NuGet package reference & version - visual-studio

I tried crawling through the documentation for NuGet and Visual Studio but did not find an exact answer for my question. Also am new to using NuGet.
If I have a packages.config like below:
<package id="xxx.SomePackage" version="1.0.1" targetFramework="net452" />
And a similar reference in my .csproj for the project:
<Reference Include="xxx.SomePackage, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
Suppose I have a newer version which I want the projects to use namely 1.0.2, should I manually change each csproj/packages.config reference to point to that version or is NuGet smart enough to get and apply only the latest version to my projects ? I have a lot of projects so it's a pain to change for each one.
Note: I read about using SpecificVersion: False. Is that something I can use ?
Note: I also read about "Update-Package -reinstall". Is this the best and preferred method for scenarios like mine ?

should I manually change each csproj/packages.config reference to point to that version or is NuGet smart enough to get and apply only the latest version to my projects ? I have a lot of projects so it's a pain to change for each one.'
No, you don not need to manually change each csproj/packages.config reference to point to that version. NuGet smart enough to get and apply only the latest version to your projects.
You can use the command line Update-Package -Id <package_name> -Version 1.0.2 in the Package Manager Console, without specifying any particular project, Update-Package affects all projects in a solution. See update-package for more detail info.
Alternatively, you can also update all projects via Manager NuGet Packages for Solution. Right click your solution (not project), select Manager NuGet Packages for Solution, switch to Updates tab, choose the package you need to upgrade, then select the projects you want to update the package:
Besides, Update-Package -reinstall is used to reinstall packages, using this command is much easier than removing a package and then trying to locate the same package in the NuGet gallery with the same version. So this command would not update the version of the package.
Hope this helps.


Nuget problems with Azure Function 1.x and VS17

I'm having some problems with my project, I don't know where it went wrong exactly but now my Azure Function 1.x project won't build. It's critical I get it building again :-/.
This is a .NET Framework 4.6.2 project with Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions 1.0.35 (latest before 2.x).
I've got a couple of usings that it does not seem to able to find, and Function itself has this error:
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'FunctionNameAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
So my [FunctionName] has red squiggly lines and I don't understand why, it should be in Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions? I've tried to clean and rebuild the project.
I've tried to reinstall my packages by command Update-Package -reinstall -Project MyVeryCriticalProject
PM> Update-Package -reinstall -Project MyVeryCriticalProject
No package updates are available from the current package source for project 'MyVeryCriticalProject'.
Executing nuget actions took 0 ms
Time Elapsed: 00:00:10.4211309
It also complains about missing namespace:
But my csproj file has these included as I have installed them in nuget:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs" Version="2.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Core" Version="2.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions" Version="2.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus" Version="2.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" Version="1.0.35" />
I have VS2019 installed and I am going to move this project over to Azure Functions 3.x and .NET Core but right now I need this to compile :-/ Any clue?
Edit: with VS17 I've just a new Function 1.x project and right from the get-go its missing stuff:
I have .NET Framework 4.6.2 installed, and just reinstalled it.
It should be enough to just install the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions package. From your error message, the problem lies with the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions package. It seems that the build of the software package has failed. Please make sure you are using the latest version of the nuget package management tool.
Nuget problems with Azure Function 1.x and VS17
I think there are something broken in your VS2017 environment.
And in my side, when I created Azure Function project with Azure Function v1, it works well without any build errors. So l suggest you could try these suggestions:
Note: Update-Package -reinstall -Project MyVeryCriticalProject does not support PackageReference nuget format.
1) make sure that VS2017 has installed Azure development workload with those option tools( on the right part).
2) change your itemgroup xml node and keep the unique nuget package Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions and delete the others which are the dependencies of Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions. Like this:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" Version="1.0.35" />
Then try to uninstall Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions nuget package under Nuget Package Management UI and then reinstall it.
3) Then click Restore Nuget Packages by Right-click on your solution
4) disable any third party extensions under Tools-->Updates and Extensions in case some extensions causes this behavior. From your code editor, I found you used some extensions like Resharper.
5) close VS Instance, delete .vs hidden folder(a hidden folder which is in the same directory as the xxx.sln), bin ,obj folder and then restart your project again.
6) repair VS in VS Installer
In addition, you could try to create a new Azure Function in VS2017 to test whether it is the problem of your own current project.

nuget.config ignores dependencies of dependencies (sub-dependencies)

I have a nuget.config for my project and have specified a repositoryPath. I also have specified the globalPackagesFolder.
<add key="globalPackagesFolder" value="c:\p" />
<add key="repositoryPath" value="c:\p" />
Now I want to install a third party package to my project. This package is located correctly at my specified path.
When I try to install another package, that has a dependency to System.Net.Http which has other sub-dependencies, nuget is not able to install this package, because the path is too long.
The direct dependecies are located in my specified repositoryPath from the nuget.config. The problem is, that sub-dependencies are not located at this path. A file search in this repositories resulted in no matches.
The only reason I specified a repositoryPath in nuget.config is that I wanted to move the sub-dependencies to another folder, because otherwise the path is too long and nuget can't install the package. This is not a problem for my co-workers.
How can I change this behavior?
If this is not possible, is there another solution to my problem?
A co-worker sugested to shorten my Windows login, but this is not a solution. I also can't shorten our Teamcity user login name.
The package I try to install is developed by my company. So if I have to change settings in the package, this is not a problem.
I tried with Visual Studio 2017 Pro and Enterprise with Nuget 4.6.0 and Visual Studio 2019 RC with Nuget 5.0.0.
Target Framework is .NET Core 2.1
When I add the package System.Net.Http to my project manualy and install the package, there is no problem, but i would rather don't do this, unless there is no other solution.
To clarify the situation: If I install Package A that has a dependency to package B and B has a dependency to Package C, Package A is in my specified Path, but B and C are not. I don't even know, where Package B and C are located.
nuget.config ignores dependencies of dependencies (sub-dependencies)
This is the correct behavior for .NET Core project.
In dotnet core, or projects that use PackageReference, reference to only the immediate dependencies are listed and only download the immediate dependencies to the package cache.
That is the reason why you install Package A that has a dependency to package B and B has a dependency to Package C, Package A is show up in your project file like:
<PackageReference Include="PackageA" Version="1.0.0" />
and cache in your specified Path, but B and C are not.
This is a one of the biggest advantages of PackageReference where we don't clutter the project file with gazillion dependencies which the consumer probably doesn't care about. Install your nuget package to a project, navigate to the project_root/obj/project.assets.json and open this json, you'd see your package listed along with its dependencies. If you see your intended dependencies here, it validates that package is authored correctly. But NuGet will not restore the dependencies to the packages cache unless you install these dependencies directly.
Hope this helps.

syncfusion.compression.base cannot be downloaded because it is not compatible with any project in the solution

Hi, I was working on a solution using Visual Studio. While restoring the Nuget, i got the error "syncfusion.compression.base" is missing. When I tried downloading the Nuget, it gave the message as shown in screenshot. What shall I do now?
When I tried downloading the Nuget, it gave the message as shown in screenshot. What shall I do now?
You need to figure out which project installed the package before in your solution. You can check it with the package.config file.
After download the package syncfusion.compression.base from, we could to know this package only have one assembly for .NET framework 46:
After you figure out which project installed this package, you should check the project type and target framework, make sure the target framework is .NET 46 and above.
Besides, if can not find this package in the package.config or project.json, you may need to check if your project file contains HintPath for this package, like:
<Reference Include="Syncfusion.Compression.Base, Version=15.2460.0.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
To determine whether the package is what you need, if not, you need delete it in the project file and delete the package in the packages folder.

Is NuGet automatic package restore in Visual Studio 2015 a fairy tale/mythical beast?

I have been trying to figure out why automatic package restore in Visual Studio 2015 doesn't work.
As I understand it there is nothing to do but check a couple of settings. When you build, it looks for missing packages and downloads them automatically.
I have a solution that has 15 individual projects. The majority of them will not compile because of "missing packages".
I do not have any of the legacy NuGet (.nuget folder etc.) in any of these projects and I have the latest and greatest version of NuGet.
Visual Studio simply will not download the missing files. I deleted the solution package folder and it does re-create and download all of the packages when I build, but each individual project still shows missing references.
If I go to the package manager console and issue a
Update-Package -reinstall
then the packages download and everything works. I'm just wonder why it doesn't do this automatically.
It's supposed to right?
NuGet Restore only restores files in the packages directory, but does not restore files inside your project or modify your project.
For example, if there has a package will add some reference dlls or add some content files into your project. After deleting these reference dlls and content files from your project, it will not be added when restoring this package. This will cause the your project could not find the missing pacakges when compile.
So we need use "Update-Package -reinstall" command to force reinstall the package references and content files into project.
Update the example for sharing projects in a team:
Following is my solution structure, the CommDLL project installed some NuGet packages and entire solution is managed by a source control.
I download this solution on another machine from source control use another user account and install another NuGet packages into the CommDLL project. Then use some content from the new installed package and build the project successful. Please make sure the package dlls has been added into your project and it has been set the correct HintPath in .csproj file.
<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
Next, I check in this modified project into the source control. Please make sure you the .csproj file and packages.config file are checked in.
Now I get the latest version on another machine to get the modified content. After check out the latest version from source control, the package references are shown with a warning because the project is not compiled, which means the packages are not restored. Please rebuild this project, it will restore the packages for your project (make sure your Visual Studio 2015 has enable "Allow NuGet to download missing packages" and "Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio" before rebuild this project).

Reinstalling NuGet packages with NuGet installed as VS Extension

I would like to be able to install all of the NuGet packages in the packages.config, as per The NuGet docs. NuGet is installed as a VS Extension, and I can't seem to find nuget.exe. Is it possible to run:
nuget i packages.config -o Packages
Without maintaining a seperate copy of nuget.exe on a per project basis?
Reinstall all packages in all projects of the current solution:
Update-Package -Reinstall
You can find more information about reinstalling nuget packages here
Warning - using
Update-Package -Reinstall
Update-Package -Reinstall -IgnoreDependencies
may remove all of your packages and package.config files!
Always make sure that you have your backups performed first.
Solution with multiple projects
Each contains their own Nuget entries, some with the same packages (e.g., SharpRepository, Entity Framework)
Now copy folder without the packages folder for "distribution" somewhere else
Assume the packages folder wasn't included with the distribution
Now try the command Update-Package -Reinstall or if you have some alpha packages and/or are sure your dependencies are good, try Update-Package -Reinstall -IgnoreDependencies
Because the packages folder doesn't exist, the entries for your packages methodically go away, too. This can surprise some people - so be careful, is all I'm saying.
As an update to this post, NuGet 1.6 added support for the workflow to restore the packages at build time if missing.
Right-Click on the solution, click "Enable Package Restore Mode" to set it on.
More details at:
Found the solution on This blog entry. I needed to install NuGet.CommandLine, which makes nuget.exe. globally available in the VS command line. I can then set this up as a pre-build event to ensure that dependencies are downloaded.
A much easier option that you can keep enabled in Visual Studio during development to ease off your NuGet package installation related pain.
Keep both below mentioned options under NuGet Package Manager > General in checked state -
Allow NuGet to download missing packages
Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio
Have a look at the screenshot below:
