Why go package unsafe source code only six lines? - go

package unsafe
type ArbitraryType int
type Pointer *ArbitraryType
func Sizeof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr
func Offsetof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr
func Alignof(x ArbitraryType) uintptr
What's the principle of Sizeof, Offsetof, Alignof?

Usually just having a function signature without an implementations means that the implementation is elsewhere. Usually in a separate assembly file.
In this case, you have stumbled upon one of two situations in the standard library where it is not implemented in assembly: unsafe and builtin.
The Go implementation of those packages are only there to provide documentation inside godoc. Their use is defined in the Go language specification and because of that are implemented in a way that would be impossible to implement in Go. In the case of unsafe, "ArbitraryType" really means that it accepts all possible types. This would normally be impossible to do without implicit interface conversion. But the functions are implemented by the compiler as they are needed and get to ignore the normal restrictions on Go code.
But what is the unsafe package? It is a package that provides various tools for doing low level work. Its main use is in doing direct syscalls or cgo. Using unsafe gives you a great amount of power but also doesn't stop you from using that power to shoot yourself in the foot. If at all possible, I recommend avoiding it.
Further reading:


Why casting interface{} to cgo types is not allowed?

It's more of a technical question, not really an issue. Since we don't have variadic functions in cgo and there's currently no valid solution, I wonder if it'd be possible to cast interface{} to cgo types. So this would allow us to have more dynamic functions. I'm pretty sure we're not even allowed to assign types in a dynamic way to arguments in exported (//export) functions, neither the use of ellipsis is allowed. So what's the reason behind all those limits?
Thanks for answering.
import "C"
//export Foo
func Foo(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
C compilers are allowed, but not required, to return different types using different return mechanisms. For instance, some C compilers might return float results in the %f0 register, double results in the %f0:f1 register pair, integer results in the %d0 register, and pointer results in the %a0 register.
What this means for the person writing the Cgo interface for Go is that they must, in general, handle each kind of these C functions differently. In other words, it's not possible to write:
generic_type Cfunc(ctype1 arg1, ctype2 arg2) { ... }
We must know, at compile time, that Cfunc returns float/double/<some-integer-type>/<some-pointer-type> so that we can grab the correct register(s) and stuff its (or their) value(s) into the Cgo return-value slot, where the Cgo interface can get it and wrap it up for use in Go.
What this means for you, as a user of a Go compiler that implements Cgo wrappers to call C functions, is that you have to know the right type. There is no generalized answer; there is no way to use interface{} here. You must communicate the exact, correct type to the Cgo layer, so that the Cgo layer can use that exact, correct type information to generate the correct machine code at compile time.
If the C compiler writers had some way of flagging their code so that, e.g., at link time, the linker could pull in the right "save correct register to memory" location, that would enable the Cgo wrapper author to use the linker to automagically find the C function's type at link time. But these C compilers don't offer this ability to the linkers.
Is your particular compiler one of these? We don't know: you didn't say. But:
I'm pretty sure we're not even allowed to assign types in a dynamic way to arguments in exported (//export) functions, neither the use of ellipsis is allowed. So what's the reason behind all those limits?
That's correct, and the (slightly theoretical) example above is a reason. (I constructed this example by mixing actual techniques from 68k C compilers and SPARC C compilers, so I don't think there's any single C compiler like this. But examples like this did exist in the past, and SPARC systems still return integers in %o0, or %o0+%o1 on V8 SPARC, vs floating point in %f0 or %f0+%f1.)

What is the difference between &Trait and impl Trait when used as method arguments?

In my project so far, I use many traits to permit mocking/stubbing in unit tests for injected dependencies. However, one detail of what I'm doing so far seems so suspicious that I'm surprised it even compiles. I'm worried that something dangerous is going on that I don't see or understand. It's based on the difference between these two method signatures:
fn confirm<T>(subject: &MyTrait<T>) ...
fn confirm<T>(subject: impl MyTrait<T>) ...
I only just discovered the impl ... syntax in method arguments, and it seems like the only documented way to do this, but my tests pass using the other way already, which I came to by intuition based on how Go solves the same problem (size of method argument at compile time, when argument can be any implementer of an interface, and references can come to the rescue).
What is the difference between these two? And why are they both allowed? Do they both represent legitimate use cases, or is my reference syntax (&MyTrait<T>) strictly a worse idea?
The two are different, and serve different purposes. Both are useful, and depending on circumstances one or the other may be the best choice.
The first case, &MyTrait<T>, is preferably written &dyn MyTrait<T> in modern Rust. It is a so-called trait object. The reference points to any type implementing MyTrait<T>, and method calls are dispatched dynamically at runtime. To make this possible, the reference is actually a fat pointer; apart from a pointer to the object it also stores a pointer to the virtual method table of the type of the object, to allow dynamic dispatch. If the actual type of your object only becomes known at runtime, this is the only version you can use, since you need to use dynamic dispatch in that case. The downside of the approach is that there is a runtime cost, and that it only works for traits that are object-safe.
The second case, impl MyTrait<T>, denotes any type implementing MyTrait<T> again, but in this case the exact type needs to be known at compile time. The prototype
fn confirm<T>(subject: impl MyTrait<T>);
is equivalent to
fn confirm<M, T>(subject: M)
M: MyTrait<T>;
For each type M that is used in your code, the compiler creates a separate version of confim in the binary, and method calls are dispatched statically at compile time. This version is preferable if all types are known at compile time, since you don't need to pay the runtime cost of dynamically dispatching to the concrete types.
Another difference between the two prototypes is that the first version accepts subject by reference, while the second version consumes the argument that is passed in. This isn't a conceptual difference, though – while the first version cannot be written to consume the object, the second version can easily be written to accept subject by reference:
fn confirm<T>(subject: &impl MyTrait<T>);
Given that you introduced the traits to facilitate testing, it is likely that you should prefer &impl MyTrait<T>.
It is indeed different. The impl version is equivalent to the following:
fn confirm<T, M: MyTrait<T>>(subject: M) ...
so unlike the first version, subject is moved (passed by value) into confirm, rather than passed by reference. So in the impl version, confirm takes ownership of this value.

How can I write a function that takes either one of many types in go?

I'm trying go for a small project and tried to write these functions:
func fatal(reason string) {
func fatal(err error) {
After digging about a bit and finding this answer, which referenced the docs on overloading I realised that what I was trying to do was illegal in go.
What I want is a simple api that allows me to call fatal with either a string or an error in order to simplify my logic. How do I achieve this or a similar goal?
It would feel inelegant to have func fatal(reason string) along with func fatalErr(err error), is that what's needed? Am I missing a different feature of the language that allows me to do what I want?
The most common way to do this would be to define the method as func fatal(err interface{}) then do type assertions or use a type switch within it's body to handle each of the different types. If I were coding for your example it would look like this;
func fatal(err interface{}) {
if v, ok := err.(string); ok {
if v, ok := err.(error); ok {
} else {
// panic ?
Also; here's a quick read about type switches and assertions that may be helpful; http://blog.denevell.org/golang-interface-type-assertions-switch.html
You can also check out effective-go as it has sections on both features.
Use log.Fatal() instead. https://golang.org/pkg/log/#Fatal
You can use interface{} but it is not recommended because you lose all the benefits of type checking when you do that. The Go authors get to use interface{} because they understand the appropriate level of additional testing and checks to do when using interface{}. It's much easier (even for intermediate and advanced gophers) to use builtin and standard library functions when something like this is required.
Go does not have algebraic or/sum types either. The standard workaround is to define an and/product type with pointers (e.g. struct{*string, *error}) and go to the effort of making sure you only ever make one of the fields non nil at any point in time.
Function overloading is not supported in the language. From the official Golang site it says,
Method dispatch is simplified if it doesn't need to do type matching as well. Experience with other languages told us that having a variety of methods with the same name but different signatures was occasionally useful but that it could also be confusing and fragile in practice. Matching only by name and requiring consistency in the types was a major simplifying decision in Go's type system.
Regarding operator overloading, it seems more a convenience than an absolute requirement. Again, things are simpler without it.
One potential solution would be to define a high level function that type checks and handles different types similarly to how you would overload multiple functions. See #evanmcdonnal's solution for a great example.

Finding functions that return a specific type

Perhaps this is a silly question, but is there a way to find all functions (in the standard library or GOPATH) that return a specific type?
For example there are many functions that take io.Writer as an argument. Now I want to know how to create an io.Writer and there are many ways to do so. But how can I find all the ways easily without guessing at packages and looking through all the methods to find those that return an io.Writer (or whatever other type I'm after)?
Edit: I should extend my question to also find types that implement a specific interface. Sticking with the io.Writer example (which admittedly was a bad example for the original question) it would be good to have a way to find any types that implement the Writer interface, since those types would be valid arguments for a function that takes takes an io.Writer and thus answer the original question when the type is an interface.
Maybe not the best way but take a look at the search field at the top of the official golang.org website. If you search for "Writer":
You get many results, grouped by categories like
Package-level declarations
Local declarations and uses
and Textual occurrences
Also note that io.Writer is an interface, and we all know how Go handles interfaces: when implementing an interface, there is no declaration of intent, a type implicitly implements an interface if the methods defined by the interface are declared. This means that you won't be able to find many examples where an io.Writer is created and returned because a type might be named entirely different and still be an io.Writer.
Things get a little easier if you look for a non-interface type for example bytes.Buffer.
Also in the documentation of the declaring package of the type the Index section groups functions and methods of the package by type so you will find functions and methods of the same package that return the type you're looking for right under its entry/link in the Index section.
Also note that you can check the dependencies of packages at godoc.org. For example you can see what packages import the io package which may be a good starting point to look for further examples (this would be exhausting in case of package io because it is so general that at the moment 23410 packages import it).
In my days coding I'm personally rare in need to find functions returning Int16 and error(func can return few values in Go, you know)
For second part of your question there exists wonderful cmd implements written by Dominik Honnef go get honnef.co/go/implements
After discover type that satisfy your conditions you can assume constructor for type (something like func NewTheType() TheType) would be just after TheType declaration in source code and docs. It's a proven Go practice.

Can I define C functions that accept native Go types through CGo?

For the work I'm doing to integrate with an existing library, I ended up needing to write some additional C code to provide an interface that was usable through CGo.
In order to avoid redundant data copies, I would like to be able to pass some standard Go types (e.g. Go strings) to these C adapter functions.
I can see that there are GoString and GoInterface types defined in the header CGo generates for use by exported Go functions, but is there any way to use these types in my own function prototypes that CGo will recognise?
At the moment, I've ended up using void * in the C prototypes and passing unsafe.Pointer(&value) on the Go side. This is less clean than I'd like though (for one thing, it gives the C code the ability to write to the value).
Just to be clear, I do know the difference between Go's native string type and C char *. My point is that since I will be copying the string data passed into my C function anyway, it doesn't make sense to have the code on the Go side make its own copy.
I also understand that the string layout could change in a future version of Go, and its size may differ by platform. But CGo is already exposing type definitions that match the current platform to me via the documented _cgo_export.h header it generates for me, so it seems a bit odd to talk of it being unspecified:
typedef struct { char *p; int n; } GoString;
But there doesn't seem to be a way to use this definition in prototypes visible to CGo. I'm not overly worried about binary compatibility, since the code making use of this definition would be part of my Go package, so source level compatibility would be enough (and it wouldn't be that big a deal to update the package if that wasn't the case).
Not really. You cannot safely mix, for example Go strings (string) and C "strings" (*char) code without using the provided helpers for that, ie. GoString and CString. The reason is that to conform to the language specs a full copy of the string's content between the Go and C worlds must be made. Not only that, the garbage collector must know what to consider (Go strings) and what to ignore (C strings). And there are even more things to do about this, but let me keep it simple here.
Similar and/or other restrictions/problems apply to other Go "magical" types, like map or interface{} types. In the interface types case (but not only it), it's important to realize that the inner implementation of an interface{} (again not only this type), is not specified and is implementation specific.
That's not only about the possible differences between, say gc and gccgo. It also means that your code will break at any time the compiler developers decide to change some detail of the (unspecified and thus non guaranteed) implementation.
Additionally, even though Go doesn't (now) use a compacting garbage collector, it may change and without some pinning mechanism, any code accessing Go run time stuff directly will be again doomed.
Conclusion: Pass only simple entities as arguments to C functions. POD structs with simple fields are safe as well (pointer fields generally not). From the complex Go types, use the provided helpers for Go strings, they exists for a (very good) reason.
Passing a Go string to C is harder than it should be. There is no really good way to do it today. See https://golang.org/issue/6907.
The best approach I know of today is
// typedef struct { const char *p; ptrdiff_t n; } gostring;
// extern CFunc(gostring s);
import "C"
func GoFunc(s string) {
This of course assumes that Go representation of a string value will not change, which is not guaranteed.
