enter image description here On this website the text "No Pain No Gain" on the first page is fixed with the background image. But after scrolling it is being hidden? How it is done?
it can be done using postion: fixed , and z-index .
Hi all im use lightbox2 for my new photography website and all is working perfect.I would like to leave the image loaded on display white the next image is loaded and dsiplayed. I can see the code is css to change to white background. Any help would be great.
I have a blog hosted by Blogger with a custom template:
Images uploaded to the blog are hosted at (where X is a number). Examples:
I want to have a white background when the image is clicked. (The images look fine on the site itself. This is not a problem with the blog's background, which is set to be solid white.)
Using the Inspect option in Chrome, I see the following information
The body formatting (background: #0e0e0e;) does NOT appear anywhere on my blog or in my template.
How can I fix?
Thank you!
P.S. I have 10 years of legacy posts with images, so I need a global solution that changes the background to white for all images posted to the blog.
Wrap the image in a div and set the background color of that div with css. That should work
.divclass:active {
If you are opening the images in a new tab or window then your only option is changing the background of the images yourself with a photo editor. If you're just trying to give the user a full size view of an image when they click it you could use javascript/jquery and have a full size div with a background and an image pop up in full screen without sending them to the linked image. Theres probably quite a few jquery plugins that will do this with minimal coding knowledge, just google it.
Thanks, Riley.
I can't go back and edit hundreds of images, so the photo editor option won't work.
But based on your suggestion, I used the following solution:
1) Enabled "Showcase Images with Lightbox" on blogger
2) Added CSS from this page ( with no background image and background color set ot white (#ffffff).
Downside is that charts/images now pop up on same page rather than opening in a new tab.
Thank you!
In drupal 8, I try to resize uploaded images via ckeditor. Images are not resizing when uploaded via the ckeditor. How to resize inline-image with ckeditor in drupal 8 ?
There is an option in the "Text format" to resize "scale down" the image. But this setting does nothing ? any tips ?
The Drupal "FULL HTML" text format settings
Druapl 8 offers drag resizing of images out of the box. If you have set up the 'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML
Enabled' filter in your editor(setup at /admin/config/content/formats) , make sure that the <img> tag is added to it with the height and width attributes (Ex: <img height width>) and then you can see a black drag handle at the bottom right hand corner of the editor in your nodes.
Adding this info here so it can be useful for others looking for a solution!
I don't think CKEDITOR could resize your images (it never could).
You could only set width and height properties yourself in "Source Code", but it will only visually resize image.
As alternative you could try install IMCE drupal modules, which has this feature
please help me with my problem, how to display only name instead of all the description of the images when mouse hover by using any softwares or with php. Generally we can do that in html by using title tag, i want exactly same in normal windows image hovering.
Thanks in advance
<img src="image_that_may_or_may_not_load.png" alt="Show this text if image not loaded" />
Safari doesn't seem to show 'alt' text in case the image is not loaded. I'm not sure about other browsers, but Firefox does show the alternate text.
Its so important to display alt text in email templates where the images would be blocked by the client most likely, atleast until the user accepts to "display images from this user/site".
Any workaround for this?
So it turns out, setting width and height for the image will show alt text incase the image is unavailable, not otherwise.
Try use the title attribute.
<img src="image_that_may_or_may_not_load.png" alt="Show this text if image not loaded" title="Show this text if image not loaded" />
Apparently from here: Alt text showing in IE and firefox but not in safari?. Safari doesn't support it.