How to batch additions to arrays/lists returned by rxjs observables? - rxjs

have an observable that returns arrays/lists of things: Observable
And I have a usecase where is is a pretty costly affair for the downstream consumer of this observable to have more items added to this list. So I'd like to slow down the amount of additions that are made to this list, but not loose any.
Something like an operator that takes this observable and returns another observable with the same signature, but whenever a new list gets pushed on it and it has more items than last time, then only one or a few are added at a time.
So if the last push was a list with 3 items and next push has 3 additional items with 6 items in total, and the batch size is 1, then this one list push gets split into 3 individual pushes of lists with lengths: 4, 5, 6
So additions are batched, and this way the consumer can more easily keep up with new additions to the list. Or the consumer doesn't have to stall for so long each time while processing additional items in the array/list, because the additions are split up and spread over a configurable size of batches.

I made an addAdditionalOnIdle operator that you can apply to any rxjs observable using the pipe operator. It takes a batchSize parameter, so you can configure the batch size. It also takes a dontBatchAfterThreshold, which stops batching of the list after a certain list size, which was useful for my purposes. The result also contains a morePending value, which you can use to show a loading indicator while you know more data is incomming.
The implementation uses the new requestIdleCallback function internally to schedule the batched pushes of additional items when there is idle time in the browser. This function is not available in IE or Safari yet, but I found this excelent polyfill for it, so you can use it today anyways: :)
See the implementation and example usage of addAdditionalOnIdle below:
const { NEVER, of, Observable } = rxjs;
const { concat } = rxjs.operators;
* addAdditionalOnIdle
* Only works on observables that produce values that are of type Array.
* Adds additional elements on window.requestIdleCallback
* #param batchSize The amount of values that are added on each idle callback
* #param dontBatchAfterThreshold Return all items after amount of returned items passes this threshold
function addAdditionalOnIdle(
batchSize = 1,
dontBatchAfterThreshold = 22,
) {
return (source) => {
return Observable.create((observer) => {
let idleCallback;
let currentPushedItems = [];
let lastItemsReceived = [];
let sourceSubscription = source
complete: () => {
error: (error) => {
next: (items) => {
lastItemsReceived = items;
if (idleCallback) {
if (lastItemsReceived.length > currentPushedItems.length) {
const idleCbFn = () => {
if (currentPushedItems.length > lastItemsReceived.length) {{
morePending: false,
value: lastItemsReceived,
idleCallback = undefined;
const to = currentPushedItems.length + batchSize;
const last = lastItemsReceived.length;
if (currentPushedItems.length < dontBatchAfterThreshold) {
for (let i = 0 ; i < to && i < last ; i++) {
currentPushedItems[i] = lastItemsReceived[i];
} else {
currentPushedItems = lastItemsReceived;
if (currentPushedItems.length < lastItemsReceived.length) {
idleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback(() => {
} else {
idleCallback = undefined;
morePending: currentPushedItems.length < lastItemsReceived.length,
value: currentPushedItems,
idleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback(() => {
} else {
currentPushedItems = lastItemsReceived;{
morePending: false,
value: currentPushedItems,
return () => {
sourceSubscription = undefined;
lastItemsReceived = undefined;
currentPushedItems = undefined;
if (idleCallback) {
idleCallback = undefined;
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){
let testSource = of(
.subscribe((list) => {
// Simulate a slow synchronous consumer with a busy loop sleep implementation
document.body.innerHTML += "<p>" + list.value + "</p>";
<script src=""></script>


Where are intervals stored?

If I fire the following function 10 times
createInterval() {
var someInterval = interval(10000).pipe( take(1)).subscribe(
_intervalValue =>
console.log(" Interval Fired" + new Date().toISOString());
I get 10 intervals that will console log 10 times. How do I know that I have 10 intervals?
Where can I access these, it's like they exist mysteriously somewhere.
How do I know that I have 10 intervals?
Let's simplify using numbers instead of Observables:
function createNumber() {
const someNumber = Math.random();
console.log(`Number Created: ${someNumber}`);
for(let x=0; x<10; x++) {
And re-ask the same question: "How do I know that I have 10 numbers?"
Well... you don't. Not unless you're saving a reference to them!
So let's have the function return a reference to the number:
function createNumber() {
const someNumber = Math.random();
console.log(`Number Created: ${someNumber}`);
return someNumber;
let myNumbers = [];
for(let x=0; x<10; x++) {
console.log(`I know I have ${myNumbers.length} numbers!`);
This behavior is no different for observables. If you want know you have 10 intervals, you need to keep track of them:
function createInterval() {
return interval(1000)
() => console.log(`Interval Fired: ${ new Date().toISOString() }`)
let mySubscriptions: Subscription[] = [];
for(let x=0; x<10; x++) {
sub => sub.unsubscribe()
Note: by calling .subscribe() you are returning a Subscription, not an Observable. It is often convenient to have functions return the observable, and let consumers of the function call .subscribe():
function createInterval() {
return interval(1000).pipe(
tap(() => console.log(`Interval Fired: ${ new Date().toISOString() }`))
let myObservables: Observable<number>[] = [];
for(let x=0; x<10; x++) {
const mySubscriptions =
obs => obs.subscribe()
// then later on, you can unsubscribe
sub => sub.unsubscribe()

How can I capture all the values of the dropdown list in Cypress?

I have a dropdown box that displays the list of States. There are around 40 States in the list.
Every time when I scroll down the list, the List displays only 15 to 20 States at a time.
I want to capture all the values of the list and save them in the string array. And then check alphabet sorting.
How can I do it using Cypress? Currently, It captures only the top 15 items from the list.
This is my code:
const verifySortOrdering = (key: string) =>
getSingleSelectList(key).then(dropdown => {
if (dropdown.length > 0) {
const selector = 'nz-option-container nz-option-item';
let NumOfScroll = 1;
const unsortedItems: string[] = [];
const sortedItems: string[] = [];
cy.get(selector).then((listItem) => {
while (NumOfScroll < 7) {
sortAndCheck(selector, unsortedItems, sortedItems);
if (listItem.length < 15) {
const sortAndCheck = (selector: string, unsortedItems: any, sortedItems: any) => {
cy.get(selector).each((listItem, index) => {
if (index === 15) {
sortedItems = unsortedItems.sort();
expect(unsortedItems, 'Items are sorted').to.deep.equal(sortedItems);
Here's a working example based off of what you provided. Added an additional check to ensure the list has the right amount of options. You may or may not want that. Deep copying the unsorted list so it doesn't get sorted due to a shallow copy. Added validations after the unsortedItems list gets built so we can validate once instead of for every item in the list.
var unsortedItems = new Array()
var expectedListCount = 32
cy.get('#myselect>option').should('have.length', expectedListCount)
.each(($el) => {
}).then(() => {
var sortedItems = [...unsortedItems]; // deep copy
Another example based on your revised sample but I can't verify it without having a working example of your DDL. This builds up the unsortedItem list first and then does the comparison.
const verifySortOrdering = (key: string) =>
getSingleSelectList(key).then(dropdown => {
if (dropdown.length > 0) {
const selector = 'nz-option-container nz-option-item';
let NumOfScroll = 1;
const unsortedItems: string[] = [];
const sortedItems: string[] = [];
cy.get(selector).then((listItem) => {
while (NumOfScroll < 7) {
unsortedListBuilder (selector, unsortedItems, sortedItems);
if (listItem.length < 15) {
var sortedItems = [...unsortedItems];
const unsortedListBuilder = (selector: string, unsortedItems: any, sortedItems: any) => {
cy.get(selector).each((listItem, index) => {
if (index === 15) {

Re-execute async RxJS stream after delay

I'm using RxJS 6 to lazily step through iterable objects using code similar to example running below. This is working well but I'm having trouble solving my final use case.
Full code here
import { EMPTY, defer, from, of } from "rxjs";
import { delay, expand, mergeMap, repeat } from "rxjs/operators";
function stepIterator (iterator) {
return defer(() => of(
mergeMap(result => result.done ? EMPTY : of(result.value))
function iterateValues ({ params }) {
const { values, delay: delayMilliseconds } = params;
const isIterable = typeof values[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
// Iterable values which are emitted over time are handled manually. Otherwise
// the values are provided to Rx for resolution.
if (isIterable && delayMilliseconds > 0) {
const iterator = values[Symbol.iterator]();
// The first value is emitted immediately, the rest are emitted after time.
return stepIterator(iterator).pipe(
expand(v => stepIterator(iterator).pipe(delay(delayMilliseconds)))
} else {
return from(values);
const options = {
params: {
// Any iterable object is walked manually. Otherwise delegate to `from()`.
values: ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"],
// Delay _between_ values.
delay: 350,
// Delay before the stream restarts _after the last value_.
runAgainAfter: 1000,
// Is not repeating?!
v => {
() => {
I'd like to add in another option which will re-execute the stream, an indefinite number of times, after a delay (runAgainAfter). I'm having trouble composing this in cleanly without factoring the result.done case deeper. So far I've been unable to compose the run-again behavior around iterateValues.
What's the best approach to accomplish the use case?
Edit 1: repeat just hit me in the face. Perhaps it means to be friendly.
Edit 2: No, repeat isn't repeating but the observable is completing. Thanks for any help. I'm confused.
For posterity here is the full code sample for a revised edition is repeat-able and uses a consistent delay between items.
import { concat, EMPTY, defer, from, interval, of, throwError } from "rxjs";
import { delay, expand, mergeMap, repeat } from "rxjs/operators";
function stepIterator(iterator) {
return defer(() => of(
mergeMap(result => (result.done ? EMPTY : of(result.value)))
function iterateValues({ params }) {
const { values, delay: delayMilliseconds, times = 1 } = params;
const isIterable =
values != null && typeof values[Symbol.iterator] === "function";
if (!isIterable) {
return throwError(new Error(`\`${values}\` is not iterable`));
// Iterable values which are emitted over time are handled manually. Otherwise
// the values are provided to Rx for resolution.
const observable =
delayMilliseconds > 0
? defer(() => of(values[Symbol.iterator]())).pipe(
mergeMap(iterator =>
expand(v => stepIterator(iterator).pipe(delay(delayMilliseconds)))
: from(values);
return observable.pipe(repeat(times));
I'm gonna be honest, but there could be better solution for sure. In my solution, I ended up encapsulating delay logic in a custom runAgainAfter operator. Making it an independent part, that doesn't affect your code logic directly.
Full working code is here
And the code of runAgainAfter if anybody needs it:
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
export const runAgainAfter = delay => observable => {
return new Observable(observer => {
let timeout;
let subscription;
const subscribe = () => {
return observable.subscribe({
next(value) {;
error(err) {
complete() {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
subscription = subscribe();
}, delay);
subscription = subscribe();
return () => {
Hope it helps <3

Chain Observable Queue

Coming from the Promise world, I can implement a queue function that returns a Promise that won't execute until the previous Promise resolves.
var promise = Promise.resolve();
var i = 0;
function promiseQueue() {
return promise = promise.then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(++i);
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 1
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 2
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 3
// -> 1, 2, 3
I'm trying to recreate this queue-like function using Observables.
var obs = Rx.Observable.of(undefined);
var j = 0;
function obsQueue() {
return obs = obs.flatMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.of(++j);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 1
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 3
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 6
// -> 1, 3, 6
Every time I subscribe, it re-executes the history of the Observable, since at the time of subscription the "current Observable" is actually an Observable which emits multiple values, rather than the Promise that just waits until the last execution has completed.
flatMap isn't the answer for this use case, and nearly all the "chain" and "queue" answers I can find online are about chaining several Observables that are part of one overall Observable, where flatMap is the correct answer.
How can I go about creating the above Promise queue function using Observables?
For context, this queue function is being used in a dialog service, which dictates only one dialog can be shown at a time. If multiple calls are made to show different dialogs, they only appear one at a time in the order that they were called.
If you change:
return obs = obs.flatMap...
return obs.flatMap...
You will see the same output as you do with promises (1, 2, 3).
To chain observables such that the next one is not executed until the previous one is complete, use the concat operator
let letters$ = Rx.Observable.from(['a','b','c']);
let numbers$ = Rx.Observable.from([1,2,3]);
let romans$ = Rx.Observable.from(['I','II','III']);
// results...
a b c 1 2 3 I II III
Live demo
Figured it out! May not be quite as elegant as the Promise chain, and I'm definitely open to suggestions to clean it up.
var trigger = undefined;
function obsQueue() {
if (!trigger || trigger.isStopped) {
trigger = new Rx.Subject();
return createObservable(trigger);
} else {
var lastTrigger = trigger;
var newTrigger = trigger = new Rx.Subject();
return lastTrigger.last().mergeMap(() => {
return createObservable(newTrigger);
var j = 0;
function createObservable(trigger) {
// In my use case, this creates and shows a dialog and returns an
// observable that emits and completes when an option is selected.
// We want to make sure we only create the next dialog when the previous
// one is closed.
return new Rx.Observable.of(++j).finally(() => {;
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('first', result);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('second', result);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('third', result);
var timer = setTimeout(() => {
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('fourth', result);
}, 1000);
// Output:
// creating
// first 1
// creating
// second 2
// creating
// third 3
// creating
// fourth 4
Rather than try to figure out how to chain them in order, I have each observable create its own trigger to let the next observable know when to create itself.
If all the triggers have been completed (setTimeout case, we queue up another one later), then the queue starts again.

RxJS Service Call Throtting / Queuing

I'm attempting to use RxJS to implement service call throttling / queuing.
For example, Google Maps' Geocoder API. Let's say I don't want this to be called more than once a second, but one or more parts of my application may request a geocode more often than that. I'd want the requests to queue, with adjacent requests being at least 1s apart, but I'd also want to be able to 'cancel' a request if it no longer becomes required during this wait.
Is this an applicable use of RxJS, and if so what might this look like?
Here is something that should guide you (jsfiddle):
// Helper functions
function remove_from_queue(queue, id) {
queue.forEach(function(x, index){
if (x.execute.request === id) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
// console.log('queue after removal', queue);
function add_to_queue (queue, id){
queue.push({execute : {request : id}});
function getFirstInQueue(queue){
return queue[0];
function noop(x) {}
function log(label) {
return function (x) {, label, x);
function timestamp(label){
return function (x) {, - startingDate, label,x );
function label(label){
return function (x) {
var res = {};
res[label] = x;
return res;
var startingDate =;
var requests$ = Rx.Observable.generateWithRelativeTime(
{request : 1},
function (x) { return x.request < 10; },
function (x) { return {request : x.request + 1}; },
function (x) { return x; },
function (x) { return 100 ; }
var cancelledRequests$ = Rx.Observable.generateWithRelativeTime(
{request : 1},
function (x) { return x.request < 20; },
function (x) { return {request : x.request + 4}; },
function (x) { return x; },
function (x) { return 500 ; }
var timer$ = Rx.Observable.interval(990).map(function (){return {}}).take(10);
var source$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
controlledSource$ = source$
.scan(function (state, command){
var requestsToExecuteQueue = state.requestsToExecuteQueue;
if (command.cancel) {
remove_from_queue(requestsToExecuteQueue, command.cancel.request);
if (command.execute) {
add_to_queue(requestsToExecuteQueue, command.execute.request);
console.log('queue', requestsToExecuteQueue.slice())
return {
command : command,
requestExec$ : Rx.Observable
.filter(function(x){return x})
.do(function(x){remove_from_queue(requestsToExecuteQueue, x.execute.request)}),
requestsToExecuteQueue : requestsToExecuteQueue
}, {command : undefined, requestExec$ : undefined, requestsToExecuteQueue : []})
controlledSource$.do(timestamp('executing request:')).subscribe(noop)
Basically :
scan is used to manage the state (queue of requests, addition and removal)
for each request, we pass an observable which (when subscribed to) releases the first element of the queue, and remove that element from the queue
sample is used to get one such observable every second
mergeAll allows to subscribe to that observable
we have to use a timer$ object to continue polling the queue even after the source of requests has completed (you still need to empty the queue of remaining requests). You can adapt that logic to your real case by having timer$ emitting for X seconds after completion of your source for example or whatever suits you best.
