display a flash message with events with vuejs - laravel

I'm trying to do what is here in the source code, but it is not working.
But event is sent but never received.
Here is the simplest example I could make:
in bootstrap.js:
window.events = new Vue();
window.flash = function (message, level = 'success') {
console.log('emit'); // This is working
window.events.$emit('flash', { message, level });
Vue.component('flash', require('./vue/components/Flash.vue'));
<div> MY FLASH</div>
export default {
created() {
'flash', data => alert('event!!!')
and in my view:
I can see in my view the component rendering ie MY FLASH message, but I never get the alert coming from emit!
I also have no error in debugger
Am I missing something? it seems quite simple....

The code in your question sets up a global function called flash that triggers the event. That function has to be called somewhere in order for the event to be triggered.
Here is a codesandbox that demonstrates. Everything except triggering the event is from your code.
Note that the alert will only show if the flash method is called after the Flash component is created.
Also, remember when using a bus to remove the listener when the component is destroyed to prevent adding multiple listeners if the component is created more than once.

This is an old question, but I fall in the same situation, my solution maybe is not the best but is working for me.
Based in this response "Note that the alert will only show if the flash method is called after the Flash component is created." by Bert.
The flash component may have a few uses cases, if you want to use in the same view/page it will be fine, because the component is mounted and still any event hasn't been fired. But if you wan to use in a view/page transition using vue router, you will need to use vuex to store your alert message and then fetch and display the alert.


RAILS 6 Ajax events and Ajax Spinner

I am trying to show a loading animation / spinner on every Ajax request
my application.js
$(document).on("turbolinks:load", function() {
window.addAjaxLoaderHandler = function() {
$(document).on('ajax:send', function() {
$(document).on('ajax:complete', function(){
setTimeout(() => {$('#ajax-loader').hide();}, 100);
This works perfectly, UNTIL I load a remote form by AJAX. If I submit that newly loaded form the ajax:send fires, but after completion (without any errors) the ajax:complete does not (the spinner will not be hidden).
The problem seems to be that I remove the loaded form with the ajax call.
What can I do to make this work?
I am just trying to click a link, load a form and remove the form after sending its information.
My application.html.haml (I use HAML so syntax is accordingly, so #... means <div id="...">#all indented code lines#</div>)
= yield
The form will be loaded like:
$('#main').append('<%= j(render(:partial => 'new', :locals => {:model => #model})) %>');
The problem is that #ajax-loader is not hidden and still shows after form is submitted.
I think the problem is, that I remove the AJAX-call triggering element. But I was hoping, that since I bound the listener to document, that it still triggers.
Of course in this case I just can do $('#ajax-loader').hide();, but I am trying to understand why ajax:complete is not fired.
I guess you answered your own question: the problem is that when you remove the form, so does the event listener.
You can check what event listeners still apply to your document object using
getEventListeners(document). Try this on your console* after the spinner is fired and refuses to hide.
*edit: this is a Google Chrome function, might not work in other browsers, though most of them have ways to inspect the listeners on a node
I think of these workarounds:
a) Rebinding the listeners everytime you remove a form;
b) Attaching the listener to the window object instead of document
c) If you are using jQuery Ajax you could use the beforeSend and complete properties to show and hide the spinner instead of events. If it's not jQuery Ajax there's probably a similar way to achieve the same behavior.

Reliable way to access data in Polymer (inside dom-repeat / event handler)

I need to capture data from an instance generated by <template is="dom-repeat"> in Polymer (v1.2.4) and I am not sure what would be the safest way to do so considering the myriad of Shadow DOMs available (client browser might be polyfilled etc).
A simple example:
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[myItems]]" id="collection">
<paper-card on-tap="handleTap">
What is the most reliable way to access the model data from the event handler?
handleTap: function(e) {
var data = e.model.get('item.myData');
handleTap: function(e) {
var data = this.$.collection
My concern is that the simplest (#1) option might be working as expected in my environment but can get buggy in other browsers.
And even in option #2, I am not confident if it is really necessary to normalize the event target (as recommended in the official Polymer guide on events) prior to passing it to modelForElement.
Both should work; but, it seems you should fire a custom event though over trying to inspect a child model. What ever component that has "item.myData" should fire a custom event on tap with "item.myData" as part of the event. Then you should setup a listener for that custom event.
See custom events for more details.

How to show a dialog in SAPUI5 triggerd by the controller and not a view event? (Push notification)

In a SAPUI5 controller of a master view I trigger a oModel.read() request to read some data (async). This read will be done each time the page will be reached during navigation.
onInit: function() {
var that = this;
this.getRouter().getRoute("PageName").attachMatched(this.onRouteMatched, this);
onRouteMatched : function(oEvent) {
oModel.read(....); // this will be done async
The app should be normal rendered (with normal binding).
The mentioned read will load some messages from the server and syncs it with a local model. Now in case of a new message a dialog should be shown.
Here is my problem: Where to place the dialog.open() call in the controller (what event?) so that the dialog will be shown?
Right now I tried with onAfterRendering and there it works for exactly the first call. For further calls I can't see any dialog. If I place the open dialog in the onRouteMatched I can see a short flickering.
So the problem is, that opening the dialog should be done after the rest of the application is rendered. But how to reach this?
Meanwhile I have a hacked solution.
In the onInit method of the controller I register to the onmousemove event. Each time the mouse will be moved I can check if there is some data to show.
this.getView().attachBrowserEvent("mousemove", function(oEvent) {
But better solutions are welcome.

The view area of ckEditor sometimes shows empty at the start

I am using the following directive to create a ckEditor view. There are other lines to the directive to save the data but these are not included as saving always works for me.
app.directive('ckEditor', [function () {
return {
require: '?ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elm, attr, ngModel) {
var ck = ck = CKEDITOR.replace(elm[0]);
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}; }
The window appears but almost always the first time around it is empty. Then after clicking the [SOURCE] button to show the source and clicking it again the window is populated with data.
I'm very sure that the ck.setData works as I tried a ck.getData and then logged the output to the console. However it seems like ck.setData does not make the data visible at the start.
Is there some way to force the view window contents to appear?
You can call render on the model at any time and it will simply do whatever you've told it to do. In your case, calling ngModel.$render() will grab the $modelValue and pass it to ck.setData(). Angular will automatically call $render whenever it needs to during its digest cycle (i.e. whenever it notices that the model has been updated). However, I have noticed that there are times when Angular doesn't update properly, especially in instances where the $modelValue is set prior to the directive being compiled.
So, you can simply call ngModel.$render() when your modal object is set. The only problem with that is you have to have access to the ngModel object to do that, which you don't have in your controller. My suggestion would be to do the following:
In your controller:
$scope.editRow = function (row, entityType) {
$scope.modal.data = row;
$scope.modal.visible = true;
// trigger event after $scope.modal is set
$scope.$emit('modalObjectSet', $scope.modal); //passing $scope.modal is optional
In your directive:
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
scope.$on('modalObjectSet', function(e, modalData){
// force a call to render
Its not a particularly clean solution, but it should allow you to call $render whenever you need to. I hope that helps.
UPDATE: (after your update)
I wasn't aware that your controllers were nested. This can get really icky in Angular, but I'll try to provide a few possible solutions (given that I'm not able to see all your code and project layout). Scope events (as noted here) are specific to the nesting of the scope and only emit events to child scopes. Because of that, I would suggest trying one of the three following solutions (listed in order of my personal preference):
1) Reorganize your code to have a cleaner layout (less nesting of controllers) so that your scopes are direct decendants (rather than sibling controllers).
2) I'm going to assume that 1) wasn't possible. Next I would try to use the $scope.$broadcast() function. The specs for that are listed here as well. The difference between $emit and $broadcast is that $emit only sends event to child $scopes, while $broadcast will send events to both parent and child scopes.
3) Forget using $scope events in angular and just use generic javascript events (using a framework such as jQuery or even just roll your own as in the example here)
There's a fairly simple answer to the question. I checked the DOM and found out the data was getting loaded in fact all of the time. However it was not displaying in the Chrome browser. So the problem is more of a display issue with ckEditor. Strange solution seems to be to do a resize of the ckEditor window which then makes the text visible.
This is a strange issue with ckeditor when your ckeditor is hidden by default. Trying to show the editor has a 30% chance of the editor being uneditable and the editor data is cleared. If you are trying to hide/show your editor, use a css trick like position:absolute;left-9999px; to hide the editor and just return it back by css. This way, the ckeditor is not being removed in the DOM but is just positioned elsewhere.
Use this java script code that is very simple and effective.Note editor1 is my textarea id
$(function () {
CKEDITOR.timestamp= new Date();
Second way In controller ,when your query is fetch data from database then use th
is code after .success(function().
I know, that this thread is dead for a year, but I got the same problem and I found another (still ugly) solution to this problem:
instance.setData(html, function(){

jQuery Showing an Ajax loader during transmission & Prevent Multiple Submits

I have an app that has several different types of form elements which all post data to the server with jQuery AJAX.
What I want to do is:
Show a loader during AJAX transmission
Prevent the user from submitting twice+ (clicking a lot)
This is easy to do on a one off basis for every type of form on the site (comments, file upload, etc). But I'm curious to learn if that is a more global way to handle this?
Something that's smart enough to say:
If a form is submitting to the server and waiting for a response, ignore all submits
Show a DISABLED class on the submitted / clicked item
Show a loading class on the class="spinner" which is closest to the submit item clicked
What do you think? Good idea? Done before?
Take a look at the jQuery Global Ajax Event Handlers.
In a nutshell, you can set events which occur on each and every AJAX request, hence the name Global Event Handlers. There are a few different events, I'll use ajaxStart() and ajaxComplete() in my code sample below.
The idea is that we show the loading, disable the form & button on the ajaxStart() event, then reenable the form and hide the loading element inside the ajaxComplete() event.
var $form = $("form");
$form.ajaxStart(function() {
// show loading
$("#loading", this).show();
// Add class of disabled to form element
// Disable button
$("input[type=submit]", this).attr("disabled", true);
And the AJAX complete event
$form.ajaxComplete(function() {
// hide loading
$("#loading", this).hide();
// Remove disabled class
// Re-enable button
$("input[type=submit]", this).removeAttr("disabled");
You might need to attach to the ajaxError event as well in case an AJAX call fails since you might need to clean up some of the elements. Test it out and see what happens on a failed AJAX request.
P.S. If you're calling $.ajax or similar ($.getJSON), you can still set these events via $.ajaxStart and $.ajaxComplete since the AJAX isn't attached to any element. You'll need to rearrange the code a little though since you won't have access to $(this).
I believe you have to do 2 for sure and 3 to improve usability of your app. It is better to keep backend dumb but if you have a security issue you should handle that too.
