Swashbuckle.AspNetCore [FromForm]IFormCollection - asp.net-core-mvc

I have the following action in my .NET Core 2 controller. It is an API that should store all data posted as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
public void Add(int formid, [FromForm]IFormCollection formData) {
//do something
So the Swagger UI allows to try the action using UI:
Swagger UI
But the Swagger UI produces POST with body: formData=field1%3Dvalue1%26field2%3Dvalue2
I expect it to be: field1=value1&field2=value2
So the question is, is it a limitation of OpenAPI, or a bug of the SwaggerUI? Or maybe there is a way to get what I expect?

IFormCollection is a dynamic dictionary, so Swagger doesn't know how to handle it, since it effectively has no rules. That in an of itself should be enough to signal to you that this isn't something you should be using in a REST-based API. The whole point is to make the API self-documenting, which means it should accept the actual stuff it needs as strongly-typed params, not a generic data dump.
In other words, instead, do something like:
public void Add(int formid, [FromForm]DataClass data)
Where DataClass is an actual class with properties that match the names of the fields you're posting. Using a strongly-typed param does not preclude posting as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. There's really no good reason to ever use IFormCollection.


Is there a Best Practice for multiple Http Post - RPC style, custom MediaTypeFormatter or Other

I'm not looking to start a holy war but looking for maybe a document on best
practices for creating APIs which contain multiple HTTP verbs.
I inherited a 4.7.2 Web API project and trying to straighten out some things and
hopefully sometime in the future get to move it to .NET Core.
In the mean time I have a resource that will be gaining new functionality.
To keep this simple, let's just say it is a "document".
Currently there is a [HttpPost] that is used to create the document metadata.
The ask is to extend it to provide "Clone", "Split", "Merge" all of which are
creation types but all have a dependency on an existing document.
I can go the RPC style
which flies in the face of HTTP REST implementations.
The second implementation is a little better but that "action" is not really a "resource".
The other option I have is to have a single HttpPost that looks like the code at the bottom
and pass a custom content-type. If I go this route, I must implement a MediaTypeFormatter
or I get a exception generated. I currently have this implemented and working, it's just
going to be a maintenance nightmare when/if I start adding/changing to use this methodology.
As I said, I'm on 4.7.2 so ConsumesAttribute is not available to me.
The question I have is.... Is there a best practice????
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody] string metadata)
var ct = Request.Headers["Content-Type"]
switch (ct)
// Call operation that will handle that Content Type which
// will deserialize document into a specific object type
Action Content Type
Create application/json
Clone application/vnd.mycompany.create-from-existing.v1+json
Split application/vnd.mycompany.split-from-existing.v1+json
Merge application/vnd.mycompany.merge-existing.v1+json
public class MyContentTypeToStringFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter { }

Best practice of creation GET methods with many parameters(filters)

I have the GET method in my Spring REST controller. This method returns the list of users by the filter.
I have a few ways to implement it:
Add #PathVariable like - /users/{type}/{age}/{name}/...(bad approach in this case)
Add #RequestParam like - /users?type=type,age=age,name=name...(usual approach in this case)
Use RequestDto (the best approach) like
public class UsersRequestDto {
private String type;
private int age;
private String name;
But I can not use GET method for this. I must use POST method with #RequestBody
And it breaks the rules. My method doesn't change state and doesn't create any entities. It workes as the GET method but in reality, it is POST.
And I have 2 ways:
Use the GET method with many parameters
Use the POST method with DTO which works as the GET method and confuses users.
Which way is better?
Short version: you might be looking for How to bind #RequestParam to object in Spring. (See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16942352/54734 )
On the web, we would have an html form with a GET action. When the form is submitted, the browser would process the input controls and create the application/x-www-form-urlencoded representation of the form data. For a GET action, that representation is used as the query string.
Using GET, and encoding all of the information into the query string, allows us to take advantage of general purpose caching of the results.
But the query parameters aren't accessible by themselves - they are actually embedded within the larger context of the HTTP request. We don't usually see that because, once again, general purpose components can do a lot of the heavy lifting.
So we don't see the parser that extracts the target-uri from the request, or the parser that splits the target URI into its separate components, or the parser that splits the query part into a sequence of key value pairs....
In general, what we do is ride the "general purpose" implementation as far as we can, then get off and do the rest of the work ourselves. If the framework offered no better support for object mapping, that could mean implementing that mapping ourselves.
So if our framework lacked the capability to map the query string directly to an object representation, we would hand roll that part of the implementation ourselves (either by copying each parameter "by hand", or writing our own reflection code to do the mapping automagically).
But it seems that Spring has that capability already built into it; and that it is the default option (no annotation required); you just have to be sure that the object implementation provides the interface that Spring needs to execute the mapping.
How many different parameters are you including in your query?
Personally, I prefer the option of a GET method with many different parameters. It has other benefits such as being cacheable as well. Also, compare it to something like a the URL that a Google search generates - lots of query string parameters.
The POST option feels dirty - it's a violation of what a POST should actually do (creating or updating a resource).
See these discussions: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/233164/how-do-searches-fit-into-a-restful-interface and REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters?
1st of all when you are using RequestParam then key will be added with & symbol not with comma(,) .
when you want to filter ( as you have mentioned) something then best approach would be to use RequestParam.
To minimize the code you can opt to "MultiValueMap" or "HttpservletRequest" .
public List<User> getFilteredUser(HttpServletRequest httpservlet)
httpservlet.getQuesryString() //will return all request param.
#RequestParam MultiValueMap<String,String> params
NOTE:- Generally POST is for create/update record.

Model Binder of Json.Net not being used when i post an object

To clarify...
I configure my WebApiConfig like so:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Binder = new TypeNameSerializationBinder("namespace.{0}, assembly");
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
This should allow me to bind derived classes to base class.
And binder does work when WebApi serializes objects to JSON, and sends them to client, but when I post them back to server, the binder isn't used (BindToType method never gets called), and my objects get bound to base class.
When i serialize/deserialize objects manually with this settings it all works fine.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem when trying to deserialize complex objects with a custom JsonConverters. I needed this because I'm using DbGeometry for storing users locations.
I broke my head on this a couple of days, I really thought I was doing something wrong, because every time I posted an geometry to the Web API, the complex type parameter was set to null. This while JsonConverter was perfectly able to convert the json to an filled object.
My workaround for this is written below. I don't like that I can't just use the parameter as I'm supposed to do. But it works, at last.
public MyComplexType SaveMyComplexType()
var json = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var myComplexType = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyComplexType>(json);
//todo: validation and save to db
return myComplexType;
After some research, I found that this is a bug in ASP.NET Web Api. When the url encoded parameters are parsed, it just creates a new JsonSerializer (without passing global settings).
I filed it here

How to use Json.NET as default deserializer in an ASP.NET MVC 3+ application?

There're a lot of resources on how to substitute the Json.NET library as the default serializer in ASP.NET MVC apps, but, for the life of me, I can't find a single resource on how to set it as the default deserializer.
To illustrate that a bit, here's some template code:
// how to use Json.NET when deserializing
// incoming arguments?
public ActionResult SomeAction ( Foo foo ) {
// this piece of code has lots of resources
// on how to override the default Javascript serializer
return Json(new Bar());
How do I tell my application to use Json.NET when deserializing incoming parameters in controller actions, say, from a jQuery AJAX call?
type : 'POST',
data : { foo : 'bar' }
I've tried adapting MediaTypeFormatters into my code by adjusting this resource from Rick Strahl, but that didn't work either. Note that I'm not in a WebAPI environment --- but I expect that one solution that works on a normal Controller should work (albeit with minimal adjustments) in an ApiController.
You'll need to implement a custom ValueProviderFactory and remove the standard JsonValueProviderFactory.
There's some example code here: http://json.codeplex.com/discussions/347099 however reading through the comments, i'm not 100% sure that it will properly handle dictionaries.

Problems deserializing Dictionarys in MVC 3 for AJAX request (an approach that works out of the box with classic ASP.NET Webforms)

I've been successfully WebForms for AJAX calls with relatively complex set of parameters (called using jQuery.ajax). We're attempting to try using the same approach in MVC 3 but seem to be falling at the first hurdle with MVC failing to deserialize Dictionary arrays successfully.
The approach that works without issue in ASP.NET WebForms "classic" is below:
public static JQGrid.JQGridData GetListForJQGrid(int? iPageSize, int? iPage, int? iMaxRecords, string sSortField, string sSortOrder,
Dictionary<string, string> dSearchOptions, Dictionary<string, object>[] aOriginalColumnDefinition, string[] aExtraDataColumns)
And below is the MVC 3 equivalent: (nb exactly the same name/parameters - different return type but I don't think that is relevant)
public JSONResult GetListForJQGrid(int? iPageSize, int? iPage, int? iMaxRecords, string sSortField, string sSortOrder,
Dictionary<string, string> dSearchOptions, Dictionary<string, object>[] aOriginalColumnDefinition, string[] aExtraDataColumns)
With the WebMethod all the data deserializes perfectly. However, when the MVC method is called all the simple parameters deserialize fine but for some unknown reason the array of Dictionary's arrives as an array of nulls.
So, off the back of that a number of questions:
Has anyone else experienced problems with MVC 3 deserialization of arrays of dictionaries?
Does MVC 3 by default not use System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer which is I think what ASP.NET WebMethods use under the bonnet?
Can I force MVC 3 to use System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer instead of what it is using?
Or am I missing something / should my approach be slightly different? Please note that at least for now we'll need to share the client side code between classic ASP.NET WebMethods and MVC 3 and so we want that to remain as is if possible.
Finally, I can see there is a possible workaround that could be used looking at this question: POST json dictionary . Is this workaround the only game in town or have things improved since this question was posed?
jQuery AJAX call:
$.ajax(_oJQGProperties.sURL, //URL of WebService/PageMethod used
data: JSON.stringify(oPostData),
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
complete: DataCallback
Example JSON.stringify(oPostData):
I don't have any experience with binding to a dictionary array, but one possible solution is to use a custom model binder. Scott Hanselman has a blog post on this subject that you might find useful: Splitting DateTime - Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC Custom Model.
Long time getting to update this but I thought I'd share where we got to. The problem turned out to be a bug - details of which can be found here:
POST json dictionary
We used the stated workaround which has been fine. I'm not too clear as to when the fix will be shipped and where exactly the bug lay. (Is it .NET dependant / MVC dependant etc) If anyone else knows I'd love to find out :-)
I haven't heard still if this is shipped (I assume it goes out with MVC 4?) but in the interim this may be an alternative solution:
Update 2
This has now been shipped as a fix with MVC 4. The issue remains unresolved in MVC 3 and so I've now written it up as a blog post here:
I ran into this issue too. After finding this SO post, I thought about upgrading to MVC4, but it's too risky to do all at once in my environment so scratch that.
This link posted in Johnny Reilly's answer looked promising, but it required flattening my dictionary to a string. Because my MVC model is bidirectional (it's used for reads and writes), and I really wanted that dictionary structure I decided to pass on that too. It would have been a real pain to keep two properties for one value. I would have needed to add more tests, watch out for edge cases, etc.
Johnny's JsonValueProviderFactory link seemed promising too, but a bit arcane. I'm also not entirely comfortable monkeying around with a part of MVC like that. I had only a few hours to figure this problem out so I passed on this too.
Then I found this link somewhere, and thought "Yes! this is more like what I want!". In other words attack the model binding problem by using a custom binder. Replace the buggy one with something else, and use MVC's built-in capability to do so. Unfortunately, this did not work as my use case was List of T, and T was my model. This totally did not work with the sample. So I hacked away at it and ultimately failed.
Then, I got a lightbulb moment - JSON.NET does not have this problem. I use it all the time for doing all sorts of things, from cloning objects, to logging, to REST service endpoints. Why not model binding? So I ultimately ended up with this and my problem was solved. I think it should work with just about anything - I trust JSON.NET =)
/// <summary>
/// Custom binder that maps JSON data in the request body to a model class using JSON.NET.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Model type being bound</typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// This binder is very useful when your MVC3 model contains dictionaries, something that it can't map (this is a known bug, fixed with MVC 4)
/// </remarks>
public class CustomJsonModelBinder<T> : DefaultModelBinder
where T : class
/// <summary>
/// Binds the model by using the specified controller context and binding context.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The bound object.
/// </returns>
/// <param name="controllerContext">The context within which the controller operates. The context information includes the controller, HTTP content, request context, and route data.</param><param name="bindingContext">The context within which the model is bound. The context includes information such as the model object, model name, model type, property filter, and value provider.</param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="bindingContext "/>parameter is null.</exception>
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
HttpRequestBase request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
request.InputStream.Position = 0;
var input = new StreamReader(request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
T modelObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(input);
return modelObject;
To apply the binder, I added an attribute to my model parameter. This causes MVC3 to use my binder instead of the default. Something like this:
public ActionResult SomeAction(
[ModelBinder(typeof(CustomJsonModelBinder<List<MyModel>>))] // This custom binder works around a known dictionary binding bug in MVC3
List<MyModel> myModelList, int someId)
One caveat - I was using POST with content type "application/json". If you're doing something like form or multipart data instead it will probably crash horribly.
