Maven: pin dependency version where dependency is managed by a BOM - maven

We use a Maven BOM to manage dependencies of a suite of libraries. The dependencyManagement section of the BOM generally uses version ranges to specify versions of these libraries, e.g., [2.0,2.1) Child pom.xml's using the BOM do not specify versions for these managed dependencies. (Edit for clarification: we use specific versions for third party dependencies, the ranges are used for internal libraries that are undergoing development, where the versions can change rapidly. We define version ranges to ensure broad compatibility between these libraries, i.e. all within the same major version.)
(Note that this is not a multi-module project. Libraries and service projects using the BOM mechanism just declare it as a parent and pull it from a Nexus repository. they are not built together.)
We also have some build system scripts that use versions:resolve-ranges to pin the versions of dependencies appearing in our library and service pom.xml's (not the BOM's pom.xml). These pom.xml's with resolved ranges are checked in to source control and tagged, so that if we need to roll back a deployment to an earlier version, we can use that tagged pom.xml to make a build that uses the same dependency versions as the original build, even if a newer version of a dependency is now available (and thus resolve-ranges would come up with the newer version if we reran it).
I just noticed that these two mechanisms are not working well together. Running versions:resolve-ranges on the library or service pom.xml only resolves the ranges in that pom.xml. Versions under dependency management are still not specified, so if we made a new build using this pom.xml, we'd get the latest dependency version in range at build time. Not what we want!
Is there a way to use versions:resolve-ranges (or any other plugin or technique) to resolve the managed versions and stick them into the child pom.xml?
Here is a contrived example.
The BOM:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<version>[2.0, 2.3]</version>
Child project using the BOM (one managed dependency, one unmanaged):
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<version>[3.8, 3.9)</version>
Snippet from mvn dependency:tree showing effective versions of dependencies:
[INFO] com.maventest:mytest:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] +- commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.3:compile
[INFO] \- junit:junit:jar:3.8.2-brew:test
Dependency section from mytest pom.xml after mvn versions:resolve-ranges:
So the unmanaged dependency is resolved, as expected. But the managed one is not. How can I get it to be resolved too?

Forgot about this question! In the end I could never find a way to pin the managed versions which were based on ranges. So I did stop defining the versions in the BOM and just specified them with ranges in each child pom. More boilerplate in the child poms, but not that bad.
We were still able to define properties that specified the ranges in the BOM which the children could use, making it a bit easier to bump all the ranges all when necessary.


Is there a way to tell the Sonatype Lift vulnerability scanner to take into account dependency overrides when releasing to maven?

I am trying to release this Scala library to Maven using Nexus OSS repository manager (sonatype).
My library has a dependency on the latest version of the Play Framework (, which in turn depends on an old version of com.fasterxml.jackson (2.11.4). In my build configuration I have overriden the dependency using:
dependencyOverrides += "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % "2.13.4"
I have verified that the build uses the correct version of jackson-databind using the sbt dependency tree plugin, and also by inspecting the cache files.
Despite this, when I release to maven by using the sbt-sonatype plugin (version 3.9.14), my release is rejected by the Sonatype Lift vulnerability scanner because of vulnerabilities in pkg:maven/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind#2.11.4, i.e. an older version than the library that is actually used in my build, as specified in dependencyOverrides.
When I examine the build artifacts that are automatically submitted to the Nexus repo manager, the only dependencies that are mentioned are top-level dependencies are specified in the POM file (see below). So it seems that Sonatype Lift looks at these top-level dependencies, and walks the dependency graph looking for vulnerabilities in the implied dependencies, ignoring the fact that I have explicitly overriden the version of jackson-databind in my build.
Is there any way for the dependency override to be propagated to the POM?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<name>Steve Phelps</name>
It seems that the artifact is in fact eventually published on Maven, despite the reported vulnerabilities, and it was simply a case of waiting.

Maven dependencyMangement doesn't inherit the virtue of dependencies in the parent pom

All our external dependencies are defined in enterprise pom. We do not want to define scope of the dependencies in the enterprise pom cause we have applications that are deployed both to Tomcat and JBoss. As we all know couple of dependencies come bundled out of the box in JBoss but may not exist in Tomcat default installation.
bom-parent is the parent of all the application specific enterprise poms. We then created a second level enterprise pom for each app, in the example below its bom-app1. All the projects inherit the app specific enterprise poms.
Sample project with detail instructions and comments available on GitHub
GitHub :
In the app specific enterprise pom we would just like to define scope of the dependency declared in dependencyManagement section in the first level enterprise pom. But this is not possible as Maven forces us to declare the version of the dependencies re-declared in the app specific enterprise pom. We went ahead and used the same version property as is declared in first level enterprise pom and every thing worked, except that we lost all the properties of the parent dependency like the exclusion of all the transitive dependencies.
To us this is very genuine requirement but looks like dependencyManagement the way its designed today, doesn't consider the virtues of inheritance.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Enterprise BOM</name>
Below is sample snippet of the child BOM, which should let me define the scope of the dependency and inherit all the features of the parent.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Enterprise Child BOM</name>

Avoid wrong version interpolation if child's pom version is different from those of the parent's aggregator pom and its sub modules

Problem description
We have a Maven aggregator pom with some child poms (modules) all having the same version:
pom.xml (parent zoo, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module cat, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module dog, version 2.0.0)
|-- ...
Within the dependency management section all children are declared with the project version to ease declaration of dependencies.
The parent pom looks like
<!-- other child modules go here -->
The child poms are defined as
There is another pom which declares the parent pom as its parent too (inheritance) but is not listed as sub module in this parent (no aggregation). This pom has a different version.
Actually we have expected that the version of the dependency is pulled from the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo and is equal to 2.0.0. However the Maven documentation on project interpolation and variables says
One factor to note is that these variables are processed after inheritance as outlined above. This means that if a parent project uses a variable, then its definition in the child, not the parent, will be the one eventually used.
That is: in the reactor build the variable ${project.version} used in the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo is evaluated with respect to and equal to 1.0.0 what is not as intended.
There is a workaround with using a variable in the parent pom which has to be kept in sync with the parent pom versions. However, this solution is incompatible with the Maven Release Plugin.
How can we achieve the desired behaviour
aggregator pom with children having the same version
declaration of children in the dependency management section to ensure that all dependencies have the same version
use of inheritance together with different versions
compatibility with maven-release-plugin
without the pitfalls of project interpolation of variables?
The maven release plugin is able to change the versions of the dependencies managed in the parent pom.
So if you define your maven parent like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
As you see the versions of the parent and the managed dependency are the same. I set them to a SNAPSHOT version because the release plugin will create the final versions on release:perform
Your child poms can stay as you had them.
Because in your setup, your parent project is also the reactor you can then call
mvn release:perform -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
which will update the version of the parent in all submodules when you run this command. That option is essentially the same as if you run
mvn versions:update-child-modules
meaning it will change the child poms.
After you run the mvn release:perform command your parent pom will look like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
and your child poms like this
The final versions will only exist in the tag created by the release:prepare command.
PS: You may define other versions for the final and the next development version when they are prompted after running the release:prepare command.
The simplest solution is modify pom of zoo and replace <version>${project.version}</version> with <version>2.0.0</version>
Please note:
when you change version to next number, for example 2.0.1, with
versions-maven-plugin, dependency management section will be also
Spring use simplest solution, see
Summary: using <version>${project.version}</version> in dependency management is wrong idea.
From Maven Introduction to the pom :
Project Inheritance > Example 1 > The Solution
Alternatively, if we want the groupId and / or the version of your
modules to be the same as their parents, you can remove the groupId
and / or the version identity of your module in its POM.
My approach to that is to track it in the child POM. It's a bit less typing overall, close to where the actual dependency lives and is low maintenance for most projects. YMMV

Maven: How to import dependency of type pom?

I am trying to migrate a java application to maven. There are some dependencies which have been provided as jar files so far. One of these dependencies is jung2, which is available from the maven repository:
I need all of the provided modules and I do not understand how to declare this dependecy correctly in my pom.xml such that all corresponding jar files are downloaded and the classes are available at compile time.
This is what my pom.xml file looks like right now:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
I also tried leaving out <scope>import</scope> and put the dependency into the dependencies section. When executing mvn compile or mvn package, error message occur that the corresponding packages do not exist.
If I additionally add a dependency inside dependencies but outside of dependencyManagement, e.g.
I receive an error about missing version. But as far as I understood, this should not be necessary due to dependencyManagement? If I also add <version>2.0.1</version>, then I get the following error message:
Failure to find net.sf.jung:jung2:jar:2.0.1
The dependencyManagement tag is used generally when you have a multi module project in maven (where you will have parent-child relationship).
If you specify any dependencies within the dependencyManagement tag, it would NOT actually download the dependencies.
Putting the dependency within this tag simply means that this dependency is available (to download / to use) for the child pom. The child pom will have to explicitly provide the groupId and the artifactId co-ordinates to download and use the jar to compile its classes.
If you just have a single module project (looks like yours is a single module project) then you can fix this issue by not using the dependencyManagement tag.
Simply put your jars in the dependencies tag.
For ex:
<type>pom</type> // This will now download the pom and its associated transitive dependent jars
<type>pom</type> // This will now download the pom and its associated transitive dependent jars
Like I said before, the dependencyManagement tag will mostly make sense to use if you have a multi-module project, which isn't your case.

Maven project with prebuilt jar

Currently I am not using Maven in any way whatsoever, but since I am writing a library I would like other developers to be able to use it as a Maven dependency. It seems like the easiest way to do this would be to have a Maven project which just contains the jar.
However, all the examples I've seen of pom.xml have build logic in them and I was wondering how I am supposed specify the prebuilt jar as the resulting artifact.
I do not know if I understand you correctly, so maybe I am commenting something totally different.
If you want to offer your project as Maven dependency for other projects, the project must be somewhere to be downloaded (Maven central repository, your company Nexus...) and your project must have something to identify it: groupId, artifactId and the version. You can specify these separately when installing the artifact, or you can provide a pom that contains this metadata, along with dependencies if there are any. Both approaches are explained here.
Then adding something like this in the project that wants your project as dependency, it should work.
Still, since you control this project, you might want to consider converting your library to a Maven project to reap other benefits of Maven (in some IDEs like Eclipse there is an option that convert a regular Java Project in a Maven project), and in the generated pom.xml is the info which is mention above.
Here an example of a basic pom.xml to be a jar.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Maven Quick Start Archetype</name>
Extracted from here -->
