PgAdmin fatal error. The appllication server could not be contacted - windows-7

A couple of days before I have installed on my PC with Windows 7 Professional new version of PgAdmin (version 4). It worked fine, but today it loads slowly and then information window appears with text: "PgAdmin fatal error. The appllication server could not be contacted.". I restarted windows, but it doesn't help. Is there any solution of this problem? Thanks.

I had the same issue. Try right clicking the PgAdmin icon and clicking "Run as administrator". Worked for me.

worked for me if I run PgAdmin as administrator.
Right click on the .exe file and run as administrator. It will work.

I tried all options mentioned in link Postgresql can't connect application server through PGAdmin4 .
But none of the options worked, then launching C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v2\runtime\pgAdmin4.exe from command prompt worked fine.

i got this error using PgAdmin 4 (v4.3) and here is what fixed it for me
right lick on my server and disconnect server
reconnect by clicking expand arrow on the server.
seems my connection was stale

in C:\Users(your username)\AppData\Roaming
delete folder pgAdmin
(AppData - is hidden folder)
run pgadmin with administrator.
Worked Fine for me
Previously it was showing Fatal error

I had to reinstall it, as Steve suggested in comments. Then it started working again.
It's probably best to start with Ray Jowa's solution -- try right clicking the PgAdmin icon and clicking "Run as administrator".

This was odd, my PATH variable which had the python interpreter in it was somehow a factor, I do not completely understand though, right after I removed it everything worked, I will look further into it but so far I think that if you have python interpreter it might be the one causing the issue.

rename your C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin to .back and restart pgAdmin v4.6x


SQL server 2016 installation freeze

Hope someone can help me here .
I have no further information other than that at a later stage in setup the whole process hangs showing install_confignonrc_cpu64
I am unable to cancel out of it even , the only way was to kill it .
Is there any solution for that ?
My problem was that the installer tries to download Microsoft R Open , if you have a slow connection you will see the installation freeze for a very long time without any progress bar updates or so .
I fixed the problem by deselecting all R components since i dont need them then the installation went smooth .
just had the same problem which is why I found this question.
Fixed the problem by closing the original media install menu window (where I'd selected "New SQL Server standalone" which is the first option).
The install window then carried on.
Just leave it "Stuck" - it is doing a Download in the background, I left the PC for a couple hours while doing some errands, and then..boom- All set.
I have faced same problem with you, the simple way that i have find is turn on Windows firewall then wait a minute after that it will auto complete setup success. Hope this work in your case .
Disable and stop the windows update service and then start the installation. After the installation is complete put the service back on.
SQL Install gets stuck on sqlrsconfigaction_install_confignonrc_cpu64 (SQL Server 2016 using standalone installer, also when installing on Azure VMs)
Stop the install (Taskman -> Kill Process)
Open regedit
Navigate to:
Add New Key Called: AppCompat
You should have this once added:
Add New DWORD entries as stated below to the AppCompat key:
DWORD: DisableEngine Value = 1
DWORD: DisablePCA Value = 1
DWORD: SbEnable Value = 0
Check the following location as the above key you added should also be here:
Restart the installation.
I closed everything and rebooted. Not sure if maybe having Visual Studio open or something else prevented it from installing, but it got stuck.

apache and mysql start button are disabled in xampp control panel

When I install xampp its working fine. But once after restart/shutdown, It giving this error.
[Apache] Problem detected: Apache not found.
[Apache] Disbling apache buttons
[Apache] Run this program from your apache root directory.
[mysql] Problem detected: mysql not found
[mysql] Diabling mysql buttons
[mysql] Run this program from your apache root directory.
Xampp version: xampp-win32-1-8-3-4-VC11-installer
System configuration: windows 7 32 bit
Note: while install it shows to disable the UAC.
Here is the image:
Try installing as admin and disable your anti virus when installing, you can also disable UAC as well. And always run as Admin when launching by right clicking the .exe and go properties and set "Run as Administrator"
Find the httpd.exe in the specified route.
first check your xampp folder where apche/bin and mysql/bin is available or not.if it is not available then search it into your drive and put the xampp folder as it is.And last restart your xampp control panel and start the apache and mysql server.
This happened to me yesterday after a crash. It was saying Tomcat was not found, and the buttons were disabled. First thing I checked was if Tomcat was in the Xampp directory and could be started manually. It could, so I started looking for configuration errors. I clicked the config button at the top, then service and port settings, and then the Tomcat tab. I saw immediately that Xampp was looking for Tomcat 7, and that was the problem. I had updated to 8 a long time ago and I guess when the system crashed, Xampp reverted to the default config. I changed that to 8, and restarted Xampp. Problem solved, but the buttons were still disabled. I then discovered that in the xampp-control.ini file, under the ServiceNames section, it said Tomcat=Tomcat7. I changed that to Tomcat8 and restarted Xampp, and the buttons were working again. I would imagine it would be a similar procedure for any of the other modules not being detected. I hope this helps someone.
you placed xampp control on the desktop for a quick start this is the main reason for disabled apache and MySQL button. try to start from install xampp folder.

Vagrant Installer is not starting on Windows Server 2008

I am trying to install Laravel's Homestead on an old Machine that I have. couple dependansies that Homestead will need in VM VirualBox and Vagrant.
I was able to install VM VirtualBox but everytime I try to install vagrant_1.7.4.msi it won't event show the installation process.
I don't get any error or any type of hints. I double click on the file and nothing happens. I tried rebooting my server which did not help.
I tried to run vagrant as admin and that did not help
any Idea why the installer will not start?
I figured out the problem.
right click on the installer and select "Properties"
At the bottom of the "Properties" page under advanced button you will find a button called "Unblock" clock it and try to install the program.
This problem drove me crazy for 2 days I hope it help someone stuck!

Apache marmotta installation failing on my Windows 8 Laptop

I was trying to install Apache marmotta on my home laptop.. I was able to install the program. But when I'm starting it by clicking the Start Apache Marmotta button, I m getting an error like the linked image below.
The error occurs just before launching the localhost:8080 page. The program exits if I hit the cancel button.
Does anybody have answer to this?
Is there any other dependency on some other program like MySql server or anything?
I had the same problem in my case:
Just disconnect the internet and so it would begin to work properly subsequently.
Sorry for my English.

Appbuilder windows client not starting

I am using Telerik Appbuilder windows client. A few days ago a power failure happened. After that the application does not start. When I click on the shortcut in the menu I get a message :verifying application requirements.... after that nothing happens.
The windows client simply does not start.
If anybody can help, I will be thankful
santu ghosh
You should quit your AppBuilder client and try this workaround.
Hi everyone I found the solution myself:
I found out the logs folder, and opened the latest log file as per time stamp, and found the name of the use config file, then found the file is empty. I then uninstalled the software, deleted the Data folder under AppData. Then re-installed the software. Then it worked just fine.
