Dompf load forever laravel 4.2 - laravel

Im using dompf trying to generate a pdf and save it to the storage folder and a database, the problem is when i try to generate the pdf, it never load, when i use the sample code in github it work, it shows "test", but when i try to load a view it takes forever. this is the code i'm using
$pdf = PDF::loadView('emails.myView',$myData);
return $pdf->stream();
I have tried using the download and the save methods, but doens't work and the page load forever but the pdf is never generated.
and the view just show 4 or 6 elements with 1 main call $hist, returning the view is rendered without problems.
<style type="text/css">
Bunch of css.
<table class="center-block">
<td colspan="3">
<img src="{{ asset('images/boletin/btn_cabeza.jpg') }}" class="img-responsive center-block">
<td rowspan="4" class="aside">
<a href="{{ URL::to('contacto/donaciones') }}">
<img src="{{ asset('images/boletin/btn_dona.jpg') }}" class="img-responsive center-block" >
<div class="social-container">
<h3>Siguenos en:</h3>
<li><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i></li>
<h2 class="text-blue">Historias Epékeinas</h2>
#if(count($hist->imagenes) > 0)
<img src="{{ asset('images/news/'.$hist->imagenes->first()->image) }}" class="img-responsive img-boletin" alt="{{ $hist->titles->first()->text }}">
<div class="bg-green padding-20">
<h2 class="boletin-title">
{{ $hist->titles->first()->text }}
{{ $hist->subtitle->titles->first()->text }}
<div class="text-justify">
{{ substr(strip_tags($hist->descriptions->first()->text), 0, 1600) }}[...]
Leer más
<?php $k = 0;?>
#foreach($article as $a)
#if($k == 0 || $k%2 == 0)
#if($a->slugs->first()->text != $principal->id)
<td class="news fixedHeight bg-{{ $colors[$j] }}">
#if(count($a->imagenes) > 0)
<img src="{{ asset('images/news/'.$a->imagenes->first()->image) }}" class="img-responsive center-block img-boletin" alt="{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}">
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" class="img-responsive center-block img-boletin" alt="{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}">
<h2 class="boletin-title">{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}</h2>
<p class="text-justify">{{ substr(strip_tags($a->descriptions->first()->text), 0, 300) }} [...]</p>
<a target="_blank" href="{{ URL::to('noticias/'.$a->slugs->first()->text) }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right">Leer más</a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php $k++; ?>
<td class="news fixedHeight bg-{{ $colors[$j] }}">
#if(count($a->imagenes) > 0)
<img src="{{ asset('images/news/'.$a->imagenes->first()->image) }}" class="img-responsive center-block img-boletin" alt="{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}">
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" class="img-responsive center-block img-boletin" alt="{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}">
<h2 class="boletin-title">{{ $a->titles->first()->text }}</h2>
<p class="text-justify">{{ substr(strip_tags($a->descriptions->first()->text), 0, 300) }} [...]</p>
<a target="_blank" href="{{ URL::to('noticias/'.$a->slugs->first()->text) }}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right">Leer más</a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php $k++; ?>
<?php $j++; ?>
#if($j == 4)
<?php $j=0; ?>
#if(($k != 0 && $k%2 == 0) || $k == count($article))
<td colspan="3" class="text-center">
<h3>© Derechos Reservados Funda Epékeina 2016.</h3>
<div class="container center-block">
<div class="bg-square bg-blue"></div>
<div class="bg-square bg-yellow"></div>
<div class="bg-square bg-green"></div>
<div class="bg-square bg-pink"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
what could be wrong? is there any other choice for generating pdf.

Check those points in order:
For Laravel 4.* I suggest you to use this DOMPDF wrapper
Maybe your view is trying to render content out of the page, try to add dinamic page break, you can do so by styling an element with page-break-before: always; or page-break-after: always.; Try to delete the foreach and adding 1 or 2 static element rendering it in one page
Check for errors in the view by rendering it in html with return View::make('emails.myView',$myData)->render();.
Check php and html sintax, dompdf doesn't work if some html tags are
not well closed
Consider to use Knp-snappy library for Laravel


Uncaught TypeError: e is null in bootstrap album

I'm trying to create a bootstrap carousel album thumbnail.
My code is here...
<div class="col-lg-9 mb-3">
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slider d-flex justify-content-center" data-bs-ride="carousel">
<div class="carousel-inner">
#foreach($galleries as $gallery)
<div class="carousel-item {{ $loop->first ? 'active' : '' }}">
<img src="{{ asset('storage/'.$gallery->image) }}" class="img-fluid rounded" alt="{{ $product->title }}">
<ol class="carousel-indicators list-inline bottom-12">
#foreach($galleries as $gallery)
<li class="list-inline-item {{ $loop->first ? 'active' : '' }}">
<a id="carousel-selector-{{ $gallery->id }}" class="{{ $loop->first ? 'selected' : '' }}" data-bs-slide-to="{{ $gallery->id }}" data-bs-target="#myCarousel">
<img src="{{ asset('storage/'.$gallery->image) }}" class="img-fluid rounded" alt="{{ $product->title }}">
But when I click on the carousel's indicators, I receive this error from bootstrap.min.js:
Now my question is what is wrong with my code/solution?

initialData is null in livewire component when there is a two events in the same component

I am having two events in my component one is changing the layout and another one is sorting. Changing a layout basically it only replace a layout component inside a parent component. Now when i am calling a sorting then livewire giving me a error 'initialdata is null '.
I am looking for to create a sorting order with this same component. And my code is
<div class="dropdown px-2 d-none d-lg-block">
<div class=" text-dark fw-bold dropdown-toggle" href="#" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="px-1">
<img class="" src="{{ Vite::image('icons/classic.png') }}" alt="" />
<img class="" src="{{ Vite::image('icons/filter-down.png') }}" alt="" />
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuLink">
<a class="dropdown-item text-primary #if($show == 1)text-primary #else text-dark #endif fw-bolder" href="javascript:void(0)" wire:click="$set('show', '1')">
<img src="{{ Vite::image('icons/compact.png') }}" alt="" class="ps-2" /> Card </a>
<a class="dropdown-item uni-border #if($show == 2)text-primary #else text-dark #endif fw-bolder " href="javascript:void(0)" wire:click="$set('show', '2')">
<img src="{{ Vite::image('icons/classic.png') }}" alt`your text`="" class="ps-2" />Classic </a>
<a class="dropdown-item uni-border #if($show == 3) text-primary #else text-dark #endif fw-bolder" href="javascript:void(0)" wire:click="$set('show', '3')">
<img src="{{ Vite::image('icons/com.png') }}" alt="" class="ps-2" />Compact </a>
{{-- sorting option --}}
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between pt-2 align-items-center d-none d-lg-block ">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
<span class="m-0">Selected Filters:</span>
<span class=" mx-3 boat-span2 align-items-center rounded-1">
<span>$500 </span>
<img src="{{ Vite::image('icons/cross.png') }}" alt="" class="" />
<span class=" boat-span2 align-items-center rounded-1">
<span> Skipper </span>
<img src="{{ Vite::image('icons/cross.png') }}" alt="" class="" />
<div class="">
<h6 class="m-0 text-secondary fw-500 ">
<u> Clear Filters</u>
#if($show == 2)
{{-- classic layout --}}
#livewire('frontend.boat.listing.layout.classic',['product' => $product])
#elseif($show == 1)
{{-- card layout --}}
#livewire('frontend.boat.listing.layout.card',['product' => $product])
#elseif($show == 3)
{{-- compact layout --}}
#livewire('frontend.boat.listing.layout.compact',['product' => $product])
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Frontend\Boat\Listing;
use App\Models\Product;
use Livewire\Component;
class Listing extends Component
// Mount , boot , hydrate component
public $filter_option_recommend = "recommended";
public $show = "2";
// public $filter_option = "name";
// public $product;
public function detail($id, $title)
return redirect()->route('website.boat.detail', [$id, $title]);
public function render()
$product = Product::join('product_time_assign', 'product_time_assign.product_id', '=', '')
'products.type_id' => 1, // boat
'products.status' => 'Active',
' as productid',
' as timeassignid',
->orderBy($this->filter_option_recommend, 'asc')->get();
return view('livewire.frontend.boat.listing.listing', ['product' => $product]);

live.ERROR: Trying to get property 'title' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\core\resources\views\user\signal-all.blade.php)

ERROR: Trying to get property 'title' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\core\resources\views\user\signal-all.blade.php)
Dear, help me please, I can't find the error, it was working fine.
<div class="page-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<h5>Historial - Ideas de Trading</h5>
<div class="card-header-right">
<ul class="list-unstyled card-option">
<li><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-window-maximize full-card"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-minus minimize-card"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-times close-card"></i></li>
<div class="card-block">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="sample_1">
<th>Mercado - Par - Tipo</th>
<th>TF - Estado</th>
#php $p = 0 #endphp
#if (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user()->expire_time != 1 and \Carbon\Carbon::parse(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user()->expire_time)->isPast())
<td colspan="7"><h6 class="text-center">Su plan esta expirado, actualice su plan Actualizar Plan</h6></td>
#elseif (\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user()->plan_status == 0)
<td colspan="7"><h6 class="text-center">Tablero de señales desactivado. PAGO PENDIENTE</h6></td>
#php $p = 0 #endphp
#foreach($signal as $k => $p)
<td>{{ $k + $signal->firstItem() }}</td>
<td>{{\Carbon\Carbon::parse($p->created_at)->format('d/m/Y - h:i:s A')}}</td>
<td>{{ $p->signal->title }}</td>
<td>{{ $p->signal->asset->name }} - {{ $p->signal->symbol->name }} - {{ $p->signal->type->name }}</td>
<td>{{ $p->signal->frame->name }} - {{ $p->signal->status->name }}</td>
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i> Ver
#if ($p)
I also add layouts.user.php
$planId = Auth::user()->plan_id;
$allSignal = App\SignalPlan::wherePlan_id($planId)->count();
<div class="pcoded-main-container">
<div class="pcoded-wrapper">
<nav class="pcoded-navbar">
<div class="sidebar_toggle"><i class="icon-close icons"></i></div>
<div class="pcoded-inner-navbar main-menu">
<div class="pcoded-navigation-label">Panel de Control</div>
<ul class="pcoded-item pcoded-left-item">
<li class="{{ Request::is('user-dashboard') ? 'active' : '' }}">
<a href="{{ route('user-dashboard') }}">
<span class="pcoded-micon"><i class="ti-home"></i><b>D</b></span>
<span class="pcoded-mtext">Inicio</span>
<span class="pcoded-mcaret"></span>
<div class="pcoded-navigation-label">Ideas de Comercio</div>
<ul class="pcoded-item pcoded-left-item">
<li class="{{ Request::is('user/all-signal') ? 'active' : '' }}">
<a href="{{ route('user-all-signal') }}">
<span class="pcoded-micon"><i class="ti-stats-up"></i><b>D</b></span>
<span class="pcoded-mtext">Señales</span>
<span class="pcoded-badge label label-primary ">{{ $allSignal }}</span>
<span class="pcoded-mcaret"></span>
<div class="pcoded-navigation-label">Administrar Ganancias</div>
<ul class="pcoded-item pcoded-left-item">
<li class="">
<a href="{!! route('logout') !!}" onclick="event.preventDefault();document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();">
<span class="pcoded-micon"><i class="ti-share-alt"></i><b>D</b></span>
<span class="pcoded-mtext">Salir</span>
<span class="pcoded-mcaret"></span>
<form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('logout') }}" method="POST" style="display: none;">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<div class="pcoded-content">
<div class="pcoded-inner-content">
<div class="main-body">
<div class="page-wrapper">
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<div class="alert alert-warning icons-alert">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
<i class="icofont icofont-close-line-circled"></i>
<p>{!! $error !!}</p>
#if(Auth::user()->plan_status == 1 and Auth::user()->plan->telegram_status == 1)
{!! $basic->chat !!}
var type = "{{ Session::get('type', 'info') }}";
case 'info':"{{ Session::get('message') }}");
case 'warning':
toastr.warning("{{ Session::get('message') }}");
case 'success':
toastr.success("{{ Session::get('message') }}");
case 'error':
toastr.error("{{ Session::get('message') }}");
public function AllSignal()
$data['page_title'] = 'All Signal';
$data['signal'] = SignalPlan::wherePlan_id(Auth::user()->plan_id)->orderBy('id','desc')->paginate(10);
return view('user.signal-all',$data);
when I try to execute it throws ERROR: Trying to get property 'title' of non-object
and use plan_status == 1 It works perfect
The syntax of foreach($signal as $k => $p) means, for each element in the array of $signal as a key value pair, which means $p already represents a single $signal object from the array, and $k is the array index. Within a single object of $singal, you have the property title. In order to refer to that attribute, you just need to do $p->title. If you are unsure, you could perform a dd($signal) or a dd($p) somewhere on your blade to verify what it contains

fail to show allert " No data" when data is does not in database

i am using laravel 5.4 ,, i use filter by serial number, i want to when the serial number is not save in database, show the allert "no data" , but when i filter data serial number is not save to database, the page is not show the allert,,
this is my blade..
<div class="panel panel-default">
#if (!$instrumentType->instruments->isEmpty())
<table class="table">
#foreach ($instruments as $instrument)
Serial Number : {{ $instrument->serial_number }}
#if($instrument->customer !== NULL)
<div class="text-muted"><i class="fa fa-hospital-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ $instrument->customer->name }}</div>
#if($instrument->contractType !== NULL)
<div class="text-muted"><i class="fa fa-compress" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ $instrument->contractType->name }}</div>
<div class="pull-right">
<a type="button" href="{{ route('instrument.edit', ['instrumentType' => $instrumentType->id, 'instrument' => $instrument->id]) }}"
class="btn btn-success ">
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit
#if($instrument->customer == NULL || $instrument->contractType == NULL)
<a href="{{ route('instrument.destroy', ['instrumentType' => $instrumentType->id, 'instrument' => $instrument->id]) }}"
data-method="delete" data-confirm="" class="btn btn-danger">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i> <span class="hidden-xs">Delete</span>
<div class="paginator text-center">{{ $instruments->links() }}</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="alert alert-warning text-center">No data.</div>
you can get count of array with :
add this code as your statement :

Vuejs2 multiple if condition

I want to convert my php code into vuejs2 code as I'am changing my adminpanel as vue application(only ui).
I'am following this documentation,
This is my art.vue component
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="box box-info">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h3 class="box-title">Latest Artworks</h3>
<div class="box-tools pull-right">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="collapse"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-box-tool" data-widget="remove"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<div class="box-body">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table no-margin">
<tr v-for="item in art">
ART-{{ $art->.id }}
<td>{{ item.title }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<span class="label
if(item.status == "Pending")
echo 'label-warning';
elseif($art['status'] == "Approved")
echo 'label-success';
echo 'label-danger';
">{{$art['status']}}</span> </td>
<div class="sparkbar" data-color="#00a65a" data-height="20"><canvas width="34" height="20" style="display: inline-block; width: 34px; height: 20px; vertical-align: top;"></canvas></div>
<div class="box-footer clearfix">
View All
export default {
computed : {
return this.$
I have seen v-if condition statement, but in my case i have multiple conditions
I want to change this code
<span class="label
if($art['status'] == "Pending")
echo 'label-warning';
elseif($art['status'] == "Approved")
echo 'label-success';
echo 'label-danger';
You can achieve multiple conditional views easily using v-else-ifs. Refer to the documentation here.
EDIT: Looking at the code sample it felt that there is no need for v-ifs. To add classes to an element can be done by the means of property binding.
<span class="label
if(item.status == "Pending")
echo 'label-warning';
elseif($art['status'] == "Approved")
echo 'label-success';
echo 'label-danger';
can be written like:
<span :class='{label: true, "Pending": item.status === 'value', "label-warning": item.status === 'someOtherValue'}'>{{$art['status']}}</span>
in vuejs for the same effect, read more.
<span v-if="item.status === 'Pending'" class="label label-warning">
{{ item.status }}
<span v-else-if="item.status === 'Approved'" class="label label-success">
{{ item.status }}
<span v-else class="label label-danger">
{{ item.status }}
This solved my issue
