Replace text and insert more text - bash

I need to replace some text in a file and add couple of lines before the end of file.
I have this:
"something": "option1",
"other": [
and I need this:
"something": "option2",
"other": [
"more": {
"stuff": "yey!"
I tried this scipt:
\"more\": {
\"stuff\": \"$stuff\"
sed -e "s/option1/option2" -e '$ \i$value' \
file1.json > file2.json
but I get:
"something": "option2",
"other": [
How do I do this properly?

The only right way to manipulate json data is using JSON parsers/processors. Period!
Use jq processor, it'll make your "relationship" with JSON easy and comfortable:
Valid JSON file1.json:
"something": "option1",
"other": [
stuff="jq got you"
jq --arg stuff "$stuff" '.more = {stuff: $stuff}' file1.json
The output:
"something": "option1",
"other": [
"more": {
"stuff": "jq got you"

It's not the better way, but if you want with sed, you can try
With gnu sed
echo "$value" | sed ':A;/\n.*}/!{N;bA};h;s/.*//;N;$!{s/.*\n//;:B;N;$!{H;s/option1/option2/;s/\n.*//p;g;s/\(.*\)\(\n.*\n[^\n]*\)/\1/;x;s/\(.*\n\)\([^\n]*\)/\2/;bB}};H;g;s/\(.*\n\)\([^\n]*\)\(\n[^\n]*\)/\2/;G;s/\(.*\n\)\([^\n]*\n\)\([^\n]*\)/\1\3/;s/\([^\n]\)\(\n\)\(.*\)/\1\3/' /dev/stdin infile
Or with OpenBSD sed
cat scriptsed
sed ':A;/\n.*}/!{N;bA
And call it like that
(echo "$value";cat infile) | ./scriptsed


jq - generate list of dictionaries instead of list of strings

The following command:
cat foo | jq -r '[.items[] | select(.metadata.random_field["foo/foo"] == "true") |]'
results in
I would like the following output to be:
{"name":"test", "data":"test_data"}
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"random_field": {
"foo/foo": "true"
"creationTimestamp": "2022-03-09T21:54:08Z",
"name": "test_data"
UPDATE: added test data so the point can be illustrated properly.
It's not entirely clear where the value for name in the output comes from in your question, but let's assume for a moment that it is the first part until the underscore of the name from the input. The the following produces your required output:
.items | map(
| select(.random_field."foo/foo" == "true")
| { name: .name|split("_")|first, data: .name }
"name": "test",
"data": "test_data"

Formating awk output to json using jq

I'm using grep to search for specific text inside multiple files.
grep -n -r "text_to_match" *
The output is:
After that, am using awk to print whatever meets my criteria of the condition
grep -n -r "text_to_match" * | awk -F '[:]' '{print $1,$2}'
I want now to use jq to have the following json document
"data": [
"name": "john",
"age": 15
"name": "Hana",
"age": 11
I tried the following:
jq -R 'split(" ") | { file:.[0], start_line:.[1]}'
"name": "john",
"age": 15
"name": "Hana",
"age": 11
Thank you
As jq can also do the splitting, you could start before doing it with awk, having
Then, with -R you can read in the raw lines. Using -n in combination with [inputs] makes it an array. You can split using the / operator, and wrap everything in an object of your choice.
jq -Rn '{data: [inputs / ":" | {name: .[0], age: .[1]}]}'
"data": [
"name": "john",
"age": "15"
"name": "Hana",
"age": "11"

Bash get value of matching substring in a long string

I'm working on a bash script and having hard time extracting value from a matching substring.
I cannot share curl command as it has sensitive information but updating i value(1)(updated to mimic real value) that I'm having problem with. jq gives parse error
curl -s -g "$line" | jq -c '.allBuilds[]' | while read i; do
job_name=$(echo "$i" | jq .fullDisplayName | tr -d '»' | tr -s " " | sed 's/ /,/g' | tr -d '"')
expected output
I get expected output on most of the i values but some error out
Below are sample i values.
{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun","actions":[{"_class":"hudson.model.CauseAction"},{},{"_class":"hudson.model.ParametersAction","parameters":[{"_class":"hudson.model.StringParameterValue","name":"environment","value":"DE"},{"_class":"hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue","name":"update","value":false},{"_class":"hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue","name":"black","value":false},{"_class":"hudson.model.StringParameterValue","name":"description","value":"DE"},{"_class":"hudson.model.StringParameterValue","name":"number","value":""},{"_class":"hudson.model.StringParameterValue","name":"config","value":"{ "E": "DE", "Exp": "1111", "Pr": "D", "Man": { "Se": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/Se-B8SKMz", "OR": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/OR-kvJ2lJ", "AR": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:A/DE/SA/rds", "User": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/mUixbWY", "sales": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/saELY", "vau": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/vNRR7BO", "sc": "", "exAd": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:BA/A/ExyBoYL", "exp": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:BA/A/Exl67GE", "sec": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/Secle06a", "Secu": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:111111111111:secret:DE/A/Seia" }, "s3": { "buckets": { "hello": { "name": "helloDEBA", "region": "region", "account": "111111111111" }, "mlt": { "name": "sacdhbd", "region": "region", "account": "111111111111" }, "devo": { "name":"devvvvv", "region": "region", "account": "5555555" } } }, "roles": { "lam": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lam", "lambd": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lambd", "la": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lam", "la": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/la", "la": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/la","lasds": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lafgg", "lafdg": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/dfsdv", "acc": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/acc" }, "vpc": { "subnets": { "private": { "1a": "subnet-111111", "1b": "subnet-22222", "1c": "subnet-33333" } }, "securityGroupIds": { "lambda": "sg-1111" }, "endpoints": { "e": "" }, "links": { "b": "" } }, "securi": { "level": "FAILURE", "s": true }, "log": "debug", "se": "", "sa": { "env": "--DE" }, "lam": { "sss": { "environment": { "variables": { "test": "", "PhoneNumber": "11111" } } } } }"},{"_class":"hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue","name":"scan","value":false},{"_class":"hudson.model.BooleanParameterValue","name":"ch","value":false}]},{"_class":"jenkins.scm.A.SCMRevisionAction"},{},{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData"},{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.GitTagAction"},{},{},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl"},{"_class":"hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData"},{},{},{},{},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.actions.RestartDeclarativePipelineAction"},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.views.FlowGraphAction"},{},{},{},{}],"fullDisplayName":"Hello » Java » World » master #25","id":"25","number":25,"timestamp":1575582153372}
I'm trying to extract fullDisplayName value and I have tried some options like
printf '%s\n' "$i" | grep fullDisplayName
printf '%s\n' gives output in new lines when tried in shell but in script its different behavior
fullDisplayName:Hello » Java » World » master #25
It would appear that you should be using read -r.
It also appears that it would be much simpler if you focused on using curl and jq to extract the information, without any grep or tr invocation and without any shell looping. Assuming you can arrange for the output of curl to be valid JSON(*), a single invocation of jq along the following lines should do the job:
jq -c '.allBuilds[] | .fullDisplayName | gsub("»";"")'
(*) To check whether the output of curl is valid, you can pipe the output of your curl command into jq empty:
curl ... | jq empty

Delete key/value pair with jq when key is a known string

I'm trying to delete one specific key/value pair from a json file.
My json file is, for this example, params.json
"ParameterKey": "RTSMMinSize",
"ParameterValue": "1"
"ParameterKey": "RTSMReplicateDB",
"ParameterValue": "false"
"ParameterKey": "RTSMSnapshotID",
"ParameterValue": "snapID"
"ParameterKey": "RTSMEMAIL",
"ParameterValue": ""
I want to remove the RTSMSnapshotID key value pair entirely as part of my bash script. The file should look like this after:
"ParameterKey": "RTSMMinSize",
"ParameterValue": "1"
"ParameterKey": "RTSMReplicateDB",
"ParameterValue": "false"
"ParameterKey": "RTSMEMAIL",
"ParameterValue": ""
I thought this would be something as simple as
jq 'del(.RTSMSnapshotID)' params.json
but I'm getting
jq: error (at <filename>): Cannot index array with string "RTSMSnapshotID"
Clearly I don't understand how delete works. Any help?
del(.foo) expects there to be a top-level dictionary with a key named foo. That's not the case here; instead, you have a top-level list with ParameterKey having a series of values, with only one of which you want to remove the entire pair.
jq '[ .[] | select(.ParameterKey != "RTSMSnapshotID") ]'
jq 'map(select(.ParameterKey != "RTSMSnapshotID"))'

Replace an attribute or key in JSON using jq or sed

Have a big json like this
"envConfig": {
"environmentName": {
"versions": [
"name": "version1",
"value": "Dev"
"name": "version2",
"host": "qa"
"userRoles": [
"name": "Roles",
"entry": [
"name": "employees",
"value": "rwx"
"name": "customers",
"value": "rx"
I wanted to change the JSON attribute from "environmentName" to "prod". Below is the output i am expecting
"envConfig": {
"prod": {
"versions": [
"userRoles": [
Tried with sed command as below
sed "s/\('environmentName':\)/\1\"prod\"\,/g" version.json
Tried with jq as below but not working
cat version.json | jq ' with_entries(.value |= {"prod" : .environmentName} ) '
Any help here to replace the attribute/key of an json with desired value
You weren't too far off with the jq, how about this?
jq '.envConfig |= with_entries(.key |= sub("^environmentName$"; "prod"))'
Two differences: first off, we want to drill down to envConfig before doing a with_entries, and second, when we get there, the thing we want will be a key, not a value. In case there are any other keys besides environmentName they'll be preserved.
You can use the following command:
jq '(.envConfig |= (. + {"prod":.environmentName}|del(.environmentName)))' foo.json
Let's say you have the following json:
"foo": {
"hello" : "world"
You can rename the node foo to bar by first duplicating it and then remove the original node:
jq '. + {"bar"}|del(.foo)' foo.json
"bar": {
"hello" : "world"
It get's a bit more complicated if you want to replace a child key somewhere in the tree. Let's say you have the following json:
"test": {
"foo": {
"hello": "world"
You can use the following jq command for that:
jq '(.test |= (. + {"bar"}|del(.foo)))' foo.json
Note the additional parentheses and the use of the assignment operator |=.
"test": {
"bar": {
"hello": "world"
Using sed:
sed -i '/^ \"environmentName\":/ s/environmentName/prod/' <yourfile>
Keep in mind that -i will overwrite the file. You may want to make a backup first.
