Debugging javascript in source for PDFReactor when using PDFReactor Preview - pdf-reactor

I have some javascript running in a source document for PDFReactor which is not trivial. I cannot find any way to get logging from the javascript or any debug tools.
Are there some way I am not seeing?
I have tried and jsconsole to see if remote logging/debugging would work, but have not had any luck

It is possible to attach a log which also contains JavaScript debug output (e.g. produced with console.log()) to the resulting PDF.
When using the PDFreactor Preview this can be achieved by pressing the "Create PDF" icon and enable the "Debug Mode" check box in the "General" tab of the dialog that is opened.
If you have integrated PDFreactor into your application you can enable the debug mode like this:
// PHP
$config = array(
"enableDebugMode"=> true,
// Java library
{ "enableDebugMode": true }
// JavaScript & Node.js
config = {
enableDebugMode: true,
// .NET
config.EnableDebugMode = true;
// Perl
$config = {
'enableDebugMode' => ('true'),
config = {
'addLinks': True,
config = {
'addLinks': true,
More information about the debug mode can be found IN the PDFreactor documentation.


tabs onUpdated event not detected on Safari extension?

I am trying to develop a simple web extension/addon under Safari, which is using the tabs onUpdated event. I used the Safari XCRUN converter:
What I am trying to do is :
Open new tab on Google Scholar with set prefs params, from "options.js" script (Options page code below)
Listen for this tab to be updated and ready (e.g. tab status is complete)
Then, inject a content script that will simulate the user click on save button (i.e. on GScholar page)
Then remove the listener, and wait 1,5s (for GS tab to reload and finish saving) in order to finally close this tab.
// Detect browser language
const gsUrl = currentBrowser.i18n.getUILanguage().includes("fr")
// Listener to detect when the GS tab has finished loading
const gsTabListener = (tabId, changeInfo, tabInfo) => {
if (changeInfo.url && changeInfo.url.startsWith(GSCHOLAR_HOST)) {
code: `document.getElementsByName("save")[0].click();`,
() => {
setTimeout(() => currentBrowser.tabs.remove(tabId), 1500);
currentBrowser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(gsTabListener); // Add tab listener
url: `${gsUrl}?inst=${gScholarInstIdList.join("&inst=")}&save=#2`,
active: false,
}); // Open GS tab according to browser language
The problem is that it works well on Chrome/Edge/Firefox (on MacOS), but not on Safari : the GS tab is opended but isn't closed and nothing happens :-/
It seems tabs onUpdated event is well supported on Safari according to MDN.
I have also tried webNavigation onCompleted event, but same !
Developing on : MacBookAir under MacOS Monterey 12.4, Safari 15.4 (17613.2.7.18), XCode 13.3.1 (13E500a), extension is bundled with Webpack 5.68.0 (e.g. building all assets files).
I really don't see what I am doing wrong and why wouldn't this tab event be intercepted ?
Thanks for your feedback.
After debugging I finally sloved this by noticing that in fact the events were triggered, but missed because of the availability and values of parameters passed into callabck (changeInfo, details) depending on the browser we're on.
So I switched from onUpdated to webNavigation.onCompleted API, which is better suited to our need (tab page fully loaded) and whose parameter is simple and consistent across browsers :-)
const uiLanguage = currentBrowser.i18n.getUILanguage().includes("fr")
? "fr"
: "com"; // Detect browser language
const gsUrl = `${GSCHOLAR_SETTINGS_HOST}.${uiLanguage}`;
// Listener to detect when the GS tab has finished loading
const gsTabListener = (details) => {
if (details && details.url && details.tabId) {
if (details.url.startsWith(`${gsUrl}/scholar_settings?`)) {
currentBrowser.tabs.executeScript(details.tabId, {
code: `document.getElementsByName("save")[0].click();`,
} else if (details.url.startsWith(`${gsUrl}/scholar?`)) {
currentBrowser.webNavigation.onCompleted.addListener(gsTabListener); // Add GS tab listener
url: `${gsUrl}/scholar_settings?inst=${gScholarInstIdList.join(
active: false,
}); // Open GS tab according to browser language

CKEditor 5 custom plugin not disabled in read mode

Right now I'm integrating custom plugins into the ckeditor 5. I created and added plugins using the ckeditor 5 documentation.
I also have a custom "super" build (similar to this example) that I use in my web application.
Now my problem is that my plugins will not be disabled in the ckeditor read mode (as showcased in the image at the button). The ckeditor documentation mentions that this should be the "default" behaviour for plugins / buttons.
If someone has an idea where I'm going wrong that'd be greatly appreciated!
Here is a skeleton example of my custom plugin class.
import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
import { ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui';
import ckeditor5Icon from './icons/insertvariable.svg';
export default class HWInsertVariable extends Plugin {
static get pluginName() {
return 'HWInsertVariable';
init() {
const that = this;
const editor = this.editor;
const model = editor.model;
let labelTxt = 'Variable einfügen';
editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'hwInsertVariableButton', locale => {
const view = new ButtonView( locale );
view.set( {
label: labelTxt,
icon: ckeditor5Icon,
tooltip: true,
affectsData: true
} );
this.listenTo( view, 'execute', () => {
model.change( writer => {
} );
} );
return view;
} );
buttonClicked() {
Im not sure what the correct method to resolve this is, as I also am facing the same. But what I have found so far, is that there might be a hacky way to get around this.
Checkout the docs regarding "disabling commands", "read-only" mode, and notice the CSS class "ck-disabled"
if/when I find a working way, I will try to come back here and post a better solution
I fixed this for me when I found that I was missing the section of the code in my my_plugin_ui.js where
const command = editor.commands.get('nameOfCommand');
// Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed).
buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled');

Epiceditor preview not working in Codeigniter

I've been playing with this for a couple days now to no avail. I've googled just about every descriptive phrase I can think of and nothing useful has turned up.
I have installed Epiceditor in Codeigniter and I have gotten it to the point that the preview button and full screen buttons 'work' and the css is properly working. The issue is that the preview text(in both the preview button and the full screen side-by-side) does not show the proper formatting (bold, italic, etc.). There are no console errors and I'm out of ideas at this point.
require(['epiceditor'], function() {
var opts = {
textarea: 'page_text',
basePath: '/css/epiceditor',
autogrow: true
var editor = new EpicEditor(opts).load();
I had the same issue as you when using EpicEditor with requirejs. It seems that the epiceditor script includes marked at the bottom and it is this that is being injected when require the script. Try this:
require(['epiceditor'], function(marked) {
var opts = {
textarea: 'page_text',
basePath: '/css/epiceditor',
autogrow: true,
parser: marked
var editor = new EpicEditor(opts).load();

Enable/Disable Spell Check in Ckeditor (SCAYT) dynamically

I'm using SCAYT plugin for ckeditor with multiple languages.I have enabled scayt automatically on startup. via code I want to disable spell check when the user chooses language as Chinese/Japanese in the dropdown through the code. How can I do this ?
Use editor.execCommand to do enable/disable SCAYT manually (via code):
CKEDITOR.instances.yourInstance.execCommand( 'scaytcheck' );
If you want to decide whether to enable SCAT or not on the startup, use pluginsLoaded event to override the config option (see: fiddle):
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {
plugins: 'wysiwygarea,sourcearea,basicstyles,toolbar,scayt',
// Turn on SCAYT automatically
scayt_autoStartup: true,
on: {
configLoaded: function() {
// Disable SCAYT when japanese.
if ( this.config.language == 'ja' )
this.config.scayt_autoStartup = false;
} );
I just wanted to post what I had found because I didn't find anywhere in the forums that had the answer to the question "How do I enable/disable SCAYT dynamically?". This is how you can do it:
This will run the command that gets called when clicking the "Enable/Disable" button.
As an update to this answer: I'm running CKEditor 4.6 and could only get this working with
So to iterate through all editors and toggle the scyat:
for (var i in CKEDITOR.instances) {

How to allow img tag?

I have created my custom image plugin that insert only external images. But if I disable the default image plugin then the img tag doesn't appear in the form. Why ?
This is my plugin:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'img',
init: function( editor )
editor.addCommand( 'insertImg',
exec : function( editor )
var imgurl=prompt("Insert url image");
editor.insertHtml('<img src="'+imgurl+'" />');
editor.ui.addButton( 'img',
label: 'Insert img',
command: 'insertImg',
icon: this.path + 'images/aaa.png'
} );
} );
You need to integrate your plugin with ACF - Advanced Content Filter which was introduced in CKEditor 4.1.
Here's a useful guide - Plugins integration with ACF.
Basically, you're introducing a feature to the editor. This feature needs to tell editor how it is represented in HTML, so what should be allowed when this feature is enabled.
In the simplest case, when you have a button, which executes a command you just need to define two properties of the CKEDITOR.feature interface: allowedContent and requiredContent.
editor.addCommand( 'insertImg', {
requiredContent: 'img[src]', // Minimal HTML which this feature requires to be enabled.
allowedContent: 'img[!src,alt,width,height]', // Maximum HTML which this feature may create.
exec: function( editor ) {
var imgurl=prompt("Insert url image");
editor.insertHtml('<img src="'+imgurl+'" />');
} );
And now, when this button will be added to the toolbar, feature will be automatically enabled and images will be allowed.
You set wrong command name in your addButton config. You need to set:
editor.addCommand( 'insertImg', {
as well as the name of command config in editor.ui.addButton()
some fiddle:
