Is there a way to get more precision in Ruby?
I want to return a Julian date for the current time in UTC.
The Date#amjd method does what you're asking for, but it returns a Rational; converting to a Float gives you something easier to work with:
require 'date' # => 56759.82092321331
require "date"
p jdate = #=> #<DateTime: 2014-03-30T21:28:30+02:00 (...)
p jdate.julian? # => true

Ruby Time object converted from float doesn't equal to orignial Time object

time =
fvalue = time.to_f
return time ==
Can somebody here explain why the above expression returns false. How can I create a new Time object from float that matches the original time variable?
IEEE 754 double (which is returned by to_f) is not accurate enough to represent the exact time.
t1 =
f1 = t1.to_f
t2 =
# they look the same
t1.inspect #=> '2013-09-09 23:46:08 +0200'
t2.inspect #=> '2013-09-09 23:46:08 +0200'
# but double does not have enough precision to be accurate to the nanosecond
t1.nsec #=> 827938306
t2.nsec #=> 827938318
# ^^
# so they are different
t1 == t2 #=> false
Do the following, to preserve the exact time:
t1 =
r1 = t1.to_r # value of time as a rational number
t2 =
t1 == t2 #=> true
Citation from Time.to_r:
This methods is intended to be used to get an accurate value
representing the nanoseconds since the Epoch. You can use this method
to convert time to another Epoch.

How to get the current time as 13-digit integer in Ruby?

I have this jQuery function that returns the current time as the number of milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970):
time = new Date().getTime();
Is there a way to do the same in Ruby?
Right now, I am using Ruby's which works great but returns a 10-digit integer (number of seconds)
How can I get it to display the number of milliseconds, as in jQuery?
require 'date'
p'%s') # "1384526946" (seconds)
p'%Q') # "1384526946523" (milliseconds)
Javascript's gettime() returns the number of milliseconds since epoch.
Ruby's will give you the number of seconds since epoch. If you change that to, you still get seconds but with a fractional component. Just multiply that by 1,000 and you have milliseconds. Then use #to_i to convert it to an integer. And you end up with:
( * 1000).to_i
( * 1000).to_i should do the same thing.
Using strftime, you can get the number of seconds and append fractional milliseconds (or smaller units, if needed):
2.2.2 :001 > t =
=> 2015-06-02 12:16:56 -0700
2.2.2 :002 > t.strftime('%s%3N')
=> "1433272616888"
Note though that this doesn't round, it truncates, as you can see with to_f or if you go out to microseconds:
2.2.2 :003 > t.to_f
=> 1433272616.888615
2.2.2 :004 > t.usec
=> 888615
and the to_f / to_i solution has the same problem (to_i doesn't round, it truncates):
2.2.2 :009 > (t.to_f * 1000).to_i
=> 1433272616888
so if you really care about millisecond accuracy, a better bet may be to_f with round:
2.2.2 :010 > (t.to_f * 1000).round
=> 1433272616889
That said, as noted in the docs, "IEEE 754 double is not accurate enough to represent the number of nanoseconds since the Epoch", so if you really really care, consider to_r instead of to_f --
2.2.2 :011 > (t.to_r * 1000).round
=> 1433272616889
-- although if you're only rounding to milliseconds you're probably fine.
Be careful, don't get confused. The fact that Ruby supports the idea of fractional seconds as a float doesn't actually make it a floating point number. I got into trouble with this when I was doing Wireshark timestamp time comparisons in Python... the time calculations in the pcap-ng just weren't working. It was only when I treated the two parts (integral seconds and integral nanoseconds) as both integers was I able to get proper numbers.
That's because floating point numbers have Accuracy problems. Indeed, a quick bit of Ruby will show you that to_f does not equal, say, nsec:
=> 2015-04-10 16:41:35 -0500
irb(main):020:0> puts "#{t.to_f}; #{t.nsec}"
1428702095.1435847; 143584844
Caveat Programmer. You may be safe to 3 significant digits, but the fact remains: Floating point numbers on computers are approximations. The nanosecond counters on modern computers are integers.
Get a Time object with, calling #to_i returns a Unix timestamp (seconds from epoch). #to_f gives fractional seconds which you can use to get milliseconds from epoch: * 1000
Use Process.clock_gettime:
>> Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :millisecond)
=> 1644588106765
The typecast Integer(1e6* returns a Bignum that can hold the milliseconds

How do I get elapsed time in milliseconds in Ruby?

If I have a Time object got from :
and later I instantiate another object with that same line, how can I see how many milliseconds have passed? The second object may be created that same minute, over the next minutes or even hours.
As stated already, you can operate on Time objects as if they were numeric (or floating point) values. These operations result in second resolution which can easily be converted.
For example:
def time_diff_milli(start, finish)
(finish - start) * 1000.0
t1 =
# arbitrary elapsed time
t2 =
msecs = time_diff_milli t1, t2
You will need to decide whether to truncate that or not.
You can add a little syntax sugar to the above solution with the following:
class Time
def to_ms
(self.to_f * 1000.0).to_i
start_time =
end_time =
elapsed_time = end_time.to_ms - start_time.to_ms # => 3004
I think the answer is incorrectly chosen, that method gives seconds, not milliseconds.
t =­o_f
=> 1382471965.146
Here I suppose the floating value are the milliseconds"%Q")
Example usage:
=> "1541433332357"
=> 1541433332357
To get time in milliseconds, it's better to add .round(3), so it will be more accurate in some cases:
puts # => 1453402722.577573
(*1000).to_i # => 1453402722578
ezpz's answer is almost perfect, but I hope I can add a little more.
Geo asked about time in milliseconds; this sounds like an integer quantity, and I wouldn't take the detour through floating-point land. Thus my approach would be:
t8 =
# => Sun Nov 01 15:18:04 +0100 2009
t9 =
# => Sun Nov 01 15:18:18 +0100 2009
dif = t9 - t8
# => 13.940166
(1000 * dif).to_i
# => 13940
Multiplying by an integer 1000 preserves the fractional number perfectly and may be a little faster too.
If you're dealing with dates and times, you may need to use the DateTime class. This works similarly but the conversion factor is 24 * 3600 * 1000 = 86400000 .
I've found DateTime's strptime and strftime functions invaluable in parsing and formatting date/time strings (e.g. to/from logs). What comes in handy to know is:
The formatting characters for these functions (%H, %M, %S, ...) are almost the same as for the C functions found on any Unix/Linux system; and
There are a few more: In particular, %L does milliseconds!
The answer is something like:
t_start =
# time-consuming operation
t_end =
milliseconds = (t_start - t_end) * 1000.0
However, the approach risks to be inaccurate. I found this post by Luca Guidi:
system clock is constantly floating and it doesn't move only forwards. If your calculation of elapsed time is based on it, you're very likely to run into calculation errors or even outages.
So, it is recommended to use Process.clock_gettime instead. Something like:
def measure_time
start_time = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
end_time = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
elapsed = measure_time do
# your time-consuming task here:
sleep 2.2321
=> 2.232
%L gives milliseconds in ruby
require 'time'
puts"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L")
will give you current timestamp in milliseconds. can help you but it returns seconds.
In general, when working with benchmarks I:
put in variable the current time;
insert the block to test;
put in a variable the current time, subtracting the preceding current-time value;
It's a very simple process, so I'm not sure you were really asking this...
Try subtracting the first from the second. Like so:
a =
puts - a # about 3.0
This gives you a floating-point number of the seconds between the two times (and with that, the milliseconds).
If you want something precise, unaffected by other part of your app (Timecop) or other programs (like NTP), use Process#clock_gettime with Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC to directly get the processor time.
t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
# other code
t2 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
Also, if you are trying to benchmark some code tho, there is the Benchmark module for that!
require "benchmark"
time = Benchmark.realtime do
# code to measure
