IIS on a virtual machine on a shared folder - windows

I'm running Arch with a Windows 10 virtual machine and I'm trying to run an IIS server with an application in a shared folder. When I try to browse to it, I'm given a 500.19 error "cannot read configuration file". I know the application works under a normal Windows environment but I need the application to be in a shared folder under a virtual machine.
The shared folder is located in /home/hayden/virtual/shared.
What am I doing wrong?

Does IIS have permission to the folder? See this post on how to do that.


How to use Windows hosts file to access my website url from another laptop or system

I have done a project using Netbeans 8.2, Apache Tomcat 8, MySQL database (XAMPP). My OS is Windows 10. It is successfully executed on my laptop.
Now I am trying to access my project url (http://dms.zf.com:8084/newFieldsAdded/login.jsp) from another laptop but failed. So I searched the web and I got solution like this. I added dms.zf.com
My laptop IP address and name into hosts (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) file. Then I tried with this url (http://dms.zf.com:8084/newFieldsAdded/login.jsp) on my browser, it is successful. but it is not accessible from other laptop.
Before doing changes in hosts file url was http://localhost:8084/newFieldsAdded/login.jsp and after adding dms.zf.com in hosts file URL is http://dms.zf.com:8084/newFieldsAdded/login.jsp.

how to access vagrant box "guest machine" from host machine?

I am using puphpet.com tool to set up Vagrant boxes.
Now , I am able to ssh to it and open the IP on the browser but I can not get to access the VHost I set up earlier through puphpet.
I have edited my hosts file (/etc/hosts ) "using OSX" to serve the IP to lab.dev. Now it works fine but I can not access the virtual machine on the guest machine !!!!.
I am using PHP Laravel framework and I need to access the server name which points to /var/www/lab.dev/public/. I would appreciate very detailed answer as I am really new to all of this
Detailed Instructions
Visit PuPHPet.com to build your Vagrantfile.
Configure your Shared Folder Pairs. This is under "Deploy Target > Locally".
Let's assume this directory structure on your OS/X machine:
/Users/unrivaled/Documents/laravel-project (project files go here)
/Users/unrivaled/Documents/laravel-project/public (the web root files)
Folder Source represents the location on your main computer (the "host" operating system), where your source files reside; for example: /Users/unrivaled/Documents/laravel-project The Folder Source must be on your OS/X machine, exactly where your Laravel files are.
Folder Target represents the location on your virtual computer (the "guest" operating system), where you want Vagrant to make them visible to the web server; for example: /var/www/lab The Folder Target can be anywhere that Apache or Nginx, in the virtual machine, can reach it.
Folder Source (local machine) == Folder Target (virtual machine)
/Users/unrivaled/Documents/laravel-project (local machine) == /var/www/lab (virtual machine)
Configure your web server. Your Server Name can be anything you want; in this example, let's use "lab.dev". Configure your Server Alias; in this case, use "www.lab.dev." Your Server Name (or an alias) must match your entry in your /etc/hosts file; see below. Configure your Document Root. This is the folder on your virtual machine where your website files will go and the files that will be served by Nginx or Apache. This value must be at, or below, the Folder Target defined from Step 4; for example, /var/www/lab/public.
Notice in the example how we are giving the web server access to /var/www/lab/public? This actually refers to /Users/unrivaled/Documents/laravel-project/public on your local OS/X system, thanks to the "Shared Folder Pairs" configured in Step 2., above.
Generally, configure everything else in PuPHPet as you see fit.
Run vagrant up to get your virtual machine up and running. If it doesn't work at this stage, you need to resolve any problems before going on.
Determine your virtual machine's IP address. Use vagrant ssh to log into the virtual machine, and then ifconfig should work for this. Do not rely on the IP address defined in PuPHPet. Your virtual machine provider will likely override this value, and you need to know the actual, in-fact IP address.
On your main host computer (not the virtual machine), edit your /etc/hosts file: sudo nano /etc/hosts, adding the server's IP address, followed by the Server Name (or a Server Alias) defined in Step 5, above.
How It Works
Once you have a working web server using the settings in this example, you can view your website by going to lab.dev. Your browser in OS/X will resolve lab.dev to the proper IP address of your server by way of the /etc/hosts file. It then requests your web page from that IP address, where the server matches the requested resource, "lab.dev," to the appropriate Server Name or Server Alias that matches. The files in the Document Root for that server name (/var/www/lab/public) will be processed by the web server.
In summary, your server's IP address in the local /etc/hosts file matches your server's IP address in the virtual machine; your server's name in the local /etc/hosts file matches your Server Name (or Server Alias) in the web server on the virtual machine; the path name to your project source files on your local computer (Folder Source) maps to the Target Directory on the virtual machine; and finally, a subdirectory of that target directory (public) corresponds to the Document Root for the web server.

Windows service properties.settings.default location?

I have built a Windows service app that's installed and running. During debugging while the service is running, I have found that when I import the properties.settings.default and modify it, it is not saved to the app.config file in my project folder. I could not find this app.config file in [user]/%appdata%/Local/ either..
Where does properties.settings.default.save() save to?
I'm running Windows 7 if that helps.
You will find the APPDATA folder for system accounts at:
Or (for x86 apps on Win7 64):

Run Webapp stored on network drive in Visualstudio

Im going crazy! I hope you can help me with an advice.
Inside Virtualbox I do run a Windows Server 2008 R2. On this machine im trying to debug a webapplication inside Visualstudio 2010. the webbapplication is stored on a network drive.
Well the network drive is truly a partition of my hdd. because of the shared folder the virtual machine recognize it like an network drive but in my opinion i doesnt matter to the actual problem.
When i try to start the applition a get an error like this:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a
configuration file required to service this request. Please review the
specific error details below and modify your configuration file
Parser Error Message: An error occurred loading a configuration file:
Failed to start monitoring changes to 'E:\Testing\In Work\5.1
Source Error:
[No relevant source lines]
Source File: E:\Testing\In Work\5.1
SP1\SitefinityWebApp\web.config Line: 0
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319;
ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18034
I allready tried get fulltrust to the application via caspol using the following:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CasPol.exe -m -ag 1 -url "file:////\\VBOXSVR\d_drive\Testing\In Work\5.1 SP1\SitefinityWebApp*" FullTrust -exclusive on
or this
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CasPol.exe -machine -addgroup All_Code -url "E:\Testing\In Work\*" FullTrust
but nothing helped!
Has anybody an solution?
if i run the same project on the virtual hdd it works fine!
It seems that network drives can't be monitored by Windows for file changes like local drives can so in fact it matters where you put your source code so your WebApp can automagically reload it on changes - here a possible but maybe outdated solution is given.

How to change the IIS 7 application pool on a remote server?

I am looking to create new virtual directories on a remote server and set the app pool to a configuration other than the default. I am using NAnt but open to any other commands that can accompolish this.
Here is what I have tried:
<mkiisdir iisserver="${remote.server}" dirpath="${install.path}" vdirname="${vir.dir.name}" />
The above works fine in creating the VD to a remote server but the nant task does not have a parameter for specificing the application pool. Strange as to why not !!
I looked into using powershell to update the application pool since I already have the Virtual Directory created but due to my Windows OS restrictions I am unable to install the WebAdministration module which is required to update the IIS app pool.
Is there any existing method to accompolish this that I have not considered?
You can use AppCmd.exe which is located in the System32 folder.
appcmd set app /app.name:"Default Web Site/MyVirtualDirectoryName" /applicationPool:"MyAppPool"
If you need to Update the web applications directories on other servers remotely, then you can use PSExec \\RemoteServerHostname appcmd set app /app.name:"Default Web Site/MyVirtualDirectoryName" /applicationPool:"MyAppPool"
