Websphere Application Server Liberty - profiles - websphere

Is it possible to have both profiles on Liberty
By both, I mean WAS traditional full profile and Liberty profile on WAS Liberty

Technically, no. The only thing that uses that versioning is Liberty based products and the liberty runtime (profile) itself. These do not include anything with the full profile / traditional WAS.
In more practical terms, products like "WebSphere Application Server Base" or "WebSphere Application Server ND" includes the liberty profile as well as the "full profile".


how to get the server display name and process name in Websphere Liberty Profile

In the WebSphere (node) application server, there are the following classes that provide the display name and the process name,
what is the equivalent in WebSphere Liberty Profile
Classes from the WebSphere (traditional) are
I am using Liberty Profile v
You can retrieve server info from the ServerInfoMBean in Liberty as described in this IBM KnowledgeCenter topic. For more info on how to use management mbeans on Liberty, see this topic.

How do we configure MobileFirst Analytics queue sizes in WAS ND?

We are working with MobileFirst Platform 7.0 on WebSphere ND (not Liberty). With Liberty, it is possible to configure analytics queue sizes like this.
However, on WAS ND, we don't see the properties wl.analytics.queues or wl.analytics.queue.size available for either our MobileFirst project WAR, or the MobileFirst administration WAR.
How can we set these JNDI properties?
As of MobileFirst Platform v7.0, this JNDI is no longer available.
The process of forwarding logs to the MFP Analytics server has been optimized in such a way that setting this property is unnecessary. Your logs should be visible in your MFP Operational Analytics console in close to real time.

How to migrate WAS 7.5 to Liberty Profile 8.5?

I am looking to migrate my application to run on Liberty profile 8.5 instead of Websphere Application server 7.5. In this process, I need to do server configuration by setting up LDAP, Database source and JMS. As I am new to Liberty profile, I am looking for help in setting up these. May I get some suggestions from you to complete these settings?
This is a bit broad question, so I'll give you some pointers to documentation to get you started (There is no WAS 7.5, so you probably mean 7.0).
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile Guide for Developers - this will give you some basic general information to get you started with Liberty
Data source configuration - basic configuration is quite simple, you define it in server.xml file (you didn't mention which DB you are using, so here is sample with Derby)
<library id="derby">
<fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/derby"/>
<jdbcDriver id="derbyDriver" libraryRef="derby"/>
<dataSource jdbcDriverRef="derbyDriver" jndiName="jdbc/DataSourceJNDI" type="javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource">
<properties.derby.embedded createDatabase="false" databaseName="D:\path\DB"/>
For more specific information regarding migrating DB2 data sources see
Migrating a DB2 data source to the Liberty profile
LDAP configuration - basic configuration for MS Active Directory
<ldapRegistry id="ldap" realm="SampleLdapADRealm"
host="ldapserver.mycity.mycompany.com" port="389" ignoreCase="true"
ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory">
For more details and other LDAP see Configuring LDAP user registries with the Liberty profile
JMS - as you didn't provide details, if you are acting as JMS server or client and which JMS provider are you using (default or MQ), check this page as starting point for JMS related configuration - Liberty profile: JMS messaging
Application migration - if you want to check, if there are any issues with your application code regarding migration, you can install plugin for Eclipse/RAD -
WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit – Liberty Tech Preview which will scan your code for incompatibilities.

Copy profile configuration in websphere server 6.1

I have a was6.1 server profile "AppSrv01" in which database and queue configuration is done and some applications are deployed.
I want to create one more profile in my system having the same configurations as AppSrv01 instead of doing it manually again.
Is this possible?
Best solution is to create administration scripts in order to configure your environment.
Samples for WebSphere Application Server

IBM Worklight - Can Worklight be deployed to an existing WAS server?

Can a Worklight Server be deployed to a WebSphere application server which also runs other non-Worklight .ear applications? Or does Worklight need its own separate instance of WAS?
Just like you can deploy multiple instances of Worklight (v6 and above) projects - multiple .war files to the same WAS application server, there should not be issues to deploy it to an application server running other services.
That said, possible issues to consider:
When deploying a Worklight project, you will want to enable "application security"
(in the WAS admin console, Security > Global Security). If there are some other web
applications for which application security is undesired, you need a different WAS server
Setting up, enabling and migrating security
The list of users that can use the web applications are configured through LDAP or
"federated repositories", or similar. If, for Worklight, you need to use a completely
different set of user logins than for the other web applications, then you need to use
multiple "security domains".
Configuring multiple security domains
The machine hosting the application server will probably need memory upgrades...
Deploying the Enterprise Archive (EAR) Using the WebSphere Admin Console
Probably also need to make clear seperation where required:
IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Co-hosting multiple versions of J2EE applications
Worklight is itself an application running inside a web container, whether that be Tomcat, WAS Liberty, or full WAS. It's essentially a layer running underneath the container to handle requests for Worklight applications, fielding their context root requests. If you create the WAR file for your Worklight app and extract out the deployment descriptor you'll find all the necessary filters and listeners that most other apps would have.
Things like adapters and wlapps are "installed" to this underlying layer, and are merely extracted and stored as whatever was packaged with them, such as the JS and CSS you used to make you app. In fact, with a standard Liberty install you can typically find your adapters in plain sight at (for the WL5.0.6 instance I have handy, it's different for WL6):
So, in addition to what Idan has said, I also present you with the following docs (assuming WL6)
Overview of the Worklight Server installation process
Given my own experience, you should be perfectly able to install other EAR and WAR files to your existing WAS instance, just make sure your context roots are unique, as always ;)
I also second the memory considerations.
