Anaconda not importing package - anaconda

I am trying to use gmplot, which I've downloaded via Conda.
It is showing up in the environments, and the package is in /anaconda/pkgs, so the files are there.
But when I try to import it when running something (I've tried in Spyder and in Jupyter off Anaconda) it says No module called gmplot.
I've looked all over other questions but can't find anything that makes it work... have tried playing with PYTHONPATH manager to assign something specific to gmplot, but no luck.
If it's showing up clearly in the environments, is there something I'm not doing to get it to then be import-able?


Installing packages in Julia while using Pluto

I would like to use the package HDF5
In my Pluto.jl, I have the line
using HDF5
When I try to evaluate this cell, I get the error message
"ERROR: LoadError: HDF5 is not properly installed. Please run"HDF5") and restart Julia."
I would like to do this, but when I go to the terminal, I can't do this while I have Pluto open.
I've tried running Pluto in the background with a command like &
But this code is completely wrong.
I've also heard that there sometimes appears a cloud icon above the cell, which would allow me to download HDF5 directly.
In any case, it seems to me like any time this happens, I will have to write down which package I need to install, and then kill my Pluto notebook, go to Julia, install, and restart Julia. Surely there is a better way? Can anyone help me find it?
When the package is correctly installed or could be installed without problems, using HDF5 in Pluto itself is sufficient. The built-in Pluto package manager takes care about the installation.
There are edge cases where due to issues with external packages installation does not work out-of-the-box. In this case, it could help to install the package in a temp environment before starting Pluto:
] activate --temp
] add HDF5
follwed by whatever steps required to get the package working in Julia itself, like re-building it.
This should really be a workaround and should be fixed in the corresponding package - consider creating an Issue there if it does not exist already.

Jupyter can't find my packages, how can I connect my kernel to the pip destination folder?

first time on stack overflow. Basically pip is installing packages and Jupyter notebook can't find them to import. I've searched other similar questions and found some tips, but none of them have worked in my particular instance. I've shown the information that was helpful in other posts so you can see what I' mworking with:
My Notebook
In similar questions they've asked what "jupyter kernelspec list" returns in the terminal, so I've inlcuded that here:
KernelSpec Results
I would include my kernel.json file as well, but I tried changing with it, and upon seeing no change, tried deleting it altogether and my notebook runs fine.
So I'm thoroughly confused, and could really use some help.
Make sure the packages you think you installed are really installed to the running environment.
E.g. from inside notebook run:
!pip list | grep package_name
If the package in question is installed, get details using [pip show][1]
!pip show pyyaml
Name: PyYAML
Version: 5.1
Summary: YAML parser and emitter for Python
Author: Kirill Simonov
License: MIT
Location: /home/ntg/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Required-by: bokeh, anaconda-client
Remember that for some libraries the import is not the name of the module,e.g. to install pyyaml I did pip install pyyaml, but to import it I will need import yaml... When in doubt, google the specific module.
Keep in mind that pip deals with modules (think libraries such as pandas).
If you cannot find some of your code, make sure it is in the directory you think it is, if not in the same directory, make sure the other directory has a file named to denote the dir is a module, and possibly check
Cannot import from __init__ in a subfolder

comtypes.gen attributes are different from self download and conda pre-installation

I have created my own Anaconda environment. I needed to use the 'comtypes' package to connect to the software ETABS, so I first downloaded it with the conda installation command and then I tried the next command line:
helper = comtypes.client.CreateObject('ETABSv17.Helper')
But, I received the next error:
AttributeError: module 'comtypes.gen.ETABSv17' has no attribute 'cHelper'
However, I realized that if a try the same command line with the base environment coming with Anaconda, that includes a pre-installed 'comtypes' package, there is no problem. In fact, if I check comtypes.gen.ETABSv17 with my customized environment and with the one from Conda, there is a huge difference between available attributes, even when they have the same version number: comtypes 1.1.7.
How can I get the exactly same 'comtypes' package that comes with Anaconda in order to have all the associated attributes working? Maybe, could there be some package dependence that I am missing?
Pd: I am using Windows10 and I have tried it in Pycharm and Spyder with Python 3.7
Thank you all !
I had this issue and i was using python 32 bit version. So uninstalled and installed a 64 bit version and now its working fine. May be this helps

Biopython, import error with "import Bio"

I have installed Biopython by Anaconda on Windows.
When I try import Bio I get this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Bio'
Simone.. it looks like your installation did go wrong somehow. Regardless of why and how try the following stepwise approach to see if your import error remains.
On Windows (the dots denote your installed program path specifics):
e.g. go to: C:\....\Anaconda...\Lib\site-packages
find and remove folders using delete.
folder 1: "\Bio"
folder 2: "\biopython-1.70.dist-info"
The version value 1.70 might be 1.69 when using conda for installation.
Empty your trashbin. This way the system can't do tricks and recover or link to deleted files and folders.
Install pip if its not and grab it from here.
try pip install biopython --no-cache-dir
Voila! Hope it works now for you too... Enjoy!
In case its not check windows environment variables\path.. via control panel>advanced system settings to include PATH to site-packages. Or do similar on other OS.

Theano is missing modules

I am on windows 64bit, I have installed anaconda, and managed to create an environment with python 2.7
I have numpy, pylearn2, theano, and every package is built properly
I have been able to import all these modules, however I get some very esoteric messages when I try to complete the model, like
ImportError: Could not import pylearn2.models.softmax_regression but could import pylearn2.models. Original exception: No module named dnn
Then I tried to actually find the package in the installation, but inside the cuda folder, there is no module named dnn. Looking at github, I see that it should be there.
Why is theano missing modules? I installed using conda install theano, and it gave some suggestions, I have managed to pick the correct one.
I have uninstalled and installed theano many time, I can import it but I can never get the proper modules.
What is going wrong?
Ok, after a few days of search, it seems like Theano installed from anaconda is missing a lot of modules. However, installing theano by cloning the repository with
pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://
seems to resolve the issue. Since windows normally does not have git, it can be easily installed (seems to take care of the environment's path variable) from here
