padrino with sequel posting to multiple models with one form - ruby

I am trying to post and save the form, which contains data for 2 models, they are connected with associations. But it fails on
that the method for column from associated table does not exists. I understand the error and find the answer for rails. Which is to use
but I am using Padrino, not rails. So I try nested_parameters but it didn't work and documentation tells just
The nested_attributes call defines a single method, association_attributes=, (e.g. albums_attributes=). So if you have an Artist instance:
which I understand that it is not what I need, for storing all with
#article =[:article])
and associated tables.
Please, do You know how to use it with Padrino and what is right way


Can i use instances of a laravel model instead of facades?

I'm wondering whether it is possible/advisable to use instances of a laravel model instead of using the Facade. Why all this trouble? I have a model which will be used with many tables, and i want to be setting the model's table automatically using the constructor. Is it possible/advisable, or what is the best approach of achieving the same end?
I have researched around with no much success.
THis is the scenario: an exam system, where different exams are "created". after an exam is created, a table is created in the database under the name Exam_#, where # is the ID of the exam. I want to access all exam from one model: Exam, but you see the particular table the model is to use can vary significantly, so we cannot set the table variable statically. The model shall not know the table it will use until it(the model) is called. So thats why i was wondering whether i can be passing the ID of the exam when i am calling the model or something like that. I hope my question is now more clear.
At the end of this, Laravel is still PHP... Anything you can do in PHP can be done in Laravel.
is (it) possible/advisable to use instances of a laravel model instead of using the Facade?
You can achieve exactly the same results using an instance of the model as you would using the static facade.
$user = User::find(1);
$user2 = new User();
$user2 = $user2->find(1);
Both instances of the above model contain the same results.
Is it advisable? I really don't like the static facades at all, they bring with them more trouble than they are worth, especially when it comes to testing (despite being able to mock them, they create tight coupling where most of us need loose coupling). My answer to this would be: don't use the facades at all.
What is the best approach of achieving the same end?
As #JoelHinz suggested, create a base model with common properties and then use the models as they are intended. i.e. ONE table to ONE model and create the relationships between them. Don't use the same model for multiple tables, this is not how Laravel models were intended and you will lose a lot of the power Eloquent provides by taking the approach you mentioned.
Updates from comments
To get you started with testing in Laravel this is a good end to end tutorial Tutsplus Laravel4 + Backbone. Ignore the backbone part, what you're interested in is the testing parts that start about a 1/3rd of the way down the page. This will get you testing controllers straight away and introduce you to the repository pattern to create testable DAL structures.
Once you get the hang of writing tests, it becomes very easy to write a unit test for anything. It may seem like a scary subject, but that is purely down to not understanding how it works, it really is quite simple. Take a look at the PHPUnit documentation as well, it is an excellent resource.

How can I add 'pages' in addition to 'tags' with acts-as-taggable-on

I am just in the last few months learning Ruby from a client project, and have now decided to port my legacy CMS into Ruby.
I have successfully installed the gem and implemented acts-as-taggable-on with tags and taggings so that I have tags working in my Post controller. I can add tags to my edit form, and they are linked in my posts as expected.
What I am hoping to do is use the enhanced features of acts-as-taggable-on to define another set of 'tags' which are actually pages. In my current application I have a table called Pages, and the Posts have a field called PageID. The Pages table holds the name of the page, as well as some config features for that page, such as layout and css. Posts can only appear in the Page they were assigned/created from.
Since all Posts are stored in the same table, I was hoping to extend the acts-as-taggable-on to handle both my tagging and pages, if this makes sense.
I understand how the same tagging model can be extended to other controllers such as Photos, Video etc, but I am unsure how I would go about applying 2 different 'tagging' models to the same Controller. If I don't use tagging for the pages, I am unsure about how I would define the 'pages' in a Ruby context, since I need the page names to be dynamic per user. I understand theoretically how to do this in routes.rb but am stuck as how to define my pages.
Thanks for any help! Let me know what .rb file code to post to illustrate what I am doing now.
You could use the following approach:
Create two classes "Page" and "Post" that inherit from a base "UserContent" class. The "Page" and "Blog" classes would have to each have their own controller.
You could route to each of them with something like:
scope '/blog' do
resources :posts
scope '/about' do
resources :posts
To use the post name instead of an id, I would highly recommend you checkout stringex which will allow you to do just that. It will involve adding a url attribute to your models but I'll let you check out their documentation to find out how it all works. This should be the answer to your original question and it should be a better tool for dynamic page/post page names than acts-as-taggable-on.
This setup should give you "" for pages and "" for posts.

Self-Documenting ActiveRecord Class Files in Rails 4 without attr_accessible

In a post-attr_accessible Rails 4 world, in what way do you recommend, if at all, annotating your ActiveRecord model class files to communicate its (database) attributes?
Further Thoughts
As part of a Rails 3 -> 4 upgrade, we are making a switch, and happily so, away from attr_accessible and to strong parameters in the controller. I understand and agree with the improvement in security via this switch. If you want to know more about this, the information is out there, and it's not hard to find.
But, I enjoyed, in my Rails 3 world, having those reminders of what attributes made up a class up there at the top of the model file. Especially since we're moving toward a world in which ActiveRecord classes are just DAOs, what else is the class but a collection of database attributes? I don't want to go to the schema.rb file just to remember them.
Am I thinking about this incorrectly? In a DAO world, should I be creating my ActiveRecord model class file and then never opening it again?
I know about the annotate_models gem and used it way back in the day. I was not a fan of having the attributes described in commented-out lines. (unreadable, hackish, fragile)
Thoughts? Opinions?
How about:
If you are using an IDE or and editor that has a console feature this becomes an easy way to be reminded what attributes there are. I am no Ruby or Rails expert, still pretty new here, but I've been using Rails 4 almost exclusively and it just seems like you wouldn't need to see the attributes that often in the model. The params get whitelisted in the controller because that is where they will usually be used, no? If you don't want to use comments you could store an array of the attributes in the model:
my_attr = [:fname, :lname, :age, :height, :weight]
But is that really any more useful than a comment? Would there be a case of attributes that would have been in attr_accessible that wouldn't be in your whitelist in your controller? It would be trick if you put some code in a rake task that would run every time you ran
rake db:...
that would update the my_attr array in your model so you wouldn't have to remember to do it when you modified the model. I go into my models to add class methods and scopes, so I do see a value in it. But I work in RubyMine so I just click on the DB tab on the left side if I need to be reminded of columns that aren't in my whitelist.

How does rails determine the path from an object?

I have been working on implementing my own ORM. And I was wondering how the rails path helper extracts the ID from the object. For example how would I make this work for my ORM?
#contact = Contact.first
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My object does have an ID attribute and responds to it. But yet the path helper returns an error.
In a nutshell you want to be activemodel compliant. This will make url helpers, form_for(#contact) and so on work.
You also get to (optionally) use a bunch of modules dealing with
things such as validations, dirty attributes etc.
There are only a handful of methods you have to implement. There's also an
ActiveModel::Lint module that tests that your implementations of these
primitives are valid, and which also serves as documentation. In particular you need to implement to_param and persisted?. I think some of the naming stuff only gets used if you do stuff like link_to 'foo', #contact
The method checks to see if you've passed it an object, or an integer. If it's an object and that object has an id method (respond_to?(:id)), it uses its ID. Pretty dead simple.

Rails 3 generate without persistence layer support

I'm trying to create a Rails app without a persistence layer (ActiveRecord, MongoMapper, etc). I've used --skip-active-record on rails new nice_app. This has changed the config/application.rb, but when I try to create new "model" with Rails generate - rails g model nice_class - it fail like a noob with:
No value provided for required options '--orm'
So, if I skip ActiveRecord I can't use Rails generators ?
Note the tasks that get called when you run rails g model nice_class:
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20111227183458_create_nice_classes.rb
create app/models/nice_class.rb
invoke rspec
create spec/models/nice_class_spec.rb
The first thing you notice, is that it's using ActiveRecord to generate the model. Besides that, though, it's not doing a lot: creates a file in the migrations folder (which you don't need), another file in the model folder (which you do need), and a file in the test or spec folder (which you 'should' need). You can make these yourself if you want want, they are pretty close to being empty anyway.
For specifics about models not based on ActiveRecord, take a look at Ryan Bates' "Tableless Models" Railscast available here:
If you are going to be making these kinds of non-ActiveRecord models a lot, you can write your own generator that does exactly what you want.
Best of luck.
The models that are generated by the Rails generators are subclasses of ActiveRecord, which only really makes sense in the context of an app with an ORM. You could certainly create models that aren't subclasses of ActiveRecord (and thus not associated with any ORM), but you'd have to do that manually.
