Oracle 12c - drop table and all associated partitions - oracle

I created table t1 in Oracle 12c.
Table has data and it is partitioned on list partition and also has subpartitions.
Now I want to delete whole table and all associated partitions (and subpartitions).
Is this the right command to delete all?

The syntax is right but not preferable,
just drop without purge so that whenever you need you could have it back, if your flashback option is enabled. If your database's flashback option is in charge, you could issue this command (provided you don't use purge):

When you run DROP then the table is removed entirely from database, i.e. the table does not exist anymore.
If you just want to remove all data from that table run
truncate table T1 drop storage;
You can also truncate single (sub-)partition if required.


How to remove a strange table named "BIN$c+eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0" from oracle database?

I am new to Oracle and for practice I have created some tables (customer, drivers, payment, booking, location, area, job, job_history) in Oracle 11g and upon select * from cat statement I have found a strange table with other created tables named "BIN$c+eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0".I don't know why this table is created.
I tried to remove this table through
drop table BIN$c+eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0;
but it gives error:
drop table BIN$c+*eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
what should I do to remove it?
What you see is a deleted table in the RECYCLEBIN
You may get the original name of the table with this query
SELECT original_name FROM RECYCLEBIN where OBJECT_NAME = 'BIN$c+eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0';
Note that (with your parameter setting) if you DROP a table it is not completely removed, but moved in the recyclebin.
You may ommit this using the PURGE option.
To remove the table from the recyclebin you must qoute the name with double quotes (as this is not a valid name) and use the PURGE statement (not a DROP - which would trigger ORA-38301: can not perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin).
PURGE TABLE "BIN$c+eOnMB3RbKSEfg/rsxtAQ==$0"
Alternatively you may use the original_name obtained with the query above:
PURGE TABLE {your_original_name};
To clean up the recyclebin completely use this statement (with the propper table user)

Best way to shrink database of oracle

Need help to shrink database of oracle just like MSSQL. I am not so familiar with oracle database.
To shrink the database, you can use ALTER TABLE, ALTER INDEX, ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW, or ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement with the SHRINK SPACE clause.
SQL> alter table testTable enable row movement;
Table altered
SQL> alter table testTable shrink space;
Table altered

Does dropping a table drop its dependent trigger? [duplicate]

I have one table backup on which I had applied one trigger upd_trig. Now, I dropped my table and then I checked, whether all the associated trigger/index will also been dropped or will remain there.
As I found some discussion here,and they said Trigger/Index all will be dropped,once we drop our table. But, it seems, trigger still exist. Can anyone explain, what exactly happens, when we drop the table
SQL> drop table backup;
Table dropped.
SQL> select text from user_source;
"BIN$Dg5j/bf6Rq6ugyN5ELwQkw==$0" BEFORE UPDATE ON backup FOR EACH ROW
9 rows selected.
SQL> select count(*) from user_triggers;
SQL> select trigger_name from user_triggers;
The table has been dropped, but it is in the recycle bin, from which it can be recovered using the flashback commands (flashback ... before drop]. The name showing as BIN$... is a bit of a giveaway. The trigger is also showing with a BIN$... name, indicating that it is in the recycle bin too, and any indexes will be too.
You can empty the recycle bin to permenantly remove the objects in it. To drop a table immediately, without it going to the recycle bin, you can add the keyword purge to the drop command, as explained in the documentation. That will also drop any indexes and triggers immediately.
If it wasn't dropped automatically, then the trigger would be irrelevent anyway, since you couldn't perform any DML on the dropped table, so it could never fire. That's if the table the trigger is against is dropped. Your trigger is weird, it's inserting into the same table. Normally you'd have a trigger on one table insert into your backup table (well, for one use of triggers). In that case, dropping the backup table would invalidate the trigger on the live table, but would not drop it. Only dropping the live table would drop the trigger on the live table.

how to drop partition metadata from hive, when partition is drop by using alter drop command

I have dropped the all the partitions in the hive table by using the alter command
alter table emp drop partition (hiredate>'0');
After droping partitions still I can see the partitions metadata.How to delete this partition metadata? Can I use the same table for new partitions?
Partitioning is defined when the table is created. By running ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION ... you are only deleting the data and metadata for the matching partitions, not the partitioning of the table itself.
Your best bet at this point will be to recreate the table without the partitioning. If there is some data you are trying to save, rename the current table, create the new table (without the partitioning), then run an INSERT from the old table to the new table.

How to Recover an Entire Oracle Schema

I was using Navicat for Oracle to backup an entire Schema. I mistakenly selected the Execute SQL File instead of the Backup file option and All previous data has been changed/lost. I tried using the Oracle Undo feature but it says the table definition has changed. Please i am not skilled in oracle, i only used it for a project cause it was required so i just use it to store the data. I need all the help i can get right now to recover the entire schema to how it was 24 hours ago else i am so screwed...(forgive my language)
From your description you ran a script that dropped and recreated your tables. As you have flashback enabled and your dropped table is in the recycle bin, you can use the 'Flashback Drop' feature to get the dropped table back.
Here's an example with a single table:
create table t43 (id number);
drop table t43;
create table t43 (id2 number);
show recyclebin;
-------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------------
T43 BIN$/ILKmnS4b+jgQwEAAH9jKA==$0 TABLE 2014-06-23:15:38:06
If you try to restore the table with the new one still there you get an error:
flashback table t43 to before drop;
SQL Error: ORA-38312: original name is used by an existing object
You can either rename the restored table:
flashback table t43 to before drop rename to t43_restored;
... which is useful if you want to keep your new table but be able to refer to the old one; or probably more usefully in your situation rename the new table before restoring:
alter table t43 rename to t43_new;
table T43 altered.
flashback table t43 to before drop;
table T43 succeeded.
desc t43
Name Null Type
---- ---- ------
You can undrop all of your tables, and as referential constraints still work with tables in the bin you don't have to worry too much about restoring parent tables before child tables, though it's probably neater to do that if you can.
Note that the bit in the documentation about retoring dependent objects - that index names won't be preserved and you'll need to rename them after the restore with alter index.
You can't undrop a sequence; those don't go into the recycle bin. If you need to reset a sequence so it doesn't repeat values you already have, you can get the highest value it should hold (from the primary keys on your restored table, say) and use temporarily change the increment value to skip over the used numbers.
