How to pass multiple parameter in hive script - shell

Table data
I want to fetch records of year=2016 by running hive script sample.hql.
use octdb;
select * from '${hiveconf:table}' where year = '${hiveconf:year}';
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$ hive -hiveconf table='employee', year=2016 -f sample.hql
But i am getting error NoViableAltException(307#[]).......

You need to use the --hiveconf option twice:
hive --hiveconf table=employee --hiveconf year=2016 -f sample.hql

You should use --hivevar instead with newer Hive versions. Earlier, developers were able to set configuration using --hiveconf and it was also used for variables. However, later --hivevar was implemented to have separate namespace for variables as mentioned in HIVE-2020.
Use following with beeline
beeline --hivevar table=employee --hivevar year=2016 -f sample.hql
With this, in the Hive script file you can access this variables directly or using hivevar namespace like below.
select * from ${table};
select * from ${hivevar:table};
Please, note that you may need to specify URL string using -u <db_URL> option.

By doing R&D found the correct answer, ${hiveconf:table} should define in script without ' '.
use ${hiveconf:database};
select * from ${hiveconf:table} where year = ${hiveconf:year};
Running sample.hql
[cloudera#quickstart shell]$ hive -hiveconf database=octdb -hiveconf table=employee -hiveconf year=2016 -f sample.hql
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/etc/hive/conf.dist/
Time taken: 1.484 seconds
1 A 2016
2 B 2016
4 D 2016
Time taken: 4.423 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)

Passing variables can also be achieved through "hivevar" along with "hiveconf".
Here is the difference:
The hiveconf namespace was added and (--hiveconf) should be used to set Hive configuration values.
The hivevar namespace was added and (--hivevar) should be used to define user variables.
Using hiveconf will also work, but isn't recommended for variable substitution as hivevar is explicitly created for that purpose.
set hivevar:YEAR=2018;
SELECT * from table where year=${YEAR};
hive --hiveconf var='hello world' -e '!echo ${hiveconf:var};'
-- this will print: hello world


Hive one line command to catch SCHEMA + TABLE NAME info

Is there a way to catch all schema + table name info in a single command through Hive in a similar way to
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
from the PostgreSQL world?
show databases and show tables combined in a loop [here an example] is an answer, but I'm looking for a more compact way to have the same result in a single command.
It's been long I have worked on Hive Queries but as far as I remember you can probably use
hive> desc formatted tableName;
hive> describe formatted tableName;
It will give you all the relevant information related to the Table like the Schema, Partition info, Table Type like Managed Table, etc
I am not sure If you are particularly looking for this ??
There is another way to query Hive Tables, is writing Hive Scripts which can be called from Hadoop Terminal rather than from Hive Terminal itself.
std]$ cat sample.hql or vi sample.hql
use dbName;
select * from tableName;
desc formatted tableName;
# this hql script can be called from outside the hive terminal
std]$ hive -f sample.hql
or, without even have to write script file you can probably query hive as
std]$ hive -e "use dbName; select * from emp;" > text.txt or >> to append
On the Database level, you can probably query as :
hive> use dbName;
hive> set hive.cli.print.current.db=true;
hive(dbName)> describe database dbName;
it will bring metadata from MySQL(metastore) about the Database.

Timestamp partitioning in Hive

I am trying to create timestamp based partition in hive. But hive is creating data based partition. Below is my code. Could someone please help?
dat=`date +'%Y%m%d %H:%m:%S'`
hive -f load.hql -hiveconf file_load_timestamp=$dat;
cat load.hql
INSERT OVERWRITE table perm.test partition(file_load_timestamp='${hiveconf:dat}')
SELECT a,b FROM work.temp;
dt=20180102/ = HDFS path is getting created like this.
dt=20180102 103455/ = Expecting HDFS path to be created like this.
When I tried with %Y%m%d_%H:%m:%S' format its working as expected. But I need space between date and timestamp.
To create a folder name in HDFS with space in between, it is required to escape the space with \
hadoop fs -mkdir test\ 123
create a folder in hdfs with name test 123.
Similarly, hive maintains the partitions in folders created with the partition value. Thats why providing the date format %Y%m%d\ %H%m%S will help to create folder with spaces.
Below is tested and working:
INSERT OVERWRITE table person_details1 partition(datelocal='20180102\ 200128') select * from person_details;
datelocal is String
Edited:Executed the code, Below is working one:
hduser#Amit:~$ cat
dat=`date +'%Y%m%d\ %H%m%S'`
hive -f load.hql -hiveconf datelocal="$dat";
hduser#Amit:~$ cat load.hql
INSERT OVERWRITE table amit.person_details1 partition(datelocal='${hiveconf:datelocal}') select * from amit.person_details;

Hive query in Shell Script

I have an external hive table on top of a parquet file.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE parquet_test LIKE avro_test STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'hdfs://myParquetFilesPath';
I want to get the count of table using shell script.
I tried with following command
myVar =$(hive -S -e " select count(*) from parquet_test;")
echo $myVar
Added -S to run hive in silent mode still I get whole map reduce log and count in the myVar variable. How to get only count.
I don't have access to any of the configuration file to enable or disable the level of logging. Is there any other way?
Finally found a work around.
First flushed the query result into a file in HDFS then read answer from file.
The file only contains the result of the query.
(hive -S -e " INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/home/test/result/'
ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' select count(*) from parquet_test;")
Then reading the file into a variable
Count var=$(hdfs dfs -tail /home/test/result/)
echo $var
Thank you
myVar=$(eval "hive -S -e 'select count(*) from parquet_test;' ")
echo $myVar

Search a table in all databases in hive

In Hive, how do we search a table by name in all databases?
I am a Teradata user. Is there any counterpart of systems tables (present in Teradata) like dbc.tables, dbc.columns which are present in HIVE?
You can use SQL like to search a table.
I want to search a table with the name starting from "Benchmark" I don't know the rest of it.
Input in HIVE CLI:
show tables like 'ben*'
| tab_name |
| benchmark_core_month |
| benchmark_core_qtr |
| benchmark_core_year |
3 rows selected (0.224 seconds)
Or you can try below command if you are using Beeline
Note: It will work with Beeline only (JDBC client based)
More about beeline:
you can also use hdfs to find a table in all databases:
the path of hive databases is:
so, by using hdfs :
hdfs dfs -find /apps/hive/warehouse/ -name t*
You should query the metastore.
You can find the connection properties within hive-site.xml
<$HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml grep -A1 jdo
Within the metastore you can use a query similar to the following
select *
from metastore.DBS as d
join metastore.TBLS as t
on t.DB_ID =
where t.TBL_NAME like '% ... put somthing here ... %'
order by d.NAME
Searching for tables with name containing infob across all Hive databases
for i in `hive -e "show schemas"`; do echo "Hive DB: $i"; hive -e "use $i; show tables"|grep "infob"; done
Hive stores all its metadata information in Metastore. Metastore schema can be found at: link:
It has tables like DBS for database, TBLS for tables and Columns. You may use appropriate join, to find out table name or column names.
#hisi's answer is elegant. However it induce an error with lacking memory for GC on our cluster. So, there is another less elegant approach that works for me.
Let foo is the table name to search. So
hadoop fs -ls -R -C /apps/hive/warehouse/ 2>/dev/null | grep '/apps/hive/warehouse/[^/]\{1,\}/foo$'
If one does not remember exact name of table but only substring bar in table name, then command is
hadoop fs -ls -R -C /apps/hive/warehouse/ 2>/dev/null | grep '/apps/hive/warehouse/[^/]\{1,\}/[^/]\{1,\}$' | grep bar
That's an extention of Mantej Singh's answer: you can use pyspark to find tables across all Hive databases (not just one):
from functools import reduce
from pyspark import SparkContext, HiveContext
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
dbnames = [row.databaseName for row in sqlContext.sql('SHOW DATABASES').collect()]
tnames = []
for dbname in dbnames:
tnames.append(sqlContext.sql('SHOW TABLES IN {} LIKE "%your_pattern%"'.format(dbname)))
tables = reduce(DataFrame.union, tnames)
The way to do this is to iterate through the databases searching for table with a specified name.

How to read specific setting from Hive shell

So you can set a setting in the Hive console with:
hive> set hive.enforce.bucketing=true
And you can view ALL of the settings with:
hive> set
hive> set -v
But how do you read the current value of a specified setting from the Hive console?
hive> hive.enforce.bucketing;
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.statement(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseDriver.parse(
FAILED: ParseException line 1:0 cannot recognize input near 'hive' '.' 'enforce'
Right now I'm redirecting hive -e 'set' to file and then using grep. Is there a better way?
Simply use set and the property name without a value
hive> set mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize;
