Display all constants in 'Digest' - ruby

I would like to know how to see every constant available on the Digest module in advance programmatically. The behaviour seen below is due to const_missing used here:
require 'digest'
#=> [:Class, :REQUIRE_MUTEX, :Instance, :Base]
#=> [:Class, :REQUIRE_MUTEX, :Instance, :Base, :MD5]
#=> [:Class, :REQUIRE_MUTEX, :Instance, :Base, :MD5, :SHA1]
Given that they are metaprogramming in possible digests, how can I know all possible available digests?
For knowledge, the ones that appear to be available in Ruby 2.4.1 should be [:SHA256, :SHA384, :SHA512, :SHA1, :SHA2, :MD5, :RMD160]

Here's a code snipped from the current master branch of ruby:
module Digest
def self.const_missing(name) # :nodoc:
case name
when :SHA256, :SHA384, :SHA512
lib = 'digest/sha2.so'
lib = File.join('digest', name.to_s.downcase)
require lib
rescue LoadError
raise LoadError, "library not found for class Digest::#{name} -- #{lib}", caller(1)
unless Digest.const_defined?(name)
raise NameError, "uninitialized constant Digest::#{name}", caller(1)
# ...
...So, you can't really list all constants without knowing them already! You need to either require the necessary file, or reference the constant directly (which will load the file dynamically, as seen above).
Any workaround solution I could give would only be guaranteed to work for a specific version of ruby. You'd be better off to just read the documentation and load each library explicitly, unfortunately!


Why raising NameError when constant removed even if I have set autoload for it?

The following code:
module P; end
P.autoload(:Foo, "#{__dir__}/foo.rb")
P::Foo.new.foo # works well
P.send(:remove_const, :Foo)
P::Foo.new.foo # raising error
I have set the autoload for P::Foo, but it does not work for second time. Why and How?
Even if I reset the autoload it still not works:
P.send(:remove_const, :Foo)
P.autoload(:Foo, "#{__dir__}/foo.rb")
P::Foo.new.foo # raising error
Per the Docs for Module#autoload:
Registers filename to be loaded (using Kernel::require) the first time that module (which may be a String or a symbol) is accessed in the namespace of mod.
Per the Docs for Kernel#require:
Loads the given name, returning true if successful and false if the feature is already loaded.
You first called the P::Foo which "autoloaded" the "#{__dir__}/foo.rb" file via Kernel#require. Then you removed the constant P::Foo (defined in that file) but the feature was already loaded so the subsequent call does not try and require it again due to the fact that Kernel.require("#{__dir__}/foo.rb") #=> false.
This would be identical to an explicit require e.g.
module P
class Foo
def foo; end
module P; end
require './p/foo' #=> true
P::Foo.new.foo # works well
P.send(:remove_const, :Foo)
require './p/foo' #=> false
P::Foo.new.foo # raising error
If you want to "force" the reloading of that file you can call Kernel#load instead.

Ruby encapsulate/package existing code into a namespace

I've been looking all around and didn't found any kind of answer to the problem i'm facing in Ruby. I'm writing an app that use core modules sets that are available in different versions. If I'm sourcing a core set version after an another one both code version will be sourced at the same and will clash with each other. That is quite normal and I'm ok with this.
One approach could be to unload the previous version to load the new one but I'd like to keep all the ones loaded into specific namespaces (to avoid time consuming to unload/reload code all the time). 2 possible solutions to me (or maybe other)
Either source the code then move it into a version namespace (some clues to do it see below but doesn't work yet)
Or source the code directly into a version namespace (don't know how to do it exactly, maybe with module_eval but need to recode the require process with dependencies). Does any solution seems possible ?
Here is a very simple poc of what I'm trying to achieve
file : coreset_1.0.0.rb
module CoreA
def self.who_am_i?; self.to_s; end
def self.get_coreb; CoreB end
module CoreB
def self.who_am_i?; self.to_s; end
file : coreset_2.0.0.rb (got some changes)
module CoreA
def self.my_name; self.to_s; end
def self.get_coreb; CoreB end
module CoreB
def self.my_name; self.to_s; end
file : coreManager.rb
module CoreManager
def self.load_version(arg_version)
#Create a module set for the selected version
core_set_name = CoreSet + '_' + arg_version.gsub('.', '_')
core_set = eval("Module #{core_set_name}; end; #{core_set_name}"
#Load the requested code
require "coreset_#{arg_version}.rb"
#Move loaded code into it core set module
core_set.const_set(:CoreA, Object.send(:remove_const, :CoreA))
core_set.const_set(:CoreB, Object.send(:remove_const,:CoreB))
#Return the created core set
If running the code :
require 'coreManager.rb'
core_set = CoreManager.load_version("1.0.0")
puts core_set::CoreA.who_am_i?
puts core_set::CoreA.get_coreB
it returns :
CoreA #not CoreSet_1_0_0::CoreA
uninitialized constant CoreA::CoreB (NameError)
If running something statically defined, it works
module CoreSet
module CoreA
def self.who_am_i?; self.to_s; end
def self.get_coreb; CoreB end
module CoreB
def self.who_am_i?; self.to_s; end
It returns as expected :
Depite of what is usually said :"a module is a constant", it seems to be more than that. What are the differencies and how to make the dynamic version working ?
Any other ideas ?
Thanks for your help folks :)
There are several things broken in your code (which is ok for POC, I guess), but the main one is that require loads constants and globals into the global namespace.
So, your Core<X> modules are not namespaced this way, as you might expect. There is Kernel#load method that allows "wrapped" execution of the loaded file, but it's wrapped into an anonymous module, so you can prevent the global namespace from being polluted, but you cannot "target" the constants to be defined into a particular namespace this way.
What you could try is to load the code as text and then eval it within the dynamically created module, matching your version. For example, look at this quick and very dirty sketch (coreset_...rb files are expected to sit into coresets directory):
module CoreSet; end
class CoreManager
class << self
def load_version(ver)
raise "Vesion #{ver} unknown" unless exists?(ver)
file = filename(ver)
code = File.read(file)
versioned_wrapper = Module.new do
class_eval code
CoreSet.const_set("V_#{ver.gsub('.', '_')}", versioned_wrapper)
def exists?(ver)
File.exists? filename(ver)
def filename(ver)
"coresets/coreset_#{ver.gsub('.', '_')}.rb"
p CoreSet::V_1_0_0::CoreA.who_am_i? # => "CoreSet::V_1_0_0::CoreA"
p CoreSet::V_1_0_0::CoreA.get_coreb # => CoreSet::V_1_0_0::CoreB
p CoreSet::V_2_0_0::CoreA.my_name # => "CoreSet::V_2_0_0::CoreA"
p CoreSet::V_2_0_0::CoreA.get_coreb # => CoreSet::V_2_0_0::CoreB
But, DON'T do this at home, please :) At least, I would think twice.
If all you need is to have all the versions loaded at once (you need namespaces exactly for this, right?) what stops you from defining them statically, like CoreSet::V1::Core<X> etc and use the idiomatic and safe ways to (auto)load them? :) Playing with dynamic nested constants definition (and, especially, their removing) is one of the easiest ways to shoot your own foot...
Ok I finally came to a solution that may help others or that can be discussed.
Getting the error uninitialized constant CoreA::CoreB (NameError) leads me to take the problem under a new angle. If I'm not able to access to CoreB module from CoreA (because the module nesting has been broken when redefining module constants into the CoreSet module) then why not referencing in each core module the other ones in the set ? And finaly it works without any dirty hack, I'm just creating pointers and the Ruby Core find it natively ;)
module CoreManager
def self.load_version(arg_version)
#Create a module set for the selected version
core_set_name = CoreSet + '_' + arg_version.gsub('.', '_')
core_set = eval("Module #{core_set_name}; end; #{core_set_name}"
#Load the requested code
toplevel_consts = Object.constants
require "coreset_#{arg_version}.rb"
core_modules = Object.constants - toplevel_consts
#Move the core modules to the set namespace
core_modules.collect! do |core_module|
core_module_sym = core_module.to_s.to_sym
core_set.const_set(core_module_sym, Object.send(:remove_const, core_module_sym))
#Create connexion between set cores to skirt broken module nesting
core_modules.each do |current_core|
core_modules.each do |other_core|
current_core.const_set(other_core.to_s.to_sym, other_core) unless current_core == other_core
#Return the created core set

Ruby Script: undefined method `symbolize_keys' error loading YAML files

I have a ruby script for yaml merging as follows
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
raise "wrong number of parameters" unless ARGV.length == 2
y1 = YAML.load_file(ARGV[0]).symbolize_keys
y2 = YAML.load_file(ARGV[1]).symbolize_keys
puts y1.merge!(y2).to_yaml
when I execute it:
./test.rb ./src/api/config/config1.yml ./src/api/config/config2.yml
I've got the following error:
./test.rb:5:in `<main>': undefined method `symbolize_keys' for {"root"=>{"cloud.n2"=>{"accessKey"=>"I5VAJUYNR4AAKIZDH777"}}}:Hash (NoMethodError)
Hash#symbolize_keys method comes from activesupport gem (activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb).
In order to use it, you need to add the following line to your script:
require "active_support"
While the other answers/comments are correct it seems like overkill to require all of ActiveSupport for this. Instead either use:
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys'
Or if you have control over the yml files then just make the keys symbols there and avoid any transformation. For Example
require 'yaml'
yml = <<YML
:accessKey: "I5VAJUYNR4AAKIZDH777"
#=> {:root=>{:"cloud.n2"=>{:accessKey=>"I5VAJUYNR4AAKIZDH777"}}}
This does not really the answer your question, but Ruby 2.5.0 introduced Hash#transform_keys (release notes) which also can be used to symbolize keys and is in core Ruby.
{'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
#=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
There is also a bang version which mutates the hash instead of creating a new one.
As other have already noted, symbolize_keys is an ActiveSupport method. If you are not using ActiveSupport, and/or on a pre-2.5 version of Ruby that does not include transform_keys, you could define it yourself.
class Hash
def transform_keys
return enum_for(:transform_keys) unless block_given?
result = self.class.new
each_key do |key|
result[yield(key)] = self[key]
def transform_keys!
return enum_for(:transform_keys!) unless block_given?
keys.each do |key|
self[yield(key)] = delete(key)
def symbolize_keys
transform_keys{ |key| key.to_sym rescue key }
def symbolize_keys!
transform_keys!{ |key| key.to_sym rescue key }
This is not to say that there are not likely other dependencies on Rails or ActiveSupport that will be required for your script.

How do I monkey-patch ruby's URI.parse method

Some popular blog sites typically use square brackets in their URLs but ruby's built-in URI.parse() method chokes on them, raising a nasty exception, as per:
I'm trying to write a simple monkey-patch that gracefully handles URLs with the square bracket. The following is what I have so far:
require 'uri'
module URI
def self.parse_with_safety(uri)
safe_uri = uri.replace('[', '%5B')
safe_uri = safe_uri.replace(']', '%5D')
alias_method_chain :parse, :safety
But when run, this generates an error:
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.8/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:33:in alias_method: NameError: undefined method 'parse' for module 'URI'
How can I successfully monkey-patch URI.parse?
alias_method_chain is executed on the module level so it only affects instance methods.
What you have to do is execute it on the module's class level:
require 'uri'
module URI
class << self
def parse_with_safety(uri)
parse_without_safety uri.gsub('[', '%5B').gsub(']', '%5D')
alias parse_without_safety parse
alias parse parse_with_safety
#nil his comment is very helpful, we ended up with the following:
def parse_with_safety(uri)
parse_without_safety uri.gsub(/([{}|\^\[\]\#`])/) {|s| URI.escape(s)}
parse_without_safety '/'

cattr_accessor outside of rails

I'm trying to use the google_search ruby library (code follows) but it complains that 'cattr_accessor is an undefined method' - any ideas why this might be or how I could fix it?
require 'rubygems'
require 'google_search'
GoogleSearch.web :q => "pink floyd"
cattr_accessor seems to be a Rails extension that acts like attr_accessor, but is accessible on both the class and its instances.
If you want to copy the source of the cattr_accessor method, check out this documentation:
# File vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors.rb, line 46
def cattr_accessor(*syms)
# File vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors.rb, line 4
def cattr_reader(*syms)
syms.flatten.each do |sym|
next if sym.is_a?(Hash)
class_eval("unless defined? ##\#{sym}\n##\#{sym} = nil\nend\n\ndef self.\#{sym}\n##\#{sym}\nend\n\ndef \#{sym}\n##\#{sym}\nend\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)
# File vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors.rb, line 24
def cattr_writer(*syms)
options = syms.extract_options!
syms.flatten.each do |sym|
class_eval("unless defined? ##\#{sym}\n##\#{sym} = nil\nend\n\ndef self.\#{sym}=(obj)\n##\#{sym} = obj\nend\n\n\#{\"\ndef \#{sym}=(obj)\n##\#{sym} = obj\nend\n\" unless options[:instance_writer] == false }\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)
You can get this functionality by including the Ruby Facets gem. Reference the source here:
You generally don't need to require all code from the gem. You can selectively require what you want. There are quite a few useful extensions in the gem though.
