Is it possible to import the Gvc typelib outside of the Gnome Shell environment? - gnome-shell

I'd like to use Gvc (libgnome-volume-control) as used in Gnome Shell GIR in GJS, but can't find a way to access it except within the Gnome Shell environment (eg. a Gnome Shell extension). Actually, I can't even figure out where it is. Is this possible?
In line with Philip Withnall's comment (about a hacky workaround), I have found it's possible to import like so:
const GIRepository =;
const Gvc =;

libgnome-volume-control is currently only meant to be used as a submodule. gnome-shell lists it in its .gitmodules file to import the code, and then in to build it.
It should be possible to use libgnome-volume-control in your project similarly.
(I determined this using git grep -i gvc on the gnome-shell code.)


How to provide shell completion with python a package? [duplicate]

I am writing a command line tool in python and using pip to distribute it. I have written some scripts (one for bash and one for zsh) to allow the tool to have tab completion. Is there a way to get pip to install these scripts when someone does a pip install?
For example:
I have a completion.bash file. When someone does
pip install mypackage
It will also source the bash file.
I'm pretty sure I can do this for linux and bash by putting the script in my data_files section in the script.
('/etc/bash_completion.d', ['bin/completion.bash'])
But how can I do this so it is platform and shell independent? I need it to work for mac/linux in both bash and zsh. If possible, even support windows.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
In case it matters, here is my bash script:
_foo_complete() {
local words=( "${COMP_WORDS[#]}" )
local word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local completions="$(foo completer --cmplt=\""${words[*]}"\")"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$completions" -- "$word") )
complete -F _foo_complete foo
I am currently installing it by just running source completion.bash
You are asking several different questions.
First, there's no cross-platform or cross-shell solution for defining custom shell-completions. The one you posted works for bash, but in tcsh, for example, you use tcsh's complete command, which works differently than bash's.
Second, sourcing the files which contain those completion-definitions at the time of pip install wouldn't do much good. The completions might work in that very session, but what you probably want is for them to take effect in future sessions (i.e. shell invocations) as well. For that, your files would have to be sourced each time the shell starts (e.g. from within user's .bashrc, in case of bash).
This measn that "installing" your files simply means placing them somewhere, and suggesting the users should source them from their respective dot-rc file. Even if you could, you shouldn't try to "force" it. Give your users the option to add that to their dot-rc file if they want.
The best approach would probably be to include in your package a completion-definitions file per supported shell, e.g. complete.bash, complete.tcsh, and god knows what for windows (sorry, I'm not a windows user).

How to execute a bash script from within my python project

I am writing some automation to control a simulator. I am also using WebDriverAgent along with openatx python bindings in pycharm. There are some things that are fast using cURL in a bash script and some methods that are stronger in the python solution. I want to use a mix of both. I have imported bashSupport into pycharm and would like to execute a bash script from within my file system of the project.
I have tried subprocess import and os but it doesn't seem to be executing my script. Here is an example:
import subprocess[''])
with device.session('') as app:
print app.orientation
app(label="Address").set_text(" \n")
the is in my file structure of the project. Is my syntax incorrect or am I missing something else?
Try these changes:
Add ./ before script name. As this could be some path related issue.
Try adding shell=True if you are not under Posix system and you do not have something like this #!/bin/sh as a first line of your bash script.
Last but not the least, check the permissions for the bash script.
Hope this helps.

ARFF file extension to csv binary executable

Thanks in advance for the help.
I'm looking for a binary executable to convert an .arff into a .csv in a bash script. Ideally something that I could run along the lines of
#! /bin/sh
... some stuff....
converstionFunc input.arff output.csv
... some more stuff ...
Looking into writing this myself I found that weka provides a library that I could utilize that would allow me to do this. However, as much as I looked for it, I could not find it. I have weka installed on my mac and after looking around for the library I still was unable to find it.
Does anyone know where I may find such an executable, or able to point me where I could get a hold of the weka java library that would let me write it myself?
Clone this github repository. It contains an arff2csv tool in the "tools" subdirectory.
arff2csv is designed to run in pipes of unix commandline tools.
arff2csv is a one-line shell-script that calls another shell script that calls weka.jar,
so it needs java installed on your machine; and note that arff2csv needs Weka version 3.6. (According to my experiments the newer v3.7 does not work.)
The script wants this environment variable set:
export WEKAPATH=/path/to/wekajar-dirname
and then you can do
cat /opt/smallapps/weka-stable/data/breast-cancer.arff | arff2csv > breast-cancer.arff.csv
Large arffs need some time to get processed.
You can read J.Janssen's book (see repo-README) for a bit more info.
Try an web search for arff2csv. It looks like there are lots of utilities out there.

How to use default path for ActivePerl 5.20 Mac OS X (/usr/bin/perl) instead of /usr/local/ActivePerl...?

I have installed ActivePerl 5.20.2 today on Mac OS X 10.9.5
Checking the version of perl in Terminal (perl -v) I see 5.20.2
So everything seems to be ok. But..
When I start my CGI scripts the script is running under built in perl (which is 5.16) (if using #!/usr/bin/perl).
If I use #!/usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/perl then it runs under 5.20.2 that is required.
The question is: is it somehow possible to change the directory for using in my scripts from #!/usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/perl to simple and familiar #!/usr/bin/perl keeping running under ActivePerl instead of built in.
I need to override the system's default version with the new ActivePerl.
I would be appreciated for your detailed answers (with name of files and directories where they are located) if ones are to be changed to implement salvation.
The question is: is it somehow possible to change the directory for using in my scripts from #!/usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/perl to simple and familiar #!/usr/bin/perl keeping running under ActivePerl instead of built in.
Don't even try. That way lies damnation, not salvation. The ability to specify the specific interpreter that will handle your scripts is an important feature.
Instead, package your CGI script as a simple CPAN module. Then, install it using the familiar
$ /usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/perl Makefile.PL
$ make install
routine. The shebang line will be automatically adjusted to reflect the perl that was used to build and install your package.
First, instead of specifying a particular path to your Perl interpreter in your script:
#! /usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
Specify this:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
This will find the first executable Perl interpreter in your $PATH and then use that to execute your Perl script. This way, instead of having to change your program, you only have to change the $PATH variable.
Next time, take a look at PerlBrew for installing a different version of Perl. PerlBrew will allow you to install multiple versions of Perl all under user control, and let you select which version of Perl you'd like to use.
I also recommend to put /usr/local/bin as the first entry in your $PATH. Then, link the executables you want to run to that directory. You can use something like this to create your links:
for file in $/usr/local/ActivePerl5.20.2/bin/*
basename=$(basename $file)
ln -s "$file" "/usr/local/bin/$basename"
This way, all programs you want to execute are in the same directory which makes setting $PATH so much easier. I even put /usr/local/bin in before /usr/bin and /bin because I want to be able to override the system's default version.

Use the python interpreter packaged with py2exe

I have a python script I want to distribute to Windows, where people might not have python installed. So I use py2exe. The problem is in the script I run other python scripts by using subprocess, which requires python interpreter as the program to execute. As I don't have python interpreter installed on Windows, is there any way I could ignore the interpreter and work around the problem? Is there any way I could call the python interpreter pakcaged by py2exe?
It's probably more simple than you think: Instead of starting sub-processes, use the built-in eval() command to execute the scripts.
[EDIT] To redirect stdio, replace sys.stdout/sys.stderr with buffers or something else that supports "write()".
To restore the original values, the sys module offers __stdout__, etc.
[EDIT2] I haven't tried this but it might work: Add "python.exe" to the set of files which py2exe creates.
From the main code, copy all files that py2exe created + the python.exe into a temporary directory. Then add all your scripts.
Now start the new python interpreter with a small script that adds the temp folder and to the sys.path
Note: Python doesn't have to be "installed" like a Windows application. In fact, you can simply copy all the files to a new place. As long as the search path is correct, this works.
