MariaDB Galera performance with remote nodes - cluster-computing

I'm creating a 5 node MariaDB / Galera cluster, with 4 nodes sharing the same router in close physical proximity, and 5th node 6,000 miles away on a much slower connection.
My question is, will this affect performance for the entire cluster, or will this result in a 'lazy update' on the 5th node?

Galera requires approval from all the other nodes. You will like this requirement if the 4 nodes "in close physical proximity" are simultaneously wiped out by a hurricane/earthquake/etc.
Consider having the 5th not so far away. Or, if it is just a readonly node, use Async Replication.
Since you are willing to have less than the maximum HA, consider MySQL's "Group Replication" or "InnoDB Cluster". It only requires a majority of nodes to ACK the replication. In your case it would COMMIT without reaching for the 5th, hence be faster.


number of nodes in elasticsearch cluster

in our university we have an elasticsearch cluster with 1 Node. Now we have money to install more powerful server. We produce 7-10 millions accesslogs / day.
What is better to create a cluster with:
a. 3 powerful server each 64GB and 16 CPU + SSD.
b. to have 14 not so powerful server each 32GB and 8CPU +SSD
ps: a & b have the same price.
c. may be some recommendation?
Thank you in advance
it depends on the scenario. for the logging case you describing option b seems more flexible to me. let me explain my opinion:
as you are in a logging scenario, then implement the hot/warm architecture. you'll mainly write and read recent indices. in few cases you want to access older data and you probably want to shrink old and close even older indices.
set up at least 3 master eligble nodes to prevent spit brain problems. configure the same nodes also as coordinating nodes (11 nodes left)
install 2 ingest nodes to move the ingestion workload to dedicated nodes (9 nodes left)
install 3 hot data nodes for storing the most recent indices (6 nodes left)
install 6 warm data nodes for holding older, shrinked and closed indices. (0 nodes left)
the previous setup is just a example. the node numbers/roles should be changed if
if you need more resiliency. then add more master nodes, increase replica count for the index nodes. this will also reduce the total capacity.
the more old data you need to have searchable or being held in already closed indices, the more warm nodes you'll need. then rebalance the hot/warm node count according to you needs. if you can drop your old data early then increase the hot node count.
if you have xpack licensed, consider installing ml/alerting nodes. add this roles to the master nodes or reduce the data nodes count in favor of ml/alertig.
do you need kibana/logstash? depending on the workload, prepare one/two nodes exclusively.
assuming there are the same mainboards in both options you have more potential to quickly scale the 14 boxes up just by adding more ram/cpu/storage. having 3 nodes already maxed out at the specs, you'll need to set up new boxes and join them the cluster in order to scale up. but this also gives you maybe more recent hardware in you rack over the time.
please also have a look on this:
if you need some background on sharding configuration please see ElasticSearch - How does sharding affect indexing performance?
BTW: thomas is right with his comment about the heap size. please have a look on this if you want to know the background:

Multiple datacenter replication and local quorum?

I created a cluster from 6 nodes.
3 nodes in Eu west1 and 3 nodes in EU west2
I set the locality for every group of nodes like : --locality=region=europe,datacenter=west1
I also set the replica to 6 to have all ranges and all data on every node.
What will happen if the connection between data centers is lost the whole cluster goes down ?
I tried to kill 3 nodes in one of the datacenters and cluster is not operational because the majority of the nodes are down and quorum is less that 4.
Is it possible to make the 2 datacentes to work with their local quorum 2/3
I also played a bit with replications settings and sometimes cluster is healthy if I kill 3 nodes from 6 and was I was able to write to the cluster. Sometimes I can only read from the cluster. Cluster is working with replica of 5 and 3 nodes killed from 6. Still paying with this but if someone can give me more information will be very helpful.
To be able to replicate across datacentes is very cool feature but if I lost the whole cluster when one of the datacenters is down ruin the whole good idea at least for me.
CockroachDB requires a majority of replicas to be fully operational, which means > half, not >= half. In order to survive the loss of a full datacenter or region, you must have three DCs/regions, not two. Try running two nodes in each of three regions instead of three nodes in two regions.
Is it possible to make the 2 datacenters to work with their local quorum 2/3
Not for a single table (because it would be impossible to guarantee consistency if each datacenter were able to act in isolation from the other). You've configured the data to be replicated across all six replicas, which means four replicas are required to make a quorum. If you want each datacenter to be able to operate independently of the other, you would need two separate tables, with each one configured to be located within one of the datacenters.
Thanks for the answer just to clear few thing. But looks like you got my point and what I want to accomplish.
But as far as I understand if I have 2x3 node in 2 different DC's if one DC goes down. I have 3 live nodes for the quorum I need at least 4 . N/2 +1.
So if I have 3x3 I can lost one DC because if I have 2 DC's live I will have a quorum .
And one last question if I don't set replication to 9 if I loose 3 nodes some in one DC some ranges will be not available right ?

Raft nodes count

Raft leader node sends append entries RPC to all followers. Obviously we increase network usage, when we add new follower, so my question is about how much nodes we can add to cluster. In Raft paper and in other places I read that 5 nodes in cluster is optimal choice, but what you can say if we will have 100 nodes in cluster?
Yes I understand that I can calculate limit, will be enough network bandwidth or not. My question is more general, is cluster with tens of nodes sign of bad architecture?
Yes, a cluster with tens of nodes is generally a bad idea. Typically, we see clusters go up to 7 nodes, but not really beyond that, and even that's atypical. 3 or 5 nodes is the most common.
If you want to scale across more than 3/5/7 nodes you typically just shard the cluster, where each shard runs a completely separate and independent instance of the Raft protocol. If you need to scale for fault tolerance, you will have to relax consistency requirements.

From how many nodes do you need dedicated master nodes

A question. Is there any recommandation from how many nodes that you need to use dedicated master nodes in a elasticsearch cluster?
My setup:
4 nodes: for non critical data (32GB ram) each. Can be the master node 3
3 nodes: for critial data (16GB ram) each.
Does the master nodes need the same memory requirement as the data nodes?
At a time you can have only one master node, but for availability you should have more than one master elegible by setting node.master
The master node is the only node in a cluster that can make changes to the cluster state. This mean that if your master node is rebooted or down then you will not be able to make any changes to your cluster.
Well at some point it is a bit hard to what is right or best practice because it always depends on many parameters.
With your setup i would better go with 3 nodes and up to 64 GB of memory per each node, other wise you are loosing some hits on communication between your 7 servers while they are not utilizing 100% of resources. Then all 3 nodes must be able to become master and set
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
This parameter is a bit important to avoid brain split when each node could become a master.
For you critical data you must use 1 replica to prevent lose of data.
Other option would be to make master only nodes and data only nodes.
So at some point minimum master nodes should be always 3 this will allow you to upgrade without downtime and make sure that you have always on setup.

Cassandra: 6 node cluster, RF=2: What to do when 2 nodes crash?

Good Day
We have a 6 node casssandra cluster witha replication factor of 3 on our keyspaces. Our applications make use of QUORUM so we can survive the loss of a single node wihtout it affecting the application.
Lets assume I lose 2 nodes at the same time. If my application was using consistency level of ONE then it would have been fine and my application would have run without any issues but we would like to keep the level at QUORUM.
My question is if 2 nodes crash at the same time and I do a nodetool removenode for each of the crashed nodes, will the cluster then rebalance the data over the remaining 4 nodes (and getting ir back to a 3 replica) and if done should my application then be able to work again usinng QUORUM?
In title you write RF=2, in text RF=3. You did not specify Cassandra version and if you are using single-token or vnodes. Quorum CL means, in a RF = 3 that 2 nodes must write/read before returning. It is possible that you face minimal issues/no issue even if 2 nodes dies, it depends on how many common ranges (partitions) the nodes shares.
Give a look at this distribution example that is exactly like the one you describe: RF3, 6 nodes.
using single tokens:
if you loose couples like (1,4) - (2,5) - (3,6) -- your cluster should allow all writes and reads, no issues. A good client will recognize nodes down and won't use them anymore as coordinators. Other situations, for example loss of nodes (1,6) might lead to a situation in which any r/w of F and E tokens will fail (assuming an equal distribution about 33% r/w operation will fail)
using vnodes:
here the situation is slightly different and also depends on couples you loose -- now if you repeat the worst scenario above -- you loose couple of nodes like (1,6) only B tokens will be affected in r/w operations since it's the only token shared between them.
Said that, just to clarify the possible scenarios, here's your answer. Nodetool removenode should be used like explained in this document. Use removenode IF AND ONLY IF you want reduce the cluster size (here what to do if you want replace a dead node). Once you did that your application will start working again using Quorum since other nodes will be responsible for partitions previously assigned to a dead node.
If you are using the official Datastax Java Driver you might want to let the driver temporary fight your monsters specifying a DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy
