Toolbar fades out after a second in iOS 11 - xcode

I'm just starting out on a new app with Xcode 9 and iOS 11. I placed a Toolbar at the bottom of the view, then added suggested constraints. Inside the toolbar I placed two buttons, "Sites" and "Item".
When I run the application, the toolbar disappears after a second whenever I launch the app.
Any idea what's causing this? How do I fix it? There's currently no code added to it, just the elements I've mentioned.

You are putting the elements on the launch screen instead of the actual first screen of the application.
If you are using the default configuration, search for the storyboard called Main.storyboard and put the items you want to show there.


Where did tabbed controller views go in storyboard?

Forgive but I haven't coded in about a year or two, so I haven't been following the latest update in Xcode.
Anyways, I decided to go back and brush up on some skills and I noticed right off the bat that a lot has changed.
I created a new project using the tabbed view controller set up, usually it shows in storyboard immediately upon creating the project. Now there is nothing there. Where did it go and how do I bring it back?
I attached a screenshot so you can see the simulator running the tabbed apps but not showing in storyboard.
enter image description here
You opened the LaunchScreen.storyboard. This layout appears on the screen for a few moments while the app is launching.
The storyboard that you are looking for is Main.storyboard
Notice, that there is no Main.storyboard if you start with SwiftUI
There are no specialized app templates any more. But there is still a tab view controller object in the storyboard editor's library, so just drag it into the canvas and use it. It gives you same two-child tab view controller as before.

How to convert manual view controller to storyboard as a launch screen

New iOS requirements need Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.
But my project is very old and has never used Storyboards. All UI elements are created dynamically using ViewControllers.
I managed to create a storyboard file and set it as a launcher but it has no scenes and I do not know how to proceed. I would like to:
Create a scene where I place only the original launch image inside (hoping that apple still accepts this branding)
If it is possible to just connect my main ViewController with the scene (if that works with dynamical ViewControllers)
If nothing helps than I would need to create a simple scene which has just a bottom bar like my ViewController
I had this exact issue, here's what I did:
Create LaunchScreen.storyboard and set to use it as launch screen
Using the + button in the top-right (this was not an obvious step), add a View Controller into the storyboard
Untick "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" on the right panel if you're getting that error
Tick "Is Initial View Controller"
Then clean and run, for me it just worked. I did have trouble seeing it update though, as discussed here: Launch Screen storyboard not displaying image

Bottom Tabbed Bar With Customised Tab Menu

I am trying to get a Circular Icon of my Application Logo right in middle of tabbed bar menu's, I have 5 Tab Menu's where the third one i want it to look like this
trying to get this on Android & Ios
i have tried custom rendering by removing the padding but still not able to get the desired result, i found one solution updating icon using SetTabIcons Method but this method does not get trigger when we are working with bottom tabbed bar in Android, please suggest me something which can help me to get this for both android & Ios
I understand your problem here, i am not sure how to get that big button overflowing the tabbar but however have a look at this
That's an open source project and the source code is linked at the bottom of page, you can tweak the animation (which i like very much) and use a customrenderer to render the center icon over a circle.
Have a look if that helps you in any way! :)

Is there any way to update an old app with Xcode 7 and the iOS9.1 SDK and use the awesome auto scaling for the iPhone 6/6+? [duplicate]

Installed the app on iPhone 6 iOS9 and here is what happened. Notice black bars on top and bottom. It works just fine on iOS8. How I can fix it?
I've tried building with Xcode 6.4 & 7. Same result.
(iPhone 5 used to run iPhone 4 apps like this)
Did you migrate your app from an earlier version of Xcode? If so then Xcode is now making an assumption about your screen size and you need a way of indicating the actual screen size at run time.
There are two ways:
a) If you use a launch screen.
You are missing a LaunchScreen.storyboard file.
Create a Launch Screen object from the New File... dialog
b) If you don't use a launch screen.
Go to your Target's settings and choose General, then App Icons and Launch Images.
Now set "Launch Screen File" to your "main.storyboard" (or another storyboard if appropriate)
My App does not use a launch image.
Setting the "Launch Screen File" to my "main.storyboard" file fixed the issue for me.
This setting can be found under "Target->General->App Icons and Launch Images"
Use the following link for more information:
For me the problem is i'm migrating my app from earlier version of Xcode and the project is missing LaunchScreen.storyboard file. I have just created LaunchScreen.storyboard and added it to launch Screen File. This did the trick.
I'm using xcode 7.2 . At first, I created a LaunchScreen.storyboard file, as Potassium Permanganate
suggested, and it worked! However, I didn't want a launch screen, so I tried setting Main.storyboard as Launch Screen File and it did the trick!
This one is if you do not use storyboard at all.
It occurs when you remove LaunchScreen from Launch Screen File in App icons and Launch Images.
Instead of removing it from here go to info.plist and find Launch screen interface file base name and remove LaunchScreen, i.e. leave it blank.
It wont show in info.plist if you have removed LaunchScreen already from Launch Screen File. Then you can give any name in Launch Screen File and it will appear and you can remove the name.
When you migrate your app from earlier version of xCode to xCode 6 or xCode 7, you will face this issue.
For iOS 7 and earlier, developers need to provide separate launch
images for all screen sizes, resolutions and orientations their app supported.
In Xcode 6 or later, there is another option. You can specify a storyboard whose initial view controller will then be used as the app’s launch screen. Use below steps:
Create a blank storyboard file named LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Go to your target settings and, on the "General" tab, select the storyboard as your Launch Screen File in "App Icons and Launch Images" section. Xcode will add a corresponding UILaunchStoryboardName key to your app’s Info.plist. When this key is present, Xcode will prioritize it over any launch images you might have set.
Add some subviews to newly created storyboard's view and position them with constraints. When you launch the app on a device, the OS should use the scene as the launch screen.
Delete the older app from simulator and clean the project.
Cheers :-)
I have same issue in my app . In my app i have multiple targets added to project . If i use launch storyboard solution then i can see full screen but in my case my Lunch image looks blurred and stretched on iPhone 4 . To come out from this issue I have used LaunchImage asset solutions . After this still I am facing same issue .I have tried all above solutions, At end I found my png images don't include ALPHA resolutions . After adding new images ,i can see full screen images .
iOS changed the way the system detects the resolution of the iPhone. You used to have to supply a number of png images named things like "Default-568#2x.png", "Default-667h#3x.png". Now you don't have to do that anymore. You need to delete those "Default-568#2x.png" style files and move on to using a proper LAUNCH SCREEN object in your project.
To add a launch screen just go to the New File... dialog (File / New / File, or press Cmd + N)
Double click that new Launch Screen file to edit it. Be sure it is ticked "use as launch screen" in its properties.
Finally be sure to select your LaunchScreen.storyboard file under project properties / Targets / "App Icons and Launch Images"
Go to the asset catalog and create a new iOS launch Image. then in Target>General>App Icons and Launch Images>Launch Image Source you will see automatically the new Launch Image created in the assets catalog.
In my case, I have several targets in the project and each one has it's own launch screen images. The weird thing one of the targets looks fine but others have those black bars. The thing was in the name of Launch folder inside assets. Change name to LaunchImage solves the problem.
Swift 4.2
select LaunchScreen.storyboard if its empty
In my case I have one asset with launch images however it was displaying the top and bottom dark bar as well.
I've tried the launch storyboard solution and yes it works but I didn't want to add a new file so, this is what I did to fix the issue:
Copied my launch images to another folder
Removed the existing LaunchImage asset
Added a new LaunchImage asset
Added the images to the new LaunchImage
That's it!
Go to target settings in xcode in that section go to App icons and launch images section in that section select launch screen file you will find a drop down of values select CDVLaunchScreeen value against launch screen file value
I had a similar issue on an iPod. To fix this, I replaced
in Info.plist.
I had an old app (iOS 7.4 - 8.2) and after upgrading it got the same issue (getting black empty bar at the top), I managed to solve it by:
Choose your Scene & Controller
on left menu, go to Attribute Inspector
find "Presentation" and instead of "Automatic" set it to "Full Screen"
It did the trick for me.
My app is written in python kivy. This is what I did. It worked.
The reason is that I don't have AppIcon and LaunchImage defined.
There is free website that can provides you a set of icons and
launchImages for various devices.
Once you have the full set, usually 2 folders - AppIcon and
LaunchImage folder. Open your Xcode project, General > AppIcon and
Launch images.
In the AppIcon Source, click the arrow on the right. It will go to
another page, in which you can drag and drop the two folders in
(yes, drag the folders).
Go back to the previous General tab, in the AppIcon Source, you can
select your folder, usually called AppIcon-1. And tick 'include all
icon asset'
Leave 'Launch Screen File' blank. This is very different from
previous Xcode version.
Under the deployment info, status bar style, you can tick require
full screen.
After those steps you should be good to load again.
Please note these steps are for a non storyboard app. In my case, my app is written in kivy.
Don't Do anything that are described in earlier answers...
To show view Controller follow the following single step
Step 1 : Add the splash Screen for iPhone and iPad.
After this this error will not come again.

Bar Button Items Not Appearing When iOS Simulator Is Ran

I added 5 bar button items on my main view controller and linked them into code. I also created show segues from the bar button items to other view controllers. Although, when I run the iOS simulator none of my bar button items appear. Can someone help me?
I think you need constraints on your bottom bar, it's probably just not in the right place.
I took a look, tested some versions (you didn't make it easy) and found that if you add bar button items but don't add a toolbar there appears to be a toolbar in the storyboard but not when you run the app, nothing appears.
Instead, remove the items, add a toolbar, constrain it, then add the bar button items within it. You should have no more problems from there.
Good luck on your app! If you have any more questions, just send me a message.
