Finding PowerShell Cmdlets equivalent to GUI actions - windows

I would like to know where I could find good resources/documentation on configuring a new Windows10 installation using Powershell scripts. I know bash but I'm completely new to Powershell.
When I search google, all I can find about automatically configuring Windows relates to Windows Deployment Services. But I don't have and don't want a Windows Server and simply running a few scripts after each installation is sufficient for me.
I found a few scripts that solve some of the things I want to do:
But for everything else, when I look into the TechNet Library I find it very hard to find anything useful. And when I do find something, it looks outdated:
The problem is: I known the GUI-way of configuring everything I want, but I don't know how to find the corresponding commandlets to do the same with Powershell.
Is there some kind of event listener I could use to find the Cmdlets? Or does anyone have some resources/documentation to recommend? Is the TechNet Library really the established way to find these commands?
Thank you.

Unfortunately PowerShell was only really implemented in Windows 7 (yes I know it was available for XP but not preinstalled) and even then it was kind of like an addon rather than part of the core OS. Windows 8 and 10 have further improved functionality but still for the most part do not use it for their own settings and functions as most home users would have no use for it.
However there is nearly always a way to do whatever you need to, I have a script that configures servers from scratch, renaming the server, installing requisite software and features, copying files, configuring VSS, right down to putting the Computer icon on the desktop. You just have to make a list of everything you want to do, then Google each one.
For example: - at time of writing the first result is a TechNet script pointing at a registry key. Tidy as necessary, whack into your build script and move on to the next item.
As of yet there's nothing I've found I've been unable to do with PowerShell, but the vast majority of it has not been directly with cmdlets. There's a lot of registry tweaking and command line stuff like msiexec or schtasks, some COM objects and an awkward Type I had to create and use to set the DNS suffix.
Overall I think it's still easier to do all this in PowerShell than any other scripting language and it's more flexible than premade tools, not because it has so much functionality built-in but because it can access .NET and COM which gives you broad access to all the half-baked stuff MS have wedged in over the years.


What's the recommended tech to program Windows shell?

I am developing a small tool that can detecting which folders are being opened in windows explorer and bring it to front if a specific address has been opened.
I can use both C# and C++ and finally pick C# as it is easier than C++ to accomplish the same target. Then I googled the internet and knowing COM object SHDocVw.ShellWindows can help collect all windows being opened. Then I start looking for Microsoft document to see if any functions can help to achieve my other requirements. However, when I search shell related documents: I am warned that "We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported." Moreover, some documents even say these techs will be deprecated in Win11 (See the following screenshot)
I am wondering what the status of these Shell related technical. If these are being deprecated. What's the alternative solution? I don't want my tool stop working when start using new Windows. Meanwhile, I am confusing in the study routine of learning Windows desktop technical. Looks like so many technical to achieve the same targets. Is there anyone can give me some road maps?
Last thing, it's really frustrating to search COM object documents at Microsoft sites. Is this tech going down?
Microsoft has been trying to kill win32/desktop applications since Windows 8. That parts of the documentation is labeled as "legacy" is not something I would worry too much about. Some of the shell functions have been marked as deprecated for 20 years but still work fine today and too many applications rely on them for Microsoft to successfully remove them.
The Internet Explorer warning is different and IE might actually go away but that does not affect IShellWindows which is also used by Explorer.exe and 3rd-party applications. Its implementation lives in a shell DLL and not in IE.

"This program might not have installed correctly"

I am aware of both this and this questions.
Which unfortunately didn't quite answer what I'd like to know:
The answers in the above questions suggest that it has to do with adding shortcuts to the start menu, but that can't be the sole reason. So far I've been unable to reliably figure out what makes windows think my application is an installer in the first place and why does windows think it failed?
I do not want to simply suppress the message with a compatibilty tag in the manifests. I want to write a proper solution and tell Windows if my installation has failed or not. Also, what does the install using recommended settings option do, that comes along with the dialog? How can I properly utilize this functionality? Again, I don't want to simply disregard the features Windows provides, I'd like to use them.
I've been browsing around MSDN but with no success. I've asked google, but all I could find is ways to suppress the message using compatibility tricks in either the manifest or the registry. I'd be already grateful if someone could provide a viable resource on MSDN that covers this topic well.
So far, I am using a custom installer that utilizes several Windows API calls. I am not messing around with the Windows Registry other than registering two services. It also has requireAdministrator as the requested execution level (not that anyone cares, but this is suprisingly clean and simple - it's merely a flag in the project settings). I am currently not using MFC or CLR.
See Installer Detection, it lists what is checked to decide whether an executable is an installer.
"This program might not have..." is a product of "Program Compatibility Assitant", and is documented in the Application Compatibility: Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) topic. According to the document the reinstall option applies XPSP2 compatibility mode.

Reverse Engineering an Installer

Has anyone got any experience in doing this?
Specifically, I'd like to find out if any registry keys are being written and what files are going where when I run an MSI.
I was thinking of using ProcMon to see what the msiexec process is doing while I run through it but just thought I'd run it by here to see if anyone has a better method.
Bit rusty, but here's a few (maybe) helpful pointers.
There is a tool called Orca that you can use to edit MSI files.
There was also Wise for Windows, which is now called something else, and I'm not sure what you'll be able to do with the trial, it definitely had the ability to edit MSI files.
I was going to suggest FileMon and RegMon on their own, but I just saw they've actually been merged into ProcMon, shows how behind the times I am :)
Ideally, the setup author used only the Registry and COM tables so it's very easy to just look with Orca what's being done. However many setup authors produce less then idea installs. In those cases I use InstallWatch to snapshot the registry before and after to generate a difference.
InstallWatch Pro
You'll see other line noise from processes running on the machine but you learn to filter those with experience. ( E.g. the install didn't change the crypto seed or the MRU's and ShellBags )

What kind of Tools Exist for Setup Automation in Windows?

I'm looking for some type of solution for getting a window dev environment up and running quickly.
Currently we have a large setup document (50+ pages) for doing an install, and I'd like to automate this process as much as possible. The doc includes things like updating environment variables, installing programs, downloading source code, etc.
I know that the majority of these tasks can be done with a batch script, but that's kind of ugly and a lot of work. And while virtualization would be nice, it is not an option for us.
I'm wondering if anything exists for Windows that would make this less tedious. Something like Ruby's Chef would be great. Does anything like this exist for windows?
Well there is Pkgmgr.exe for unattended installation of windows components if you mix it with a powershell script you should be able to get what you want but it wont be as easy as using Chef. Check here for an example of what you can do with Pkgmgr.exe
System Center is the Microsoft way of pushing out standard desktops. It's quite heavyweight mind you.
You could use VMWare for this. Just create a base machine image, with the necessary stuff installed, and point people at the VM.

Realtime File Sync solution for windows?

When I develop web applications I'm frequently need to sync files from a working folder to external server or another folder. I like keeping my code separated from the web sever.
In open source world there is the eclipse with file sync that does the job pretty well. Unfortunately I can't find any good replacement for Visual Studio.
I've only found two generic solutions:
- Winscp which is pretty good but stucks when a file is locked and ask for confirmation. Which is quite annoying.
- DSynchronize which works pretty well (ie. doesn't ask questions) but doesn't have filters so I can't tell it not to sync my .svn files or web.conf :(.
Do you know any good way to achieve realtime synchronization in Visual Studio or windows?
I doens't have to have gui in fact I would love to see a command line solution like a powershell command that outputs modified files.
I've ended up using Mercurial (to skip the .svn files) and DSynchronize to sync files
I would give a try to immortal classic - rsync. There is cygwin enabled implementation for Windows called cwrsync: . With proper configuration (potentially with some fine tuning with scripting as well) it will do perfectly.
If you would like to have bi directional synchronization, the Unison may be the answer:
If you are looking for something even fancier, you might give a try to one of distributed file systems available, like CODA (I'm afraid decent Windows systems aren't supported yet): or native DFS solution from Microsoft, however I'm afraid the set up is too hassling (if not impossible in your case) since it's targeted for enterprise solutions:
Of course DFS option probably won't support filtering you are interested in.
